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the EpiJlleto theÇalatiins. Chap. Y. f he was feene at Hierufalem fundrie times: and therefore in all likclÿhood,went thither tobe initrufted . To this he anfwers three thin;s:that he event thither threeyeares after his contra fi- on,and not before : that he went to vi/it meter: that he abode s there fsfteene dates. For the firß, wherehe faith , hepreached 3. yeares in Arabia and Damafcus,and then after went to Híeru- falem,and abode there fiftecne dales (for force fpeciail caufès:) wé fee Psulls roadie', and able tomake a good account of the (pendingofhis time,both for daies and yeares. And good rea Eo fon:for time is pretious,and great care oughttobe had of the expendingofit.AfterPaulsexample,wemull fohue , that we may be able to glue a good account of the fpendingofour daies .. That thismaybe done ,we mutt learne to number our daies,and,to redeems the time.To numberour daiei,is to confider ç S the fhortnefte ofOur liues, and that we are cuery day fubica to death:and withal' ferioùfly to bethinkeour felues,ofthecaufes of this our condition;namcly,ourfinnes, both originall,and a etuall.When this twofold confideration takes place , we then bcginne to number our daies . Thenumbring ofour time,and 20 the parts thereof,brings vs- to the redeeming ()fit. To redceme our tiene,is to taketime,while time ferues,fpecially for fpirituall vfes ,and for the amendement of our hues. When time is thus numbred and redeemed,then (hall the good account be made before God and rnen.Wherefore miferable is thecafe of than, 21 that fpend their daies in idlenes,in riot, and fporting , incham- bering, andwantonncfre. For they neither number time, nor redecrne it : and therefore they arc farre from any good ac- count. Thefecond point is,that Paul goes vp toHierufalem to vi4it go Peter,that is, to feehim,to beacquainted withhim, to talke,and conferre with him . Hence it appeares, that there is a lawefull kindofperegrination, orpilgrimage :in-that Paul iourneies fró Arabia to Ierufalem,to fee Peter. Thus theQueens of Saba, I went vp to fcrufalem,to heare thewifdome ofSalomon . The 3S laweofGod, was,that all themales in lfrael , thould thrife in the yeare,goe vp to the placewhich god had appointed, Dent: a 6. This law was pra&ifed by Elkana &Anna, r.Sam. r .by Io- feph and Marie,bv theStewardof Candaces ucene of'Eth o- pia.Acì.8. Neuerthelef1e ,Popifhpilgrimageis vtterly tö be condemned;for two caufes: "One is,'becaufe it is Ill àde a part of H 2 Gods''i 59