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of Saluation and 'Damnation. 69 But ifwhen we feckc the glory ofGod,ho- A ofour neighbours wife. . . · · oefr and godly men doe praife& tdlifie well Houji] The commaundement is illuflratcd ofvs,wemull not defpifc this their telhmony by an argument drawn from the di!ltibution and com:nendation: and although they neofthe obieC\s ofconcupifcence; whence it is ucr praifc: vs, nor tcflific of'' at all, yet roull ;~.pparc~t,t.hat only eui! concupifcence is con· we: take it in good part.:t.Cor.t. I 1. F~r DHr denmed iathis place. Col. ~·5· For there is a rtifyciltg js thil, the tePiwuny t~J oMr confr,:nc~, good concupifccnce or ddire : a• of meate th•ri•ftmplicitJAI"It•d/y purtotjfo, And ootln and drinke,and that of thefpirit. Gal. S• 17. fl•Jhiywif", ~Ht ~1 rhegr-.,.jgodwt h••• T htJPirit lufleth •g•i•JI theflejh. h•Jour .-.,.erfltion in the w.rid, •odmojl ofAB Tlu neg;~tiHI p4rt. to y•fi·11Ards.Aadc.I0.13.'BIIt B>l ~ilJIDtrtii)ct Thoujlu>it not couet th•t ~hich u thyntighbm. ofthings \\fhich 111r1 rtat Miithin o~r me~fore, bHt Here are prohibited, · accordtrig 11 tht mM[ure •fthtltnr,whtmfG•d I. Concupifcence it felfe,namcly, originall h4th JijlriJ11411d ff "JJ4 me•fure, lllflt(lJnt IHIII corruption, inaimuchas i;is hurtfull to ou~ vnto you. Pfal.t6.5. Tbt Lord u tht p~rtion.•f neighbour,(am. I .14. 1'11ine inhtritanct,.rrul 1[myc11p: th9u jhalt n14J1J• B I!. Each corrupt and fudden cogitation and t4jnemy Lot.6. Theli11ts 14refa/ltn vnt• n11in pafsion ofthe heart, fpringi~ out ofthe ~it- ''••font pi•m:yeA/ haue •f•ire heritAge. I · terroote ofconcupifcence. Gal. s. 17. The Cor.r ·3 r•H' thatrtil)ftth, let himre;~,, in fieJIIi•fltth•g•infl the fPirit, Luke 10.27.Tho• the Lord. Jh•id••etht Lord, ll!ith allthyfoule. To this CHAP. XXIX. place appertaineth Satansfugge!lion, ifafter the fir!l offer it beentertained and receiued in o1 th• ,,,h C"""'"nrJ'"""'· the clofet ofthe heart. Ill. The leaf! cogitation and motion, the J He tenth Commanodcmentconcernoth which, thoughit procure not cofent,dclights, concupifcences againll our neighbour. &tickles the heart.ibid. Ofthis kindare thcfe The words ate thefe : foolilh wilhes: I would fuch an houfc were Thou (halt not""" thy •eighboors hlufe,th•• minc,fuch a lining, fuch a thing, &c. And !Jj.. fo•it not cou•tthy neighb••rs wif•, niT hufirthcrto may we referro all vncha!lc dreames, Mant,nr;r J,il m~tide,114r hil oxe,mr hil t~Jle~n;r4~ arifing from rh• force ofconcupifcence. "}thing thAt thynf1hbour h•r.h. The aflirmatiue part. heRefoiot,.n. c C••" th•• ootly whirh u •H4ile•ble " thy C••tt] The cogitation or m?tion of the ntighb•HT'good. heatt, is ofthree forts :the firl.t IS fomc glanHere arc commanded: cing or fuddcn thought,fuggefted to the mind I. Apure heart tow•rd~ our neigl>bour. t. I by Satan,whichfuddenly vanilheth away; and Tim.1.5.The md 1[ thec0mf!.ndeinmtU/tJu~ 1111 is not receiued of the minde : This is no fin. •f• pure h<rt,ag10dconfciece,t:;;-fait/, wf•ined. For it was in Chrifl when hewas tempted by I I. Holy cogitations, and motions of the rhe diudl, Math.4.t·;.Thc fecond,is a more fpirir. P••lprayeth, 1. Thc!T.5. '3· Th•tth< pcrmanentthoughtormotion, thewhkhas Thtjfolmi•ns m•y be holy, not ontly in body •nd it Were,rickleth ;and inueigheth the mind with foule,bHt •lfo inJPil'it,Eph.4·';. fo<ne inward ioy. The third, is a cogitation I ·JI I. .11 conAiC\ again!l theeuilloffdlions draw·ing fro:n the wil and affdtion,full arrent and lul'ls ofthe fleO,.Rom.7·"·1 reio)'ce i•the to fin. We are to vndcrfiand this commtn- ·I•W ojgod,inre~artiofthe inWArd m•n.23. Bot dementofthe fecond fort ofmotioosonly;for I I fie ••other lAW •[my trtembm,rtb<Ningagainjl the third kind which hauc confcot ofwill, bethe lawofmy mtnd 1 andmAk,fng mt rttptiueto the long to the fiue former Commanderneors. ia111 •ffln, Whicht< inmymtrllbtrs.%4-Mifir•- Now then to couet is to thinke inwardly, D bltrnanthAt I •m, Who fhaU de/iutr mef,..m thi< & alfo to defire any thing,wherby our neigh- 'bodytfdeath! l.Cor. J2.7,8,9. hour may be hindred , albeit there enfue no alfcnt of the will,to commit that cui!. For the CHAP. XXX. very Philofophers condemne couecoufi>clft · Ofthevjiofthe L•lll. ofthe heart; and <;:iuilians~ifallow a purpofe only to do euill,ifit be cenioyned with amaTHe vfc ofthe Law in vnregcnerate pernifefr deliborarion. And as for the concupifons,i• three- fold. ' fcence in this place forbidden, wee may well The lir!l,isto lay open finne, and make it thinke it is moreclo[eand ftcret; bc:caufc S. knowne. Ro"'. ~- •o.'Bythell!orl<fsof the law P.t1d, a Dod:our ofthe Law, wasaltogether JI1Ai no .fl•JI• be iuj/ifiu/ in hufight for ry the l•w ignorant ofit.Rom.7·7· 'f hadnotl:!tor•m IHJI, 'omts rhe ~nowltdJe offinnt, except the LaW h•dflid, Tho•Jlt'lt not I•P .jA. The fecond vfe, isacddentarily to effd~ gain:, ifthat concupifceoce immediately go. aAd augment finne, by reafoo ofthe Aclh, iog before the confcnt, were not prohibited the which caufeth man ro decline from that .i in this place, there mull be agreat confufion whichis commanded, and eucr to incline to in the Decalogue.For thefcauenth commanthat which is prohibited. Rom.7·8. Sin tookf I dement forbiddeth fome kindc of coueting 1'~'sfion h7 the commandmmtr, And wrctNght \ Gz in