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of Saluationand 'Damnation. 37 images: for they were onely io the holy of nolieft, where thepeople could nor fee them. Md they wereripesof the glory of the ~er: fiala vnto whom the very 2ngels were fubted: ·the :.hichwe haue now verified in Chrift. ' Ifany man reply,thatthey worlhip not the image, but GQd in the image :let him know, that th'e creature cannot comprehend the I. mage ofthe Creator; and ifit could,yet God would not be worlhippcd io it, becaufe it is a dead thing: yea,the worke ofmans ~ands,ilot •(God: and therefore is moreb>fe then the finalleft liuing creature, ofthe which we may lawfully fay,it is the ,..,.k••fGod. Thio euin– ceth, that no kinde of diuiue wodhipbclon– geth to an image, either limply or by relati– on, whatfoeuerthe fophillicall Schoolcmen iangle to the contrary. Ifany man be yerdcfirous ofimages, hee may haue at hand the preaching of the Gof– pel,aliuely image ofChrift crucified.Gal. 3· I. 0 f"lifh G•utunr,who h•thbe,.itchedyou,th•t Y"jhou/Jnot ohry the tr•th,to whom It[mChrif/ before"'"'Jeftrihed inyo~rjight,•nd •mongyou crucifiull The like may be laid ofthe two Sa– craments. And that faying of Clements is rrue,in his fifth booke ofRecognit./f7•• win tru!J ttdDrt1he image ofGtJd. dotgood vnto man, •ndye.fh.O "'orjhip hil true im•g• : for rm<n il thei.,..geo(God. .11.Thdeaft approb2tion ofidolatry. Hof. 13.2. Theyf•y ontto •witherwhileft tbeyfacri– fi<e • "'"",let them kj/fo the coluu. Now a kilfe, isan externall figne of lomc allowance of a thing. Gen.48.Io. Therefore it is vnlawfull to be prefent at Malfe,or any idolatrous feruice, though our mindes be abf<nt. I. Cor.6.1o. Tt.rebot!_fht withapriCe. th(rtforeghrijie GDd inysur hod_], ••d inyourfPiritJ;IOhich •re Cjsdt. Rom. I 1-4wh•tfoith the Scripture 1 IhAIIt reftr"'dvnto my ftlft fr••en thoufond mm, lllhicb h••• not bowedtheir k~ee t• B••l. Eufeb. 8. booke e. 3· The M4YI)rs , .,hen thry \litre h•led vnto the templeofidols, cr7ed •ut,and with • loHJ voice in the middefl•f their ·tortHres ttjlified, th<t th')' were not idolatr~mfocriftcers, b~tt profeffid ;end confla.t Chrif/i•ns, reioycing gre.,ly th•t thry might m•~•foch • conftffion. That which may be obietted of N••.,•• the Syrian, who worlhipped in the temple of Rimm••, isthus anfwered; that He did it not with purpofe to com;nit idolatry, but to per– forme that CtudJ obetfance whtch he was wont to exhibit to the KingsMaieftie. 2. King. 5· r~tL · And for this Clufe,are vtterly forbidden all fuch dauncing profefsions, piayes, and fuch feans , as are confecrated to the rnemoriall and honour ofidols. Exod.32.6. Theyyqfo vp the.nexe d4J in tbt morning, Rnd offeredb11rnt of. fermgs,~tnd br1ught pMce (ijftrings: 4/fo the peq~ piefotc themdowne to tfltt ~nd drin~e,androfe vp to play. t.Cor. 10·7· Nt1the-r heye idolAters m fome oftbt.pJ \\1ere,JUit it wriite,,&c.And P4ul A (r.Cor.8+ totheend) earnefilydehorteth the Corinthians from fitting at table in thei· dolstemple ;·albeit they kz."" that •n id•H il nothiug in the World. Tripartitehiftorie,book~<1p.3o. Cmainefouldim oflulianrefufed to adore, IUthe cuftomt w~~ the E_mperours ban. ntr, in whic~ Were p11inted t.~c im~tguof Jupiter, Mercury, aud Mt4rs: others br~11g ngttine the rcW.,ds, which they, ifrer,thry hadh11rned in. cenfe onttn 11/Ur in thc"EmJ'croJtrs preftnce,ha~ reuilmi: crying, that thry\Jverr. Chriflt'~t1ls, a~td wouldliut4nd die in thatprofeffion: and"' for theirf9rmtr[<ff1 ,it WAJ ofigt~6rance: ye'!,thou,gh they h•d polluted kawds with idoi<try •f theP.;. ".Jms,yet theyyet kept their conftiencecltllnt. . B II I. All r<liques and monuments ofidols: for ehefe, after the idols themfe!ue> areonce abolilhed, mull be raced out of all memory. Exod. 23. 13. Tt Jhallm•kt•o mmtion of ihe name ofother God1,11tithtrJba!litht he11rd outof thy moHth, Efay 3o.n. Andye fha/1p•Unte 1 he '~uering 11ftheimageoffiiHtr, and the rich 01PIII· ment of tht im~tges qf gold, andcaft them11\vaj M"menjJrNomc/ath, andthoujh;~ltj'!]'t111fD it, qetth<t hen<t. ' / I v. Society with infidels, is here vnlawfull which fcrueth not ooeJy tomaintainconcord, but alfo to ioyne men in brotherly lone. Of this fociety rhere are many branches. The firft,ismariagewith infidels.Gen.6.z•. The fan•" o{qodfowth't daughters of men tliat C they wm[•ire, ••4 th<J took!_ them t>it<tto[•11 •h•t th~y lik!,d. Mal.>, I r. !Hd<hhat!. tranfgrtf. {ed,4ndanabominttti~nis committedto lfr•tt,anJ in ler•Jaltm: for ludah bath defiled tht holintffi oftheLord,which he loutd, & hathm4rricdthe d••ghtmof•flronge God. li:zra 9·'4· Shottfd Wtreturnc to brea~ thy comm4ndunrnts, and i~]tte m4jfir.itit ttith the peopleoffoch l!bominlf– tion? 2.King. 8. tS. He'Wftikedinthewaiesof the Kingt ofIfrarl,tU didthe ho•fi•fAh•b :for thedaughttrof AhtbW.u hi<wife: andhe did euiN in thefight ofthe Lord. The fecond,is the league in war: namely, a mutuall con(ederacie'to afsift one anotherin the fame warre,and tohaue one and thefame enemies, This i~ fundry waies impious: I. If D it be vnlawfull to craue afsiftanceof Gods e. nernies, it islikewife vola,.•full to indent with them,that we willn(,ift them.! I. ltobfcur<rh Gods glory, as rhough he himfelfe, either would nor,or could not •ide his Church. TU. It is a thouf•nd to m;e le2!l we be iHfell:ed with their idolatrie,and other io•picties. I V. It endangereth vs ro be made partakers of their puni01menrs, •· Chron.t9.>· A~d /ekH the r~nne ofHandni the Sttr J 'Went eHt to mtttl him, •ndfoid to king lehofoph~t, wo•ld<ft thou help• the Wick!_d, <nd l•ut thtm that hate the Lord? t,herefore forthu thing il tbe lllroth if the Lord vponthee, The third,is rr.ffique: aswhen a man wit– tingly and willingly, doth, in hope to enrich himfclfe,make fak offuch thingsa. he know– eth mu!C ferue to an idolatrous vfe. ThisconD4