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ofSaluatton andVainnation. ~he Grecit:lf. 1 7· For the ;11jlice ~[God UrtHt.J- A 1 ofci~cHmCijion, Mthe fettle ofthe rightecufoessf ledbyit,fromfaithtof~ith. Ioh.6.6j- lt ti_rhe 'thef•ith which he bad, llihen he w.u vncirCHmJPirit which q11ickneth,theflrjh pr•fi"' h'~~'' hmgr cife4.Gen.J 7·11 .. Yt fo•ll cirmmcift thefm· the words whi<h I [peak!_ areJPirit and lift· I. skjnofyo•rfl:f",••dit jhaUbe afitneofth~ea~teCor-l.ll· ft p/l.tftd(jodby thefooliflmeffi of n.nt bmveme me andyo11, .. pre.chin~, to (A•efo:h "'btlet•e. God alone i• the author ofaSacrament,for The Gofptll preached is, in th< Rouri!hing the figne cannot coofirme any thing at all, dlate ofChri£\s church, that ordinary means but by the confetJt and promire of hi:n , at to beget faith:but in the ruinous dl:ate ofrhe whofe hands the benefire promif<d mull bet fame, when as byapo!la(ie, the foundations receiued.Therfore God it is al0ne,which apthereof are (\taken, and thockere light oftbe pointeth fignes ofgrace,in whole alone pewword is darkned,thcn this word read or repea er it is to bellow grace. , , ted,yea the very Cound therofbeing but once And God did make a Sacrament,by the fa. , heard,isby the afsiftico ofGods fpirir,extra. cramentall w01d, as A•guft. witneffeth, fayordinarily effefruall,to them whom God will ing: Ltt the l!pordcome to theelem<nt,efr thm i<, haue called out ofthat great darkncs into his B made • Sac'""""'· The facramentall word, is exceoding light. Rorn. 1 o. 14· How Jh•ll th'7 the word ofinflitution,the which God after a ,46 o, bim,in~h1mthey h(mtr.Qt bel~fued? P.nd fc:uerall rnannt:r, hathfct down in each Sacra.. how j/Ja/1 theybeluue in him, ofwho., they halll ment. Ofthis word there are two parts: the not h1~trd! a~howjhtt/J they he12re wirhoht 11 comrnandemenr,and thepromife. The compre<ch:r 1 Afr.rr ,19. ANd thry which wtrt mandement is, by which C.hrill appointeth jcattmdr.brwi, bec••fiofthe afjlt[ii,n thot • · the adminillration of the S2cramenrs, and r'.ft about SteRen,wlllked throughoutril thrycttmt the rcceiuing ofthf' fame.As in B2ptif'lle>Gjt to Phenice,t~nd cyprns,<fnd411tWchia,preMhing inN 4/ them in thl name,r::}c~ the wordttHHJ man,bMtiOtb~[ewcun!y.zo.Now M<!t.l8. 19 In tht" Lords S[lpper, r ·~e, etttt, Jime •f them l!pmmen of Cyprtu a•d Cyr<ne, drinkylotJ'' thi<. Mat,a6.J6, Thepromife is which when they'"" come into Antiochia.ff"~' rh• other part ofthe inllitmion,wherby God vnto the qrecians andpre4Ched the LordIefus. ordained elements,that theymight be it,Grult.And the hand ofthe Lord W.u with tbem,fo mentsond feaies of his graq:.As in B•prifiuc, that 4 gruzt num~trht/eeued,4lndrurmd vnto tlu 1bvpti'{.t thee in the n~mtof thq FtUhtr, {If rbe Lord.Ioh.4.18. Thewor,.-n thenleftherl!pA. Son,andoftheho'yGl,oft. In the Supper, Thu m-pot,& W£nt her W'!)' intothe city, andfaid to C u my hodygiuenforyoui at'd,Thu i1"']blood of the mtn.1.9.{orne,ttndfee 4 man ~;hich h~rth told the nttl' Teflament. Therefore thls word in rht: mr •I things rhateuer? Ji.d: Is R" be the Chri/1! admini!lration ofthe Sacrar)lentouohr tobe thttJ thty \tlent ~ut ofthe ciry. & camevnto him. pronounced difl:inCUy and aJoud, y:a., 2nci sS ~9.NowmATJ}oftheSa~mriJ:isbelttuedin bim, occafton ferueth, explaned al(o; to tl)e end; forthefa)'ingo[thewomanl!phichttjlijied, He that all they to whonl-thecomniaundemeHt h•th told me •Uthingr that e•rr I Jid.41 • .And and promife appertainetb,may know and vn. many moe belte•ed,brcaufi ofhu '"'"' l!psrJ.4z. derll:and the fame.And hence it is verypiainc, .A11d rheyfoid,.;nto the \\lom~n, noW \\ft bt!ttHt, that the Minifiers impictic, doth not rr.lke a nor bec••ft•fthyfoJing :forwe h•ue hf<rd him nullity_ of theSacrament, neither doth i: any tmr fo/uu,~tndltno\\1' that thiJ i6 indeed rhe Chrift wh1thmder aworthy receiuer: no more then the S~tuirmr~ftht '1\'orld.Ro· I 8,/ dem~nJ, the piety ofagood mini!ter can profit an vr.- haue they ,.,t he4rd? m doubt tke:r{ottndwr~:t worthy receiuer rbecau!tt :~.ll the ef6cacic in' ut thrortgh an the earth,~tnd thetr words into the worthincffe thereof, depcndeth onely vpon endsofthe world.Thus we may fee, ho.v many Gods inflitution,fo be it that beobrciued. , ofour fore-fathers,& anc<llours in the mtdfl The parts ofaSacrament are,tlie ligne, and of Popery obtlined eternal! life. Rcu. Il.l7· D the thing ora S•crament. The dragon wa~ wroth with the \\'om"n, And The figne,is either the matter f::nlibJc, Or \\lent & m1Uie \.\lar with th: remnant ofherfted, theaCl.ion conuerf.tnt abour'rhe fasne. which k!pt the comm<nd<mmts ofGod, & h•ue The mottcr Ccnfible, is vfually called the thmfli.,,•Y•fle[,.. Cbrijl.Ro:n.' '·4· wh.1t tignc. failhthediHine Orttcles? I h~tuc refi_rHtdto mtt The':lutarionofthe fi'gne,is nornatur:I:Oy 7.thoufond mm,whithmner boweJkfJttttl B,uf. changmg the fi1bfiance of the tHrw ; but re: CHAP. XXXII. fpett!ue,rhat is,onlv in regard ofthe vfe. For it isr~u:red from acommon roan holy vfe : Thcrfore there is noc any !uch either forceor efficacy ofmaking vs holy , inhere.r.t or tyed THllSIDuchofthe preachingoftheword: vnto theexterMJI figncs,as there is naturally no.v follo••erh the appendants to the. bathcstopurifiecorrllpt difealcs: bur.U fuch fame: namely,theSacramems. efficacy is w~o_llyappropriare to the holy fpi. , ASacmment is tlm, whereby Chri!l and nt;yetfo,as tt lS an tnleparablecompanio 11 of n.ts Gluing v,r.aces, are by CCrtJinc externaJJ trtle faith andrepentance,andto fuch astuine n;es,fignified,exhibited1andfealcd to aChti~ v~t? the Lord,is,~ogether wifhthe; ligne, ex.. !l_t_an_m_.,_'·_R_o_m_a_n.__ 4_·,_,_._H_ er_c_"_''_;,_J_rh_e fi.=-\1: ~-·-e __ h_•b_tt_e_d_.w_h_en_c_c_It_comm<th to paffe, thatby ------------------------- ~c•3 > Godt