Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

of Sa!uationand Vamnation. Amo.s ·s. 4 , 5,6. fle.trethu yurhat {WII~'W vp A grieutd. 14· 11Ht!Vpt~niike cmJitkn•t thUtimt, thep~rt,[:l)'inJ, Whtn r.&i/'the 11t'W m1tJeth bt ,f9nt, JOHr lfhund,:rnctfopp'Jtth their /tzck_t, thllt ttf(o their &r.. th4t """'YfoOtberefufo •f the whea._ll I. abund41fc< maybe f~r JOllY lack!: tha there m".} When men faHilie their meafurcs and weights. be tq..litie. D:ut. 1 ~·I 3 . Th'"jhalt not h•ue inthy baggetW• !t.nd thinfurie, pofitiue lawesdoe not only mtmntrtJfweightl 1 ffj,Yllftand afmlf0, 14.~11ttiJOH renraine,butOOt allow. , · jl~<lt hane•ri•htcndaiujf rveight: aperjefl anda Ji!..t!ejl. !sit not lawfull to takc>at fometime i~<rt meafure(halt th•u haue.Leuit. I9· 35; Y t Jhall aboue the principall? rM Jr~e vnirtftLy in iHdgemcnt;in /me ,m we1ght ,orJn .An( 'Of. Ycsfurefy, with chcfc conditionS :I. m,.fore. 36. Ycejh.O haue iujl bal.mees, true Ifamantakehecdthathee e:.:aCinothing, but I . weights,• rrue Eph•,and• rr•e Hin. /t.mos 8. 4· that whidi his dcbtercan gee by good and thu,ye th•• foy, When .,;n the S•bb41h b« full moatJOs. I I. Hee may not take more then g•.,, that •we m•J .(eR corn<, andmak! the Eph< the gairn:, nay not all the gaine, nor thot pait ;r,,./1, and the jhekel grtat,andjalf:Jietlwweights ofthegaine which drinkes vp the liui"g of him I ' by deceit 1 that vferh the money. I I 1. Hce mull fome111. When the buyerconcealeth the goodii timesbee fo farre from raking gait e, that hee neffc of the thing, or the feller the faults of it, mull not require the principal!, Ifhts dtbcer be Iand bliud.foldeth the truth with counterfeit by ineuitable •nd iutl cafualties brought bei fpeeches. Math. 7·''· WhAtfoeueryee W••ldth<t hind, and it b'e alfo pl<ine that bee could not ! menj/Jo}j/dJqe--..mto)'~M.,tHttl/6 dae t# them:for this make., no not by grcac diligence,anycommodi~ itthr L:rwandthe Prllphets. Prou. 20 1-i· }t;s cieofrhemoqey bonowed. ; na~ght,tt is n•ught,foishthebuyer, butwhrnht is The rcafono why a manm2y take fometimes gone •part, heboa.f/eth. aboue th< principall,are,r !Th'f whr<h the debIV. When in baying and felling thepcocermaygiue, hauing him[elfe anhonefigaine pie arc opprelfcd. And this is done, 1. when bdides, and no man anywayes endammaged, the iu[l price ofthings is raifed. For in bargaithat the creditour may fafdy receiue. ning, it is not lawfull to putfe one p"nny, with- >. It tsconuenkm, that he w~ich bath ntO• our the ~iuing ofa penny worth. 2. Salevpona ney lent him, and gainerh by it, 0>CJui<>e~· all fer day, which is, when day is giueu, that the pofsiblegratitude to him, by whofq;oods Ill' is price mar be inhanced. For what is this, I pray enriched. you, but to fell rime, and to take more of our ; . It is often for the benefit ofthecrcditour, neighbour, then righ• 1 3• Toingrolfe, which c to hauetho goc>ds in hisowne hands which hee . is to bu>•vpall of one commoditie inrothine lent. o•.vnc hands, that when no other bath any of Obitli. Money is noifruitfull, thercforeit is rbc.f2me, thou main r:U it at tbioe owne price. vnlawfull to tt>cciue more then we lent our. 4· Tobcco:ne bankerupt, thar thou maid! be .Anf>A>. /t.lbeit money in it felfe be notfruir. enriched by the damr<~ages,and goods of other full, yet it is made very fruitful! by the llorrown.en. 5· Notto refiore that, whiehwa.leot trsgood vfe, as ground which is not fruitful! ro one,pkcged roone,orfoundby him. Ezech. except it be tilled. 18. 7· Nmh" bath •Pprt/fedany; b.t hathreP•· Lafl ofall, when a man deraineth the labouredtht pl•dK' t• his debter: htt th., hahQmled rers wages, lam. 5·4· B•h•t.l ,the Lire •ftht l•- noneby wdenee,&c.6. Tu delay any ~inde ofreb•urers (>A>hichh••• re•pedy••rfitlds, which u of {bwcion fJ·o,n one day to another. Prou. 3· 18. JOR ~•pt b<ckt by fr•ud) cry•th, •nd the cries of s~y mt to thy nr~ghbollr. Dep4rt,t41td Ct1me ttg4ine. them w,hich bttue ret~ped,IIJ'Ientred inttJ the tarn 1' to m~rro\.\11 WilJ p"') yun ~ when thoumai~fl Joe it the LordDj htJjls. t!Jm. Pral.J7·''· Thewiclzyd m•• b•rrowerh, .nd Vniult d<alingout ofbargaining, islike••ife payerh nut aj4me, b~tt ther1ghttoU& 11 mere~f~tll4nd manifold : I. To pronouuce falfe fenrcnce or Lenderh. 7 ro praCbG.: vGme. Pial. rf. 5 Winch D iudgeihenr tfor a reward, eith!r proftrrJ, or h.-thm1t pllt hU money to 71.rurie. Ex0d. ll. ~s. If profl)iled, Efa.J 2.3. Tlu Prin&ts 4rt' rtbtlli!tus, thou lendeft mrmey to my people. tBthe ftJDTt m•n •ndcomp«ni811J t~ftheeues ; £Utt]C11eloHtth,E~ftJ wh1ch d1 ~tUeth ~Uhthe~• be not to himJU ttn vfo· t~~ndfo/Jqrpethafterrew.Jrds: tbry tud.!;' n uhef 4 _' rer,/4_} not vfttrtevpon hms. thtrleffi, 1J~itbtr doth the wid"'~ts Ctrlfe CtJ»Jt bt... VCwrieisagaineexaltedbycouenant~ ahoue fort them. This is the Lawyc:s aud lu0p(s the principall oncly in.lieu, and recompcnce finne. 1I. To feede, or clothe fi<·ur aod lo.Hy ofthe len:.ling ofir. Vfurie being cooli.icred as roguesorbeggers. 2. The{1<10 w hrnwr wtre it is thus defcribed , is quire contrarie to Gods 'WithyoH, \Vrenioy,ud)'OH thU,thott t{ltr:J wo~la' not werd, and may very firly bee tearmed bydng I~~hoHr~ the [trme Jhould nBt e.:tte. Wl at cbrn Iocr<. Ewd. ». I 4· If ••J mm hathb.rm••d thinke you, muft thore 1ic<nfed roe•>« and lfl'fj' thin~ Qf omother, wbflt(oeuer U hurt or dyuh. beggers bv aurhority,I meane aJI idle MonkcS' tf the owner of the thing be tlDt prtfont, Ju him bet and Abby.lubbers haue ? Soc:ares ii t~e Tti- ~e.comptnc~d. l 5· ~f he bee pr~{t-nt . recompmce par.rite hHlory, fair~ plainth, that thAt Monk! htm'1ot :' if he htt btrrdfor 4 prtee,ll ufold forthe wh.chl~tboureth 1fOt\\llth htA har.d 1 , U nD betterth·lf f-9m~ ~r1ce Ezech.1 &:8. Ht h~tib not_gJW,Ho v{u • theefe. I1I. Gantmg for rnonev <'I cl gaine. r~t,n~~rh.erhuht4k._mincre.t(e. z, Cor. S rJ- Nri For. tl~ou maieft not inrich thy fi. Jfe by impo. '"" u tt tha "her meo fh•uld bee eoftd anJJ•H uenilimg thy brother, This gaming is worfe .I, faiTe