Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

of Saluationand 'Damnation. 57 meAt}thirflrd ttt~dyt u~u~ mentJdr:1t1kt,&c.45· ina.s'm:P:hyul;d tt n~t 0 1(} 1n: ofthe /r.~jJ df th~Je~ yedJdi'tnottll mu. Jl. loleq~oi.~ur hdpmg ·hand "'hen our neighbeursbody IS many dan .. gei, ;, Ioh.j.r6. Jiereby ~~ perai,tfd l1ne, tiJ4t be l9d dJ'rlu11t hU lifefor 111, thrrefore ought we 11 /Jty dgnmeDIIr Hues for tbrbrethren. . When a man is dead, u.tec: ought ro.commtc ti1odead corpsto the graue, as may appearc by ·thefe arguments. I. TheinfiinCt<;fNarureit felfe. JJ. Theexamples ofthe Patnarkes, and 'ocfier holy perronages. Abrah•m buriedSa'"h· Gen. '3· I9· Ta4k:!b u buriedbJhufonnts, .Gc– 'nrf. 50. rt. Srtutn Vyreligiom and deutmtmm, I ACts 8. z. Ill. The Lords owne approbation / ofburiall, in that he numbreth it amongfi- his ; benefits. For the want thereof is a curfe, Ic:– ' rem.i>. I9. He(•iz. Iehoiakim)fo•ilbeburied : tU4» Ajfo U burjed, euen drt~~ne. and ct~fl forth 1 witiJoJst thegattsof/emf4ltm. Therefore rather ; then e.M•fis fi10uld be vnburied, The Lord 1himfclfe did burie hill), Deut. 34· 5· 6.{ts I tbe{trt.,n<Dj the Lord di:d in thtl•ndef Moah, 11ccording to ,theUi~dofth.eLord. Andbee hl~ried f~im iua '!).c/lty, m the lAndofM o11b,om:r Jtg.cmjl Bcth-peor.b•t•• man f<vor•~rhofhu Sepulchre vn to thu day. IV. There JS. no dead carkafe fo lothfo:ne as mans, tlie whtcb both arguetl1 the neccfsity ofburiall,and ho'r vgly we are in the fight ofGod, by reafon oJii•ne. V. :rb~ body mufi rife againe out ofthe earth, that 1t may bee made a perpetuall mant:'cn-qoufe for the foule to dwell in. VI. The boc1ies oft~e faith– full arc t\le temples ofthe holy Gtl(>ft, ~.t~er:forc mull: rife againe t9 glory. vrt. Bun•llts a tcflimony ofthe loueand reuerence \io ·.e bt:are to thedeceafcd. A funcrall ought to be folem.nized after' .an boocfi and duill manner : namely, agreeJ6'le to the nature and credit as well ofthofe which remaine :tliue, as them which arc dead. Cort... cerning tl1e ljuing, they n;mft fee th>t I. their mourning b:: moderate, and fuch, as may wei! cxprefic >heir affd!ion and lqu\' to the pattie departed. !oh. xr. 34• He foid, where h•••Y"' layd him? they ••Jromd, Lordc.,.e.,dfie. 35· Thtn lefiur<ept.Aml (vec( 36.)the 7e~>es[.id, B<boU ho-.. htloHed him. 11. They mufl auoid fuperflition, and not furmife that funerall Ce. temoniesare 3ulileabletot:he dead. Such are the rites ofthe Church ofRome;as robe buried in a Church,efpecially vnderthc Altar,and in• Fryers eoule, Ill.They oughtto take heede of pompe and folcqinjties. For of alf ollenrations ofprjde, that" is mofi foolillis tobe bolftiogof ;t !o:nMfome and .deformed corps. Ef•·21.t),I6.Thmfaiththt L"JG.d o[b.ffJ, qoeget.t~C(,. rh>t rrt•fi<rtr' (o Sbtbn.:, rb.t S(e• w•rd ofthe houfi, and[4], wlw h•fl thou tide< here? 4nd 'Wb!Jm haff ~ho!t. btre, ? rht~t rhott jlJoul– dl'fliJerc Juw theeo1Jt" Sepr~l~hrt; AJ,hc tk/lt hew~ tth out ,hU Sepulchre in 4 hig.J' pl4ce, or thatgt;lf· zmhan JJo~~bitfltionfor him[elfe inarock!.. To,his:co1umandemept beJqngetht~efe Qn– ties: 1, Be(ore the vintage 9r haruefi:,weought A topermi:an~man, tor the reprefsing ofhun– gerto gather grapes, or plocke offtheear~• of c.orne.Deut,23.Z4,25. Whenthos {;()11Jmeft int• tby neighho11r1 'fllfltJ11rd, thm tbo;4 mayefi tllte gr<lpts •tthy ple".{urt, '"much .u thOI< »ilt : bot thou flJtdt put none int~ tby-ueffiO.whenthoutotn– mefl inro<hy ntig/pboPrS<orne, tho« mayejlplncf<! the thi,e hand, but t~ouJhjflt nqt mooHe ajick{nothyReighborscorne. Mach. u. 1• .Jefm went on.the St~bb11th d").through the t~rne,and hU 7Jiftiples t\' hungred,dn~began to pllspke the eares 11jtht cornt, •mdto care) &c. ll.ln the vin– tage, and time ofharueff,weeought neither to kaue the trees naked ofgcapes,nor rakevp af– ter the re::ping,earcs ofcqrne: but toleauc the B alter.gatherings forth< po.ore. Leuit. '3·.n. Whenyou rt~~pe the luwuepo{JIHtT ltmd, tbo11.flu•lt 1m rid del4n the ctrntrsoj 1hy jitfdwhenthoH rtll– pejl:nei!herfo•lt rhon m•k!•fter.g•thtrings ofth] h:JrHt{l ;butflJ~it /e411C thtmvmo thepoere, and tP thejlr~rl1ger: I am the LrJrd.your God,Ruth.~.s. Goe tl no11e other field tog11thtr, neirherJ!lr {7olli hntee, but 4bide herebymy m~tieitns,9.SoJbegle11.. tJtd in thefi~Jd vnr~OtNenmg. Ill. Concerning the foule of our neigh– bour:/. Wemufifeckeall m<>ncsto wm him to the profefsion ofchrifiian Religir;m. I. Cor. I o.33./ plt4fiaHmen ina/rhings,notfitkjng miot o-..n pro{it,buttheprofit•fmA"J,tb•tthry might be f4ued~Ht:b 10.:24. Le1 v.s csnfifit.ror.tlfnsther, tP pr11uok! vnto loue,rj- tDgood 'Wfrktl. 1I, We mu{! C liuqmQngflttJenwithcutoffence. x.Cor.xo. 3z. Gi.ue no ojftncepdther toihe1e"Wtl nort~the Grtci,J,sp.r t• the (borch ~(God. I .C~r,8.13.1f mw offendmybrother,l wiUtat nojlefh while the \fm/djl,.dtrh. th4ll1J!4J·nore!Jendmy brother. lll.The light ofourgood life muft beos a Jan– terne todicet{ ~he W'aies of o~r oeighbors.AC!s >+'-4· Thu1conftffiflntothee,d,at•frer the rMy (whrch thercaU hmfi.e)fo -..orfl,ip 1tbt God•fmy F11thers, btlte11i11g 411thingsWhichAre writtm rn the L•V. andthe 'l'ropbtts. ·\ 5· Andh<Jtt hnptto1 w~trdsGod,that the refi,rreaitmefthe deJtd;which thty themfilues loukf for •lfo~ {ball kee both ofi11jl AN~-.~ vniuft. I 6. Andherein I ende:m~ur mJftlfe to l.1t~Ue' IIIWAJa cleareconftitnce to\\J~rd God,.;wd ,,_ wards mm./V.lfour neighbor offend,we arc to D adm•10ifhhim. r.The0:5·I4 Wedrji,.youbT'– thren,h.drt.1Qnijh them tl~at Are vnr~tly: comftJrt the feeble m~>tdell: bt4re 'A•ith the we~tk(, be patientto. W4rds 4/l 1'1#11'. Y.Ifour neighbor run thewai~s ofGodscooHnandement (as Da~tidfpeaketh) weought to encourage him in the fame. ' IV. vVeemay referre fucb things vnto this commandement, as appertai,neto the peculiat pceferuar)on ofeuery fcuerall mans life. I. Re. creation, which is an exercife ioyned with the fearg QfGod. conuerrant in things ·indifferent, for the prcf~ruation ofbodily £\rengch, & con– firmationofthe minde in holinelfe. EccleCz.z. 1[aid of laughter, thoq·•r! madde'; and •f i'}, wh•t ~ thu th., tlfO~tdoefl ~ E(a.s.u.The harp.e, 1li~IJ~tsmhre0.4nd ptpe,~~t'l'ld wine,4rtin ther'rft4j11, butrheJr<g~rJnot the Wor~eofthe Lord, neither confitltrthe ~~>orkts ofhu /JNnds. I.Corinth.t o.9• F 2 Z.leithcr