Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

26 'The order ofthe caf!fes ' Word, be is by nature the Sonne of the Fa- A ther:As he is man,the fame fonne alfo,yet nor CHAP. XVii. by nature, or by adoption, but onely by perfonallvnion,Luk.t.35· Math·3··'7· Thuu Ofthtt!ij/inflion of b11h N•tum. my behurdSonnt,&c. The phr•fe in Scripture agreeing to this VTHe difiinaion cfboth natures, is that, nion, is the commuNio11 ofpropertitJ, which is a whereby they, with their properties and tr~o1e and reall predication :euen as it arifeth operations, remaine difiinlt withoutcompo.. ofthe true and reall vnicmofnarurcs; conccr. firion,rningling,or conuerfion,Ioh.t o.t 7• t 8. ning which,obfcrue two rules. Therefort~othmyFather lout me, brcauft ll~ty I. O(rhole things,which are fpoken or atdt~wne my life ,th,:~t Im~ tak! it •g•ir:e. No mim rriburcd to Chrill,lome arc one!y vnderfiood takphitftom me,but I l".]itdo"•n<ofmyfelfe,/ • ofhisdiuinenature. As that, Ioh.8.s 8. Before ~«utpower to 14.) it down, ,;nd h;~uep~wcr to tt~ek.! .Ahr.h•m~.u,l•m· And that, Cololf. r.r;. 1t "'g•me. Ioh. J 3· 3 I ~3 z. fl!''W ~s theSonne of Wh•u the im•geof tbeinuifible God, the firfl B ''""'glorijird,••d qod"glorified,. him. IfGod h'Qrne of euery cre4tHrt. Some againe agree beglorified i?Jhim, Godfh•ll•lfo gl"ifie himin oncly to his humanicie,asb()rtu,foffircJ, de11d, h•mfilfe. Here we may oblerue, that there is bori,,J,&c. Luk. •-P· Andlefu.incre•ftdin onewill in Chri£1: as God; another, as man. ' wijtdfJmt, atJdjlature, And inf4ueur\~irhGtu:l Math.>6.39.Not .u lwiU,b•t <Uthou wilt.This 411dmmz. Lafily,orh<rthingsare vnderfiood, a!lo approouerh the fi:ntcnce of rhe Chalceonely of both natures vnit<d together- As don Creede. Wt tonfr./fo, tl:4t one t~ndthe{ame Marth. l7·S·This i6 my btJouedSen11e,in"'h"n Chrift !t[JU, both Srmne, Lard, tmt!J btt.otten~ is ••e/y I <m wtllplr•ftd,he'ft him.Eph.r . Zl. H• lt.powne ami prMched 111 bee in t\h nAtl4re1 hatJJ nudefobieU40 things ~ndrr hkfeue, 11ntl wit~~~ ccnfufion, mut11tion, diflimlitm, 9r ftw bath appoinudhimOiler R0tbings tg bt tiJ: lund parawm. trJthtChurch. Lafily, hereby it is manifd!, that Orifl, · JI. Some things are fpoken of Chrifr,•s he when hee became tlm whic~ bee was net isGod, which muR be intcrpr<tedaccording (namely man) continued fiill that which hcc tohis humane narure.Aa.>o. ,g, Tofeede the was (very God.) ChurchofGod,rhat is,Chr)ll, whi<h he(accorcling to his t11anhood) h•thpur<h•fed with hu c CHAP. XVIII. owne blml. r.Cor•••S.Ifthey bad~"'l!merhu, they ~oo/dweuer h•uccrucificd the Lord•fgloOfChrij/s N AtiuitiiMidOjfiu.- rit. Contrarily,fome things arcw.enrior.ed of Chrill, as he is man, whichonely arevnderT!!us much concerning Chrifis incarnarifiood ofhis diuine nature.Ioh.3-'3 · No man a, tbe<!Cerc d<elararioathererasby lljCendedvp tr1 hea1un, bHt he that h~tth dtften. his nariuitie. dedfrcm hrRuen,. the Sonnecfmlfnl\lhichis in The natiuitie ofChril<,isthat wherebyM"· heauen. Thisis fpof.;:en ofhis manhood~Where~ rie aVirgin,did ~:fcerthe courfeofnature,and as we mu£\ vnderfbnd , that: onely hi5 Deirie the cufiome of woman , bring from Chrifi came downc from heauen. loh.6.6>. what if theWord of the Father, and the Sonne of yeJhouldfoe the Sonneofmao,(v i•- Chrifis hu- 'Datlid: fo that t)JOie ar< much deceiued, mane nature)<[cend•;p,where he (viz.his Deiwhich are of opinion that Chrifi, after amitie) w.u before. raculous manner, came into the wCirld, the Lafily,by reafonofthisVniGn, Chril!,as wombeoftheVirgin being !hut, Luk. •·•3· he is man, is rxalred abouecL1cry name; ye;~) Euery m•n-childe whiehfirfl optneth the W•mbe he is adored, andhathfuclt agreat (rhough jhaObt ~aBed h~':J (otheLord. The which p!Jce not infinite) rnealurc ofgifts,as farre furpaffe D of Scrrpture IS applyed to M-.yand our Sathe gifts ofall Sainr. •nd Angels. Eph. r. >r. uiour Chrifi, Hence is it, that the Virgin .Andftt him11t his right httnJ in beaUenlyplaces, ..M•ryisfaid ( Jlrnuls) tobringforthGod [4rrt gbgue all priNcip4litie, ~tnd p~'Ntr, 4nd albeit !heis not any way mother ofthe God~ might,4nddominAticn,;mdruery nAmeth~tt is n,:r.. head. For Chrifi as he is God, is without med, ngt i• this ~crld1ntly, but in th11t •lfo tbtit mother,and ai man,withoutFatber. is tocome. Heb. t ·9· When he~ringetb hisjirfl le is conuenient tobe thought,that t.MII'.J fNgc;tten Stmneintc theWorld,hefoith,And ltt "" continued a virgin vnrillherdyingday,albeir the Angels of qod worjhip him. Col. •- 3· I• we make not this opinion anyarticle of our whom aO the treafi•res •f ~ifodome atul ~,.,.. beliefe. I. Chrifi being now to depart the ltdgeare hidden. Phi!. 2.9,1o. Therefore God world , committed his mother to the tuition exaltedhim en high, mtdgaut hima name11beNt and cullodie ofhis Dilciple John, which it is aR names, tbM 4t the n4mtof /efm tnt~ ~11te like hee would ·not haue done, if iliee had jl,.uld bowe (namely, woriliip, and be ubrea any children, by whom as cufiome was, to him) both6f things in heauen, ~tud things in (bee might haue beene prouidcd for. John ).-rth,and thin,;s vtJder the eArth. 19-16.1 I. Iris likely that (bee who was with childe by the holy Ghofi, W'Ould nor after \ know •ny man. I JI. It is agreedofby the Church -