Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'The order of the caufes fayin[,, 3. 1 'Will n1t tnter into tbeTabtrnllcleof A hU mcthtrJ/a the r~11tn1 oftbt 1hf0l) pUizt it Slit minr h1u;'e. r.ore~me 11ponm) p41lttorbctlde, 4· e:;: .. ~heymg E4g~ts tllttit.To fpeah:e euill of,or norfoffir mine ryes toJltepe, nor mine eye-lids to remle our fupenors.Exo£L2 r.17•..And he thttt flumber,j. vmi/1/ fintl"'"• pla<efor 1he Lord, curftth hufather or hi< mOibtr,fh•ldie thedtnth <tH h~Zbirationfor the m1gfuy Go.d tif ]Rcob. 3· I I. Difobcdience, u1hereby wecontemne To pun;o, their faults, the lighter ~y rebu. their iufi commandcnoents, Rom. 1, l-"· Difo. kin'g,the greatc:rby corrcffion,that is. by in~ belient to Parmu. z.Tim.3.1.The finnes here:. fl1ding real! or bodily pllnifl1mcnr. of,~re; To makccontraCtsofmarri3gi-,u•ithTht.:re is an holy manner o( punifhing the eut the counfell and con!ent of the parents. guilty, wht"UntO is rtq<Jircd: !. After ciliGet\.6,2. Then the fonntt ofqo~f·\~ gem &wife t.'Xlmin:rion is had, tobe:dfured ttrsofTMUJ that they tvere j<fire, ar.d thry took! ofthe crime commicrcd. I I. To !hew forth them wiue,s~fttO that they l•k,:d. GeL1.2.8. g> 9 . ofGods word,tbc offence ofthe finnc: that ~ndEfau fleing th-1t the daughters r{ c.~ntt11n the conrcknce of the offendour nuy bz d•fP(cafed 7Jtufc tU [4thtr, tJJtn lVtnt Efouto touched. Ill. It is conuenient to deferre or ljbmatl, llnd teak! 'flntotht \\!iHts which he h:zd, omit the pttniilHnent, if thereby any hope B o.Y/'IahaL<th the dmtghttrofljhm<ti,Abralmm ofamend<nent may appeare.Ecclef.J.>j.qit« [on.,.,thtjijlcr ofNab.1ioh, to be hit ,.if,, The 11st t~ hc.trt~t.!fo to .tf!tl:e words th«t men!Jttak!, eyeferuiccoffcruants. Col.3. 12. Strltttnts be 11/ thtJtt d!le ht.tre thy {emant c;,rfingthee, l4. obeditrit 111r.bem th~t ar~;our 1'11_"Jltrs acc(lrding Faroficmi?Jfl alfothim/ulfrt k:!o'WttiMh4tt~oJ' ta theJlcfo,m allthmgs, r,ot wsth t_;tjirNite IU lik.!_wifo bafl CtJt[edorbtrJ. r. Sam.10.27· But mtn pl~aJirs, b11t i?Jjingltntffiof ht4rt, f'tarint. rlurvicf!dmmf~id~ HervJh.:tU hefoue vs!fothc] (jod. Eph. 6. 6. Not wirhftmire tuhttye 111 dtJPiftdhzmJ~.-:dbrought him nopreflnts; mm pleaftrs. Anfweringagaine, when they he!dbi<Nn,gue.l V.To infliCt d'fcrued puni!h-. are reprehended. Tir.z. 6. Lttjiruar.ttbeft•bment, not in his O'.vhe name, but in God.s ieil tfJ tbtir maflcrJ; and pltt-J_(e th~m in all n:un~,·adding the fJmeholily and reueremly. thingJ 3 tfiit ~tn{wering Agnlne. D.::ceitfulndfc: Iofh.7 19 Tben!ojiJI~t~[aidvnto 0chitfl, .lvfj and wafting their ~laUersgoods.Tit. 2. Jo. (G1me, I bfa;;/;thu, .gineglory to tbt Lord 611d Neithtrpic~rs,but tb;tf tkry jJmv fl!lgoodfflith. ~~ f(r,Jel, andmak! coHfijfibnvmo /;im,,mdflmv fulnu. To fhe frO the power oftheir fupcriOr. m:1111l\J What rhot~ h:tjl dom~hide it no& jY11m me. Gen. 16. 6. ThtnSifr4i(iea/t rougMy with her, 20: And A<hananfwered11nto I<Jima, •~dfo;d, 'Wherefm j1>1fl•dfrcm her. To refifi the lawful IndwJ I h'"''jinn<d •gainj/ the LlrJqodoJif c authority oftheir fuporiours. t.Per. t.>o.To,<~td thiUha11dd•ne, • 5. AndIojlma,faid, obey them in things vnlawfull. AC\.4.J9· To .bz tU much IU thtm h4fl troubledvs, the Lord extoll themfelues aboue their betters: this is fh'Htr9ub/e th" thi. day: and an IfratlthreV. the finne ofAatichrifl. •· Thelf.>.;,4. which {/onet <I him, e;-hurned them withftre,.mdf/•ned (man •f fin) •x•il•th himftlfe a,ramjlaO rh.- u • • them Withj/ones. V. and la!lly, When thou eaUed God. L1fily,the freedeme ofthePapifis puni!hcfi, aime ot this one onely thing, that • whereby they free children from thctllluern. theeuillmay be purged and amended, & that ment oftheir parents: and ful:i<Cl..-, the the off-enJour byfono\ving for his finne,:11ay authoritie oftheir princes: fo as they make it ·mfainedly repent forthe fame. Prou. 20. 30. Jawfull for them toplotteand procure their The blc~'Vne!ffoftiJc woiindfortmbtopHr~e etti/1, death.t .Sam.'1.6.8,9.TIJmfoid Abijb4ittz.D11a!td thejlripes wit~inthc b!lwtlt ofthebe/1)'. uid,Gsdbath clojcd thine enemie into thi11e hand Sc.1t)cnthly :tnd lafHy,there is acer~ainedu~ this day: m\\;thertft~re I praythee,lct me[mitt ticofan'1;1n to b:.: P.erfon'ncd towardhimfc·tf, him o"hct: with 4 fPt~~reto the earth 7 And I wiBizot which is, that a man (hould prcferue& main~ (mire hi,nagame: andDamd [aid ttJ AbiflJal, taihe ~ith moddly, the dignity., and \VOrthi~ 7Jejlroy bun nt~t: for wh1 can I4J his h~tnd onthe rteff~, urbich is inht:rC:nt in hisowne perfon, ~ Lords llnnomt~d,4ndbegtt~ltl'ffi .~ . Phi!. 4· 8. Furthermore,1Jrethrm 1 whatfomtr III.Ingrautude-l and want ofalomng :lffe.. thin .ss art trltt 3 w·h~tt{o(l,Cr things are hon_e_ft, a ion towards parents. Math.r 5· s,6.. Butyre wh:~tforuer thiltgs ~tre illfl,whatfotutr things .cu {4J,whofoeuerJba/1{ay tofather or mothtr 1 /JJ tht pure, l\IIJ4tfocuer things pertair.e to loue, whatfogif! that is offeredby me, th1u maifl haueprofit, tMtr tbiJJus rlte ofgoodrtport, ifthtreb• any 'lJtY· riJ!,gh he honC~ur not his[tuheror mothtr,Jiutlibt l"t,or if~.,IJ!rebe 411) p_raiJ!,thinkeontheftthingJ. free. 1· Tim. 5"·4· . • . Therietratme part. Secondly, we offCHd ar,am£1: our equals 10 c.Dimio;if!J not ~he e~·cdltnry>or dignitiewhich pr~ferri~g our [dues before them, in talking i4 in the perfimofthyne~ghboar. or m~mng do~·nc, M~th. zo.1o., Thtn &a'!'t Hi~her <i.e rc:fcTred thefe finncs : vntc IJ1m the mother cfZtbedem chddrtn, WJth Firfi, ag1infl: 0ur Superiours: I. Vnrcue- '!9rr fo1mu.worfoipping him , 4'tld dtfi~ing tJcerrent behat:iour a1-1d contempt of them. TQe ,taine thing ofhim. 3C. eAnd he ftmi ~ Wb4t finnes hereof. are; dcridii1g oor fuperiours. rvouldtfl thou? .Andfheefoidto him, Gr~tnt,thAt G;;:o."9.1z• .And when 1-J:~m thefathtr ofCAI'/.Il· tbift mytUlofon11tJm(lyJit ~ the ont a! theritht anfow the n~t~ed11tjfo o(hUfather.he told IJU two 1Jand,4ndthe other .flt the left hand, 111 thJ. k.!ng. brethren wsrhoJtt. Pron. 30. 1 7· Thetye that dfJme. 14. andwb~nthe t~therten ht'fllrdthu~tht] moc~eth hiJjrlther~anddeJPifiththtitif/ruClien o} difd~ined Ill tbe 1\\!o brethren. . - . Thirdly, 1 !\