Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

' '54 'The orderofthe catfer C~"N!rttb himft/fe.j.Contentions,when twe or A 'Widow,or[Athtrhflichit.'e. zs. Theufo•l'"" more flriue in rpc:cch one with another~· for bt4nvfHrtr1/ntotht pc()Tt, Wee then iniurie ony kinde of Superiority•4• Brawlings in any thefe: I. Ifwe pay notthe labourer hio hire. confercne<. ).Crying,which is any vnfccmely Dcut, 24. I 'I· Thoufo•lt net opprrflinnhired clebation of the voice again(! ones aduerfa- (enumt tlutt U nttdie ttndpe,re, neither of thy rie.c;>a!. 5o19· The wor~esofthe jlefo •re m"Ribrethren, nor1j the jlr~<ngcr that is WitbJnthy fe/l,which ttre,:o.tmulatiens, f>ontentWns,ftditig4tes•. IS· ThoH j1Jalt giue biwJ his hirefor his OH!, Eph.4. 31, Let a// bitternejfo,ttrtd~tnger,and da1: ~titbtrflutlttht SHwntgotdD~nc vpmit: Wratb, cryiflgand tNill be pntan''!)'frDm for he IS poorc,. ttnd thereWithfofhzintth his life: you,\"tftb ttl/. mlllilloHforjfe. 32. B6 CIUYtepiU one left he CY.J ~tg~emfl thu totht L~rd,lfndit bejiuu to •n.:hcr. Gcn.J6,r>. He(viz.lfmael)jha/1be v•torbee. 2. Ifthou rdlorenotthepleogeof • Wildeman, hi6 h..n,Jf!tcll be •g•infl euery man, the poore. Exod. >z, 26, 27. If thou ~<'<!thy and euery m~nt h~tnd~getinfthiQ:.6.Complaints nughb~;n·srtument t~ plrelge, tho11]halt rrftwt tt ro cucry one of fuch as offer vs iniuries. Iaru. 'rl~Jto h~mbeft;re the Smme got doWtu: for that i1 5· 9· Grutlge not agttinft ont fiROth&r, hr~thren, B bu,g4rmtnt mtly,a11d his coueripg fw his skmne. l•fl re b•·cmd<nmed. J· Jf wee withdraw corne froo1 rhe po~re. Il r. In countenance and gefiure, all fuch Prou. 11.26. Ht thAt witbdr~tWrth the corr~e, figneslaSeuidently deciphtr the maliciousaf. the people will curji him: bHt bleffing fo•D;, vpfeC!:on;Jurking io the heart. Gen-4. 5,6. Hi. •n the hendof him that jilltth corne, (fJli?Uenflr.&c fell dow~t: tmdthe Lordfoid 'Unto A~aine, this law is as well tranfgrdfed by Cain,Whyart thou fo ~>rotb? Math.27.39·They not illing, when the law charger» to kill, th•e.p"..fd by r.iltd on him , Hbddmg their and by pardoning the punilhment due veto he~ds. murther, as by killing when we fl1ould not. Hence is itJ that deri!ion is tearmrd perfe. Numb.35·16. JfonefinittaHotherV.ith•nin. cutioa G~n.2 t .9.Sarahfow theforme ofHltgar (/rHmentofyr~n~ tht~t h~ die, btis llmHrthtrtr, the Egyptilirl mo&kin,g.&c. Gal.4-'29. Hee that 4nJthemurderer fluf/1die the de•rh. 3;. The Will borne .-!{tcr thej!tjh 1 perjtcNtcdlmn thllt WM la•acA~m~tbe clmji4ofthe blood th•tiJfotdde , hornettfter tbejpirit. thmm.lmt by the bloodofhim t!Jntjhedit. I V. In decdes; r. To fi~htu,ich,or to beat By this place alfo orecomb•tes oftwo men , our ne~ghbour 1 and to m~ime his body.Leuir. hand to hand, ford ciding ofcontrouerfies, : 24. 19,10. If tltJ)m~ntdt-.ftanyblemijbinhU c vtterlyvnl•wfidl. t. becaofethey are nor e. , mighbtmr: IU he hath JoJJe,foJb~IJ itbe d1m1 to quallmeanes ordained of God to determine him,lm<rbfor breAch,')''foreye,toothfor ,.,t,,. controuerfies. •· Inthat it fall<th out in fuch z. To procure any way the death of our combates that he is conquerour beforeman, neighbor, whether itbe by the fword, famine, who indeede is guilrio before God. I or poyfon, Geh. 4· 8. C•i~roft vp •g•iwft hu Thisalfo condemneth PopilhSanCluaries brothtt, tflldflue bim.3. To excrcifc tyrannous and places ofpriuiledgo : as Cl}utches, and cruelty inafflicting punidments. Deur. • 5·3. the like , wherein murderers filelrer and FortyflripesJhall ht cauft him tl{ h111~(, Andnot lhroud themfelues from rhe danger of the p4fJleft •[hej1Jo111d e.weede, and beau him ab(lut law, For God expreffclycommandeth,Exod. that v.>ith "'""J flripu ,thybrotherJhoH!d "PP'"' "·'4· 'Thalfo<h an enejiJRllbet•k!nfrom his de(fifid inthyfight. z.Cor.t t·•+· Ofehe /c'wes Altar, 1imhemttydie, And h•b,r.King.>.J+· I receiuedftuewnes fortit f/tipesf~ueune. 4· To toochmg the horoes of the altar , was flaine vfe any ofGods creatures hardly. Pro.r z. to. in the temple. A righuo;u m•n regardeth the life •l hi6 f,,.JI, Hitherto in like fort belong fuch things as hHt the merci:sD{ the wicked 11re crJ~eU. Deur. conceroe the foule ofour neighbour. 1.To be n .6. Ifthouftndta bmJuze•flin the l!riay,inaafcandal or offence to the foule ofour neighny trte, or on thegrom:d,\\lhrther they be)'Dng.or D bour,either in life or do6!rine,Mat.t8.7.Woe tJ,ges, andthe d11mme fitting vpo11theyoR1J,gs or be t9 thew~rldbecaufe ofoffincer: it i4 nrct~fv 111pontbt egges, thou j11alt not tak! thedamme thttt•Jfinces flJould &ome: but WDthe t(l them ry With rheJ'mg.but j11alt ina»)' Wife ltt tht J4mmt "'h'm they doe £ome. gor, And tak[ theJIMI1g to thtt, thatthoum4ijJ z. To minilleroccations of llrife and difproJPer®d prol.,,g thy a4i<s. S: ~0 take QCcafi. cord:Thewhichwe then do:t.,When we can. onby our neigRbours mfirmJ.taes, to vfe ~Im not bee brought to remitte fome~hu of eur difcourteoufly,and tomake h101 eu: laughmg owne right, z. Wheo we returne fnappifb and , frccke,or t3UI1ting rtcrearion, Leutt. 19. 1.4· crooked anfwen,3.When we interpret cuery Thou fh•le not mrfo th' dc4[e,nor p•t • jJumblmg thing amiffe, and take them inthcworfi: parr, J bjoc~t b•fortthe bli•d. 1.King. z.z>.Littlerhilt.Sam.z5·25.Nab•li6 hi6 n4mt,&foU)iJ 'With ~ drm came outofthe Cirie, ;md mock!d him, And him. 2 .Sam.Jo.3. .And the Princesofthe chil~ foid V1Jto him. Come -vp thoubofldhe. .;d, c~;me vp dren of .Ammon[aid 111 Hanun thti1· Lord: ' I ehoub•ldht4d. 6, Toiniuretheimpotenr,fee- 'Thi•kffl tho11 th•t 'IJ•11id doth h•noHrthy fable,poore,firangers, fathcrleffc or widdowes. ther,that he h~tth (tnt comforttrl 11 thtt? h11rh Exod, 22.21,22. T houfha/t?JOl doe iniurie to" n•t:D4uidr~ttherftnt hUftruants vnterhtt, t• ljlranger,neithcropprcfli him ' forye t>ert Jlran. fearch the cit], toj}i~ it QUt,and to outrthro\t 1tl gers ;,Jtbelandof Egypt. Yefl.a/1nottroubfe.ny wheref~re H fln;m~~~ D11uidsftrHftfJts Andjb4~ I Htd