Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

l(a.41'~7~ Amo•J• 6, OfGod£ Jln Expojition Prouidence. Plants,Seedes,&c.would lie dead in them and A may punilh fin by finne, himfelfe in the '11<•<e be vnprofirable, vnle!fe theywqe not onefy feafon free from allfinne. And thus the plac<s preferued, but alfo ll:irred vp and quickened mull: bee vnderll:ood, in whichitisfaidrthat by the power ofGod fooft as heeimployes God giu11b ,King1inhu I!Pwh; h•rde.,tb themtoanyvfe. hem, blindeththeeyes;mingltth thtfjJhitof.r- , EuiR, is the dell:ruction of'n'ature: and it is ro•rs ;giotthvp men to •reprobAtefen(t; f<nJtth taken for finne, or for the puriilhment of fin, {/rongiO•fi••• td btlet•e lyts ;[emi11h iHiNJPiri 11 1:'<01y fin is gouerned of God bytwoaCl:ions: gluing themromm•ndement roh•rl, •ndlea•t.t• the firll:,is anoptr•ti•epermi{sicn. I fo calit,bedmiue,&e. catifeGodpardypermirrethfinne, andpardy Thus hauiugfeene in what manner God workerhin it. Forfinneas it is commonly tagouemcth all things, let vs now cotre to the ken hath two parts; the futiied: or matter,and means ofgouernmcnt. SometimesGod wor. thcformeoffinne: the (ubiectof finne, is a keth without meanes, thus hee created all certaine qualityor action; the forme, is the athings in the beginning : and he made trees & nomie or tranfgre!Sion of Gods law.The firll: plants to grow and flourilh without the' heat isgood in it felfe,and eueryqu•lilyouCfun, fo ofthe Sun or rain: fometimcs he gouernes acfar forth as it is a quality or aCl:ion, is exill:ing B carding to the vfual courfe & orderofnature in narure,and hath God to be the author ofit. and when hee preferues oar liues by meat and Therefore finne;though it be fufficicntly eui!l drinke: yet fo, as he can and doth moll: fredy to eternall damnati9n,yetcan it not be faid to order all things by meancs either aboue nabe abfolutely euill as God is abfolute!y good, ture or againll: nature, as it lhall feem" good becaufe the fubicct pfit is good,and therefore Vnto him. Aswhen he caufed thefo'nne tofl••d it hath in irrefpects and regards of goodoes. inthtfirmAment, and tog"b•ck.e inAh•~di•B: In refpectofthe fecond, rbatis, thebreach of when bee caufed the fire nor to 6ur11erhe thm the lawit felfe, God neither willeth, nor apchildren : when he kept backe dew •nd r•ine pointeth, nor commandeth, nor caufi:th, nor three yeares in Ifrael, when he made 'ft!Aters '' helpeth finne, but forbiddeth, condeRJneth, flow••roftherocknwhen he caufede/i.uclo•k.• and punilheth ir:yetfo,as withallhe willingly to diuide the waters oflorden : when he caupcrmirreth itto bedone by others,as men and fed;ro• to[roimme: whenheprefcrued lon.uawickedAngels, they beingthe foie authors& liuethrce daies andrhree nights in the whales caufes ofit.And this permifsionby God is vp- _ belli<: : when heeHreddifo-fi•, by thdhcngth onagoodend: becaufe therebyhee manife- ' ofnature incurable, astheltprofieo[Nurmo; ll:eth his iuftice and mercy. Thus it appeares C theiflneof~lood.••abliminrjJi,&c. thatin originallfinne, the naturallincllnati:>n Among all the mcanes which God vfeth,the ofthe mind,will,and affections ioitfelfe confpcciall are the reafooable creatures, which lidercd,is from God, & the ataxieor corrupare no pafsiuc ioll:rumcnts,aHhe to<>le in tlie tion ofthe inclinatio in no wifefrom him, but handofthe workman, but actiue: becaufe as onely permitted : againe, that in actuallfinne they are mooued byGod, fo againe being inthe motion ofthe body ormind is from God, duedwith will and reafon, they mooue them. but the euilnefie anddiforder ofthe motion is felues. And fuch inll:rumenrs arc either good nor from him,butfreelypermitted to be done oreuill.Euill,aswickedmeo and Angels.And by others. As for example; In rhe act ofmurrhefe hevfeth to doe his good willand pleader,the action ofmouingthe whole body, of furc, euen then when they do !call: ofall obey ll:irring the feueral ioynts, and the fetching of him. And confidering that the finning inllrutheblowwhereby the man is Gaine, is from ment which is mooucd by God, dot!• altO God · for inhim .,,/ioe, m"*'• ••dha•tOurbemooaeir felffreely without any conftraint on iog:b~tthedifpofingandapplyi~gofallth~fe Gods part: G~d himfelf~ is free from all adions to this end, that o~r netghbours life blame,when the m!lrumcntls blame-worthy. may be taken away 1 and we thereby take re- D Indirectingtheinft:umen:, Godfinneth not: uenge vpon him, isnot from God, but from rhe actwn mdeede IS~fhmt, butthe _defe<'l: the wicked will ofman and the dtuell. ofthead10n from the tnftrument: whtch beGods fecond action in the gouernmcnt of ing corrupt, can it felfe dee nothing but that finne,isafterrhciu!lpermi!Sionofi~, partly iscorrupt: God in themeane. feafonby it, torej/rAint it more or le!Tc, accordtng to hiS bnngcth rhat to pa!fe whtch IS very good. good wil and pleaultc,and partlytodiJPoft and The whole caufe of finne in'Satan and in .vs: turne it againf\thc nature therec;>fto rhe gl~- as for ~od,he puts no wtckednesmto vs, but ry ofhisowne name,to the l'umfhment ot_hts rhe e_utll whtchhee fiades m vs hee mooues, enemies, and to the correcttng and challtfet~a:ts,ordersand gouernes, and bends Jt by mentofhis dell:. , hts tnfimtewtfedome,wh:n andtn what man· As for the fccond kinde ofcuill, called the ncrit pleafeth him, ro the glorie of his name, punifhment oflinne, it is the execution of iu· the euill inftntmet notkcowmg fo much, nay, ll:icc andhathGodtobetheauthorofit.And intending a farre other end. As m themlil, in thls refped Efoy faith,that Godcrwerh euiO.- the horfe blindfolded goes forward, and perand AmN, Th~t ther~U no cui/J inthecity ~hich ceiues nothmg bnt th~t he~ IS mtheo~dm.t~le Godharh••td•ne.AndGod as a mo!l;iull: iudge way, whereas the mtller htmfelfe whtps htm --- a nd I ·I Hcf.t;. "· Nrft•9• t7. hodt4• &7. lb.t9.t Rom.r. >8. z..Thelf. l,lt. I.King, ::.t:. lof.tor Ib..;S.I Dm.~. '7· c.Kio,tB, ... Exod.J]. 6. :r..Kin.z, l.Ki.r.,,. 1')113.$ '· .,. t..Kia.s. .•. M:~t.9.1 Ioh.9,f 1· '