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of Saluation anddamnation. 105 areadopted,and in the fauour ofGod. Luk.1o. 20. R6ioycerather th~ttyour ndmesare wntten tn hta11en. Butno mancanbe glad for that good which heis in doubt whether hehaue recellled itornot. IV. 2· Pet•I·lO· Stuc!Jrom4kfyour voc~ttionandeleElionfore, .Bt~(iu.,m~i.&q : butthis is not in refpect ofGod:but our felues. . obieifion, No man mafl by the Cathol1ke faith bdeeue any thing which God hath not rcuealed either in the written or vnwritten word, namely tradition. Butthere is no fuch either wridngor tradition as this,namely th~t fuch a particular man,fuppofe'I'eter,or Henm A fomctimes by it fclfe alone ; and fometimes a– gai•e net by it felfe • bat with middle caufes ftJbordinatc thereto. And in this fecond re– fpett, Chriltis faid to ee predeflinate : but in theformcr,namdy,as thedecreeis confideted by itfcl fe,lle is not predellinated,but together withGod the Father is a predeflinatour. Againe, thedecree ofGod is fecret. I. Be– caufe ir arifeth onely from the good pleafure ofGod, vnfearchable,and adored ofthe verie Angels themfelues. I I. Becaufe it is not knowne, butby that which is after it, namely, bythe ellettsd1ereof. is predcfHnated of God. Therefore no man mufl particular!ybeleeuethathe is faued.Anf. Albcitthis particular propolition,Jam elel1ed, B is not expreffely fer downe in the ~criptures, yetitis incluliudy comprehended m the!!!, as the Species in his Gemu, as the Logmans fpeake : fo that it may by iull confequent be gathered outofGods word,ifwe reafon thus: They which truely beleeue are elected , John 6.35. Itruely boleeue; for he which beleeoeth dothknow himfelfe to beleene:therefore I am eletled, The firlt propofition is taken from the Scriptures : the fecond, from the bolee– uers confcience, and from them both,thc con– clulion is calily deriued. CHAP. LIII. Corn;erning thtexecutum.ofthe decree ofReprobation. { N the executing ofthis degree, there isto be. confidcrcd, the foundation or beginning,and the degrees or proceediog ther<of. CHAP. LII. C•nterningtheik<Tteofreprobation, The foundation ofexecuting the decree of Reprobation; is the fall of~km, by which fall he was fnbioct both to fionea:~d damnati– on. Rom.u.p. ForGodh•thfhutvpallinvn– heliife, th4t ht~ntght hauemermona/1. 1.Pet.2. 1'8. Here we mutt note , that God hath fo de– creed to condemnc fome , as that norwith– flanding, all thefaultand defertofcondemna· tion remaineth in the men onely. ' Further, whom God reiecterh to,condem• c nation,thofe he hateth: thishatredofGod is, whereby he detefletk and abhorrerh the reTHus much lhall fuflicefor the decree of probatewhenheisfallenintolin,forthefame Election,now followes thedecree ofRe· fin. And thishatred which Godhath to man; probation. comes by the fall of At!Am : and it is neither The decree ofReprobation, isthat part of an antecedent, noracaufeofGodsdecree, but predellination, wheteby God, according to onelya confequent, andfolloweth the docree. the moll free and iull purpofe ofhis will, hath Reprobates are dther infants, or menofrideter.mincd toreiertcertainemen vntoeterperage. ' nail deflrutlion, and miferie, and thatto the In reprobate inflnts, the execution of Gods praife ofhis iul\icc. Rom.9. >I· Haehnot the decree isthis: A!foone as they are borne, for potterpowero•erthecl•y,to maktofthefame lump the guilt oforiginal! and natural! finne, being oneveffi/l to honoHr t~ndanother to dijhonoxr ? 1. left inGod~cret iudgemcntvnto themft lues, Per.2.8. Tothemwhichj/umbleat thewm!, bee. thcydyingare rcietlcdofGod foreuer.Rom. ing dljqbedtene, vnto which thing (""'"")they 5·14• .BHtik•threegntdfom At!Amto .,JT1ofos; weree~tenrJrtkirud. [ud·V·4· Therearecert~Une t11enouer themalfo that finnednot after thebk§ men crept in, whichwertbeforeofold ( ~"· D "'"nnerofthctr4nf!,rrjfion of Atkm, which WM ,u'ro•) •rdteUred to th~ c.ondemnatitm. l· Thetf. 5· thejigHreofhimthat w.utocome.R')ffi ,9·I 1.For 9 .G'od hath n~tappointedvs vnto wrath)mt vnttl ere thechildren wereborne:.andwhen they hadnei~ 4lu.tion, In the Scriptures Cain and Abel,lfther done goodor euiO, that the purpofe of God m11eland lfaac,Efiu~andlacib, are propounded might remaine ttCCording tB eleffion:.nat by work.!s~ vmovs astyf>esofmankinde, partly elected, but by himthatcalleth. and partly metled. Reprobates ofriper age, are oftwo forts : Neither doe we here fer downe any abfo. they that arc called (namely, by an vntfti:ctu· lutedecree ofdamnatio, as though we lhould allcalling) and rhey that are not c..Iled. thinke tharany were condemned by the meere •' • In the reprobJtes which are called,the exeand alone will ofGod, without anycaufes in- •cutionofthedecree of reprobationhath three hercot in filch as are to be codemned. For VD· degrees,to wit,an acknowledgement ofGods to the decree ofGod irfelfe,there are certaine calling,afalling away aglilfe, andcondemnameans. for the execution thert:ofannexed, and t10i1. · l-,• fubordinate. And therefore though we neuer 1-' Theackn<>wkdgcmentof Gods calling, is do,or can feperate Godsdecree,andthe means whereby the reprobates for atime,doe li•bietl to execute the fame , yet doe wee diflinguilh themfclues to the-calling ofGod , which calthem, and doe conGderthe purpofe of God, lingis wrought by the preachingofthe ·.vord, K ~ Marrh.