Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

vfSa!uation and'Damn~ttion. 47 day or more ofthe fi«,as neede i~, ei~herto A:Sam.•3:I ;.V•uid lonJ<d,andfoid)Jh that orJ< faHing,or for afolcmne day0~ retoycmg for WOl,~dgme mtto.drt~k.. .ofthe ~-~ter ofthe wen •f fo.n~benefic receiuc:d,foel 2.1 ;~ . Btti?-lehtmlwh,ch uby theg4tc.verfe 16.Th~n The fo•u•nth day] Th~lecond reafon of thethree mightin bra/,f into the hoftoftht Phi/i. thisconmandemcnt is taken from the en<l f/imr,& drew~arerom ofthe wrUof!Jerh.kb'i thereof. thanv.u bJ the£""· •ndt-.k$ and brought itl• Ifthe Sabba1h ''"" CDn(ecwed,. God and Dauid,Who wou{dnot drin~therof,b,., poV.rtdit j,;, feruice; "'' muft that d'J abft<ineftom our for an offering vnr. tht Lord.verf. I 7-Andfoid, /abourJ, 0 Lord,beir for from methat 1jhonlddorhu:u But it "'tU cotJfocraeeJt~ Gt~d tmd hisferHice: not rhU the bloodofthe met~ that WcntitJil,opt~rThe aifomption is in thefe ••ords, (theft•· dyoftheir /iuet! therefore Vmld h~ not. drink_e, · uemh .<a 7 ,d-c-)where we mu[\ n<;>te,that God The rcafon .lhndeth thus, .If!) wou.ld alone bath this priuiledge, to hauc aSabbarh not hau~ hiS f~ruants~ducnture th~tr corpocoofecratcd vnto him : andtherefore all holy rail hues for hiS proutlion,nor drm<e the wadaicsdedicated to whatfo:uer either Angell ter when they ,had prouided ir,. lllijCh lelfe or Siinr,are volawful: howfoeuerthe <;:hurch B ought we for our meates .to aduenture the ofR1me haue impofed the obferuanon of foulesofourferu1nts.!V.Watermgofcartel, them vpon many people, . Luk.I3.t ;. Tht L_Drdanf-.vmd•nd f•id, tho• 'In it tbit~ ~~4lt doeJThis is theconclufion of H]pocrit,(,\'Viln't 4n'J ofJ'OHon the s~bbtiith daitJ the (econd reafon,illuflrated bya dillribution loofe hit oxeor dj[ioltf ofthef/,J,Je,•nd brtnghi"! from the caufes. Thoo,rhJfon,thy da•ghter, thy ,. the "'•ter? Vpon the like prefent and holy fmunt,thy cotteU, thyjlranger,Jhall ceafo that necefsiry, Phyfirians,_vpon the Sabbath day, dayfr<m your l•bours. may take a iourney tovifit thedifcafed. Mar. A"Jwor~]That is,any ordinary worke of rio~rs. their voyage, Shepheuds may tend your q!lings, and fuch as may,be done the thetr flock!', ·and Mtdwmes may helpe wo. day before,or left well vndonetill the day af. men with childe.Mark.:.z7-The S•~b•rh""" ter, Yet for all this, we are not for.bidden to m•deformao,andnot man for the Sabb<tth. perfonnefuch works euen on this day;as are Within thygates] Thiswordgare, fignifierh both holy ,11nd ofpr&nt necdsity. by a~gure_ iurifdietion and authority. Marh. Such arc thofe w<>rkes, which doe vpon I6.r8,Theg•tnofbelljlMUnorouemmeit.Lct that day prcferue and maintaine the feruice this b: a looking glaife,wherein all iuholders, and glory of God, as J. A Sabbath dayes C and entertainersof(\rangers may looke iNto iourncy. Actes t.Il· Which M,.~er1 uf;iirrH~ themfclues,and ~ehold what is their duty. falem, co•taini•g aSabb<th dayes iournry. I I. For infixeda"s] The third rcafon of this The killing and drcrsing of facrificed beafis commandemenr from .the like example. in the tirne of.the Law. Math, 11.5. Haue)'e Thm which I did,thoualflmufld.,, nat Tt4d in the /t~W,IJI\\1 thAt ~n the s,bb4th d•i:s Bm r rePcd the jtllUtnth day.attd h<tHawedit. tbt Priefls in the Temple breaf:! the S<hbatb,.,td T/,refor.,hou mufl deerhe!Jkt, . , m·e blamelef[i? I I I. Icurneycs vnro the Pro. God fanC!ified the Sabbath, when hee aid phets, & placl!s appointed vnto the 'l;'or01ip confecr:tte it to hisfcruice; men fanctifie ir, ofG,d,:.Kin.+->3. Hefaid,why 1\•ilt thougo when they do worfi>ip-God in it. In this place vmahimthUd4J? j:Uneitb~new Moone ,, wee are to confider the Sabbath, how farrc Sabbathd'!J'.Pfal. Bt-7•Thrygoefrom j/rengtls, forth it iscercmoniall, and how flrre forth ro.flrtngth, t~Ue•erysne •ppearebefore God in Morall. \jon. The Sabbath is ceremcniall , in refpett of Such alro are the workes ofmercy, where. the flntt obfcruarton thereof, which was a by the fafcty oflife or goods is procured : os type ofthe intcrnall fanetification ofthe peo. that which'l'auldid. Act.10.9- As PAHIWM D pie ofGod,and that is,asit were, a continua/1 lmgpreaching,E•')·chu~>R<rco,e With jleepe.ftl refling from the worke offmne. Exod.31. I 3. dow11efrom tbeth~rdloft? &w~ t•ktn vpdt4d: Spea~e theu aifo 'Vntothe chiidrtn oflfi-.el, and But Pa~tl\llmt_ dowunal<td hm•ftlfevpon h1m, fay. Notwithflanding ktrpeye mySeb6ath:for it & 'tn_bv~ce.d~Jm.faytRg,Troublemry~Hrfibttl: u ~Jignebtt''Wttn me andy~u inyowrgtntratiow, f.r hu lif•u"' h1m,v ·ll• Andthey~roughtthe th•t)'' m") le._not> that I tht Lorddofi;nllijie)'OH, b.oy~t!Utt,~tnd rbry were not lllittlecomforted.l I. The fame is rc:corded,Ezech.zo. 12. To help • beaR: out ofat>it.Luk.If,f. Which It fignified alfo that blelfed re(\ sfthe fairh. oflolljhal h•ue <n oxe,on•• aj[ifallen into apit, full, in the kingdome ofheauen.Efay 6G , 3 c; ... will HOt flrl'fight\"11) pRO hmJOUt ofthe s~bFrom tnOI'Illh to montth ~ and from S~tbb~ttht; bath d•y?!I!. Prouifisn ofmeate and driukc. Snbbath,fhaN•llflejh to wcrjlnp before me Matl>.tz.l.lefatwent through thecornemthe foithJh• Lmi.Heb.-4. 8,9,10. IfIefmhadgi~ Sabbath day, andhHDifci.ples JYtre ~n h1mgred~ uen them arefl,&c. and bcg4_n tq plu'k! the tares of'orm,and to late. The Sabbath i~likewife ceremoniaii,ia that In proutlion wee mu[\ take heede that our it Wl~ obfcrued the (eanenrh day 2fter the \ cookes,and houfhold feruantsbreakcnot the creatton ofthe world, & was then folemnized Sabbath. The reafon of this is framed from with fuch ceremonies..Num. 1 s. 9 • 7Jar onthe /the kife to thegreater, out of that place. •· lfohbath dtfJye fh•ll offirtwo l•mbs of• ye•re oiJ, E 3 withoHt