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~~~: ACAINST LICHT CATTLE, SHEEP, AND LAMBS. , ~i ~:. l~:~·N.~'··is~1ir~;~:~?~~~nf~~r~1 ~~~~ :,~~ ':e~c~~-ii~~v~l~ t-;'rt /Ji •- -wire·, \,1Jl Xo. G, rc~t No. b '\r G. J · - W'ith Solid Skcl Wire, Oiled ...... 1..~.~.)-. per vard. , , .:s; Go.lntni<&JV\..;-:' 1 Ojd. ,· , 7-pl;r Cabl.:r~ay,; ... l /0;2d. , " STRAIN EO Wl RE FtfN.CE, WITH ·~.\l.UJ • .JfllV.~ 1Jm1!!\P'S lUl).UU~(j!il!\]] J}qt!l0ltol3i 1<\U'~);l 3(i.11

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• 1· THE ,JVV0 RK--E-__ S_O_F_ T_H_A_T ·pAMOVS AND VVORT HY 11INISTER OF CHRIST, IN THE VNIVERSITIE OF CAMBRIDGE M. VVJLLI H! P ERKINS, THE SECOND VOL VME. Newly corrected according to his owne copies. WITH DISTINCT CHAPTERS, AND CONTENTS OF cuery booke prefixed: and two tables of the whole adioyncd; oneof the marreh, and quenions: rheorher ofchoice places of Scripture. Hoi. 55· ·,, Ho, uuryone that thir/1tth, comeye ID tbtw4ttrt,and yethat h.1ut no{ilrser,C'C1mt)6HJ,a"d eate: corm, l[aJ. b:IJ wima,Jmil~e rPithollt{iluer and without monry. I • / \. I . ( Printed at London by loHN LEGATT, Printc:r to the Vniuerfitie ofCAMBRIDGE. I 6 I 3· \_~

4 7 s 9 '" Jl 11 IJ tents of the three bookes of Cafes of C onfcien~e, both for Heads and number ofthe f!.!!_ejlions. Thefir£1 6gurelheweth the page. the 2.1heColumne T H E F I RST B 0 0 K E. THePrcfaccrouchingthegroundandor- A I C H A P. IX. dcrofrhcTreanfc. p•g.r. Ofthefecondfpee~allD&llrdll-,arifing from C H A P. I. ourward affl1dions. p.1].c. I, or Confcflion, and thcJcgret~of I. HowlheTrculieofmindArijinge[AjfM/,,.,, Goodoe!fe. p. l.c.I, maJ bewnrdird! Ib1d. C H A P. Il. 1, Howlhemind,fiheparli.dlflrr!Jed"JA} brt Ofche nature and dlfferenceoflinne.p.j.(.J, f/•)~.1. when t!u Lord diffrrudtli~etr4nctl C H A P. li I. pag.J r.c.:. Ofthefubicdioo and power of Confcimcc. Wh•llsaman 10 dor, thatfi•dsw,.ndof hu •f· p. u.c.r. jM/,;mUdratbl P·33 c 1. • C H A P. IV. 3· Howm•pmanbeab{oo<nd•rtwllhCJmfm i Of the dlllint\ion of~cllions ,or Cafcr. lhepangso{Dwb? p.J4.c.r. l p.u.c.I\ C H A P. V. HowmaJamantnrhistift,h•••atrutt•flo[, ntrna/1 h.1ppinrjj'e! p.J.;.c..a.. J .Of the fir!! mamc Qs.elhon rouching Man /fow a,,..,., 1rurlj di(crrpe whr~hcr1he"} : limply contidcred, viz. ~{Jht(}m·t 6eitthimp·a orno l p. 3;.c. J. ! Wh4t Am~tn m;~ft do th11r h~ m.t] come intoGod! B 4· Horv the mi,dl tf[uchper_(or.s~tr~ to hef/aJed. J. f•••llrandhefAutd! p•g.r1.c,1. arArepofJ-!JedbJ lht De•ill,orf<arrpo!fffron 'I Concerning Humiliation, p>g·l7·'· 1. t. What if 4m~nbumbltnghirnftlf~.cAtmot caD to 5 thqm.IJ do~, wh:~fo hoH(nare l~at~nt~d mi•d •U,orlhemof/ ifhufumu. p.I4-c.J, andm•le{fedbJ ..ickJdSpi,iiJ/ p.JH.c.z. 1./VhAIIbrmAnOJR{/do,-who{indJbim(<lfehArdC H A P. X. hraruJ,<nd of• dr•dfPi,ir,&c. /G. r.1. O f the thirJfpee~aiJ Di!lrclf<,arilingo( 3· "H11ttherhethat is m!Jr~gritHtdJurlufft ufhtf the T.:nrarion of bJ.1fphemies. ~;~,rJ, thtn furtht offence o(qoJh] hU fnru, TPhAt isrh~ lrHt Rtmuile of this Ttntll/ion! aoth trutfJhumblehimfrlfd lb.c.z. pag. 39·•· •• Concerning Faith. C H. A P. X r. r.lfoa>.,••,., trHr/1 •rPIJ Chri/l,r.ilhaUhu orrhe fourth fpeciall D•llr<lfe ~rif:"g from btnefittsvntshirnfdfe! p. 1;.c.1. : aman!owne(inne. J. Whtndoth a m11n fugin tu 6elttNt mCbrtfl, J. Howtbtviol(n/aiflref{t(){mtnd, ariftntTfrom Ibid. c. z. or,r on>-.d'{in!lt{, is tofu cured1 p.41.c.l. , Conctrilingncwobcdience. z. Ht~IFtht mtJJ,,·~ttdiflr~!Jt,.trif:ng ofth~[Amt J, Howm:t]ll m~nfrAmehi4/ife tobut irl New C raH{4,iJtulurtmtditd! P·4J.C.l . •hedi'""· · p.16.c.1. I C H A P. XJI. · •· H•wm•J 4 mAndot • f!."d ..-or/t..e? P· q.c.r. Ofthe fifth fpeciall ddlrelfe,•dling from a C H A P. V I. manso"nebod1e. Ofthe fccond maineQ,udlion,viz. .ff!!.~</1. How A mAn "'"7 be in CM_(cltncl A.D;trtdof hid 1.How the6~die(l;oHidtroN61eorannO)thtmind_j olt~nt[AIH4tion! p.t8,c.J. P·45C. .l. C H A P. VII. z. Wh•• iubenaturtAwdr<orkJ p{ Mtl•n•holf 1 Ofthe third maine ~el!ion,viz. '' pag.46.c. z. Hort~4 m41f being fn. d1jlreJPgfmmd, "'"/ u, .... )• iPiuthtr there b~ an] J,jfirmce 6ttJFttnt the forted! · p.: z.c.J. trou6/rofConfcitnuand M~!.mchp'J~47.c,J. J. IVI;At iuli{lrtJJt ofmi11d? Ibld. iuh~way to cNr" Md,mcbof; / Jb.c,J . :. WI)AI i4 thegentrAII ll.tmedit o("'' Jiflrt/Jtl, s .Howtbt mind trouh!td6Jftrangt(i/ttrati4NS11J.. lb.c.z. cidtnl'llntolht~odit,m•')6tc&rrtd: f•i8.c.J. CHAP. VIII. ---- OfthefirllSpeciaiDillre!Tcarilingofa THE SECOND 'BOOKE-.- DiuincTcntatlon.p.z6.c. J. WharirtheRtmtduthtrt()f? p.17.C. 1. CH PP. I O(rhe order ofrhe QueOion•. 17 18 1<> l -----·------- ------------...:er_·:.,---~C;..:.!H.::_A:_:i:_'_:___

;o 3' 33 3+ 35 39 43 44 47 CHAP. II. Of tbcGodhcad. The Table. A z, Whether qodjathm aud qodmotbrrsbenm/· 49 !!l!!:ft· I, whttbcrthmbeaGod/ P·49•<·1· fariel p.76'.c.1. TYb~tt dmietht]ArtloptrformttQthe partie/;ap~ · so tR.ed l . lb.c.z. z. Whether l~fuslh~S,nneofMary,/JetheSonnt ofGodl P·SJ.C.I. CH A P. Ill. Ofthe Scriptures. Whttherthe Scripture ~t tbnr•eWtrd Dj GodI pag.$4.C.I. . CHAP. IV. OfReligion and the knowledse ofGod. .!'041. J, 11-1utilth•t R.e!igiqnth.ttUdNe'llntothetrllt B God I p.6o.c.z. %, Ho~ godit to h CD11Ctiuedinour mtnds, when 'WtJPorfoiphimf p.6r.c.l. CHAP. V. Oftheinward worfl>ipofGod. fl.!!.el/, How GodU to !Je ~or{hijJptd andftrHedi 6t,C,l, CHAP. VI. or the Outward \Yorfl>ip of God, and6cU ofPrayer. fl.!!.e/1. I,Howmaya t1hN 11Mb.!" iaJvju/1 aNdlt&ceptahle ·Pr~yer? ' p.6J,c.:, z. Whether aman maJ!..-wfHI!y mAks Imprt&Atirmd p.6s.c.t. 3.What betheparticulortircumfJ•nwofPr.ierl C. -pag.66.c.:, 1.' The voice. wheth.trAvoiceorwordsAret~ bevfedinPrAyer. Ibid. Whether ii6elt~r.{uU, Ji•he••tpr11J 1 tovfe a (n forme-fpra}'rl p.67.c.r. •· The Gdlure. What kjnde of Gtjlurt i& to ~.. v{td in praitr I Ibid. 3· The place, lnwhatplacemufl,.epr•yI 4· Th'crime. lb,c,z, What dTt t'he timn. in which mtn tt~re to mAize praiersvntoGod~ p. 68.c. i. Whetherchildren /Japti~eJcome to he 1fPiritHall kjndredrPithtb~who/eChurch , by re.jon of . thtirGodfathm •ndqodmothm. P·77·'·'· wh"htr, if SpirittiaU ~indrtdbeecontrAfi<d by B~tpt~fmt,itcAn[u,tiHjl impediment of .llfA· riage,&c. Ib.c~z. 3· Whether children of excommunic~ttt perfons bauerighttoBaprsfme I p.7S.c.1. Whether chtldrcnQqrne inf()rnictltion h111tt right toBapti{m'l P·79·C,I. 4· Ho., mtn•fJerrtm•J m•k!aright v{eofthm B•ptifme I lb,c.z. S• Whethtr4mlln[al.'ing intofnnt dfltrBApt'if~ me, may hr.ue If") Juntjitt ofl:is Ba;ti{me? pag.So.c.z. CHAP. X. O fthe Lord>Supper. 0c•ft. 1, H~'"'f4rreforrJ,mcnhiiHtlt/Jtrl)to vfe, c-rrtot tov(ohe lordrSrtpp<rl p.81.c. r. z. HoiP amrn maJ right!] v(e it toh11 co"!f~rt and{llllla/1011! : Ib.c.z. · Inpreparation. What, ifAjitrprtpaiarian he finde bim(elfe vn· worthy? I p.Sz.c.1. whetberamanfo,u/dcomef ·fli''t" the S•PP", •• orno? lb.c.z. Whahe1P"fowJthat6einfuJ'Uo/LAW11111.Jcmu! lb1d.c.z, In Rci:eiuing. What ifamanafter oft m r~ceiHing,doN!,tetil~bet herhe bath fait1Jor110? p.83 .C.1. Wh~tt is to be done it} cafer{h~~rdnes of IU'arl, tRt themftant ofRueilting? lb.c.z. After rC'cemiog. . " Wb11t hehtedqe 1 thAt ilfitr receiuing findn,nq ccmfort I p.84.c. 1. CHAP. XI. OfAdoration. .l .fl!!efl. ' 1. TorPhat thing is .Adort~tiQndue, andih'lfhAI4• How their mmdama]btpari{ied, »'hlchart troutltdwith f,.mdr]arcidents intheirpra7ers: pag.69,c.1. m4nner? . !. p.8·.of.G.Z. D Whether Adorolion i1dut ,to tht.tfic/z,d.jpJTitsl · CHAP. VII; Ofthehearing oftheWord preached. .f&_dl. 1.Ho,. 4>~Jmanm•JprcfttabiJhtArctheW~rd of God! p.7o.c.r. z. How theyare to buomfort:J, whoafur long htilringpro(lt liul~ ornotbintf 11.t al l F•71.C,%. C HA P. \}ui. Ofthe Sacraments in generall, . ~·JI. wbetherS4crdmtnttmmif/rtdb1 Hertti~s,/Jo.. laurr,,jficient Miniflcrs, beSacra– mmtsorno~ p.7z.c.z. CHAP. IX. Of .llaptifme. ~ep, 1. Whether B~tpti(me be neceJTarie ti {4/HIIticn i pag.74-C,I. pag.8s.c.l. ·' Wh4tAdorAtionisdHe! to /i11ing i»tn! . .l ~good Angelr! · SamtrJrpart<dl Images? CHAP. XII. Ili.c.z. Ibid. Ibid. p.86.c.1. OfConfeffionbe(owheAd· . ucrfarie. ~r/1. r. WbethtrC<n{<Jficn•/JRitHenm!J.rie, ~•d whm !' , p.86.c. ~~ 2.. Whether it /Jehltr{H!IfiramAn6eing.vr[,t_d, to gu to Idol!feruice, and I:JtArtMape,Jo ~tf.hce k..eep<hirh-.rttoGod! p.87.c.1. 3,Whtthcr any maflJPrtially 11 Minijler,m~IJ w_ith gMdcotl{cirnuJlic inptrjecutlon f .r.- 88.c.z. Andi(h<m•;Jiie, wh<n i p.89.c.z. Whe. SI s1 ;8 6o "' 71

7J 8o g, g;, 88 89 90 9' 93 99 lOO IOI The Table. WJutiJrr.Am~n ~h.d 14 1mprJ~ned, "'"J; A to b~ t~bjtnmi.l p.l o8,c, Z' prifrm. p.9o:c•.z., Whtthtr we maynot 14-wfullj v('t RecrrAtt9WI C H A P. XII I. ontheSahbathd"]? p.Hb,c.I. Of-ao Oath. Whl'thtrmtnvponocc~fipn,mAJ716/ a'~~4wor/ze . ~eft. , ()fthdrcallingt, mtktmorniPgoreutnin,iof 1 , whatuanOatb? p.9t.c.1. thdabhath! • .. Whetlur lfH O.rrh,!JJC7l'I11Hrts,be,strut ' .!· WhentiUSf4bb.ahdoth.begin,eJ r· 1 .I J.C.z. Oatb,andtobek_ept! , lb.c.z. I j '·" Whethcr•n Oath bJ {alfe qodt, b"" ""' THE THIRD '.BOOKE; Oath? •· ,· . Ibid. . .... C H P p, l ·' . . - 1 flo, canGod (rrcnrebyhim(;lf,' (uinJ n~ne Q(ineNat'ure andD.tferevces of ~ can ltoitnl'ff'evntohim !l ~ Ibid. Vcdtue)an~ tne:;o'ider· oF ... -~ %, How 1 m O:ith i4to 6ttAkeiJinagood~tndgod- . ... · 1. ··QEe!HOns. · ·· .'.': · lymann<rl ·. .P·9z.c.z, B --~---:::____-r___:::_ Whcthtrintbeform~.of.t:~nO~th, 4W1an m.,, 1 i'>' ~L ':- • . !. "otj...raredire/Jl]b]cr'ratrlm,andindire/JCH A ,p, ..II. lyhJGodl P·9J-C.l. .! q .· OfProd<nce. 3· fl• an bind,.,J~tobe !2.!!.</1. /,fptl ' .,Jb.c.J. •lf•,.mmarl(opr•/J•f2prudrnce? p.114.c,l. Whether am4 n U~ormd tok.§tpe auO.uh t~Jp :.. Whelherama'nmt:tyr¥itb.~otJd con(Cirnce vfe kfnb;falfeG•dr p.94C,lPolimintbeafj:araofthulrfe! p.u6,c.:, Wh!theramani4lnnndt8f«~pah4t Oarhvp· '! •n tal,}nt,wh,mfthcrc mfurth d•rn•gel C' H A P. IJI, lb1d.c.z. . 1 1 Of Clemencie; Whtthtr an0 ath r.wort«i h]fr~tlld, ~indtth ? .. ; k...tft.~' , Ibid. I . How a manm'!} carrtthim{t!fein rrjju[i ofinwhtthtr 11 (orilpul(ory Dllth /;indttb ? ! hid. iuritJ and ()ff'enus done vntohun! J I 7.C,2. 4,When an O.athdoth.bJdd)a11d when ~ot? 95.c. J. : H(lu•ouiht':.i m11n11forgiNe 1111 iniurit!118.c.J Whrn{iotbam.mcommit Periurie?lb.c.z. Whcth(t=. '!J4) APJ~.~difen)/;!iJjelj(6; Law f Whether lh; breach rf a l11call flatutt, C lbid.c.z. • ''¥9hrrmnto a m:m iJ boundby corpor4l. 0 4th_~ Ht~wa m.I'I'J 11 todcfo~dh;m{c!J(hy Lal3·?n9c. 1.' lu Pcnuru! }Old., , Wh~chcrtt1Dftnm,') drfet~d lm»[el[cty forct? Whrthtr it bt lawfuUto e.~,;E1 tfn O~th t~jlm», lbid.r.z. that willfor(w(areh:mfe/fr? p.96.c. J ,When m(/ly"hed~(evdhimftl{e6J(t~rce? 11o,C.I. CHAP. XIV. . Whcth""'' 1hereti,J'<I;srnfdfe, or.:bmhJ O f Vowes. Comb•• rn.>t Ib1d. - f2!!:ft• z. Wh<n~ng,·is lawfu/1, and wbm vnl•w[N//( 1, Whatll'tJt~wil! p.96.c.1. pagpaJ.c.I. .... :, Whtlhent Jlow in tht N tW Tl.'{rll11Jenr be tfn} 3.Wh11t R niJe"(/7 ofr.mi11j1 .,4nger f 1 z3.C.J. P-'t ofqodt wor(hip ! l b.c.z· - · . C H A P. I V, 3.WhenaVowmadebind.ethiandwbennot! P~· .·· O fTempefance. ~ C 97.c.z, . In the vfe·ofRichcs; ' :• Whoher lrphte vpan hi& votv~ did r;jftr /3i; l . fiowf.trre amanmay WabgOod "tM(citnc~tkdaughtcrinSacrificel P9~cc.l. (sr~ofndfreJ:..(Riches? --: ~;; · 1 . 4• »"hrtbtr M onafticall vowes·de'e,kmd Q.r 1J..od' ..f· Hqw li.tnAh'»uy:r~ithgood;:&onfcicnce po{[tffl • lbid,c,z. 1 D anJv(t Fichn! .·p;u r6&-,: ,, . CHAP. XV. ),:. W'bcthrram:mTJJa7tJ'olm·mirilylriH~aw)q411 1 ·~- Of fafl1ngo J?ttd liHevpon Almts,.inJ'ifli,~ and pr~Jirf .: f2.!!.'fl· . u8.c:1. · , :· ... 1. wh.tuaReligiom f•f/1 19t.c.1. I'urhcvfcofmeataodd/inke. 1 .L. Ho,. aR' ltgroHt f•f/ utol>eal>f""'d? l btd. 1. Wh<rhir_· fbtre bo.nJ d>jflrcnt' in the v/e of ToodllogJhC mannc.r of Fiifl1og. -; mttltts 1mddrir.k,ss'" now in the timt cfthe HowlongnJ.Njfthcf'fllftcar.tmut? ' lt).c~ l . N;w! · · p.u9.C.1. .. Wluthtr aman ma] rill i,~:hewnec[a fuhmm Whdl{_rr. n,f!t.J11a} V?it.hgo~d~onfcitnr.e 11 ateJlefo F.rft? p. IOJ.C 1. 111 tlttJe·(orb,Jdrn? · p.qo.c.l. r?hrther All ~t hound IO /z.upc theformrp~rl, H(J" w~ mal tateand drink..t tD the gltmr Dj ftrJbcd, ;, thedtt] rfafohmnt Fdjl! I b1d. , J G~d,fu14 Ot$r 9n'nt..cohlfori? lb.c,J. Whether l'apif/r Faf/t be/A,..(•il! p.r O'f.\•l. What RrdrofMod:r411Qrfil'trf'/(e,•~ftrNedofeC H A P. XVI. ,. Her) f•<:me•ti•gl . , .- P·•3•-o:>.\ OithcSabbath day, In thevfeofApporell, •. ~t/1. ' , I ~}¥bether9rn~tmcmr r>fCo!d,'fii:;er, p~tJ)!rn I, Whet/m it~' in the irbmie •( the Church ef StontJ,!/i)l~iaodPduw,&c;.,,.y••tfa.,foUJ, Godvpon rarth, uu:dtcrtheSt~bbarhfrr-m ri:u bev[ct:i? p.i~4C,), , r'"'"'h day to•nJ other? I'· 10) C. I. '1 WhaltJtbrfight•n<la"{IIUvfe-of Appari/1 ~ , •~·-H~o,.~th~e~S~·=b~b=at~h~o~f~th='~N~·=~~T='-~_Ia~m_'_"'~·~--~r~·~'3~5~.c~·~·-~--------~~--~-- CIJ 4 How 1 ' to> 10~ 106 110 lJJ IIZ llJ liS uG 117 118 uo IZI uz UJ

I ' ' ' ' I j I ! I I i u8 130 IJI IJ2 1)3 IJ4 135 ,, ~ ' l ' ' ' . '" The·Table. : BD-;,.futllruk._noWWh~tis~t&eJJ;~rie /oreuery A per[Dn,;;,a flare I Ibid. c. .&. How a rmJ.n maJ fit his App11reli in comely ;~nd decentmAttntr~ p.136.C. 1. · ~fP'hether ,,.,»lln mAJnDtt~tf<!vp #Jforrenfa{hi!Jn oftluire,andvfeitf lb.c.z. Whnher ?IJa] we Hot lAbourto e~uer 4 deformitieinrhc6gJiei p.q8.c.z. Wh4t meafure jS lQ h o6forued in vfing OutwardOrn~tmeniJ! 13 9 c. I. Wh•• i11he fPrritn•llv(tofApp•re#!. , Ibid. In tfie vfe ofpkafufes and Recreation. 1. Whether Rm<Atidn bel•wfuOforo ChrifliAn m•n! 11 i,C,I. z. ~Wh(u kjnJJofRecreationsarel~twjuli11r.d conuenient,tndwhtdttot! Ibid. B 3. How wearetovfe-RecrtAiiDn? p.141.c.1. •• CHAP. V. ·o .. Of Liberalitie. ,. 0!_efl. J.JJ!htlt perfonJAP'trogtue .AI1ms? 143·'·2• Whether the wife mllJgiut ~tlmn "R!ithout con. (entofherhusb•nd! P·'44-C·'·J 2,Towhom muftalmnbtgiuen! lb.c,>. Wherherw-e.m~ygiueta Begg1trr? lb 1 id. .WhetherweowghttoputA difference hetwune per(onllndperfon)ngiitingalmtJ.p. i 45.c.1. 3.How muchreleeft mH/1 euer1 mt~n giHt!lb.c.1. 4.How RJA") 'IM}tl m:ljJ ~ m~ngiue?p,I'f6,c.J:, s.HowAlmts 14Tt to6eg;nen,thAtlhCJ mi*JpleA{I · Cjod! . \ · lbid,c.>, Whethergiuingofreltejebem(1'itorWusllnd f Jl· ·_; tiif~JlJI1rltl1 , p.I'f7.C.I. .WhRt 11 therightfmi~ ofAlmu-r, ' cH A ·r. v-1. .. ,Qf lulbce. , , !f2!!ejl, , J. WhatuthtlHd!,ementthtlt oneUtoginc 11nd hold•(•nOih<rl p.148.c 2. . How 4 man "'"7 with goud CDn/citnce gu4t ludgtmentofhim(tlfel p.149,C,2. t,}i11woneonghttobonof.lrAnother l "p.150,C.I. Wh4t honoHr u due, ' ~S#penours? to EqtJa/s! lt~ferlottrs! -1 mans owntjelje! &c.&c.&c. p.15I,C.I, p. .asz..c. .a. Ibid. Ibid. Ari Expofihon VJ"OU the fiue fidl: chapters ofthe E- . pi!He Jothe-Galatians: ,.lith the continuation ofthe Commcmaricvpbn · ,; 'the lixt Chapter. ' I' Common places handled in this Commentario. ~ 1. f-JowamanmA)ht-4JP~redthlft th~.ScripA B':z How Chriftb~c~tmt'4 CHrfef11rvs? ZJ8.c.J tHreisthew•rdfifGt~dl p.I io.c.z. 2 3 Whetherai/CouenAnls~trttob~ kfpt,.,n.:J how % Howwernayhe ~t{[Hredth4tthe cni!JngtifoHr [4rrtfflrth? p.z41 .c.~.&c. P411oHrsisfr~mGodl t p.17.1.c. 1. 14 Oftheludici4/!LatP 1 p.Z.51.C. .a.z. 3 OfPh•rif•i(me. ' p. 174.c.2. • S Of B•pti/nu,•tlarge, p.• s's.c.r.&c. 4 OfpreNenling and· cooptr~tting grACe "in mam :6 Of the Parents llt~thoritie sn appginting his comstrjign_. p.178.c,1. · chi!dsmarrit~gettndcal!ing, p.169.c.r, 5 Of •lie;&wbeth<rit bea/waitsa(in?18j.C.2, ; l 'l Ofthe r»JJfcrie ofthe P.thm (endmg the , IS Ofthefor.,eand·1!(eofan0•th. 184-c,l, Sonne. p.Z]O.c.r.&c. t.,Whethcrfaith~·Jbelofl? p.r8sc.>. '>8 •HowChriflwiU{ubie£1" the Law! pag. 1 8,OJS~ttisfaUion,orre/litutio~t. / p. J 97. c.z. 1 J 273-C·-'· 9 Of thetM'/iniiJOnoflcJ~nandGmut.,, pag. , •9 Oftheob(eruAtionofdaiet. p; z8S· c. 2. , _>oj.c.z, ' .1 30 Ofgood!dou]ie. p.192.c.>. 10 Ofl~tfhft.c•tiotJ,at/arge. t p.zo4.C.1 ., ....!! 31 O{Po!Jgamit. p.Z97·C,J. i ~ ~ Of{hrifl• Olwiicn«. '·p.>so.c z. ' 3' Wh"""' moth<rthc Church ittobe found? U Of lu(li{Jingf•ith and apprebe•fion. pag. tenmotiHetAn[wmd, p.JOI,C,I,&c. i lO],C,':I,&c. l I 33 Of(pirituallbond•gr. , p.Jo6,c. 1\ ' '3' Howto!.umi{(IJ,godty,iufl!y:fundrJYHlet, C 34 OfChrifl!anLibmie, Ibtd.c.~. P·"J.C;~;&c, 35 OflmpreCAtionorcurfinJ. p.J I?,c.r. 14.lfow{hnftbuethinvt, and how it m"} be 36 Of•herightvfe.ndab,fe ofCbnHiAn Li. ... ~tJowne? p.116,c. t.z.and 217.c,J. bertie. · P·31o,c.z. IS J;lopwe/iuebyfallhl ' p.218.c.1. I 37 OfbrotherfJL111e. . P·J 22,c. >. 1 ''· Ofludging. ' • p,no,c.z. 38 OJChrifli•npenceandCincorJ. pag.J•3· 1 17 Ofwirchcra{t.ttat?_dwhata~itch.U?pag.lzi, . c.:.&c. c.a.and 3-9\l,C\ Io t ·\ r '39 O(tht-(pirit,4r.dw;r/kjngth:rtin.Jl~.c.I,&C. i tS. Of;mpuwion, •nd imputed efghmu(ncjft, 40 Ofthecombateoftbejlefoandthejpirit.pag. 1 p.:u8.c.z. .;., 316.c.z.&c. • ' I?•Ofthec•r{e'!f•he Law. )'.2jt:c,J, I 41 0(/dol~trie, pag.JJI.c.2. : zo 1hat no mAn CAn ptrfe£1/Jfui(sll the law in' : 42 OfRmfi~· P•33 J. C.2, I this!ife. p.>J3 •C.J, 43 OfEmnJtJt. JJ4.C.2. ·Z I 7hed•Jfer,encebetw"nctht'LawandGo{pdl,, / 44 Ofll1urtber. 3JS.C.2. p.zJli.c.z, , 45 OfDrun/:Jmi•ffand~IHIIOHie. P·33 IS, c. I. 14J •44 ' 46 0 --------~----------------------------------------------~----~--~----.,

The Table. l 46 Oflon~-[ufferi•g-. P-3J8.c. z, A 47 Ofgo!d~ef[<. P·339.r.r. 48. Of1s"!P"an<', P·34o.c.r. 4 9 O{f'Ait~t·~~loru. !\:\1 H' P·34Z.c.2,; 50 OfChr.iffian r<pmfe,at,large.•Jsr.c.>.&c. 5 r Wbmi..the La~>and GofP-ellagree and .dif- ' fer. ' P·3 GJiC,Z,: sz OJMer#ofworkp. P-391,c.r.&c. ,, 53 Ofrh!kjndesofgood.-jJe,, ~nd-,_-_In to be ob~ {mttdtho/tin. \ po'IOI,C."I.&c.• ' 54 Of.obfer•ing oftinm ... · .~ p.4o;'.c.~-&c" ss JVhtlk_er-it bei11w{,_a to t01!@ftlllrpen tfJ~em--:. _ · 6rRqt.._t1'11treligton? .~;4l,l~~·l.·· : sG Oflnfcr!f"'"vfEpif/IXr,, it /arg<. , q -'"'\'•P•il<<ll·~.;t711<e,• <q ,tl\\l::t, ,,~ ' ' ,(' ~t ';\'->"'\<1(\t'l''\lt.\'L ">.":'~ 1! :( ,• ~ .-~4~ tl\···-\ $..1 ATreatifeofGhrifiianEquitic. , , paq·43!Sl&c:,·\ <' ;_~ . .... ~ . ~ \ . ' ~~'' ." +- Chriffi,cn Equitie,what itU. ·pag.43'6. col. I. ·B Foure!Jranc9esthererf. .~-n~ . ._\'>: lbiQ. l lt iui:herp,.blik!,orpri11au 1 lbid.c,z, Thefir~ dutieofpriuatN~>itie, ;. lbid\ Publik!equitie,wh.rit 14. 4 38.o. h The(eco,J,/. ~utwther•of. H.- ...-... · j> 4'1-J'Il.•:• I Extremiti.-JtheL•w, and mitigatiMofit, 43'j. Thethirddmy 'fit. p;444.01. I col. I, The foutslfrand /aft degree 1 priuate eqrutll \ .An~xttmpleuftlumbotb. pag.438.c.1. P·4~f"~c:;:t. ..:... ,.. \? ·~~ , - -' Q' Mitig4tion the glor] both of Lcw ~tnd·ufoJaho~tgoint.tol~~.p.446.c,%"'< ; ftr~ttet, ~ · J!jid.C. z.: Chrl/ls4n..UJ11itie to hepr•asfe~ i11.lfltour ajf-.ires CaH{es thAtmooHnmn ta v~extremitieof Lil~., .. ! •~nd dt1~bngsJo a& men mayfee it, andAppr4DH./':. 1 Ibid. . ;,I "· ' .., P-447-<-2 ' Publtk!eq•itJfPr<Ad•ilfel(ethypugh•Otheofl(. 1 I Re•(im•:•~mforcevsto it. ·"''""'P·4'18.c.J. ~c. - ons ofanuns lif<- P·4l9·c,z.&c. , C•ufe) PtIf' dec;.}"•fi fihyjfli•n~~''" Am'"!.' , Pri:~atuquirie whAt itW. - P·4ii.C. t~.:! mtW". t..q p45.t>.c:t.2-.&0( 1 ATreattfc offilatls Iinagib~tionr.r•· :'i ~,;·1T/\. ~. n ') ... ~· .. __ The Conre!mof t~is T re~i[e. The Contents, or an Alphab<ticall Catalogue of the places and heads ofControuerfie in the Demonfirarion of the Problemc. 1 Addition< of fome later Papiflkafl opiniont, D pag. Goz.c.r, • -- --- · -- - -1 : Adoration lind eleHation of the Sacrament. pag.;64,C.J, 3 Antiquttie, pag.s98.c.%. 4 AppurrenanmtotheM-J['e, pag.s64.c. I. 5 Bapti(mt. pilg.)4?.<.•. 1 I 6 Benediflions. pag Goo,c.J, 7' Buls•flndulgtnm-.·-- ---pag..s8J)oG.I. 8 {.tnonicAIIIJOflru,;.c.l. 9 Cardinals, pag. 59 J.c.: ro Tht{hAYAfleror[ea!t, pa3. 547.<.1. 11 {hrt/me, pag.57 t.c.o, u--rh,Church, p-ag: ;~.t. t . ~ 5 IJ {ht:> c&J ll I

The Table. ' I j Churcbnfor PraJer. p. S·Zf. C. I . 14 C/~rgi~llnd.laiti~. . p.6ox, C• .I. IS OommHrlionv,daonek;nd~ · P·S'S''f.C.l, 16. Ctmfirm~tion, P•S71:c. 1. 1·1 {)tmcelt, 'P· 59p.c.z. 18 Dt(cenflonintohtff:, . p.5J4.C.I. 19j£xrrtAbstTJJEfio,. p.sS9.c.:. 37 P~IJf,1'1C~ (acramtnlAii. p,s6 s.C.~. 38 Pilgrtmagto P·54J.c.z; 39 . Pown-{Kin~J. P·S9G.c.z. 40 Pr"}~ufor , .... h~dtt~d. 53o.c.z. 41 Ptiefhn:~tcrri~tg~. 1 ··p;-515· C.l. 4• Prim.cieofthc,Ri/hopo[Romc; p•sSo:c.>. 43 Pri•au Majfi. 55;.c.>. 20 Faith, P·S)6.c.z. 21 ~11i,g,Stationsl:roceffian. P·541.c.t, 01 FcajlsJaiu. P·S97-C.I, 13 Frmyi(l,· p.H6.c.l. ':4 Fu/filli,gofthctaw. P· 54o.c,1. z5i<Roi]Script•rt. P·5o8.c.l, :.6 JhJagu. • . ' su._c.J. '.2.7-.inttrufP9fJ,lniiDcatfQ!f,4,.J..'Jyor.{bip cf Sa:nu. i .tS'.zs.c.:.. . , \\•' 'f&.· J".~ific.tion•.' ... ,.. ' . p.s.JJ.c.l. ;29 Kapin$oft~tSttcrAmmt, .!;p.S$6;.c.1. ,34 Mpmagc. " , P·S74·<,1. ;tl' M_,arierheJlirgin,: m· p 5·96.c.J. ;-awMedilltour. ~. ,\ .t'!:'": '.:.·~\ 513-C,J, 'H ·-Mfrt'-1 p.s Js .c. •. 3 -4 Mi'liflfrJitttmti01f, , f' ·,p.s41.c.1. ' 3 .s Mixrr~re.fwiic..,oiJwAtrr• . ' P•H6,c.l. IJ6' .M'"kr" ' 1 P·594·C.I. ' 44 Purg•tsrirJ • p.;68.c; 1. 45 Rrilq•"· p.s<~.c.l. 46 Rm~t~indrr!o(Coticupi(cence, ,: r9.c.t. -t-7 S~Jcramem•lhonj~Jlion. p-s7o.c.i. 48 SacrAmtwtr. P.S44.C-Z. 49 SamficrofthcMaJ{t. sso.c.1. so Saritf~Ciion. p.s65.c.z. 51 SigntofthrCroJTr. p.s>).C.>. s•. Singld<(r. . ., p.$7$.c.I. 53 S"cccffion. p.;98 c.t. 54 Snpeurogllt~rm. ~ P-S40.C,I. ss Tradi1im. · ' p. su.c.~. 5t; 7rM(Hbjf.tntiatian,OY1'tAfprifottct, S$8.C. J, S7 .Trr.;IJojtht--Hurf)anirie, p,sq.c,z.. s8 Pmial!(srm8. p.szo.c.t. 59 ·Pjeofthe LAritu,to>:gN~in(~ruiat;pag. 557. .cot.•. , 6.Q. Worlz<rnought. p.546.c.l ATrcatifcofrhe manncrand Ord~rofl\r<ddlinatio~1and ofthelargeocile of Gods grace. pag.6 o6.and forward, l 11 !V ~.,,.,:1.~· ),., ~t. .... ! \ "J (.fi .i •• '· \(: r I A 'r reatife concerning th:eonly truo mannerand methodeofpreaching. J c ..... ' 1 0 ••.•,]; "J .• •'( ~( I) ,"'j1f;>~·;'" r. .,;(·;· ""\ ' .... ~ \ .. .. :\ .l ' • .. ,, • f

1 THE VVHOLE TREATISE 1 0 F THE CASES 0 F C 0 N~ SCIENCE, DISTINGVISHED INTO TH:\EE BOOKES, Taught~-nddeliuered byM.\IV. PE~-;~~ in his ho~ lyday LeE!ures, examined by hisorvnebriefii, and pubhfl,ed forthecommon good,byT. Ptc/zeri•gTia. chdourofDiuinitie, Rom. '4· •J· Whatfo:uerUmt offAith, iJfinne. Printed at London by loHN LEGATT; Printer to the V niuerfitie ofCAMBRIDGE, . 1 6 I 3· I'

\• ' } ·, l c ~,, )~J;b:_ • • J (~ ( ·,Vi 1 . . ,. . c' oll 1 m

. ""• :idt '{I.. Lflt. ~ ' .. .~~ T 0 T·H·.E ,RJ..G 1-f,T H·o ·N 0.~ . ,' RA6LE, !;:[>WA~:O,. ~ORD pE.NNI E;~.:A,;, ~. . ;·~u . ..:·'' ,< Jl,'ON '?,{.. ~':':_LT HA i'\:, ~'· · "'i' Jj' ..fl ! o I mIght Honourable;The:~.~.'P~ on~ Dqif,?,:;~,reuealed mtheWord ofG~d: ~~ difpenfed by 'the Pcophersand Apo!lles, of greater vfcJ'f\dponfcquence In rhe!ifeofman, then I! that, wh•ch ptdc11beth ~ Forme•ofrclccumga~d tc· thfymgtheConfe~eqc~. • • ·i · •. .• ,~ Theben~fir, which frqljl hence lifucth vnto the Church ofGod, i~ V~· fpeakable. For firfl , 1t (eruerh to di[couer th<cure !'f Ill• dangeroufd,! fore ·,, that can be,rhew•••aofrhe Spmr.Wh1cp ~<;>)V great a crotfc llis,rhe Wife m,an ' 8 '· reportcth out ofarruc e!(.penenc;e,when he falth,rhat theSp1~1t of 11 numwz~f»fl.amt hu sw(lrtJ1111t., Prou. 1 ~:, bHtA wounded SpintwhQCAn be8Tt 11? And h1s mcanmga, that no Q~tw:ardgnefeFan fa!J mto the nature ofman,which wiJJ nor be with pauence iodurcd~ to the vrmoff,[o Jong~s t.he mmde 1s no~ rroubled,or di(maieJ. But when once the Spirit is rouched,and rhe heart,(which be1ngwell apai· ed,IS thevery founraine ofpeace ro rhe whole1nan,) fmuren 1vl!h feare o_f1he o:rarh of G<1d.for linne; rhegriefc is(o grear,rheburden fo,intollerablc, rhar ir 111ill nor by any outward mtane~,bc eafcd or affwaged. ' . _; · .. :: • " Secondly,itgiuerh for all particular Cafes,fuecia!J and f<JU,nd diredion; whether man bee r,o .. talke with God,in the imm cd~a,re performanceofthe duties ofhis Seruice. ; or ro conu,rfe wuh man,according ro rhc llarc and condition ofbislifc,in rhc Familic,Churclj,_qr Common-wealth. The wantofwhich d~redion, of IV bar fore iris, ro rurnerhc ad)om ofmen, which are good m rhemfelues,ro tinne• in reg>rd ofrhe agen!i,S.l'iw/affi roncrh in rhar gcr.ernll .Oonclu(~on,Wh•r· Rom, 11 ,,_. {ceutr Un~t t~f[aitb,U /inne. Wherein he \vould rcad Jv~t, that what(o~uer ls,dsme, orvndcrtaken bY men in this JJfe,whethcr irconccrne the koO\\'iedgt and wornllp ot God, or an:)'.parricuJar duri,c to be performed,byvcrruc oftheir Callipgs,for the coa'ln'lcn gOod ;whereof they haue nor (ufficienr warrant,and alfurancc in Con(cieo,e,groundcd vpon the Wofd, dut 1t !f ro be dent, or · not robe done; to them it is afinne. . . . 'thirdly,it isofall orher D oCtrines,(bceing tightly v(ed) rbe moll comfortable. For,ir is nor founded in the opinions, and variablecooceits of ltlen, ncirher dot11 it conlitl,ofcondufions~ nd Po!irion•, which are ondy probableand conieCiurall : (forthe Confcience of the doubting or diGretfed parrie,can nor beellablifbed and rcdificd by 1hem:) bur ir relfcrh vpon moO tufficienr andcertaineGround•,co!JeCled and drawenoutofthev<ry Word ofGod,•·hich, asir umighue Heb+ " · in rptrAtion,pe4rcing the htArt,andJi(ctrning the thoughrs a~d intmts thtrto(, fo IS ualon c auadcable and elfe<.'luall to p>cifierhc mind,a11d ro giuc full farufaclion rothe ConfciCnce, And as rhe bcne5rc is great; f:> rh<~unr ofthisDo/tnne, together with the rruc manor ofap– plyingrhc fame,is, and barb bene rhe caufe,ofmany and grear inconuenience,.For eucn ofrbofe rhar feare God,and haue receiUedro beleeue, rherebe many, who m rhe timeofthm diOrelfcs, whenrhey ha•e conildered rhe waighr a11d deferrofthm ilnnes, and lVI! ball apprehended rhe wrath of Go:J,du~vnto them;haue bencbrought\'ntO hard extgcnts,mourning 1 and wallmg,and Pfdl &.6~ cryingour,as ifGod hadforfakcn rhem,vnrill1hey hauebecncrelecucd by rhe Spirit of Chnfl, ~7,,.:~·:i~· inrhemedirarionofthe word,and promifcof God. Bot rhofc e(pce~ally,who hauc nor beene m- ,Jo, (iruc.'led in rhe knowledge of rbe rrurh, nor acquainted •·irh rhecourfe ofGods dealing, with his · di(hctfcdchildrco,by rea(onof1gooranceandbltodoes in matcers ofRdtgtonaod picric, '-'hen rheLord harhlet loofe rbe cord ofrheir Confciences, & fer before their eyes,botb rhc numb<r of their tinnescommirred,and rheiull angerofGod purchafed thereby,whar haue rhey doneifurdy defpairingofrhe mercie ofGod, and their owne faluarion, they haue either growneto phrenfir, and madnes,or elfe forred vnro rhem(elueo fearefull eods.fome by hanging,fome by drowniog,o. rhers by embrumg their hands in their owne blood, And ifnor in regard ofgriefe and trouble of mind; yet for wamofbctter refolutionio parcicularcafcs, .wichinthe compatfe of theirgcnerall or p<rfonall ca!Jings,(thougb orherwi[c, men indued wi1h fome meafure ofkoowledge and obedience,) rhcy hauc either abuCed,or elfequirerelinqUifiiCd and forfaken rheircaJJmgs,and I hereby become fcandalous,and off<nliuevnro orhers. Now then,as by rhe[e and fundry orher In!lancesofproofe,the matter ir fdfeappeares robe of great waighr and it is mo(l meere, rhar rhe bell and firrcfl courfc fiwuld bt tak en, In th(! teaching and inforcingof the fame. In which regard wee haue iull:cau(e, to challenoe 1 ~Popifh Church, who io their Cafe-wririog~ haue tnt.:J, both intthe fubHancC'and circu~. I . . --··---------·------------~-·-·-·-------------Jl_a_n.::_c_rsc:.___

l - 'lhe Epijlle 'Dedicatorie. fianC~;ofthlsD.OClrine,~s{hallaP,pearemrhefeq~. f.:,/ 1 f ~· •. f' ~ _J'•tll:,becau[cJhecl.Wic ofrclceumg the Confc.1<hce, ts by them commended to die.facrlficiog o"~'·"' 'Pric(l,,'thkh rhougl\ a\:cordmgro rhetr-owne Canon1P he lhould be a·man yf kndwledgc, and l it~P~i::~i~~~;t. frecftb'Ib imJ,uraridn oJwickcdnh!Te,yct oft times tifals out'that lrc is either vlrltafnCd ~ Or 'cJS fpui:u31~s m1 .wicked and lewd ofccnuerfation,and confequcntly vnfit for (uch apurpofe. 1~:;·,-;:,:~fi, , §'ecl!n~ly,rhef,!each1hat thci~ic~hppornfell t<lbe c.omfor{C{s a'(d rdccuits oft.flc dillrcf. ''""" oo- _' fed\ltr.e"made by Chtlfl himfdfo<mdg<<oJ•h' C.jlro(&Pn{oiela, n.Ali~ ill their own!.illl~de~~ca ~~~:~;~~~~~~)udiG"dri~porvcrand a!Jth9ritie,rrmJ a~,n~~per·(J to,bip<f or t~ J?ofe ~ ro:remit or to rerainc finnes, 1 ~e~:~~~;~~~~ \toop~n ~r to !hut the kmgdomcofliea.u~n. .~~?e.~~a~; ~~e S~rir.~uro~vttercth acomrarie voyce, """' '~"'- ~bar Chnfl oncly harh rbc kcyes·ofEh&rd, whicnproperl;and<r•fJ openeth, and no man flmr– tcnn"m.~dL ;cerh,andprop(r!y andtmly Chuttcth,and no manopeneth. And che M1nlHers of God are not cal. ~~:,~~~-~~b.-~·~1~d to ~e t~b(olu!e !udgt; ofthe ~o~fci_CQcc~pm o~cl~ ~ctf~~gen ~nd/f.'P~affa~oun ofrcco__nci/iari: co~cil. 'l'rld. on;Whcreupon1t ftllowerh,tbatthey cannot bea'theAmllut.rand tiimr~ ofrcm1ffio.noflfnncs, but ~!·l1:g~~~j)· onel}dhcJTAin:fteflantr'&i@mforsofifiefame. ti1.1;?";' '? 'I '~· . I • ~~:~;,:hi.-: J 'flilrd·ly,thePlJ>i!lSinrbcir-~rif~OgNlauefca~tcre~ hc;c apdtt~~ref?ndrie ~aIf~ ~~'l_c~r?n·i~ua· c_pikr:oren· g.r?t~ndfofDotlrt?e~much pr_eludt_Ciall to the ~red~-o~or refolutJ~rro.~the Con[ilence~~n time; ~~;;k.:.!o· ~f B,eede;~s name_ly,~~Thata man l!!t.hecour_feo:.~~s hf~? may b~t'lti btfh/t-lfe vponlJ!;'~i~h~ofki6; Rcu 3 .s. te!l~Jt""~r1~?d fot·hls.l}iluation,rcfl co~;tned ~tth~o 'i~pbctu_and-?m·f':t'f_rej{d[l1irh._\_:V~ich do:.' ~i·h~~pi_ill, ~nn"e_;as lt 1san ond~ me:J~c,to kdpe'men '." pcrpctoa.Il ·bhndn~lrc:t~~!sno~~n1ce2ro ft feruerh ' tort80tHcf:purpofel~thetameofT-emptaiJOn ,-buttoplunge t-fiche.arrof m:n ilito the pit of ~:c~l~!.t~ ~cfpa!rc,it-beei~g vildp:lbleofcomfort;for wan!~fpa~icular k~~\rJe~~e a~d vn~;:rHandingof die word and prom1fe u(God.Il.That eucry man oughrto!re nnd doulit ·ifrh'epard~nof ~~~~~~-~~~~~~r hUji'n'rth,:md..that nom\&~an be•ll~~~;d-b;t~e ctrte'!t~ of f~ith,·'eit~er Of r~e prcfcn! fauour o( dal::e c\Juc$. God,or ofh1s otVnefiilllit1on.Truett ts,that 10 tefped:·o( ourowncv_MvorthJnelf~ an'd indifpofi. , ~~-~~~~~c~~~: rionlWe h3~e iuU'cauf~,not onelyt'acloubt :ind fearel>ut to dcfpatrean~ b:cconfO~n.dcd b~for~ , tertariotum. theiudgemcntfca~of God.Ycc th:Ha,man lhould nor b~ cerra1qely retolued by fa1th ofrhcroer~ ~~;~.:~~c~;~t. c'it:?~·G?~)in anl:J for· ~~e merirOf<;:hd{~, isa_com~?r'tlctfe dO~~i~?~,.r? a d\~relfed'_(oule, and · Fidcs.parag. ctttltrJ;trlev'nto t11c(':lUingc word·of the Gofpelf,~hrch teachcrh~'rliatCertenttc tlowc~h from rhc ~~~cil. 'l'rid. nah.ifcof fairh,and nof'tloubting.I I i.Jfhatcuerj m4n Mbonndinconfcienccvptin paine"ofdamnfition., · re~ 6-c 1 aP·9· to·m.~k.._e..(P:~all~6~ffion.ofbi4 ~o,I!J/1fi~ne!,wi_rh all rb<; parci~ular c~rCHfnflancn rhir~·o~bn~~cucry' i~~~:I''' , yeol'rli·ro·lm Pfre!I:T·h•! pofiuon and prat!Ife,befidesrhatl! harb nowarraor of facred wm~ n6r Rom._4-l0~ y€-("a·nygroumJ-o'f0t<hotloxc aotiquitic:-,for.Soo.yeares, more or Jctfe arret Chritl:: it maketh ~«.~~-~;~~;. r'Jo!atih to t?e!ll.ill'!Jrbing ofthe peaceofConfci~nc~,_in ti1~c·ofextremirie,confidering that it iS rr>.~.,,.,. I im'poffible,e!thcl rolmderfland or rc_mcmber all,ma.~y beeroghrdden and vnknou•ne, .And rhe mind bt!eing in tliiScafe Informed, rOat forgmenes depcndcrh vpon fuch an enumeration, may rhus bebroughtin:o,doubr and di(\rufl,and will nor be able to rc(\by fairh in the [oJc mertic.of God,• he onelyfoueraignemedkine ofrhefoule.Againe,rhegrieftofrhe mind,dorlrnoralwaies . arife from all the finnes elma man barb comrnirred,neirher dorh the Lord C<t before thefinners ciei,whatfocucr cuill harhbeen~done by him;bUr fomconeormore parric~J~ts. And thefearc they}that doe lie heauie vpon the beart;and to be e:1fedofthem,tyill be t11orkcenough,rhough he doth nor exhibit< vnro the Confdfour,a Catalogue ofall the re(\.1 V.Thatfom•{ihnu"'' veni•H, f P~cc:ttum becaufe they areonely befides theLaw ofGod,~otagainfl it,and ~ccaufe, f thq /Jindorur tht (Inner ~~~~~~~~li;~or~ oncly torempor.11i,andnot toeurnafl p1mifhm(nu.Th1sco_nclufion,fir£l: IS falfe; For though it be gran· ~incm 1.<.1 vl~)' rcd,thntfomeoffcncesare gre~ucr;fo1_ne leffcr,fome.Jn a ~1igher degr.<.c,othcrsin. alo~ter: Ag:~~ne, ~~\~~~~~~~: that finnesin regard ofthe euent,b~c10g repentedo~ormrefpctlof theperfon~nnmg, b~emg returpa:n~m in Chrifl,and thcrcforeaccounred mU, arc pardonable, becaufethey arcnot Imputed to con· ~~~~~~;t:~ dernnarion;yct there is no degree foeuer, which is nor (i"mply, and of itftl{emortal/, r.,co& ~e \wherhc:r we refpea rhe natureofrbc lmnc,or themca(urc andproportion ofd1uine iu(fice. For ~G~~~t~~~:r: innature itisan otnomie~thar is rofay,ao aberration from rhe perfett rule of rightc:oufnctfe, and C: 1 l.conrc. rherefcre is fubieCt to rhecurfc,bocbof ternporarie .:md c:ternall death. It is an offence agninfi !~~~h~~~~~- the highcClMaielhe,andcon~e9.uemly,man Cl:mdcrh_ by lt ingagcd to cuerl~lhng tormcnr. Sccondly,it is a \Veakcand in(uffictencground ofrefolum.lll,to a troubledconfc1ence. For whereas true :mdfauing ioy is the d:1ughrer offorrow,&~hehe:irr ofman cannot afTurance ofGods fauour,to theapprehenfion andC'lnccrprofheaucnfycomforrs,vnlclfcit bee lir1l aba- \f~,andby true lmmOiation,broughr tonothing in itfclfe; The remembrance ofthis, thQt the offcncccomruirced isveniall,may in fomecafestoo much inlarge the hearr,and giueoccafion to l prerume,when haply there will be a reafon to rhcconrrarie.And ifnor thar,ycr in cafe of falling by i':firmiticaftergrac: r~ceiucd,thc ~inde ~eeing fo!dlall~d with ~hiS err~oiousconceipt,that 1 the fJOnc:: is ldfe. then it 1s mdeed,bccaufc:vemall,may m the1tfue be IciTe qUieted, aud more perConcii.Trid. piexcd.V.Th.:zt4m~tnm:l)(llrMfiet~~iH(Iiceof_God,ftJrthetempora/l punzfhmtnl~{ hiJ /inntJ commirl_~d. fcll-r--t-'an.z3 To omit rhcvntrurh ofth1s pofitlon;How 1t makethto the c:1Gng ofthe hean, or the atTwagtng I .Ofthcgriefeof mindc in ten~ptation,l appeale ro con1mon cxpcricnce.~or. when a ma~, bceing alfure<k>fthe pardon ofhis lrnnes,O,all yet conuder,rharrhere I• fomcth•rg more bebmd "'be Idone on his garr, bow can bee in probability, rely himfclfe wholly vpon Chri!ls farisfaClion? How can hcreapevnto him(elfefrom thenceany alfuranccnfrecCtnciiiHion roCiod, whom he t formedy

'!he Eptjlle 'Dedicatorte. for 11 leri.Y Otf~:nJeUHI w~mayand mu_ndveComcth10gw ourownt p~rfons,whcreby to~ appcafe the wrath ofGod, •·hy hath our Slmouruught v•forour hearts rclrefc, wholly and or,><ly to makotae plea ofpardon for our finnesiTrue ic is indeede, that Popilh ContciTours doe teach the 1 rp<!oirl!n,.,when they fecle rhewrarh of<?.od_vpon them foe finne, to C!oppc the mou~hof•o,,and repcnrance,yta to offer vnto God {ome ceremoru.dl dur1esinway offarisf~Clion. But whenforrow feazerh vpon thelotlfc, aAd c~eman fals 10to rcmptatioo,then er wall appear~rh.u thefc directions were ~or curra11r; f~~ ootQ/UhAan~ dio:J them he may w.tnr found comfort 10 Gods mercie,-and runnc mro defpa1re w1thour recoue.. · 11 e.A.nd f~r this caufc, vponexperience fr hathbcene prooi.Jed, that cuen Papi!ls rhemfdues in rh< houreofdearh,haue bcenecontentto renounce cherr owne ivorkcs, yea the whole bodie of humone fatisfaelrons,and to cleaueonely eo the mercie ofGod in Chrill for theirfalrlation; By thefeinflances,and many more that might be allcadged ro this purpofc,it is apparant, VI';' on how wcake and vnllablegrounds theC•(•-<iioinirieof the Popifh Church £landerl>, and how inJireCl.courfe rhoy rake,lor che rcfolution and direelion ofrhe troubled Confcience. Now by rhe benefit and abufe ofrhisDoelrine, we feo how necdfary iris, chat in Churches whrch pro!CITe Chnllian religron,n fhould be mme taughc,and further inl~rged th<n it rs, And tvthos purpofe it were to bewrOJed,thocmenof knowledge m the Mmrllwe, that haue by rbc grace ofGodattained vnro theTongr~to(thtlu~rned,would imploy their paines thiswaymor one~ ly infearchinginto che depth offuch points as!land in barefpecularron, but in annexing there– Unto thegwundsand conclufions ofpraelrfe,whereby they mrght bothinforme che iudg<mcnt, and reft1fie the confc1ence ofthehearers. By rhu mcanes lt wouJdcome ropalfc.-, rh~t the poorc dlf}reJied fouJe m1ght be releeuC"d,pieuc and dcuotJOn moreprad1fed , thekingdomc of Sanne; Satan,and Anrrchrrll ...eakened and tmpayred,and theconcratle krngdomaofChrill lefus mote , and more ellaelrn,ed. Whar rhe Author and Contriuer ofrheDifcourfeenfuing bath done in thi• behalfe,it is cui– dent by rho wholecourfe ofhis wricmgs,rhar he harh lefr behrnd hrm::ll whrcb,astbey do open– lyO>elll vntothe world,how great a meafureofknowledgeand voderOanJmg,wrthmher endow– ments•bothofna·ureand gracc,theLord had mrrched hrrn wirhall,fothey doecarriewith rh<n• chefweet fauourofpicrieand fanelificarion, wherewith bee approoued his heart vmoGod, anJ his life V11to men.Wherein aJ(o vponoccaGon,hc hath propcJuoded)andexplained (uodne no– table rules ofdrreelron and refolutionol theConfcience,as w1ll appcare to theview of the lear– ned and well aduifed Re•dor. , To let patle all rherclt:thrs prefent 1' reatife giuetb wry (uf!icient tdlimonic of his know– l~dgcand dcxrer&fie in that kind; whachcouldnot beauaihedvnto,withoutgrrar paines ,much obferuarron,and long expweoce.A labour which con•menJech it {clfe tothe Church of God i 11 rwore(peelspr1nc1pally.One,becaufehis grounds andprinciples arc drawnc1ther ditedly, or by iuCl confequencc our ofche u·rtttCn Wotd,and fo arc ot grt!arer force, roconuincc rh(' con(ci~ cncc,ancJ tog1uc fat1sfatlion to rhe mind,eitbcr doubting,ordJrlrclfcd. The orber,forthat 1t i9 dehuered wrrhfuch perfpicuirre, and drfpofed in fuch order and M othode, as fitteth bell forth• vndertt.&ndmgond rnefllotleofany,who(oeucrlhall peru(cit. Now thiswhGie T reafi(e of rhe ~ell•ons, I haue made bold to pr.C.nt vnto your Lordfi,ip, and to puhlrihahroad vndcr your proteCt•on. Frrfl, becaufeGod, who vouchfafetb fpwallla– u~urtothc:tnthat honuurhin~,h,..thadorncdyour eCfare w1th Hot::~our, your pcrfOn in¥oardly wnh many uch graces ofthe Sp~ru.and ourw,ardly wrth the profdlion and praelrfe of true Reli– gion;athingd1rctlly confirmedby you1 vnfa,ned loueofthc: truth,and cont1nuall f,auors eo the Tuchers ofrhe fame,theMmillers a11d D •fpenfers of rhe Cofpcll. Secondly, becau(e as the Author of rhefcCafes,was hrn•fdfc"' many re(per'ls bound vnroyour Honour-while he liued– follis wifeandchtldrenfor h1~ rakc,hauercccJucdmuCh 'fcaodnelfe at yourhaods,fince his dutb; 1 a manifell proofe ofthe rruth andfyncerrrioofyuur affeelron towords brm in th< Lord. And in the Jafl placc,ir\llas myddire,by fctt&ngthem forth vnderyour nam~:,rognse fomctefim1omeo dutytoyou• Hnnour,prefuming rhataoyouloued rhc Aocbor, fo you willbe plea[ed eo patro– nrzerhe Worke,andfauourably tornt<rpror,ofche parnes andg<>od intention of the publilber. 'And rhuscrauing pardon for my holdnelfe,I humbly take my leaue,and commend your Lord– lhrp to thegrate and fauourofGod 10 Chrt!l.FromEm•nHtBColiedge ia C•mbridg•• alldutictobecommandcd, Th•. Pick,tring;

To the godly andvvel-affect.ed Rtader whofoeuer. 'D9enow at thelrngth oJfervntt~th; vie»' ( ChriPian Reader) thewholeTreati{t ofCa{e-Jir1inirie,[ofarre~U the Authorproceeded inthe de!iHerierhertojhefore hi& de~th.Jfthot~ haft bunelongcrhe/Jint:t:peEJtttionthertof.tben tlthlf th]fe!Je defredfr,or ll'aJ mcete,lmufl intreate thJ.fiiHOIIrAhie inltrpretationof my[or/Je4.. rance,p.1rtl; tnreg~trd o/ 11MnJ priuatedifJr.,/Jums, and(undrJ occttrrents 'Where– with I"'"' detainedfrom rhu duf],and parr/; •lfo inrejptll •fm; dejire ropublifo it injuch(nrlto th]conter.tment, that it might 11 jterwArdrequirenofHrtberfiling or forbjfoing61(econdari: CorrefJiflnt. _ Touching rheTreari(e ufrlfr,l hauedea/ra.f•irhfulf; .u Icould, k!eping clo(e rnhe Preachers "'"' wurdi,'A"itholtt ttnyTllllteri.zliadduion,dctr,.fJion,oramplification. Hi& Mcth1de remttmes the fame in the hDdier{tbedJfcourfe,not ddmiuing rhel~afJ idttNition.OniJit 'ti.U thought conuenient to d1/ii"guifo it into book.fJ,tJCcording rq thefeucr~tfl dtflinfl parts,thc ~Dok.fs iNiochilpters,the ch4ptcr1 thAt 'Wtr4 moj} C4p~t6!c oftltm{ionJ,intoSe[llsm;andmJmeani,g therein WM,tohelpethc mcmoruif the Readc.,, Andto tZHoidudi. oufn•Jf• thedaughrero( leng(ome di(com{'!, N ow•fmrh:perujing,thou either.find••1rhing amiffe,orthJ f•lf•haply not fuDy f•tuft<d in p.,ticular; thmrcmembcr what i; tl:e Lotoflearnedmrtu wor/zt~which src Scripta pofihuma(J~hcrcifthife l~ttcr timeshaueJeelded r»fmle.\:ilmplu)tsbc l~fi afur 4 (ort,nak.!d& imper{tfJ~whm the A1tthor1thcmft!Hes aregonr,rrhomigbt h41JtbroughtthcmtopcrfcElion. Ccmfidcr a.gttint~ that inrtg•rdoftheweight of thi! IPorthie A rgtmm:t,it weremuc/:; bettcr,k.!_ndiJ andrhank.l{HHJ toacceptand inio] thefc !~tbfmrt, hon'[oeller imparted,then h]their(upprrJ]ing to be who/11 dcpriucdof[flch t:1 benefit. And -withallrefl"With meinhope, rh•r .u him(</f< harhfi•(lrracrd rhr way, and"'al~rdb; rhe bank!softhw main< S<4Joorhm vponthwoc. cAjm1,willbeincouragcdto attempt the hk!courfe, or~~ leaftto enlarge thk·tt~ork..! !Py Additionoj"mortp11r· ticu/ars.Meanc n;/Ji/e,not don!ning ofthy ChripJ·an ~~.cccptance cf mJpai11e1f~rth)good, I commtndthrm toth) /,H,,th](rlfr vmo !]adandrhe.,or4ofhwgracr.Eman,Coli:Nouemb. zo. 16o6, J; •• .t '' Thine in Chriil: lefus, ) ... ;..~ .· '1"' tr.o:.~ .... . ~ ,\:_

THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE CASEs OF CONSCIENCE, CONCERNJNG MAN timplyconfidered in himfelfe, wirhoutrelanon to amrher. The Preface declaring the Ground and Order ofthe Treati(e following. Ifaiab,' so. 4· Tht lArdGodbathgitun meatong1teofthele~trned 1 th11t I{h~Hid~awe tominif/-ei'11 woTd indue timt, to htm that u rPtarie. N that partoftheProphe- A Lord himfdfemakesanfwer, v_z,3,4· rhar his de which goes before, rhe band isnotfhorrned, nor his powerlelfened holy Ghofl ferrerh downe in regard ofgrearerwmkes , much le!le in reand (oretelleth the Calling fpett of their dcliuerance; •nd rbough the oftheGentiles,wh~eh was prefent affhtllon which they endUtcd,was to bcginnr at rhe death of great and tedious, yet rl)cy were nor to bee oChrtft>and from thence to ucrmuch di(makd in thcmfelucs, but rather contlnnevmo tbis day, and [o confequently to becor)>forted,becaufe God had giuenhim to the endeofrhcworld.Jn the former ve1 fes the tongrJCojrhdetwned, to miniller a word in ofthis Chapter,thereis mention madeofthe fcafon ro tbe "earieand d;llre!fed;ond con(ereietl'ion ofthe IeweF;I meancnor ageneral!) qucnrly, rhar he had power to cafe and rcfrcJh but a particular reiection, namcl~· the!l,when B rhat d1ctr wcarinetfe and affliction. they were in affi~<~bon in the dates of Ifaiab. In thtstext thC"n, there ts fet down one prin.. Nowin thrs, and fa in all other Prophecies of crpall durieol Chrifls ptophcricall office, by the lrke kinde, which intreate of this point; allur.on ro the ptaClifesofthe Prophets in the Chrill bimfclfc is brought in ,fpeakmg in hrs old Tdlamcnr,cfpCC!ally tho(c whrcb bdonowne pcrfon; and the words ofthis Chapter ged to the fcboolcs of Elrasond Elizcus, who from rhebcgmning,to this prcfem verfc,and arc here rc~rmed,thel~arr.t>d. And om of rhe the reil that follow ,are the wordescfChriU wordsthercof,oncfpcciali point of inOruClitheMcdiatour. on maybe gathered, namely, That rhcreUa In the vcrfcs going before, he dtfputcs the certain• k_notrledgr ordoUr11ureuMI.:din the word cafe oftheir rekction: and rhc.fummcofthe ofCJod,whereby rhec9rfciences of rhe weak.! mny whole difpuwion is,that either hee, orthey C bcrdJifiedandp«ifirJ,Jgather it thus. It was themfelues were the caufes therofi but he was onefpcciall dutieof Chrrlls propheticall or: not thccaufe,and therefore they thcm(elucs ficc, ro giuc comfort w the confciences of by their lios.The reafon,whcrcby bee proues thofe that were di(!relfed,as the Prophet here that they them[clues were tbecaufe,is framed recordeth_ Now as Chril! had thrs power to in this fort. You !ewes cannot bringa;1)' wri.. execute and perfOrmefuch a ducy. fo he had1 trngor bill ofdiuorce, to l11ew thatI reieCled COillJJlJtted the dilpenfation tberofto the Mi- ' youahcrfo'rc lappealecucn toyour own connillcrs ofthe Gofpcli.For we rray nor thinkc fciences, whether you hauc not brought this that Chrifi in his ownc perfon, m1niilred and iudgemcntvponyourfel':cs ,byyour iniqut- (pake words ofcomfort to the wcaric, in the tics,vcrf.t. On theothcr (Jdc: tbc rcafonwhy ume ofrhc Prophets,becau(e he was nor rhen God was not the caufe i;;: bccaufc hce for hh D eJbJbired in our nature, and yet he did rhen part called them ingteat mercy and loue: bur fpeake, but how I in the perfans of the Prowhen he called they would notobey,vcrf. z. phcts_ Solikewife, becaufe Chrili now in the Now in the end of the fecond vcrfc isco11· new Tetlamcnr,fpcakes not vnro the afRJct:cd tainedanan!\ver to a (ccrc:t reply,. rhar fomc m h1smvne proper perfon,it remained) thereobfimate Iewe might make, aher th1s man~ fore,th:n be performcs this greatworke in the ner: God hotb not now the like power in fa. Minillrie of PaUours and Teachers vpon uingand ddiucrmg vs, ashe haehhad m for eanh)to whom h~harh giucn knowledge, and mcrt1mcs: therefore we~ ca11nor hopeor c:-.- otbcr g1frs to this end and purpofc. Then~ pcttany dcliucrance from him,and bow then mufl needs therefore bea ccrraincand infallin:::':::al:.:_lw:.:_e:_d:_o:..:•:..:i:.:n..:.t:.:h.:.e_::m.:.ecca..:.n.:.e_:."_::h:::il.:.e:_l.:.T..:." rlc:'c:___:b:..:l::._e::._do::._Cl=ri.::n::._e,,_propounded and raught in rhe ·- A Scripture!i,

:i The P7eface. Scriptures, whereby the confciencesofmen A dr!lrctfed,may be quieted and rdeeued. And this do~rine 1s nor arrainedvnto by extraor~ dioarie rcuclarion, bur mufi be drawne out of the written word ol God. The point therefore to bee handled,is, What rhi• doClrine fl:ould bee/ It is nota matter eafie and at hand, bur full oflabour and difficulric: yea very large, likevnto the mame fea : I willoncly (as it"were) walke ~y the bankes oftt, and propound theheads o doChinc,thar thereby 1may, atleafi,occafion others, to confider and handle the fame more at large. ThatI may proceedinordcr:Firli,Iam to laydownc cerraine Grounds or Pre.1mbles, which may gauc light 2nd direction to rhe B rhings that follow : and in the ncxr place, I ~v1l. propound and anfwer themainc and prin– cipall quellions ofConfcicnce. perfontowbomititismadc, mufi bee: aman ofrrulland fidelirie,able and willing to kccpe fccret things that are rcucalcd, yea tobunt them (as it were) in the graue ofoblmion,for UH~coHtr~th amHitituJ.eof{imJu. s.a.•. The next Ground is touching the degre<> ofGoodnelfc in humane thm~s and aG!rons• . Goodnelfe 111 things is rwo.fold; vncreated, and cteated.Vncreared,is God himfelfe, who neucr had beginning, and who is Goodnctfe itfelfe,becaufe hrs nature IS abfolutdy and perfeClly good, and becaufe heisrheauthor and worker [hereof, in all things created. Created goodnelfe, rs that whereby rh: crea· turc1s made good; and1r is nothmgdfc, bur the fruit of that gpodnctfc, that isctfcnualJy in God. Nowrhe dcgrcei thereofare rhcfc. There is a general) er narurall Govdnctlc1n creatures , and a more fpcc!all or m01alJ Goodnctk CHAP. I. Generall Goodnclfe isrhat, whereby all Ofthe two(irft Gr.HndsofCafn,C.,f'ffi,., creatures arc accepted and approucd of God, n~td the dt.~rusofGoodnej{e. bywhom they W£TC both created and ordaiH E Grounds or Preamble. ned. Thus eucry crcarure isgod, partly by arcefpccially foure. The firfl, creation,and partly by mdmation. Bycrcati· tou:.hing confeffion. The fcon ic is,chat the fubflance ofeachcreature, as cond, touching the degrees0f ofrhe Sunne, the Ivloom·, theEarth,Water, goodnelfc in things and athMe:ue,Drmke,& good,hauing rhe bceing Oils. The third, touching the thercoffrom God. Hence alfo theclfcmiall degrees of Sinne. The foutth and lall ,conpropertics,cluamiries,qualities, rnotions,aCli· ccrning the Subietlion and power ofconfdons, & inclinations of thecreatures ,inthem~ ence. Ofthefc m order. C felues con(idercd, with ail their euents, arc Sell. 1. good. By thcfamcgenerall goodnclfe alfo,e· The firll Ground is, That in the troubles uen the Dtucll himldfc and his aclions,as he of Confcicnce , it is meete and con~enicnr, ts afubfianccl and as rheyare aCbons,hauing thcrdhould alwaies ben-fed ap1iuate C•nNtheir bccing from God, are good. Thiogs a· jion. For lames fa1th, Iam.s. 16. ConfeP"tJOHr gaine doe take vnto them the condition of f.. ults on(tom:olh(r,& pr11y onrforlfnother, ther. Goodnelfe,norondy by crcation,butalfoby by Cignifying,cbat Confc!lion in tbiscafc,isto Gods ordmation, whereby they arcdircd-cd bce'v[ed as a thing moO rcquiUte. For mall and appcinced,to lame certain vfesand <'nds. rea(on,tbe Pllyfitian mufl firll knowe the cirf. Thus the eudl Confcience,Hell, and Death cafe ,bcforchcccan applyd:eremcdre: ahd aregocd,bccaufe they areordarnedofGod, rhc gricfc ofthe heart will r10r bee d1fccrncd, for thcexccutJOn ofhis iu(bce )how(oeucr in vnlclfe it becmam(dlcd by the confetlion of thcmfelues,and rovo they be eurll. tbepartiedifcafcd; and for this caufc alfoin Bcfide• this gcnerall and n.aturall goodthegricfc ofconfclcncc, the[cruple, that is, netfc ,there is allo afpui~eflormoraflgoodnes, thethingtllar rroubleth thcconfcience, mull properly fa called: & it isrllarwhich IS agree· be knownr. able eo rhc ctcrnall and vnchangeable wife.. Neucrrhcldfo, in priuar<confcilion, rhefc D dome ofGod ,reucaled rn rhe Morall Law, eaucats mul~bc obfe1ued. F1rfl, it muH not wherein it Js commanded ;and thing,s as they beevrged, as a rhmg fimply or abfolmdy nearc therein conJmandcd to be done byGod, cetfary,wirhoutwhJchtberccabenofaluarl6. are good morally. Now of aCtions m~rallJ Againe, it is noc fit rhar confeffion OJOuld be good,thcre be two degrccs:for rhey areeith~r ofall finnes, but onely of the fcruple it felfe, good 1n tbemfclues alone, or good bcth 10 that is,ofrhat orthofe finnesalonc-,u-hich doe rhemlcluc~,and in the doer. In themfcluesa~ trouble and mol en ch~confcience. Thirdly, lonefomethingsbcmorodly good:forexam· though confcflion m~y be maderoany kinde ple, when a w1ckcd man g10c:s an almes,ais a ofman, ([O,fo~oneto anothtr ,faithlames 1 ) good worke oncJy in it (cJfe, bur ~or good ycr is; ir efpcc1ally 10 be made to rhe Prophets in thedocr,bec<ilufe iris nm done in fairh,and andMinlllmofrhcGofpcl. Forthey in lrkefrom a good confcience: and fa are all the It hood ,ofall other men, in refpett of rhcir verrucsofthe he;.then, mCJraDygqod in thempl;tces and gifrs,arc the fittcfi and bcU able to · (clues, but rhcy arc nor good in heathen men ;I'Splf:ndi· inilruCl ,correct ,comfort, and cnforme the for in them rhey are but (a) bt'autifHU/innCJ. dapcccau. :.:.w:.:.ra:.:.k:.:e...:a:::n:.:d:..':.. '"o:::u:.:n:.:d:..ed;:.:::co:::n:::fc:::i:::cn:::c~e,_.~L::•::ll:;ly 2,:::th:::<:.:__T:.:::h•::..::n:::ex::t:::d::.<egree of goodnelfe is , whereby _ ·