Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ilk arllsLIlc. 57 thechildren ofGod, by this defcription : a That theycallon themanse ofthe a x9.14. Lord : As on the contraric it is fa idof the wicked : b That they call not vpon tai i 4.4 god. C The true Chrifiian calleth on the Lordintruth.For d thefiriteofadcp- P'al145° Iu tíon, which is the e ffiiriteofpra,ieris his Schoolemaiflerto teach him todoe it. ca Rom. .,6 In Pr .ierhe is thus difpofed : Fill}, before bee prayed), f he isftricken with eZacI i.I o fotne feare and reuerence in regardofGods Maief}ie, for hee confdereth that f ECC1e 5.1. praier is a familiar talking with God . Dan.9. he is inwardly g touched ith a lively feeling ofhis owne wants, r2Dan 4. 4. butefpccially he is vexed and grieued at hisowne film and rebellion : and this fenfe ofhis tniferie is as a fpurre to quickenhis benummedheart. Thirdly, beehumbleth himfelfe before his God, and layette h open his heart h,I s before theLorde, (hewinga feruent and longing defireto obtainethofe things ofWhichhe findeth anextreainewant in himfelfe, as theProphet Dauiddid, whofe defirewas hke, theyawningof thedriegrouna;and this proceedeth from i Pfa.143.6 k the fpirit ofGod which ffirreth vp groanings in the heart, which a manof- and 42,t,2. tentimes for his lifecannot expreffe. Ro.s. Fourthly,whenhee maketh his requef},he doubteth not, but by i faithhee kMarII,i4 beleeueth that Godwill graunt his requefis, whichhe maketh according to his word. The ground ofhisperfwa(on is double : The full is,m Chria lefus, In Ro. 8.32 bywhole meritesas heehath obtained remiflìonoffnnes,fo tree looketh toob- taine all things elfè : The n other ground is, the comfortableprornifes ofGod n whichhebathmade, that he will heare them who truelycallvpon him. 14,15 Fiftly, heprayethnotfora bruntortwo,but hecontinueth in praier : And al- thoughGodkettle not toheare him at the fir(}, o yet heepatiently waitethon o 1,Thef. s, theLord, and [ }illcalleth vponhim. a7. LI. The lift worke is, towalk in fouie lawful' calling with painefu Ineffe,and A lawfull vprightneffe, fo that in performing all the duties ofit, a f man may keepe a £ Ming' to good confcience before Godand men. ThusDauid determinedto walketn the gouerment ofhis houfeand kingdotne. g Iwill doe IxJey (faithbee) in the g Pral. I or. perfe 1 Uatye till thoucomme to mee, l will walIe in the vprightneffe ofmine z° heart, in themiddet$ofminehou1e IWill ft no wicked thing before mineeyes: 7 hate theWork; ofthem that fallaway: it pallnot cicaueveto ree. This fin- ceritie ofDauids behauiour in his ca.ïing made him bolde toofferhimfelfe to bee triednot onely bymen, but muchmoreby the LordGod himfelfe, and to beepunifhedaccordii.Aly. h Judge me O Lorde (faythhee) for I haue walked h mine annocencie: Prone me, ,0 Lord, az:d trie,race, examine my reines and Pfa.119.Z3 mine heart : So vpright and clearwas he in all his doings.,zz. L I I. z4 Thus much of faith and the benefites that come by faith : Now follo';seth the fpirituall exercifeofa Chriflian inhis mani[olde temptations, which are in Spirituals this life infeparablecompanionsofgrace. The reafon is,becaufe thediueiI ha- exercice-in temptatiôs tethChrií} with a deadlyhatred, and fheweth this hatred in acontinual) perte- cution