Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

allthings, when they were oot,partlyby erelo and confetfe himw befuch a God, as he hath ating,partly by prel<:ruing thc;m. Jl I. J:lim reucaled himrelfe to bee in his "·ord and which mighrily c&ufcth, that !hofe thmgs creatures. Colotr. in rh~k__neW· which hec hdth promifcd, Otould both bee ledgt o[God.leren1.24 7· And I wiHgi>< t/'tm made:, and continued. E:"adHI 6. i. R11111ttlfl 4tt he4rtto~now mt,that /4m the Lord,and they .p7• .. , jhallbt.mlP"ple,•nd I ,;pbttbrir God:Jor tbey Herebeginneth thefirfi: re.afon ofthe fidl Qttt!t retHrnt 11Nto mt With their tvbsk he11rt. , In commaundement, taken from the name of this knowledge ofGod muf! wee glory, fer. God: itisrhus framed: 9· >:f.Ltt him thatglorieth,glory inrhu,th4t he Hethatu7eho~Uh,muft•lmebethyGod, 'f!ndtrflandetl• andk__itmcthmu: for I amtht BHt 1am Jebout~h: L~rd'IPhi,hfl,ewerhmtrcj,iltdgtment) Therefore I a/.we mufl bttby G•d. troN[nttinthttarth. This propolition is wanting: the alfumptiI I. Anrnion with God, whereby man is , on is in thcfc words(l•m lehouah)thcconcluknit io J.e~rt with·God.(ojh.o3.8. Stickt f4i tion is the commaundc:menr. 1/NtD the Lordy~ur God,..uJ' bt~J« ThJ GoJ. Theie are the words ofthe coue. B d•J.A8..u.•3· H«xhorted a8,th•t Y<>irh pornant of grace. ltr. 31· ll• wherein the Lord p•fo ofh••rtlh'1 ..,,_fd<ltm:tto theLord. Man couenanteth with hisPeop1e concerning recleaueth vnto God r:hreem2nnerofwaies: in mifsion oflinnes, and etcrnalllife. Yea there affiaoc<,in loue,an:l feare ofGod. ., .. words are as a iecond rcaion of the comAfliance,is thatwhereby a man aclmowl<d· maundcmcnts, drawnc from the equality of ging the power and mercy ofG<>d, dothlled. that relation,which is bctweene God and his fa!lly reil himiclfe in him, •gain!! allalfaults peopb whar(oeuer. Pot JDHr trM[I i11tht IfI he thJG,J, thoug•i"'""<}lht "'} !"P''' LorJ yoor God •nJyt Jl,.a be •Jforrd,btittut hii •ndt<k!_ m,./one fir thy God. l'ropbttt, •ndy{haOpr~ffer.Pfill.>7· t . Godu But 7 Am th) G:od: my light, •ndmyfaiHatioll, \l>hom{IraN I[tArt ! Thmfor< thou mufl bt "'1ptople,•ndta~tmt Cjod it theflrcugt* •fmylift,•fwhomjhouldI be alontforthyGod, v-3- Th•ugh anhof/btpJtched ag•infl• Whicbbrowght. The alfumption or iecond mt,mine ht4rtJI,.Hnot be .ifr•id: though W•rbe parrofrhisraion, is confirmed by an argu· raifid•g•in.fl me,? WiObe foctirt. , ment taken frotn Gods eff<8.s, when hedeliHence arifeth patience, and alacrity in prc. ucrcd hio peoplo out ofEgypt, asit were, fr6 C rent perils.PfaL39·9· T jhoukl h•"' bindumbe, the fcr•itudo ofa moQ ryranous ma!ler. ThiS •u not optntd r»J moNth,btcaufo thou dsdfl.•t. •· dcliuery IVlS not appropriateonely to the Ii. The k.i•g.fa,d, What haut}"J., raclireo' but in rome iort belongs to the witb,,ou,,,fonr •I Ztrui<hll(ht curfod,hcr••fe ChutchofGod in all ages: in that it was a rbe L~rdfoid ,Curfo D•u•d,whatis htthar ti•tt typeofa moll rurpafsing dcliaery' from the {Ay,wby d"j/'thDUfo? Gen.'f)•$.Btmt (ad,r.eifcarefuH kingdo·ne ofdarkem:ff~. 1 ,Cor.Jo. thtrgrieued 'Withy•urfd-Hes, thcrytfilri me hi~ I ;t.l WDHid nut httHt )DH igtur4nt, bretl,rtPI,thttt tbtr:{e~r qoll didfond mt befwe JCH Jor;rmrpreJ a/lq11rfMhtrs "'ere vnier thecloud,~ •llp4Jfed (trHIItio,.v.8.No'W then,yqNflnfmtnqrJ~.t God thro•gh the mJde fi•,••d IOtre AOb•ptir.eJ vnt# himji/ft,2,King.6.t6.Ftare nDt,forthry'ih•tbe Mofosi,theclllld,.mdin theft.r. CoJotf.t.r ;. VJith'tls,crtmoe,then thryrhatbewirhthem. Who h<thddiuemlVt fr."' the po~trof d4rk/- This affiance engendreth hope, whtch is a nrfft, andtranfomd vs ioto rh' kingdomeofhu patient expe8.ation <>fGods preience &: afsi- .d,.re Sonne, !lance in all rhingsrhar are rocome.Pf.!7·S, Othergoot, orflra•ge g•ds. They arc ro calComitth) w•yvnto the Lord,& trNfl in him,& . led, not that theyby.nature~re fuch, or can hefh•llringitto p•fr.v.7, Waitp.rimt/yvpiirhe b;e; bur becaufethe corrupt, and more then ID LmJ,& hoptit~ h•m.Pro.t6.3,Comitthyworl:, dtuchlh hc_arr of carnail man, elleemcth fgof vnto the Lord,at~d thy thoughtsfh•ll be direC/eJ. them. Pht:tp. 3·19. whofi god ;., th,tir beiiJ. The loue of God,is rhar,.,hercby manac· >.Corin++·Whofo.,i•Jsrheg•d•fthu world knowledgiog Gods goodnetfe and fauour toh~tll bt~llcheel. . .._ wards hl'll , dt:th agJine Joue him abouc all Before"'J(-.t. That ts,(figurattuely)inmy thing<. Deut.6.5. Tho• fh•lt loutthe Lordthy ftg~tor prefence 1 to whom the: fecrc:t i:nagi.. G(JCwithAI!thme heArt, w'thiilith]foult, ;v.d nattons ofthe heart are knownc: and this is wirhallthyflrengrh. the thtrd reafon ofthe firll commaundcment Tne maths of the true lone of God are as ifhe lhould iay: Ifthou in my prcfenccre: thefe: I. To heart' wtllinoh ftis word. II.To ictl:me, an heinousolfence: fee therefore rpeake often ofhim. I I!~ to tlunkc often of tlJOU doe" nor. After thefame mannerrearo. him. I v. ro dot his will wi>hout ncth the LoJd,Gen.t7.t, I •mGod•lmi(h'J, v. To giue body,andall for hiscaufc., VI.To ' tbmfor•W•I'<!,befm me,~wibt thou'itpright. defirc his prerenccaboue all, and to bewailc The affirmatme part, his abfencc. V11.r o embraceati fucb things M•k! choict of!thou•h to be thy God, asoppcrtaineto him.V1I I.Toloue and hate The duttes hcrecommanded,are theie: rbat which he loueth andhateth. I X. InaiJ I. ToacknowlcdgeGod,tharis, to~now things to ieeke to plcafe him. X, To draw oD> thcrs