Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The tide -· ·------"=;ft!J¥ede:___ .Sonne. 1:71 I I l . La(Hy' feeing C~rifl is annointtd,with the LA.lwith<l'!tall be-;in~fng, but ili:godh-;c1 ofi.~e I moft pretious balroethat euer was , an~ thJttj. fonne IS one and the fame With rhc ·g<;>dhead for our fakes he muftbe 1\veeq[\dfmorltVIJ· r ofrbe F_athe~: bccaufe by what godhead the tovs , and ail other things mtlft _6e as V:uG.uo·.! I F~_therts God, by the fameand no orl1erth,< rydro(\e~nd d~11g in !<gardonum. WC mufl:) ; fonne IS ~Od : ther~fore the fonqe, ~S _he~ IS in this cafe endeauour tofay as thefpoufe ot 1 Qod,he lS G_odofh•mfelfewlthour be~u_J~mg ·j Cl!rilt dorh: Becilufe•f the fo•DII! Of the good:. euen asth~ F_at_her_. Whereupon 1t foloowes, Can. t.J. (}Jnlmtntt, 1~ ~amf U411 Oymrmnt piwrttio.ut,·' { ~?at;h~ So~ :ts _o~!?ott<:n.?f the Father as p~e;; ther-Jm the virgins lw thee. 0 that we c_ould ~ IS a S~nne~b~>U!ot~snq'..g9_d. . . . . lfa.u, l> fo•"'r'• the fem ojGoli, that wee fl!ight fee)~ ~ . Th~)banef'r?fth,IS ge':\eratton 1sth1s. f'he pf,l.; ,s bo',y aNliisg.rm•nts (me// of myrthf:J::~~"!., ••il, Son~mb~jl.o_t:e'~ of ~~,«--fu~!l~oce of_tl>: !'~: ! ( 4ffi 4 ,co.,ming fmhofhislttorrpaOaces '<Jnto vs,~ ther not byanyfi.uxt l a~ "-:1l_c;n,watens den. A:nd becaufe_the holy oyntllje_n\of Chrill f ued~ro".\ ~he head o,the ff?_~,m~ to t~~~~-~~el; ·' :. is poured forth vpon all his memb.qs tomake. 1 nor oy deciflon,as ~hen~tbm~ ~s en: m_p.ece,<;. rhein fauory& f weeteinthe prefen-ci: o(Gpd,_ nor by PJ.'P'1t"'".", as.wh~n. a_gr~ft 1s tranf: let vs make confcience ofall man~~r o_ffi~n~ I plant,<~ '-~to a new ftocke:out by anvnfp:ea~-, left by the poyfon and ftinke thereofwee m- B able commumcallon of the ':"hole etfe11~e qr f«'l: not onely ourfelues, but a~t~~_cre~tures I · Godhead ~r~tn the Father to the Sonne: m t~- ofGod which wevfc, yea heauen an? earth 1t ceru~og whereof t~e Sonne dothno more a,. felfe. Itflandsnotwithequitie,thatafterwe mmllhth~ maieft>e or Goiibcad of the. Fa· liaue beene embalmed and fweetned by the diet, thell(~e l,igh1of oneqndlc doth the precious merits ofChri!l, wedhould nlolke light of.the other. from whld1 it is ta~en. our felues two-footed fwine,toreturneto the Whereupdn the Ccuncel of Nice hath faid rriira ofour old finnes. · well,thar thefottnt iufthe farlm.u light oflight The COupling and CO';!'bioing of th~fe tWO Rlt procee~ing b.t ~tt,otttn, . .. . ': > fornirr titles together,<Ootames t~e p_rmc1pall ~he. time _of thiS gcne.ranon hath neu_ne~ <j_ueftion ofthe whole Bible, wh1ch 1s, whe· bcgmnmg,middle,orend : anc\ therefore lt is thcr !efus the Sonne ofM.ry bee Chrirtor etcrnall beforeall worJds: 1md it is a thing to Ioh,:o. no : as Saint lohn faith, Th•(tthingurt written be wonderedat, that the father begetting and 1 3'· Ihat J" mjghtb•leetk,ihM lefU. is th• Chri{l the the fonneoegqtten are co'e~ernftU, andtheres,.,,.fCoJ, and rhalinhefeeoingJ" might h••' forcequal}' in time. ' Wifedomc in die Pro-. Al:l.t!.s. life iulrl4foi~(· This conclufton·was deaied by uerbcs (which ':"ithonc contentof~11 dtujne~ Pro 8 , the Iewes, bttt auouched and confirmed both C IS fa1dl0 be Chnft) affitmeth thatfhewas be·. • %4 by Chrift and by his Apoftles: and their prinfore the W~Jrld wascreated,tliatis 1 frometercipall argument was framed tht><. Hce which niry:for beforethe world wasmade there wai hath the true notes of Chrift, is tne Mefsias nothing but eternity: B'ut it m'ay bealleadg~d· or Chriflindeed:but Iefusthe Sonne ofM•'T to thecontrary, that the tayingofthefather · hath the true notes of Chrifl i therefore Iefus '!;his d"J.h••tl begmenihte, is expounded by ' · isChrifl. Thcpropolition is opened at large 'P••I o( the t!~e ..of c;hrifl~ refurre~ton_. ~~:~l:· m the propheliesof.theold Teftament: the An[. Wcmufldllfmgmffibetwe<ngenerati·- J•·'l affumptionis confirmed in the writings ofthe on it felfe,and th.c manifeftation ofic : and of ' ' · newTcftlment: and the principall reafons of the f<cond muft the place bee vaderftood the confirmation arc touched in the Articles which~as indeede accompli!hed at the tim~ whtch concernethe fccond Perfon. The conofChnfls refurre<'tion in which he was migh- . · clufion folbwes,and is it fet downe,as I haue tily declared to bee the Sonncof God . and' Rom,t.•. i faid,in the knitting tJgethcr ofthe titles,IeftlS though this be fo, yet the generation ii felfe and Ch,IIl:. may be etcrnall. Ifany man alleadge further . Thus muchofthe fecod titlc,now followes that rhe perfon which begetteth mu£1 n<ede; the th"d, hu one/1 Sonne' that ts, the onely D goc before the perfon begotten, theaht\ver iS , Sonneof the ~rfl: Perfon t~e Father. In this I thatthere is ado,blepri.rlry: orieoforder;ti.; title we mufl couder two thmgs:the~r~, that other ofrimt' now in the gi:neratio~of crca. he IS the Sonue ofGod : the fecond, that bee tures thacis priority both oforder and time:' 1s the~nely Son of God. Touchmg the firft, but in the generation of the fecond perfoo i~ Chriflls calfcdtht; Son·1e ofGod, becaufe hee I trinitY. thereis priority oforderalon_<: die fa~ ~as bcgot:en ofrne Father.Now for theope-~ 1 ther bcm~ firfl,the fonn,e fecon~.Wltnout prf– nmg ofthls etemal1 gener~uon, wee mull 1 outyofume: becaufetheybOth in that reconfider threo pomts. thethmg ~egotten,the fi>efr are cquall, and t)either is before or after . manm;r of bc~ettm,g '·and the ttme. For the other :' ~ecaufethe bi:eing or,fubfifliag'ofthc' ~~~\~.;;~ t~1ng 1t felfe, ~t 1S Chn~; whomuff b_ccvnfi~ perfon_s' u_not meafuredby dmc-. '""""'· ~ered two wa1es, as he 1sa Sonne, andas hee , Hen:\' Itfoll~weth necef!arily ' ·that Iet'us· 1sGod. As he 1safonne,he1s no: ofh1mfdfe, Chulbs true God: and the whole tenourof but the fonne ofthe_ fa:hcr beg()tte~ o( him: rh~ Scriptures confitme it 61fficientiy. 1, he is ne~tetthdeffe as h,ee IsGod,hct Isof_:l!m(dfe: m1deequalt t<> God the Father, ll>hob«i•g in ,Ph•!.• •· nctr~er begottcn,_nor proceeding~_for :~c eftb~.f~nn"e of q~d,r .. hofflh,Fit No r11bb~ry tfJ. bt equ 4 fi ' ~:~:~If fence or godhead of the Father IS of lt fclfc nmh God: agame,AIIrhingsthalthe f•ther h11lo 1\ , 6 ,, 7 , • <rl