Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

ofSa!uatii;'n an'd'Da>miation. ofAlmighty qod. Efay S3·.5·Hewgrieutdfor A our tr411Jir•Jfl0nt, tht ch•~ifiment of.oi<r pt<ce rv~t~vpon him, ttnd wsth hu j}npts we \\leuhta. Itd. This appeared by rho(e drops of blood, which iff•ed from him, by his cryings tc> his FJthervpon the crotfe, and by fendiqg of an Angeltocof11fort hiq~. 1;-ic;nc;cwasit,that he romuch feared death, which many Martyrs entertained moll willingly. . His outward ·~curfcdnes, 11andeth in three degrees. I. Dearhvpon tbccro!fe, which was not imaginary, but true, becaufe blood and water itfued from his heart. For feeing that water and blood gufhed forth together, it is very like, the casket or coJ.t whid1 inueflcth the heart c:tllt!d Pericttrdicm, was pierced. As B Columbu, obferueth in his Anatorny,7.booke. loh.l9·l4· . His death was necdfary, that hee might confirmc tovs the Tefiamenr,or Couenant of grace promifcd for our fakes, Heb. 9• r 5,16. FurthU Cf!H~ he U the Meditttonr of the new Ttj/<ment,tb.,thr•ugh dwh. &c. they which were caOed, might receir~e the promifi of ettrn4U inheritance :f()rwhere 4Tejiammt if,theremufl b:tbe dwh of bim th.: made theT•fl•ment, &c.verf.17. • I I. Butia!l, to ratilie the certentic of his deatb. I I I. Defcending into hell,which we mull not vuderfiand, that he went locally into the place of the damned, but that for taetimc of C his abode in thegra~e,he was vndcr the igno– minio•s do:nioiQn ofdeath. A6b.Z4· Whom qod hxth raifidvp, and loofid the forrowtt of dcathbtcauje it I~ M impof{lhlt, that hejhouldbee holdm •fit. EP.h·4·9·1•tb.e he a(<endcd, what W.u ithilt th"' he aifodefcmd:dfirjlintothe low. efl pmo(the<arth? It was necetfarie that Chril1 n,ou!d bee captiuated ofdeath,that he might abrflifhthe fling,that is the power thereof. !.Cor.•>· 5S· 0 dwhwhereit th]jling! 0 heOwhert is tby viEtorie! theyfog/l llfmtnt for him,m one !::mm~telhfor his onely fowm, and befoiirfgr him,;;s om: isforiefor hit firft bome. Afrer Chrifis pafsion, followeth the fulfil. ling ofthe Law, by which he fatisfied Gods iufiice in fulfilling the whole Law, Ram. 8. ;,4.God[ent his o\.Vne_So11f1t~t1Mt the rigbtiouf 11</fe of theLaw might be!•/filledby v;. . He fulfilled the L11v, pmlyby theholines ofhis bumane narurc,and partlybyobedience in the w6rkes ofthe La<V.Rom.8.>. The Lalv ofthtjjllritoflift, rvhichitin Chrif! Ie[mhAtb fmdmefrom rbe Law ofji8ne, n11doj dwh. "Math.J.I 5.It bee~mmeth vs tof•lfill•l/ righte. oJ<jne/fe,&c. Ioh.I7·'9· . Now fucceedeth rh~ fecornl.part of Chrifis Priefihood, namely, interccfsion, whereby Chrifi is a.n Aduocote and intreater ofGod the Father for the fairhfuii.Rom. 8.34. Chrijl i!attheright h.mdof G!d, ••dmakfrhrequefl for vs. Chrifis intercefsion, is directed imme– dia~e!y to God the Father. 1. Ioh.2.1. If411J WJ~tnjin, W( h~tut_lln .AdHocdte with the Fttther, """ ltjiu Chrij/the U.jl. Nowas the Father is firfi of t!1e Trinitie in crder,fo ifhe beappoa– fed,the Sonne,an(l the holy Gh0fi arc appea– fed a!fo. J:'or there isone and tae fame agree– ment.§' will of all the perfons ofthe Trinitie. Chrifi m~keth intercefsion acc.ording ro both natures: Firfl, according to ais humani– tie, partly by app<;aring before his Father ia heauen,partly by de.firing th:C: fa!uation of.rhe ElecU~eb.9·'4· C/lrij/ is tntredint~very h&a• . Thu>we haue heard ofChrifis marueilous pafsion, wheroby he hatn aboli!hed both the firfiand fecond death, due vnto vsfor our finnes; the which(as we may further obferue) is a petfell: r>nfome forthe linnes of all and euery one of the deC1:; 1. Tim. z. 6. Who gam bimjilft 4 ranfome for all men. For it was more , that Chril1 the only begotten Sonne ofGod, yea, God himfelfe, for a Gnal! while il10uld beare the curfe of the law , then um to "JP<•rt """';, tlu,fight ifqodfor vt.And chap.7.2 5• Heit •bleperfiCIIytofo•e them that cometo G•tibyhim,ft<jng he tt(<r liuerh tom•ke inuretjfionfor thein.~eGopdly,accordinn tohis Deitie, partly .by applying rhe meri~of his death ; partly by making requell by his holy Spirir, in the hearts ofthe Elect, with lighes vnfpeakab!e, I· Pet.r .2.£/efl according toth~ forrktfowlcdge ofthe Father to thefonilification •fthcJPirit. Rorr.. 8. 26. 'ihtfPirithelpeth ••r. infirmities: f~r we ~mow not \Vhtlt to prtry tU Wl ••ght,bllt the fPirit it filfe m•keth req•ejffor vs withfiJ.hes whichc.nnot be exprejfcd. We are not therefore ro im;~ginc or fur– D mifc that Chrifi profirateth himfelfe vpon his knees before his Fathers throne for vs, · neither is it neccifarY,fceing his veryprerencc before his Father, hath in it the force of an ifthe whole world 0Jould haue rutferea eter– nall pnni01ment. This a!fo is worthy our Meditation, that then a man is well grounded in rhe dottrine of Chrifis pafsion, wheu his heart ceafeth to linne, and is pricked with the griefe of thofe timies, whereby, as with fpeares hee pierced the tide ofthe immaculate lambeof God, r. Ioh.J. 6. whefo jirmeth, r;cither bath (iene him,nor~ownhim.Zach.Iz.Jo..Andfhcy jhan look< vpon him,whom thty h4HCpierctd,and humble petition. . The end ofChrifis intercd5ion is,that fuch as are iufiified by his merits, lhouldby this rncanes continue in the !late of grace. Now Chritls intercefsion prefer~teth the ele<!l: in coue:ing their co~tinuall flips,, infirmities; and t:nperfect ·actiOns,_by an efpeciall and conrinuall3pplicatio~of )lis merits; that by tlusmeanesmans perfonmay retnaiRe iufi 1 & mans worl<es acceptable ro·God. 1. Ioh. 2.2. Ht is 4 ricnnciliRtio,nfor;_pllrjins, & nutfor ours oneiy,butfor thejimttS of 1 he wholeUiorld.I. Per. l .j. r ..·"' li•tiyjlon<J,be m•de 4 tpiritu<ll houft & h•!JprleP:hood,to •ffirvpjpirito•llfocrificcs amp-