Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

1.Pet.f,6 jl. >8. Of Gods -/ ofthr: [reede: Omnipbtencie. And thU< much for the me.tning. No\# fol– lowthedutieswhereunrowe ari:JffiOOued by this doelrine of G11ds Omnipouncit. A ofA•ron.offered !trangefire before. the Lord, hee Cent fire from heanen , and burned them Lcu.•q vp.And though A-.un was\•eryforryforhis Firfr whereas God the Father is faid-to be Almigh~ie wee are caught truehu:niliadon: Humble y.'urfe!neJ vnder 1be mig;h•i• h.1nd •f God faith Perer: where he giueth anexhortation t~humilitie, and atleadgetl{tho Cll~fe, be– caufeGod is•Aimightie. To makethts more plaine.Euery one ofvswas borne in finne,and ' by nature we are mo!twrerchedin o~rfe!u:s: aowwhat an one is GodI SLtrely he!Sable to doe whatfoeuer.he wilt, yeaan<! morethen he wili, andisableto defrroyftich:asrebdl a– gainfr him euery moment. Therefore our dotie: is to ca!ldO\Vnerour felues for our fins in his prefenee. T<his true humiliation was thc\t B whichour Sauiour Chri!t wouldhaue brought the young·man in theG~fpel vnw. when hee bad him ~:o foll all that he had and gtue to the poore. Thereforewhofoeuerthouart, take heedethoumufr: forifthoar)m~e on in thy wickedneffe,and !tilrebett againfr God,iri<a thouCmd toone at lengthhe wilt def!roy thee. For heeis an Almightie God, andable to doe' whatfoeuerhe'wiJI: Ihis hand is mightie, it boot's nota man eo !l:riuewith him:f"r he was neueryet ouerma!tcrd, and for this caLtfe We mull: needs call: downe our fe!ues vnder his band•. rt is a fearef•ll thiog "(fritli the holy ' Ghof!) tu f•U intuthe bAndSD( th• liHing Gud: · thereforeifweewouldefcape )lis heauy arid ' tert;ibledifpleafu're,thebeltway.for vs is,to._. C bafeour!dues, and be.a(hamed rofottow out finnes. Chrifr·biddcth vsnot 'tc) feare him that is ableto kill rhtbod!e,and·con gonofurthe~: b•t '"""'"'1fe•ttliim.tb41i4 •hllr.c.jlh~tl>b;. Jy ••d foH/, i•tdbe8'Jirt. Exampleofthis wee haue in D.,.id, wM.iv,henhe was perfecnted byhis owne fotine •iAhfol•nrhee faid vnto the Lord. If het thHI(a1\ I h••enodelig.htinthee, 6t. holdhere r.... lti h'Jmd"""'''" (i.tmeth g.. ii inhil ey". But fomewitl fay; I willliuealitt!e longer in·m'y ltnnes, ·in·lying;piide. Sabbath– breakin~,in fWe~ing,?~ci'ng;ga'!,ling,& wan– tonnes:.torGod •s·merdfull.and 10 my old •ge fonnes, yet when M•fi• ttllrl-him , that the Lord would beeglorifird ;;, HU thllt cam~ nure him,thenthe text faith,IIAnmhdd hUpe~~ee. So alfo wee reade that the ApofHes reprooued P11er, for preachingvnto the Gentiles: but when 'Peter had expourxled the things in or– dcrwhich hee had feene, then the) held th•ir pe•h••dgt.rifiedGud. As alfo D•uJd f•ich: I he/d,_.,...gue, 0 Lord; 6cc•ufi th•H did{/ ir. lfoi•h faith,/• h•p• ••dftlence i4 '"" fortitHJ, .'If aman be in trouble hee mu!t hope for deliue– rance, and be quiet and patient at God< iudg.. mcnts. Butthepratl:ifeof theworla isAme contrarie; For men are fo farre from trem– bling at them, tharrhey vfe t<> pray to God that plagues, cnrfes, and veugeance may·lioHr "pon them, and vpon their feruanrs and chil– dren. Now the Lord being amighty God of· tencloth anfwerably bring his iudg'llentsvpon them. Againe, m1ny carried away with im .. patience, wi<hthemfelnes hanged or drow– ned, which euil• they rhinke <hall neuer befall them : yet atthe length God cloth in his iu· frice bring'fuch puniiliments vpon them ac .. carding asthey \vifhed. And (which ismore) inall'ages'therehaue beenefome which haue fcorned and •mocked at Gods iudgemerit.s. ACl.u. ,s. PJal,19.. .. lb.y )0· 'l· Hereof.wee had not farre hence a mo!t feare– futl example. One being with his companion inahoufe<lrinking on the Lordsday,when he ~asr~ady to dcpar1 thence, there 'Y" great lightmngand thunder: whereupon his fellow reque!ted him to fray' but the' man mocking . andie!ting at-the thunder and lightnin~, &'id; (as report was) it II>.U mthi•g b#t a kn•u~'cO.ptr ~n"~nr•• h;.,rubbes,co!hewhatwould h'ee would goe;-and fo wenton his iourne/: but before he came halfe a.milce from the houfe thefame hand ofthe Lord," whichbeforehe'~ h1d mocked;· in'acracke of thunder llrooke: An.If9 inC:t. brid_se– Ulicr~ him about thegir.dle!teod, he fe1l'doWnc !tarke dead. Whtch exampte-n worthy ofour remembrahae, to pur vs in minde of Gods I will repent. An(a>. W.ell;foothnotthy felfe: but markc,vfually when Godhold~ backe his hand forafeafon, heedoth'as·ii:were fetch a more mighty blow, for thegrcai:et confufion ofarebettious finner; therefore humble, fub, mit, ~ndcafr downe thy felfe before~,and doe notf!riue again!t him: his hand i£liioh– tie , and wilt Otl<rthrow thee. Though thou 'hadlt a! learning,wifedome,might,riches,&c. yet (as Chri!t faide ro the young man) one thing is wanting, that thou (houldef! be hum, bled ;-and vntill thou be humbled, nothing is to be looked for but God< iudgoments for fin. Secondly, feeitigGod is AlmightJe;we mu(! trcmb)e and feare at all his iudgements, w~ mn!t!tand in·awe, <fuake,.and quiuer at them, as the poore child·doth,.when he feeth his fa– ther come with the rod. Example ofthis wee hatte often in Gods word; as when the fonnes heauy wrath again!l: thofe which fcorne his iudgements ·kfor our duty·is to tremble and D feare:and it weregreatly to be wiilied,that we could withopen eye behold the rerriblenefli:. and fearefulnes ofGods iudgements:it would make a manto quake and ro leaueofr!lnile:lf a nun l!>'lfe hy fome high and' dangerou< place in the qight when·he cannodee, hee is notafraid ;'but ifyee bring him backe againe in thed•y,and)et him fee what a fieep&dan– gerous way he came, he wit! nor bee pcifwa– de~ t,o P·'ffot~efame way allain f'?r anything: fo 1s lt tn ftnntng :for menhumg migriorance and blindnes, prattife any witkedneffe and' doe not care for Gods iudgements: bufWhen God,ofhis goodneffe bringeth them bac'ke & openeth their ...stofeetliedownfalhto ;he pit of hell.and the iudgements ofGod·dnero their finns: then (they fajl) they will neuer' finnC