Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'- Bxod. :.:t.tS. a witch n3mcdin · thefeminincg:n– dcrMc. cb3!hc– pba, 160 Adams rvfnExpojition · Fall.\ as may appearc by this, ~hat (•) more.wo-1 A 'the &me. Now.Godgaue rhefirfl:roAd•m, : men are mtongled Wlth Witchcraft and lorcoand not the fecond;and he is not robe blamed rie then men.Secondly,hefhewe.s bis fraud,in ofvs,though he confirmed him nor with new that he procccdes very Otly:md mtaoglts em grace forheis dcbterto no man to giuc him by certainc llepl"'s and degrees. for firll, by fo mu~h as the leall grace; whereas he had almoomngaquelliOo, heedr~wes.hcrto lillen _xeadie giucn a.plemifull meall1rc thereof to vnrolum, and to reafon With h1~ ofGods h1m, AndGoddid hold back to conferro any commandement. Secondly hee bnngs her to furrhergracevponiullcaufe.I.Itwashisp!ealooke vpon the tree, and wi!hly to view the furc. that this fact !houldbee an occafion or beauty ofthe fruite. Thirdly, hee makes her way to exercifc his mercie in the fauing of to doubtof the abfolute trath of Gods word the elect, and his iullicein the defen1ed conand promife, &to belecue his contrarie lies. demnation of impenitent finners. And vnles Fourthly, haui~blinded her mi1idc with his Ad•, had fallen for himfelfe and vthers, fa!fe perfwalion,fhe defir<s and lulls afterrhe there fhould haue beene found n<> rniferie in forbidden frqite, and thereupon takesit,eates men, on whomGod might tak~ pitie in his it,and giues it to her hus[:,andl Sonne, nor wickednell.e which he might conTheinwardca~fe, wasthewillofourfirll B demne;•nd therefore neither manifeflation parents, euen inthe t<llimonieoftheir owne ofiullice, nor mercie. I I-It wasthe will of coo!Ciences, as S•/o,.,H faith, T~il h••, I God inpartto forfilke .Ad•m,tomake maniE<d 7·l' fo•nd,thAt Godm•J,,..,.,igbteom, b•t theyh•H< fellthe weakenesthat isin the moll ex<ellent found m<nJit~Mmtions. But it may be obietled, creatures, without the fpeciall and continual! thatifAA'amwere createdgood, hecould not aiSillance ofGod. Ill. There i• a double li. bee thecaufe ofhis owne fall, becaufe agood bertie ofwill,one is to will good oreuill ; this tree cannotbring forth cuill fruite. An{. Freebelongs to the creature in this world, & ther. domeofhis will is fourc-fold. I. Freedometo fore dd•m receiued it, The other, is to wi-ll euill alone, this is onely in wicked men and good alone.Thls he wated,beeaufe it is refcrAngels,and isindeedea bondage: thefecond, ued to the life tocome: and though we knew IS freedorne togood alone,and tllatis in God no caufe ofthisdealing of God; yet is it one &thegood Angles by Gods grace: the third, lleppe to the fcare ofGod forvsto hold that isfreedometogoodiuparr,ioyned withfome good and righteous which hee appointeth or Want oflibertie,by reafon oflinnc: and·this is willeth:and not to fquare the works &iudgeinthcregenerateinthis life: the fourth, is mentsofGod by our crooked rcafon. And C~eedome cithcrro g0od or euilindifterently. C yet tocome to reafon it fclfe, Who can here Andthiswasin .Adoo/beforc hisfall, who cQJ!1plaineofGod?can thediucll? but God though he had no inclination to fin, but only djd not CJIUfe him to tempt or decciue our to that whichwasacceptabl~toGod:yetwas firlt parents.(•• Ad•mand E••? butthcy fdl he not bound by any necefi'tty, buL had his freely withoutany motion orinfligation from libertiefreely tochufeorrefufe eithergood or God,and theirown confcience accufed them cuill. And this iseaident by the verytenour of forit. C•nthe pollerity ofAd•m? but the E. Gods command,ement, in which hte forbids lect receiue more in Chrilt then they loll iA Ad•,.tocare the forbidden fruit,e:>nd thereAd•m: and the reprobate,ouerwhelmed witll by!hewingthat he being created righteous,& theburden oftheir owne linnes, and thereupnat prone to fin, had power to keepe or not on :rece!uing nothing but due and ·deferued to keepe the commandement: though fince damnation, cannot find fault. Bur fome may the tall, both hee and we after him cannot but furtherreply and fay,he thatforefeeth an euill linne. Wherefore Ad•mbeing alluredby Sa. and doth not preuenr it, is a caufe ofit: but tan,ofhis ownefrecaccord changed himfelfe GQd did forefee the fall of man, and did not and fell from God.Now then aHhe g9odtree prcuent it. dn{'W. The rule is generally true in changed from good toeuill, ~rings forth euill D man! t~a: the forefeer of an e~ill noq>r~uenfruit: fo A4•mby h1sownemward agd free tmglt,ISlllfomefortadocroflt: for lt!stl:e motion changing from good toeuill, brings fenrenceofthe law ofGod, towhkhman is limbeuill. · , b<>Und from the firll Creat;ipn. But God is aAs for God, heei.s nottobeerrputedas an !'<>ue all his lawes,and not bou~d to them: hi: author or caufe any way ofthis linne, for h<e 1san aQfolute Lord andLaw-~tuer, and thercreated Ad•m& e,,, righteous,endued them fore his actions are not Withinthe compalle with righteouswils:and he told them what he of_moraH !awes, as mensar:. Whereupon 1t would exadat their hand,& whatthey could fol!owes,thatthoughhed!d torefee mans deperfotme: yea hee added threatnings, that fedion, yet is.hee free from all blame 111 not ! .. I with thefearc of danger hee might terrifie prrue 0 ting it. For With lum therebee good i ,~~:;:~ them from linne.Some1nay fay, whereasGod caufes ofpermitting euill. i poffep<<· i forcfaw that,Ad•mwould abufe the!Ibertleof :/.>.nd though C!od be no c•ufe ofmans fall, ~ow God feu::urc I h1s w1ll,why wouldhenot prcucnt 1t? An[~. yctt.m~,~O: we oot J.magtncthat u:came to P.aflt: w1!ieJA- . fir vdkr, There is adouble grac~(b) the one to be able by chance or fortune, whcrea~ the leall thmgs !d>ms " 11 · ·~~.~ )to will and do that whichh ;sood, the other are,comc to paiJc With Gods.promdence. 1 1 -~,,;,, co__IJ~e to p~rfcuer mw!lhng and dO>ng Nesther was It byany b"re penmlsso W1tho~1t \ . , lS