Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

10:!. 'The order ofthe caujes two.III.That which byorder of nature doth A'f/•tutts fh•O /me in them. An[~>. Thisf"ying is a follow after full iu£\ificaticnbefore God,canlegal! fentence : and therefore lhewerh not not be faid to iu!\ifie. But good works doe by what men cando~,but what they lhould doe. order ofnature follow mans iu[li!ication,and ObiefJ. II.Pfal.t 19'1. Bltjfod•re (h•f• that his abfolution from linnes: becaufe no worke to•lke in the law •[the Lord, Anfrv. Man is not can plcafe God except theperfonit felfe, that here faid to be bleffed,becaufe he walketli vp. worketh the fame,do before plcafe him : But rightly, butbecaufe thepcrfon of fuch a walno mans perfon can pleafe God, butfuch an kerisbythe merits ofChri{\, iu!\ificd befC're oneasbeeing reconciled to God, by themeGod. rits ofChri!\,hath peace with him. 1V. Such Obiefl, III•. l•tlgt ""•ccmli~( r• "'Jrightt. workes as are not agreeable to the rule ofLe- ••fiz". Pf,l.7.8. And the faCl of Phinees was gall iu!\ice; they betoretlte tribunall Seate of imputed to him for rightcottfiJeffe.A><f. The{e God,cannot iu!\ilie, but rather both in,aud of places are not meant ofthat righreoufne!Ie of themfc:luesare fubiect to Gods ;eternal! curie, the perfon, by which it is righteous before For this is the f:menccof the Law.Deut.27. God;butofthe righteoufi1esot fomc p:uticu. 26. CHrftd U tilt'] one tbttt ctmtinuetb n1t in t~~O lar caufe, or worke. For whereas D~<~~tid was things wrSttcnintbl boa~ afthlllfW to dOl them. Bl acrufed ofthis crime, that he didaftCct'/s Now the workes c:uen ofrhe regene~ate, are kingdome, he 111 this pointdoth in the words notfquared according to the raleofLegall iu· abouc mentioned, tefiilie his innoccncie befiice:wherefore DotNi4being, as it were UricforeGod. k<n, wi:h theconfideration ofthis, dur!\ not ObielJ. IV. Mat.z5.v. 3i·l>· oc. Wee.m onceoppofe, no not his be!\ wqrkesto the iudted•cc•rditlg '' aurwork!t; rhmfore •/fob] iudgcmemofGod, that by them hee mtght themiuJiified.Anjw.Thereafonisnotlike: beplead pardouofhis fins; whence 1t isthat hee caufc thelafr iudgemcn; is not the. iu£\ifying crierh out and faith, PC.!.14l· 2. Enttr "'""" ofa man, buta declaration ofthat m!\Ificatiiudgem<•t l>lithrl,yfor•mt, 0 L etd f•nhmno onwbichwehadbeforeobtained. Therefore ftefhliuingjh<Obeiufltfirdi•thyji!.h'. The like thelafriudgcment mu£\ bee pronounced and doth lob9· 3· Ifhee (ttamely, luch an one as rakeu,.not from the caufe of iufrification, but faith he is iu!t}conttnd.,itb tj•d, ht '"""'""· from the effects and lignesthereof.. ['Wer him '""{•th~tlf•nd. And Dan.9 18, We Ob,.a. V .Luk.16·9· Moti(e}'"fien.Jtof 11n· doenot prtforJt ourfopplte4tions bejt~re tl:tu f/Jr 111r righttoHI Mttmmon,&c.t~at·thefm"J rtctiueyou o'Wne righteoufo~J,6Ht[Dr thygr~llt rend~r mereieJ. ;,to tterru~/J h4ltit~tions.Anf. This they doe, not V.lulhfication by workos, letthem bewhat- C as authorsoffaluation, but as witnoffi:sofrhe foeuer they can bee, doth quite ouerturne the fame. foundation ofour f"ith. Gal.5 .2. ljyebt<irOhiefl.VI.Dln·4· 24· Redmr.ethyjinnes bJ "'·rnc;ftd, ChrijJT~~iDprofitJDIIIIoJhtng,and vcr-4. rightt1Mfoes,~tNdthine iniq~t~itie b1 I'NYC) tt~wat·ds rearub•/.fheJft•m Chrift, ~·,u.r•re iuflifithe P""·.A•f.It is rather,breao•JfthyJins,then edb]thelaw:je "'f•ileft•mgr•ce.In this place ·redeeme, for iO is the originall: uow men the Apo£\le fpeaktthofthem, not which did breakeofftheir finnes, byccafing from them, openly r<fi!t Chri£\, and the Gofpell; but of not farisfying for them. fuch, as did with the merit ofChrifr, mingle Obie/il. V lI. £Hillworkscondemne: thmfm togorherthe workes of the Law ; as though gqqtf worl;,s •ufitfit.Anf,.,It followeth nor; be· fame part ofour faluation confi!\ed in them. cauf: good workes are notporfectly good, as c xcepti•n, This place doth onely excludefuch euill workes are perfectly euill. morallworkesofthdlelh, asdoegocbefore ObierJ. VIII. w•are(•••dhJh•p•. Rom.8. faith, ottheworkes ofrhe law of M•fu.Anj. 24·An[. Wcmn!\diilinguilh betwixtiul!ifiThisisvntrue. For eucn of .Abr.tb4mbeeing cation,and f4iuation:f..lluationisrheend;iufii~ already regenerated, and of thofe his works ' fication,is one degrc. to come to the c11d: but which were done when hee was iu{\ified,P••I D there is more required to theend then to adefpeaketh thus,Rom 4·5. T f1 Vim,not wl;ich wor. gree fubordinatt: to the end: therto:fore we are l;fth,b•t tliJhich bekeuub,i<f•itb imputed, Thofc faued by hope and taith, but in!\ified by fatth workeswhich GOD hathpreparedthatthe alone. regenerate!hould walke in them, are moull Obiefl.IX•n<aufothettrnallg/.,i,,z. j workes,and works of grace; out thtfe areexCor.4 17. AnfT!.is it doth nor, as b)' it owne eluded from in!\ification, and working mans merit cffeC!in~ the fame, burrather as apath faluation.Eph.:. 1 o. And Pa11l being regeneand ~ay m1nift!l:inganddeicaring the .iarr:e. rite faith thus ofhimfdff." ,t.Cor.4·4·7 Amnot OUu:t!.X Ia~1. 2· 2r. Abt4hamW--:s tHflr(itd guilty"'"" "'J'flf •f"nything,Y" amJ"" rherbJ :b; wor~J. ,tnfNot as a;:yc.ufe ofiu!lification, infttji(d. VI.The caufe ofthecaufe,is thecaufe 1 but as amaJuttHJ~lon thereof. · ofthe thingcaufi.:d; b~rgrace withour works, Ob1ea.XJ R<.:t'•.ll tt is iufl~!et ."im is the catife ofmans prcdefrination;the which be more u1ff. IJJJ{ fh1s place mdt beevnderis the caufe of his iufl.ification : and therefore fiood ofiuHirlcation before men , namely of grace without works 01all much more be faid :fanClification,or an holy lif<: not ofiu!\iEcalrobe the caufeofiu!\ification. tion in thefighrofGocl. 1 - Obr.CI. I. Lenit. I 8.). He th.e ketpah my I ObreCI. X 1T.we.,·ri•Jiified ~y(dith;thmfm b}