Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i 102. ~n Exp*tion ofChrifh ~ --.-- his gr~ce erl'ablin~g. them _to do~ that which. by' I A thit~gs;Firfi,in bew:lilin& his wants and imper- ' cornmandhe rcqutres: tor as m the creation fcChons, knbwne and frcrct:; for it is adcCiods conunandcm_cm ~aue bccing to the gree ofpcrfeCHon, to b£wailc our impcrfcChO. I . c_~cattlrcs·, fo }s·i.t ahcr ~ l~rt in the rcgcncra.•: Secondly, in fcttin~ him~clfe fwm a•finccrc . tt~~' as ~ere,, G:j:cpei:c_f, IS amca~1cs tomake hcart,to ob~y God m aU h1s commandcmcnts, 1, Gods·chtldrcn pc!tfcct. Secondly, 111 ·"gard of as occaGon 1s offered: Pf.11. 119. 6.1Jl>allnot be I t_he wickeq, as ;y.JI to corruption in confouJidtd t tvhm I_h~u: refpe~t to-all tliy coml thcm!; the rf!,atc ot hts ~hurc_h, ~s alfo to m~11dcm1~t~ ,. and thts·t~dc~dc,ts ~he pcrfcCl·ion r leauc .them Wtti1out cxcuic, fcc:mg the bcft ot aChnfhan.: halfc oDcdJencc IS nothi'ng·for wor'kes they dde· :.lrc fl10rt ofth~u which they- · <lS b laf!NJ faith, hee [.tiles in one com1 ~an- b hm.1,1o, ;Ire hound tu pc'rformc. demcntofpurpofc.and cu!lome)s guiltic oJ :ii, ofpcdeai. To come to the: venue comm:indcd, which bccaufc ifoc'calion were offered, htc \\·ould on. is pnfeUio;-z md::tie.J of lo11c. Pn.f:::El:ion in gc.. all the rcfi. r.crall,istwofolti: ofthc Law,andoftheGof.. But it will be faid, 3 man may hauc both Pcrfc::ttionin pcl.PerfeCfion ofthe Law,is when aman loucs~ rheie, and yet \ovanr much ef pcrfcC1ion. AtJ- ~~~~~t:.:'din God and his neighbour, according to the ti- B fil'ei', A thing is faid to be perfeCt t\VO waies;c·igour o~th<:_la\\~, --r:hiS is in no ma~l in thi~ life, the~ iHparts, wh.en it hath all the parts of per~ Leg:~.ll. ·but ~h1s llnll be m Gods elcCl: 111 the ltfe to feCbon,though mwcakemcafurc; orindMruJ , Euau;dico~I. comC.' Pcrfccliotl ofthe Goij-,cl, is that cndca.- when it bath a fitll meafurc ofperfectionin c~ uou: of obedience '"'hi~h. Go~ accepts i.~ ~c1ypar-t. A ~hildncw bOtncisapcrfcClman ChnH, at the h::tnl~S ol Ius' chtldren. Thts m regard of h1s parts, hauing all the pa'rts and diltinC1:~<?n the r\}'ofHe maketh, Philip. 3· .for memb~rsof aman;, but·it is not perfeCt iil dcfidl he huth~ hee ha:b no! ,,~talnulro perfe0ttol1, grce, ull euc;y part grow vp to his pcrfctl)crn. t_· ~ t. mcam;1g, the pc~tc;:t10n of the law: an~ Now the chdd of Codwhen he istcgcn~ratc, leoficr hc!pcakcth of IHmfdiC •nd others, as hath all parts of pcrft&ion both in foule a~'d uctlllg pcrCc~l:, "·I 5. Let VJ (ia1th he) tf.J.mar.y bodtc, though m weakc ·me~fure; but in this liJ.J./;e'folrfeU 1 bhluh'mindt·d-: thatis,.~as many ~s : life, he is not perfett in dc~·rcCs, which is th:it be perfc~Ct_atjo~di'ng t~ th.e G~ip,cl. T~~s vYerc · J ft~ll mcafi.u·c the La.w rtqu~cth.2.Chro.t 5 ; r 7· Noa~, Abrxham~ lo\>, 7-.ach\mc,'hntll':hzabeth 7hr heart of Afa u [aid to bu perfo& towards ·perfctl,that is,fyhterc'and vp\ightl\efotc Go<! Godall6s1 dt1ics: and yet' tlic high places were both itiheart and~ifC'~atrd thisl5'ih~t perfctli-. C not taken away; yta hc'failcd in (eckingt<fthe oii\v1\i~h ChrHf-hefC rcqui;eth:~:l"'_·¥~- \ Phylirian, ~ndnotvmo 'God,chap. 16. 1'2.A{a Furtber,rhis Eualigelicl!ll pcrf~c1ibn hath z. r~ctl had'pcrfeetion of paris, bm ro perfection panS; eithcr of~mans O:lturc,or of his adions.\ ofdegrees he attained liot in this Hfe,and fhcr- : !h'!.ptffctli~n ~{ 1~1;1\S n:tn1rc_ls ~J: J'cg('~era-- fore he t!ilcd in thc~c p:r~~intlars,. throug~ the· uon.; for as m ongmall finnc, 1s D~Hh gUilt ofl wcakendfc offantl:lficauon;·\o\'htch heie1snot :)tdami finne imputt"d, and <C?rrliption in.:. finifhcd till death. '"" · hhent, V·:hich is the feed ofllrfi.nnc-: fo in re:. So then it i,s platnc' thcrcis a perfeftion in ge~Cr;.cion, which is the rcnuing Of rn~ns cof~ .the ci1ild·o~ Go4, though iciyncd \: irh ·rhilch rilpc n~nnc, there is an aboli01ing of Corruptd wcal\ncffe; CUCn in this life j his nature is pet~ ' on, :ib'd ';1 rdl:ot\ng df grace in euc:ry p3rt and· feet bccing rcnued in fou,fc to found iudgefat~ltic of the fdufe: for looke how .flr corruf:- mem,to ::u)h~neft heart,&. 'a go?d confcie'nC'c: l Parrso(E- ! ;~~Ft%~a~ l ciOn fprcad it fc!fc ,by Adams filine, fo far dorh . his attioils',arC perfeCt iri Gods acceptance tho~ J.'Branc::hes graccc:-..-'tcnd bY'rcgCncration.Ofth{s perfcCti:l rotlgh Chrifl; whiles f)c Hcwailes•l1is lm_porfc.. ofEnangc::iioif;¥n~rche thrcd'branches ; Fii-H, an vprighi CHon, and'e·ndt.3uo.urs tinchcfy tot ple;tfc .6-~rd ~~~!~:!~~· . 'tJtig~m~1tJtiff thcin.'il:d"C", whereby a m3n vnde~..: in ~u thingg.•rrhis is that \\.hid1 Cll.rift irii~yns Hands~ndOclceucs not onely the grounds of to his difclples,thiswe_mJJfilabourfor,it:'wihv~c nature, I L rclij;io,but eucrx.~~t~et· doctrine twcly groun- D refcmblc our hcaue!y.lathcr,we ea g,et !TO' high-: Jcd"in the word and is ready Co rcceiue it,as it er in this life; Out let vs atfaihc to this, and .in ts.'fm1hcr reu~ai~<i (hi~ is fin~critic i~1 iudg~- the Hf_: td c~'n.~ we~allbe ~Clfe·a in ~e-gret?, menr: whereby it is pl:line, that to hold ofiely fur the o~r rc~gencrat10n £halbe acco1npJifhcd. ... I ' ) ' the grounds of rcligi.on, :md furorhcrpoinrs, But hcr:ei'n men f.lile and come fhott oftheir 1 to follo:~ the tiJ~~' is a _t;rcat imp~rfcClio~t~ and dutic; .as flr.R;all thof~ tlpt fpe~~ t~cir firangth Who f1ilc ;, (\rant ot finccritrc. Secondly, tt pm-<" and aon~J!. and Wit to get the thtngs.of tht) world.;. th-efe ~:~~nu~ perbean, wlfcrcbY'rrm~n is free frorh.:\~y .rurp~fe .tnen Hntc ~'h!~}..~fqf ~}lis\ w~ ich the . to liue in fiilne;~n·d bnthe comr:me 1~.wclmc'd . Lord req'tn·cs 1n hts c~!ldrcrfi it may•be they . to cuery thiri"r.:th~t-; is r:oOd. T-hir<ily, a. good11 \''ill hca.,rc thAword, but yet their hearts ore fo }~tifd~ncr, ki~tin'tzl<;fiTinonie a9cording tot~~ glued to the .p;1nh and earthly thlngs,that they ,~:b"r~rr~~~ fo ~:\'CU!if1g, that ·a 1n!m may fal f.'l\Jbu.r JtQ, \of rcgel~e~a!lorl,,. t,h~y kpow p~lt . a ,I.Cor.<J+ {Hth·a l~~~oJ nothing b~"'Wiy"fo!fi: lllC3: whac Jt ~,.t.t)eancs: but lf .. tl~Y. Wlll be Godt chililfil\(; fdr whicH Re fhould con~JmnO:himfoirc</ dren,i:h"o/ mull follow':!(I'J.ifophat, , ;'>Cht. 1 7· Xr'id:J,a·o. kc~ \..,. 1 hdc ~1aturc is rcnuC~,thct,c tihcfe I 6. who _lift vp hU heartrtoJ~; !f, ,:aies of d~e.L~rd; ilill!c·atcncuer W'IJting. !:)"· • ·:1 forthausthe mcancsto cdtno to pcrfcchon. · !I ~~~&rf<!El:ion of m:ms ;Cl:ions, fiandc!h in hV!___:~· Scconltly,rhq[C' alfo arc·r~prooucd,.that_oon- ~~ _ _ ....:.__:.:.·· _-=-:::....:.:.= tent·-·--';