Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

126 Of Jln Expojition,"· Faith. i<4·thirjl,ofthe.weflofthew4terof.lifefeely. fi, A thatall fuch are without faith 1 Go.Uorbid, The hungring delire after graceisafan8:ified Nay, we may refolueour felues, that thetrue alfe8:ion.:whetc one alfe8:ion is'fan8:ified, all· childe ofGod,may haue an hungringdefireill are faol'tified: where all are fantbfied, the his heart after reconciliation with God"in whole man is·fan8:ified: and he that is fan8:i• Chriltfot all his finnes, withcareeokeepe a lied, is iu!Hfied-and beleeues. Ill; God ac-· g<>od confcience, and yet be weake fometin)e ceptsthe-wil imddefire ro repentandbeleeue, in the apprebenfionofGods mercie, andthe foHepenting-and belecning indeed:wherfore alfurance of:theremifsion ofhis owne finnes. thisdefirt!of,retonciliation (ifit bee foundly But iffaith faile titber·in the true kQol\t• mought in the,·heart) is in acceptation with ledge, or in the apprehenftonof Gods merGool a:s ttlle f.;itl\ ihdeede. Butcarnalmen wil ties,how,can a man be faued by it? An f. We ky;Iffaitn,yeatruefaithlhew itfelfeby ade~ muO: know,rhat thiSweake faith will astr•ly fire ofreconciliation with God in ChriO: for apprehend Gods merciful! promifes for'the all our fins, then w~-arewellenough; though pardon offmne. adlrong faith, thoughnot fo Wee tlucinoor finnes •for we haue very good foundly. Eum as aman withapalfiehand can detircs. I A1<[wer,thattherebeeinany fundrie 8 firctcl> it' well to receiue a gift at rhe floctir\g moti6s & defires to do good rhings, han<t.ofaking, as hce that is more found, which growto no ilfueor head, 'but in time thoughit:beriotfofirmely andlledfatlly.And vani!h astheycome. Now fuch pa!Sions haue Chrifttiith, thathe will not breake the brui-· no('oundnelfe in them,.and mull be diftingulfcdriede,nor quenchthe fmoaking flaxe. lhed from the •di:fircofrecoaciliation with The ChurchofRomebearesmeninhand, God , that coinei! from a bruifed beart, ll!id that.theyari:good Catholikes,ifthey.beleeue bring• -alwaies With it reHmnation of life i as the_Cburch bclceues;. though inthe meane tllereforc;.fuch, ·wh~tfoeuer·they..,re tlladiitc feafon they cannot tell w)lattbc Church beafterthecourfeoftHis wor!El,and thinke nor-· lceues.And fome papiO:s commendtliisfairh, with/landing,diaCthey haue ilefiresthatare bythedainp!Cof an olddenoutfather; who good,dccemothemfclucs. ' · · being' tempted ofthe diuell , and asked how , Now faith ISfaid to be weake;.wheri.a;inai) ~cbeleeued;anfwered,that be beleeuedauhe either failes ih the·knowledge •O£the·Gofpelj Churchbelee~ed;being'againc asked howthe , O}':<'ls hauin&htiliwf'etlge,fs w~~kc:!in.~ra:ce to. Churc~•!'cleeued? •heanfwer~d, as I bel~eue: !pJ:>ly.:vntohtmfelf<: the fweetcpronutesUlcr· Whereuponthedmel (as they tiy)wufame to · of. 'As fot·cx~trtlph:;lll'll:eknow thatthe,;.pO- o depam·W.ell,this fond and ridiculous kindof llle$-h;id -all tiue liuirig faiHi (except Iuda9}· faith wefta0once, ubeing.a.meanes tooo:Z• ~nd•when·?lir-Sauiout.-CbtilbisJ:«< 'tb<:tllJ zle~cu intbliridnetf~ fuperO:itio~.and p~rpewhom tbey thoughthewa~J Pe,t<:nh the per• t!llllt~oora!'":~e.t wtt~l·wedonotdente~ M b. 6 fonofthe re!l:,antiverc:diortbelnall,andf.ild~ ~bere:tUD'lmphcJte ormfolded faith; whtch · / 1 ·' 1:/J.u~r.tCIJrijhhe $,ne.qjiw/illilrgq..t: (or !$! Whenamanas yethauingbunfome litde 1 • wllichour Siwiobr"colllmendedhim l and.ih porriotf.Of.knowlcdge·io the do8:rine ofthe red: , 1 hlm,thcni <ill;Yaxmg: 'lihou'ic!ftitter, ud'!'P~ Go1pel;dothtrulyperfOrm.c obedienceaccor1 ·., th/lrO(kt, (ihati•, vponC~rlll;••wllichPetcr dirigt?themeafure~hereof;•andwithallhath · .. confelfed in the name ofthent-:all) wiUJb,;tli carerogerimoreknowledgc;andlhewesg6od , M• S "'j'Churcb.-Andyet aoouttlil!t--tlmewc'lhall 1\ good 11_1canes whereby. it· 6 " ' ' linddn tho-Gofpell; that they are calledmen, maybee mcreafed. In tlus refpe8:a certame :O.iiU,' offotlefaith.N.;w~h~failed!nknilw!tdgeof ril~er·; .who:bya'mirack wrought vpon his thedeath ofGhriil,':ldd ofhil par.ibn,andicl chtld;wasmooued to acknowledge Chrill for ' futrctti<>rfi;~nil· were carriea •away with a theMetSias;andfurther·tofubmithimfelfcto vaine hope'of £njfartlll)' kingdome~ And hls!do8:rine, iscommendcdforabeleeaer: thetofore -wlieri·i>ilr.Sauiou~ lhc;wed.theni of D aildfaate in'like cafe theSamaritans. I bis going downe to Hieruf:i!em·; and ofhi; And thus moch of w~ake faith·r which fut!erings there,Peler alittle after hisnotabl~ mall bee·vnderftQ9<1 tobe in aman, not·all confefsion began9etor;buk~ Cht~~and.faill'; the~ie& of~lS life; but I.V~ile hee isayoung M•Jler!Mue pit'tiit!tl tliyfo!foftht6'fh•lln~t_br ba~m ·Oht;tll. For asJtJsmthe llateofthe Mat, 16 • 11ntHhee. And vntill hee had appeared vnto b<xhe,· lir-ll wearebabe•and grow to greater u . them afterbisdeat&f they-did notdiO:iatelJY frrcngth aswcgrowinyearcs; foitiswitha celeeue his refurrt~ion:' ..i: · o " " chtiManinan. Firftheisababein Chrill,.haAgaitie, weakt:faithj;thOugh ft be iof;,ed wngw~a~efaith, butaftergrowesfrom gyace withknowledge;yefit maY. f'aile-iiitheapply; to griicc'j till he cometoha~e allrougfatth • rni!·<>r in the apprei)cnfion and appropriating cxamplewhereofwee haue mAbraham,who ofChrills benefitstoamans ownc fdfe. Thls was tlroogilridi'erfetl both :nknowledge & isto be feene inorBinarieexpi:rience.Forni.;. apprehenGorr.l'hisftr•ngf•ith, is when a tr-1n ny a·man there is ·of humbie•·ancf contrite is indoedwithth~ knowledgeofthe GofJ)ell, heart, that ferueth God io fplrit aitdtruth;ye~ and grace to apprehend aud -apply the·righ- ,is.not -a~le to liy without gre~td<>!lbting• ~' tcoufueO:eof,Chrill vnto-himfdfe forrhe rewauerings 1 I know lllld am fully aJftired tha~· ~ifsion '?fhis owne•ftnnes:fo as he caa fay dimyfilines are pardoned. Now lh•ll wee fay, _ O:mtelly of!.Hllfdfe and truly'· that he tS fully refo!ued