Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

' Mauh.6. ~ Sermon in the ~'i\..1ount. in hirnfclfc and in his: wotkcs, tls11is hand will ' A · ¥Ye h_au~) 'B: an e!fcCCuail,)rayct fo.r more in:::. be vpon vs in foule or bodic,goods• or calling, I cre:tfe, - or fame other way for the glone ofhis iuiHcc: ~ . L~fiiy, _rhcplarc whcrCin t_his pCtiii.On i_s (et 1 ~~7~1h~J.,./c for G od will not ldofe his glade. I I I. If w_cc I 10 thls, reacherh v.s to !~e~c the glan~ of l<~u~1, 1 ahtd- . fay, Ha/(}wedhJ rhy nd"u with our mourh, a~d G od hmpJy and abfolutdy bd Ore all 6thei lurfJy. feckc not his honour in our life, \o\'e bcwray ui things.This.ought to bC>the affeCtion ofGOdS •· vre. We mull: la· bourrobe bnailicd. our (dues damnable hypocrific, and tt1alcc pro· child, though he ih~wld rccciUc 110 bldfngs fctlion ofthat finn< which theLord Vttcr!y de· from God; f~r looke wlmc,d prdcr.s ifi his tcllcrh: wccllccmc very bafclyofditfcmblctS dircClion,that mull we ~lw~des p:oefer in a.ll',ouf among men: bur much more odious is this ilCl:ions, though ·no good 010uld fbllo~,.v vhrd finne in rhe tnJttcrs of God: :1nd therefore lee' vs thcn:upon·: for rhis Cnd<',Ood £.i~es Vs ~lit1~e thcpraClifc of our-l.iuesJ the finceritic of/ fo liue in this wor~d, :th.dt ~vc mipht t;IofitiC our hearts,when we pray for the glorifying of God in our pbcC~ ~n;,.t <:allings; and hcc th:it' God~ name. irhployeth hiittfclfe otHcrway<'s, profar.~~h 1 Fourthly, this pctitiot1 te<\chctk vs, th:lt we Gods, & rranfgrc!ferh this hcaucnly ?Jr..i our (clues mull be halowed and fanCtificd, fo!· .B dcr here fer downc b1-Chri!l, thi: wiic" clfc 'v\'C cannot halow Gods name:· 11NJ that ~omeof his F~thcr. br.r. '"' v•ffilt of rhi Lord, in his fantluarie, I ' V. 10. Th'IJ LinfTdcme come•. muft /;(c!(a11e, Ifay. 51· I I, How nitlch ttlore i/ '\! 0 ought thr:y to be holy,that beare the glori6uS TJ~ Coht>rmte. Chriit haulng taught'v.s td name ofGod? Whon Anani.u doubted of go~ I. pray for the fonC\ilying df Gods· name; in· th.? s Ad,.11• ing to Palll, the Lord tcls him, g he Uachopn 1 fortricrptrtltion,dotl.l in this;~rid thC rC!l:~whidf tu]fl!I vnto mccrobedi'emJnttme: alluding to · follOW 1 1Sitwcrcc:tpOLindthC f2mc, by diN[~ that fiate of fanChfication, whereto the Lord C1ing vs to the mcomcs: whereby Gods name rJ had lately calkd him, whereby hec made him halowcd ofvs! for then do'< \\'e glorifie Gba~ I afit inHrumcm for the glorie C'lf his name, in n.:~.m_c, whc? he fetsv~his kingdomc in ~;?',:i1id I the mirlifictie of the Gofpci. And the f.1mc \'\'0 iuffer hun to ruk m olir·heans, wh6n: ~.,~~ ' ltlte mull \\'t' bhour afcer, if '"'C vvould_ be an- ~ d'oc his will, depend vpon his prouidcnrC_fO·( j f··.<orlble to rhat we fccmc tO defireinthi' pcti· the things ofthis lifc,tru!l in his mcrcic for d>< t· tion.Wc mufi therefore labour to be new ereapardon of -our firu)es, 31Id on his pow'cr ~nd l tures, changed in minde and heart, for an vnf ihcngth againfl:tcrt\ptation, Now of thcf!lall, I holy perfon cannot trucly dcfir< the glorio of C this fecond harh the neerefi dependance vp"ot1 God: but ~·hen weonce fcele' the gra.c:c of theformer,asbccil1gan'tt-F.:: fanllification;then will th• defite Of Gods glo. of! for hlen ought to glorifie Gods name on ric breed in our hcarts,aod we Jl1tlll knc;>whow nrch, but of th~mfclues thcycantiot doe it,till whonhy the Lord is to haue all· glori< giuen God rule in t~eir hearts by his wo·rd and fp,irit, vnto his name. · · ind fo fet vp his kingdomcin them. · · f. vre. . Fiftly,ifwecomparcthispetition withth<! Thefntanin£. Gods KingdomtistWo-fold; ~tf:~l~c:;~: .rea(on wherewith Chrifl c.Oncl.tHks thts{'ta(et, iJmera!l,andSpuiall. Godsgenrraif bjngdo~, f!Ji~~·tj~~~ j wee ~all fee t~3t.~ the rra:.tfc 3nd h~nour ~f is his abfolmc po~;er ~nd f~ucrai~mic, w~:rc .. _r God, J.s the bcgmm!'lg and end ofChnHs pratby he ruleth all thmgs rn heauen, 10 earrh, anti c'r, and fo !sit \\'ere·the firfi and Iaft thing wirh 1 in hcJl, cue~ the dcui:Is thcmfd.~e.·s: Pf~l. t?J: Outfl: ~ whence we lc~rnc, that wee ought to J 9· Th( Lord hath pr~pared h'u t-hrone inhea~ ~~ more frequent an? P!Cn_t~full in thankfgiilcn, /;is kjngdo"!e rtt!eth .oiler till: and this we umgvmoGod, th.en m pctttton and rcqudt. I a:-knO\vkJg~. Jt'i the endc of this prayer,· For Thus "''Cdcalc w~th thofc that be bc~:mift~H thine iJ the k.,i~Jtfiome. ~ow this \.\·Cpraynot· I vnro vs on earth, w~ git.k theril many t!1'lnkc·s I I for, bccau(c it is ?lwaiCs eucrywh(•rC; no dea.'-· Oodslciog· dome two• fold. 1.Ccnc:di · fot one good·turnc~ and thcr:f~rc fhou!dwe D 1 rure c.:u-1 hmdcr u, no not all rhe detiits ih hclf, ' tnuch tflore abo(tn~ ~n ~hankfg!C;ng t~ ~urhcdI for cucry_crcat~re is fubicct hcrtutub,and. Cfi:I ucnly Father, frorn whom~ we r<.:CC!liC euel'Y do~· nothmg but that which God either 'NI f- . go.od gift that we c·n~oy. !tbcfccrnc"' not thc !cth 0r pcrmityeth: k tf;cc~rding'tobU wi!l hu k D:in-+li j chdde.of Go·d to be alwatcs -:!nd ondy- beg- ! >r61~tb ir. th! armie o/ h(tkm, andin the in/Jabiging-, ~s thOughhe h·~d nothing:but \•:ith;{Il,llc rr:mt.r of th( Mrth; andr:Oire c;v; f.ay hi$ hand,nor mufi be·plcndfull il'l thnnks :1nd pr:1ifc, for t:1~:: ]~",What do~ft rhot-t? · ' '-rgucs hehath at3fie of_Godsh-irrde towards G{Jtit fr~citd! kj,.~~domr is thiit, \ov1Jcrcby he· i. Sped.di. , h Pf~l.q.7.1 ·' him: rhtsnr.\de h twid by, h l'rr.ifei,· t> cortJt'l"l tulc>th his cleCl:11.nd chof<'ri pceplc,\,,orf.:ifigh/s i Pf~l.n,. I and piM[anr rhi';~{ ; it wdi :h con:metb ':Jf1'{ will not onelyby thcln,as·hc- doth in his genc1 m~t: to/;( thanl!,!fHII, Our life of :;loricfnall he t-all kingdomc, by rhc de:ul!JSthomfi.:lucs; bu't ' 'I fpt:nt in pr:\ifio-gGod_.and therefore \'1!{" rhou!d in thctn :1Jfo, byhis holy (pirit: and ft is called invr~ our fclucs thcr~to, 1:1 this tifnc o~ ~?ac:: JP.ccia!l, bc<:aufc !t is nct.<:~er~ifcd, outr all the' i anrl mdccd:, accor~1ng ;oOur th~nk(f;\uH~g J'i world,bu~ onc~y olJe~ lhc Ekt:r,v. hon! he hat'O I our grace; little pra.1fr, httle gr2cc; bm ne th:a ·ord;.incd to ctcrnalJ life. ,~ , · , . .tbe>unds in thankfg!uin~, abounds !n Gods This fpec.V-tii kin~dom ofdeO iscv:o-fOld'..ei· ..., 0 <'>0.d•f,a"· J ~ldfmgs.Againe,hcarty th;mkfgiuing for th5t 1:htr ?£g!._~tC~,_oti bf[l,Hej~ k:!·,i do.m·of gr~(C, • ~~)~~.o( ' Jy!"-'-~"'----""-·=-~=:-_.:::-.,2• _ __:__ .