Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

of Saluationand Vamnation. ouerrhwarc and vnlawfull manner, he thena. A crue wedhip, are two; Vowes, aad Falling: dorechan idoll, howfoeuer hee feemeth to and they are not to be taken, as the wor!hip colour hisi01pietie. P••ltherefore, Rom. I. ofGod it felfc. For we may notobltude any , 3 •faith, that(HC/, tU V.orjhipptd the rrt4tHr<, thing to God,as good feruice, and as thougl1 •od t•roulthtglory of the incorruptible God, to it did bind the confcience, except he haue or. tbtjimilitudt of• <Orrttptiblc man, did forfok! dained it for that cud and putpofe; tiJrCreator. verf.>5.andi.Cor.1o.zo. Thofi Avo•¥intheNew Te!lament,isapromife things.,hich tht qtntiles Jitmfi", theyfoiiTifice to God,with a ful intent to obferue fome cor. to diulis,and not vnto qosl. porall and extcrnall dutics,whichaChri!lian To this parr therefore appertaine fuch hath on his ownc accord, without iniunetion, thingt, u refpett the holy and folemne fer· impofedvpoo himfclfe, that he may thereby uice ofGod. • , the better be excited Vf)to repenrance, medi.. I. The true an~ ordinary meanesofGods ration, fobtietie, abflinence , patience, and worlhip; as calli"g vpon the name of the thankfulne!fe towards God.Gen.28.1o. Then L<>rd by h•mble fupplication, and heartic l4cob vowed• volll, foying, lfGod -winbe,.ith thankfgiuing: and the minillery ofthe Word B nm,••d willkttpt me in thi& iOitrR'),VPhichJgo, and Sacramentt.AC!.z.,p,4>·Th') th.,gt.slandWillgine me bread toeatt, andciOAthiH to put ly receiludhit ~"d,r9trt P~tptiz.ed: 1111dtbtfome en,fo that [ ~Dn:t Againe to my fathers houfe in dt!J there"'"' 4dJ"J to the Ch•rch•~•utthm fafetie: thtnjh<llthe Lordh• my God, •nd thi& thoufondJoules. Andthry continuedin the Ap•· flme which1 h4JSefor vp"' • piUarJh•ll be c)oslt jilts do/Jrine,(j-fc!lo,.jhip, & bre•king ofbrtad, houft, •ndof all thAtth•rs Jh•il giut mt, I V.iR .ndofprt!Jm. I. Tim. 2. I. I exhonyou tJPtci· gmt th,tnthto thee. •lly,th4t pr•ym andfopplic•tions be madefor 411 In'•owing,We haue thefe thingsro obforue: men,for Kings,mu/•1/ inauthoritie. AC\.1o. 7• I.we mu(! not vow that which is vnlawful.>. 'Ihefirjl d"J of the wuk!_, the Difciplesbtting We ought not to vow the performance of cometogether tobrettkf breltd,Pttulpre11ched 'Unthat, which is contrary to our vocation. 3, tuthem,readyt6 dtp4rt•nth~morrol•, and con. Vowes mufrbe of that whichwe can doe. .of· tinued the preaching vnta midnight. Tertul. AThey muftbe farre from fo much as a conceit polog. chap.39· we come intothuffimbly•nd ofmerit, or worlbip ofGod. 5· We mu!Ho ct~ngr'.l'"i'n. ·thAt with our pra)'trJ, AI WithAn performc: our vowcs,as that they encroch not "'"'ie,wt mightc•mp•J!iGtd.ThukJ.ode o/'lli•· vpon the libenk of confcience which Chri!l ltnce•ffmsl to qod,i& ampt•hlt to him• lfany c bath giuen vs' and therefore looke how the ,..n fo offend, th41 he muflhefofP<odldfrom tb• probable caofes thereof doe remaine, or ar~ publike plAce of prt!Jer, •ndholy meetings, aD•p· taken away,(o accordingly !lands our libertie prooued tldmfit in iudgement, being adu•R&td in keeping avow.D~ut.2J .I 8. Thou]halt nei- " thi< h•111ilr, •ndlt4tbj~rilm,butby theirg"d ther ~ring thchireof• Whoor1, •orthr price of• report, &c. re•de the re/t. The like bath iufl. doggr, intothe houftof the Lord thy God, for ~arryr in his oration to the Empcrour ~nyvo\V. verf: 21. fYhmthoujJJa!tvo~avoVI Alllon. Pitu. vnto the Lordthy God, thoujhalt nat beJlackt to I I. An holyvfe oftbemeanes. Fir!l,in the pay it: for the Lord thy qod Will fimiy requir1 rn:inifiers,who ought to admini!ler a.ll chings it ofthee: hilt whmthouabflaintflfr~m vo\Vit-:g, belonging to Gods worfi1ippe, according to irjhaBbt••fnne vnto rhee,(J-c.verf.ZJ.l'fal.66. hisword. Mach.l8.zo. Teachingthtmt,.b. 14· lrvill paymy'llowes whichmylippes h••• [uue alt things, \'9.hichI h~tHe c~mmanded. r. promiftd. 1 Cor. 11. 23. I haue recciuedofthe Lord thAt, Fafling,iswhen aman pet-ceiuingthe want wbieh•lfo I haut d•IU.ered. Secondly, in the of Come bkfsing, or fufpeding and feei•g refl ofthe atfembly: whofe duty is in praying Come imminent calamity vpon himfdfe, er vnto God, in hearing the word preached •nd other , ab!laineth not onely from Belli for read, and in receiuing the Sacraments, to be- D afeafon, but alfo from all deligbrs and fufle. h~uethemfelucsoutwardly; in modefiic,and nance, that hee thereby ma.y make a more wtthout offence. J,Cor. I4·io. Let a/lthUJgs diligent fearch in his mvne linn ...·s, and offer bedonr honejlly, ••dby ord.r; Inwardly; they moll humbl• prayers vnro Go,l, tlm hec mull take heede,thac their hearts be well pre. would withhold tlm, which hisangerthrear. paredtoferucGod.Eccles.4.I7·T•~eheedeto ned: or beaow vpon vs fome fuch good b.,hthy[em, wheothooemrefl into theho•ft•f thing as we want. Marh.9.I 1 5. Can thtc!JiiGDd,&r. and ~bap. f· r. Benotr4j11 with thy dreuof the m~trrit~ge (harrller mourne, fo long moHth)nor let tbme lleArtbe hlf}1J to vtttrttthing 44 tbebridegroameUwith thtm? r. Cor. 7· S• beforeGod. Hauingconfidence ofhis mercy DefrAud111t one 11nother, t>.:cept for atime~th~~tt rogith<r with a contrite and repentant hear; ye m") the betterfaf/and pr").Ioel1. n.Whtr. for all their finnes. Heb. 4· •· Th1 wordth•t foreeu<n now, f•iththe Lord, beytturr.ui"nto the'! htM'dprofittd1101, 'te11u{t it WM 1UJt mixed me, 'ftlitha!l yonrheart , with fafling ~Znd pra;cr. wirhf•ithinthofith•t heardit. PCal.z6.6.lttiU verf. I 3• Rfnt yo~~r hearts, and Rot yourgar. ~aflJ rmr;e handsifl i~UJDcencil, 0 Lord, Atulfo ments,at~dt,.rne -vnto the Lordyour god: jflr he ""'P•ffi thine •lr.r. i&g.-citu& merci{Hll,longfojfcring,&ofg• <at l I! I. The helps and furtherances e>f the kj8dntt,that htmightrrpit himofthi& ••il.v.r5. 711.),