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., ' ofSa!uation andVamnation. 35' all fuch as take aduife at them, doe put in t.he A I cadtd God,~rth.e isworfbipped;fo that hedot~ · diuelland his workes Leuir.10.6./[•ny"""' fit"' God in the ttmpltofGod, fhewing hinzjilft ajmfocb as""'~'withJPirits, a1td•fm'{oothth" ht is G•d, .fcytrl ttJgoe•Whoring4fttrthem:~ rht,'WiOJ CHAP. XXI. ftt mj{aet againjl th41 perfon, AndWiB CNt him •if fmll<mong hilpe.plt. OfthefwnJ Commandtment. 11 I. The loue ofthe creature, aboue. the loueofGod.Matth.Jo. 37.HetbAt lo•tthfa- H Itherro haue wee entreated of the lirri thtrtJr m1ther mere then me.U ntJt Worti!J off!l'• ami he that ltJuethfonne or ddughter wore then commaundcment., teaching vs to enter. mt,il ""Worthyof,.e.Ioh. 11·43· They looed taine i,neur hc:arts,and to makectmiccofone thepraifi •fm•n,mort thmtbepraift ofG•d.To onely God. The other three ofthclirll table, this belongethfclf-loue,•.Tim.J .1. concernethatholy profefsion,which wemufr IV. HatredandcontemptofGod, when make towards the fame God.for lirll,it is neman, by rcafon ofhis declining nature from celfary to make choice ofrherrue God. SeGod, doth I! ye from him, and is angry to- B condly, to make profe(sionofthe fame God. wards God when he punilheth finne. Rom.8. In the profefsion ofGod, weare to confi, 7• 'Thewi}idomt •[theflefh,il tnmitywith GoJ, der the parts thereof, and the tilllc appointed Rom.r. 30.H<1m o{GOD,dmii[Wrong. for this profefsion. v. WantofthefeareofGod.Pfalm.J6.r. The parrs are two: The folemne worlhip Wick.,ednej[ejt~tithttJ the tJick,!dmtm,tuen in mint ofGod,and theglorifying ofhim. heart,th<t thm;, ••feore of a.Jbrfor• thtir The fecond commaundement rhenconcer: 'l"· nerh the mannerof performing holy and foV I. feare ofthe creaturel more thenthe lemne worlhip vnto God. The words of the Creator. Reu.11 .i.The fearef•U·~d<Jnbcleecommaund~menc are thefe: oing.jbal h•~< th<ir pminthela~Whi<h b•ro<1 ThluPutlt m•Jes thee JI(Jg71fUt11 image' neit.her withfir<••dbri.,i1one.Mat.t o. oS. Fear< not ••J Jimilimde of thintt Which are in he.o<n•- them\l?hich f<iUthebody, bNife.rthimthatcan b11ue, neither tht~t t~rein thttttTth ;enttJth, nor cafl both brdy•ndfonlei•tobtUfire.]trtm.l o.a. thott 4U in the 'Wilttrt vnder the t4rth:thr~N jh.. lt B1 not ofr.idoftheJignts ofh<Aum, th••gh the norb•w Jorpne t9 then~,neitherfirse the~. jor_l hwhmbe .ifroiJ•ffuch. •m the LorJ thy God,•it4lo>U God, "!ifiting tht VII.Hardneaofheatt, orcarnall fecuriry, C iniq"''1 •fthlj4thers, t~pmthechi/drm, vpon when a man , neither acknowledging Gods the th,rdgt11tr4tion,4nd vpon theftmrth ~th'm iudgements,nor his ownt:: finocs,dreameth he: th4t h4te me.&jhtrt~ mer'.)vnto tboufandtvp 1 n is fafe from Gods vengeance, aad fuch perils, the• th:tt luu'eme,qd~up my commi#ldements, • 2s arif~: frotn linne.Rom.::.s. ThoN -fur thine The Refoliaun. lutrdflejfo,ttndhe~~rt th.ttC:tnnotrepent,heapejl tfJ Thoufo•ltnotmok!] This is the lid! pm thyjiljt Wwhagainjl the d4Jofwr•tb.Luk.ox ofthe commandemenr; forbidding to make H ·T·~heedto J'"' fobm ,lef/nt any timeyo•r ao i~ol: Nowan idol is notonely a·cerraine hems be •pprrffidwi<hforfetting,anddronk!n· reprefentation, and image of fome faincd nes,4nd&ttres ofthU life,11ndk~t(t th4l they cqme god,but alfo ofrhe true ltb.uah. The which ORyot~ at vnAWifres. may be prooued againfl the Papill• by thefe V11 I. the(e all doe ioyntly ingender arguments. .Tre firll is, Deuteronom.4.15, pride,whereby man afcriberh all he bath that 16. T •le! 1 berefortgood heede vntoyo•rjelner : is good,not to God,but to hisow:n merir,an'd for{.'fa\~ no image in the d•y th<t rhe Lord indu!lry, referring and difpofing them who!. JP• '<Jntoyu inltortb,out ofthe midaejlof th~ ly vnto his owne proper crcdir.r. Corin.4.6. fire ,thatyecormpt notyourjtlues, 1111d makt)'DU Thatye might learnt by<Js,th41noma• prtfume D agraurnimAgror rtp,·ejt7lt4tiM of o.ny figure: ~tboue that whichU 'WritlrltJ that onefwtll rtot If... t\?hetheritbetbtl•~nes qfmflleorfemale. Out g4inj11#1Dther,firt~nym.tnscaufe.v.7. For ~bt1 ofthe words vrrered byMofos,as reafon may fiparattththetl orWhat haf/shoH, th<t thoH hajl be framed rhus: not receiueJ! if thou h:~fl receiutdit ,'Why Tli!J- ' lfyefal~ no im•ge (11AIIttly ofGoil,)J< fo•O . uP 1h1u, AJ th1ugh tb6u hadft net recti11ed it.? mAk!none. Gen.3 .. s.Goddo thk.!fow,that whenye {hd tat< But)'t .fa'PJ n1 image,~nelyhettrtl 11 voice. themf,your eytt jl,.abtcpenrd,<ndyefl••Hbt"' Therefor<J'' fh.Hmak! no imageo[qoa, Gods,kf!owinggood•11de•ill.The bighell flayre The fecond reafon: Thatidolatry whic~ ofprides ladder, is that fearful! pre(umprion the Ifraelires committed, the very tame ii by which many clime ralhly into Gods fear; prohibit<d in rhiscommaodcme•t. ofmaielly,asifthey were gods. Mt. 12.», But the Jfraelires idolatry,was the woriliip 13.The peopleg••< • {hwe,{"}ing,The 'llli<tof ofGodinanimage. Hof. 1. I6.Atth•tday, God,and 1101 ofman: bHt immedialt!Jthe ..A'Jttfl faith the Lord, thoH]halt <<11 me ••mor< 'JJ••Ii, ofthe Lord{mm him, becaufthegaoe notglory hutji~Ai<f•ll me Efl>i. vnt6 qod, fo thlft he WMeaten vp of~ormes1and The gelden calfewas an image ofGod :for gaoevp theghof/.>-Theff.>.4• Whichu an ad. when it was finifi1ed, Aar.nproclaimed that •~<rforJ,'ande:o:alttth him(eifo•g•i•ft •Hthat is to morrow jb01eldbe.feafl to Irho••h. Exodus, D3