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IZ. rrheorder of ~hecaufes I ofhtaHrnsare not able to contains thee:h•W much A II)en t<> whom things lte pal< or to come. leffi ittbit hou[ethat I haue built? Ier. 23. '4· Thecounfel! ofGod, is that by the which . Doe not I fiO tbt heauen and earth, faith the he doth moll nghtly percdue the bell reafon Lord? Hence it is plaine. ofall things thatarc done. Prou.8.I4· I haut Firll,that he is onely one,and that indiuifi· coHnfiOnnd \\Jifedome,l am vndtrjltznding,nndI ble,not manylEph.4. 5.One Lord,onefaith,onc haueftrtngth. bapti{mc,one God11nd Fatherofall, Deut.4.3 5· Thewill of God, is that by the which he l"mo thee it \\'Mjhewed,that thou mightefl ~s\V both moll.freely, and iufily with one act wilthat the Lordhe UGod, ~nd thtlt there is none lerhall thtngs. Rom.9.18. F-Jeht:tthmcrcieon bt~tbealone. s.Cor.8.4. Wektfowth•ttanidoli& Whom he llJi/1, and whom he will he hardeneth. nothing in the world, and thAt thereis none other Eph.J. 5· Who bath prtdtjlinatc 71HDbtadopt<tl Gcdb~t one: and there can be but one thing throHgh Icft<t Chrift vnto him(elft, accordrng ro infinite in nature. thegoodpl<afure •fhuwi/I.Iam.4·1 5· For that Secondly, that God is the knowerofthe 'WhichJOHjhouldf~,lftht Lordwill,•nd ,.,liRe heart. For nothing is hidden from tbat nawe \"iUdoe thi& or thfft. ture, which is within all things, and without B . God willeth.that which isgood,by approall things, which is included in nothing , nor umg tt;that wfuch IS c:::tuU, in as much as it is excluded frorn any thing.Bec.tufe. 1. King.8. di!allowieg and forfaking ir. Aod yet 39• Th6 Lordftarcherhalthearts, andvvderhe voluntarily doth permiteuill; becaufeit is pa,zdctJJ ~«erytvork!ofrheminde. PraJ.r 39·1 ,_2. good that there lhouldbe euill. Act. 14. 16. ' Th~m~noweft fi!YfittingdDwne,and my rifing vp, who in time p41fof!md all the Gmtilcs to w•lkt tbouvn:Jerfl~mdejl my C'ogitatirmafarr~ off. intheirowne \\14JtJ. Pfal.8t. 1 z. So I g4ut tbem .. CHAP. Ill. 11p to the harelnes of their he~~rt, 41Jd thtyhiiHt Of tiJt lift •{God. Wlllk!d iu thtiro\\'ne &Oionftls. The will of God, by rea!On ofdiuers obH lthertowehaue fpoken of the perftctiiects, hath diuers Names, Slid i~ either called on ofGods nature: Now followeth the Loue ~nd Hatred,or Grace and Iullie<. lire of GOD, by which the Diuine Nature is The Loue of God is that, by the which in p~rpecuall aCtion,liuing, and moouing in it God approoueth lirll himfdfe, and then all felfe.Pfal.4z.z. MyJoule thirfterhfor G•d,euen hrs creamresas they are good, withouttbeir for the li11ing God,whcn.JbA/11 comt4ndt~pptare deferr,and in them doth take delight. t. Ioh. before the prefinceofGod I Heb.3.u. See there C 4· 16. God Ulone, llnd who fo rtmt~intth in lone, be n1t at "'9 ti~e in A'!J of J'" ;;n eui/i bet~rt to rem4infthfn G~d,mulGod in him. Ioh.3.16. So departftom tbt liRingGod. G•dloutdtht wor/d,th.r heg••• hil ontly begotThe diuine Na,ture,is efpeeially io perpetutenSonlle,(j-c.Rom.5.8. GoJflttethlflthU /oue all operation by three attributes, the which IIW~rds VI, ftting that l"9hi/e \\.>t' }titreJt'tjindoe manife!t the operation of God towards nets,Chrijl diedfor "'· his creatures. Thefe are hisWifedome,Will, The Hatredof God, is that by the which and Omnipotencie~ he dilliketh and detelleth his creature ofTenThe wifedome or knowledge of G~, is ding,for hisfault.1.Cor.10.5. 71•t "'"':Yofthi that by the which God doth, notbycerraine 1he LDrd mijli/etd,fortheyptrijhtdin the llJildtr. notions abllralied from the things themnt!.PGf·5. Th•• h•ttfta/tht 11>0rl,trs ofiniquiry. felues,but by his mvnc dfencc:norfuccefsiuePf.45.7·T h•• haj/l•••di1if/ict &h.r"J iniq•ity ly and by dircourre ofrcafon, but6y one eterThegraceofGod,is that by which he freenail and itnmutablcaa: of vndcrfl:anding, dily declareth his fauour to hiscreatures. Ram. llinttly and perfeC\ly know him(dfe, and all I r.6./fit be o[gr11ce,it Uno mort 8{ work!s: oother things, though infinite, whether tbey tberwifegrll&t Unngrace;bHt ifit be ofwork,t it haue bin or not.Marh. I 1 .z7.ND mank?zowerh D Unomoreiraee. Tit.1. u. The[tfuinggrtfceof the Sonne but the Flltber, nor the Flftber but.the Godfbine to 118men,te•ching 111 trJ deny i111pitSonne,and he to whom the Sonne willrt')#t{(ihim. tie,&c. Heb+13 .There unothingcrellttiG.hich u not TheGrace ofGod, iseither hisgoodneffe, m•nifeft inbufight: but aUthingsare naktdand or his mercie. open to his eyes~with whom we h,iHe to doe, Pfal. The Goodneffe of God, i!lhat by which 147·~· Hu01i[td•me uinjinite, he being in himfelfe abfolutely good, dotb Gods wifedome hath thefe parts :his forefreely exercife his Iiberalitie vpon his creaknowledge,and his counfell. turcs,Matth.I9· 1 7· WhycaUefl tl;ou meegogJ? The foreknowledge of God, is that by there Unonegcodbut Dne,t;un God. Math.5·45. which he moll affuredly forefe<rh all things He mak.ethSunnetojln'ne vpon thetoodandbad, that are to come.ACl:.2.23· Himhaueye rak!n otnd he raintth vpon the iufland vniu/f. by the h•ndt ofthe Wic/etd, bting deli•ercd bJ tht Geds mercie, is that by which hefreely •f. dettrmiTllltt counfllla.Nd forek(;owlcdge of G~d~ liileth all his creatures in their miferics. Era. andbane crucifr<dandfo<int. Rom.8.29. Thofo 30·1S.Tet "Will the Lord w~itc,th,ihemay hlfHt: 'which he k!Jew before, ht •lfo prtdefti..l8d to be mercyvp~n)OH•Lam.3. t Uthe L~rdsmtr• madeuks to theim•<~eofhu Sonnt. This is not cy that weare not &onfomed,be&aufehU c9mpaffi. • properly fpoken of<!iod, but by reafon of DnsfailenDt.Exod.33.19. I ta/etpititonllJb.m I r.k,<_____