Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The tide of ~he [reede. Chrift. , ~69 wasmorccxcellcntrhcn allorherannointings A gifts ofChritts manhood are not conferred PCaL 4 H were. For Dauidfaith,hewas annoinred with in (mall fcanrling or mealitre; for John faith, Ioh.l·H theqylcof giadndfc ab?ue all his fellowcs, G•dgi•etb him the f}irit nDtby mt•J•re; becaufe fignit)rj 110' that ne1thcr Kmg, Pneft:nor Pro.- the graces whichare in Chriftarc farre more phct wat~uc;:r annmntcd in the fame manner both in number and degree , then all men or as hewas. . Angels .haue or !hallhaue: though the good Chrifis annointing rs according to bothhis Angels and the Saints ofGod in heauen are natures; for inwhat nature he)s a Mcdiat0r, very.e!tecllent creatures fiored with manifold ih' thefitme heis anhointcd: bur according to gtices.ahd gifts ofGod. For this caufe Chrill: .,cor.ll both hisnatures ioynriy hei.a mediatour:.rhe is called thehead •f,..,: becaufe hee is cuery ~· Godpeadis rio rricdiatour wirhottt rhe man. way the moll: principall & glorious man that hoc.>il, noothe inanhood wirhottt the god• euerwas; Yet.for all'this.are notthc gifts of ljoad': and rherefarchisamioin,ing-c~teiids it Chrifu manhood·infinite any way; becaufe it fclfe both ro I-ris godhead& to his manhood. is acreatureand finite innarure,and therefore t Chrifl:s annoinring harhrwo parrs,borh of not capable ofthat whichisinfinire. ·· rhen1figurcd by tlte annoinring.cifthelewes. By.Chrifl:s annointing the people <>f God The firlt is his confccration whereby he was B teapo great benefit and comfort,becaufe they fer apartrodoe rhe office o(a Mediarourbcare to be parrakersrhereof. For this caufethe rween~God andman: and therefore to bee a oylewherwith he'was arinointed is called the King,aPriefl:,aProphet: a King,ro gather and •Jk •fgladnejfe, becaufe the fweere facoU< wirhallrogoucrnehis Church aud people: a gla~deth the hearts of all his mem~ers, and Pfal. 4 f•7 Priefl:,romake fttisf:u'hon& tnrercclSIOn for brings the peace of God which pa£fcth al vn· the finnesofthecleel::a Prophet, to reueale & derfl:anding. The holy oyle powred vpon reach his people the will ofGod his Father. AAro8J h~ad,camedowne to his beard, and ro PO 1 And though irbc true that Chtifl: i~ fer apart the ve.yskirts ofhisgarmentso and it fignifi: ,,' · ll• to rheworkc of mediation, as he is a mediaed;that rho.fpirituall oy\e ofgrace was firlt of rour,or as he is man, yet as he isGodhe dotli al poured.vponour head Chrifl: Iefus, & from defigne&fcrhimfclfeaparr ro the L1me work. thence confi:quently doriued to aflhis memForro dcfigne the mediarout isa common a• bets , .thar·by this means he might be not one- <tion of the three perfons, the Father, the ly annoinred himfdre: but alfo our annoinrer. Sonne, and thcholyGhoft; and yet confideNow,the benefits which we receiue by his nng the Father is lirltin order,andtherefore annointing are two; the firfl: is, that all theeharhrhe be;;inning ofthe atho: furthis caufc c lea when they are called to the profeffion of heis faidefpeciallytodeligne, as when Saint the Gofpell of Chrill, and by him fet leh.6.r 7 . lohnCtith,Htm lwh GodtheFatherfealed. apattandmade fpiriruallkings, priefts, and .The fecond pa(tof Chrilts annoinring, is prophets,as Saint l•hn faith: Hu hath.made 'l/J Apoc,1.6 I( 1. the powring out ofthe fillneJfeofthe fpirit or l(jngs ~,aprieflsvllto hi1 Father.AndSaint Peter grace in(<> the manhood of Chrifl::and it was our ofIae/,1 WiOI"""(faith the Lord) myJPirit Ill!.,, 17 particularly figured bythe holyoylc.For firfl:, 'lift•• allflejh, •ndJ••rfonne~ Anddawghtm jhall rhar oyle had no ma.1 bur God alone ro bee prophefi•. · the author of it:fo the moll: excellent and vnThe fecond benefitis, that all the faithfull fpeakeable graces of r'.te manhood ofChrifl: receiue the Came oyle, thatis,thefame fpirit of haue their beginning from the Godhead of God in fome little and conuenient meafiite Chrifl:.Again,rhough thefame oy\e was moll: which he receiued aboue meafure, as S. /oh~ Bsod.;o. precious, yet was·it compo~ndedofearthly faitb, T,he anoint;ng whi&h ye6 reeeiurd of him l.J,l-4· fubfl:anccs,asmirrhc,calamus,& Cafsia,and dweHetSHnyq,,~tndteflchethy()N~tllth;ngs: where ; . fuch ltkc; to fignifie,rharthefpiritualloyle of by Anointing is meant the holy Ohoj/. And r.loh. :. grace,whcreofthe manhood ofChnfl: was as hence it is, that Rlen are calledChrif/ians of ~i;l. ror, 1t were avelfell or fl:orehoufe, dtd nor conG~ D the name of .Chrilt,that is,annointed with the If· ofthe efienuall properties ofrhe Godhead,as fame oyle wherewith Chrifl: was annoinrcd. entt<htsand his followers in thefe daies imaAnd the ·holy oyle might nor bee giuen to a {;ine, but in c~rrain< created giftSlnd 'Iualifl:ranger, to fignifie, that to haue the fpirir of E>od.jcr. ues placed mh1shumanen~t~re:?therwliCwe Clrrill, and tobeguided by it, is peculiar w 33• 01_ould nor ltaue any parttcipatton of them. them that are Chrifl:s.Now then let vs all lay !.tttrdly, the liveerc fauour ofthe holy oyle rhefethingsro ourbeatts, and extol! the vnngured, that the nches ofall graces with the fpeakeahle goodnes ofGod, that hathaduan1 effect thereofin the obedience ofChrifl:,dorh Icedvsro the dignirie ofkings, priefl:s, protake away the noyfome fenr ofourloarhfome phets before him,and bath giuen his fpiritvn1 fins from the noftnls ofGod, & Withall dorh I to vs,ro enablevs to be fo indeed. make our pcrfons,and all our ai1ions accepu· Now follow the duties which.are to hce ,ble to him "sa fivecte perfume, M P•ul faith, learned hence. And fir!l:, whereas all Chri- ~;or.t. \\\le flrt-tmr~ God the f~eere f~u~:tr ofChriff,&_c. · fHan_s receiue annointing from the holy one And _Chnfts death ts for tlus caufe termed a , ChrJlt IefilS,to become prophets in a forr,we r.loh.s, f.tcnhcc of fweere fmelhng Cwonr. - mull: doe our indeauours , that the word of •c, And we muft fmther vnderll:and, that the fe 1 God may dwell plenri~y in vs, and for that ?'"·9· P 4 cauf< 1 '