Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·--r.>.,:i•..A-,,_.,.. --......1 Sermon in the•& bunt. j "'f t ll,ould we perfonne vnto Chrill all the ferwcc A ,. r~mpdraU bletftngs: \vherd>).:~':e ~ay g1ol>6. e. I'-·-~-~~ we can. • · ' · • God rher~1n; ·· • ~ •):<:.~· . · FourrhJy, they q,end 'their titndll pralfi11g 1 . ' In thehandling ofthi;potltio. n~ f1~ol6!.l}t~~ ; f aitd.laudinb the tJ:unC1 of (';od': lnd fd 016ul{i t ar~ to be conhdered :; I. wh:.t-V\~e as~e; Pn14d;ol! I3bout: to h:1uc burhC:tns inlargCd for hls 1 2 1 what bread we askt.·~ d.rd; bread: 3. -.;d11).fq · 1 gloric, and our.mouthcsRllcd \\'ith his pra1fes~ llrc:ad',· clirs t 4· tOr ,\·hat timc1 rhU)'i'l'l :·s, ·. ~ Fiftly ,they be ( for·our o'ood,if we whomc, to Vr: 6.whcncc \Ve ~o\'ou!d hlue:i~:b.y : j; b~Gods-childrcn, thOugh thcybc.fur~tbet_rcr giftfromCod,g/Ht'VJ"•. · _1·-:; • , ~i ·.' 1 !· thC'I'I we are; Heb. [. J 4· ·They arc Minifh·i11_f{ ' For the fidl: The- thing. WC aske i,s ])-,.·,ail-::. r .(piritr,fent fvrth ri minjjfff .fohheirfokfh-,hich . But what ismeotnt by B?·cdd;...j.s"flor agretd;v.p.. ' t f/utfl !u h~ir~r offa!ii.lrt/(}11. P'{M. 91. 1 l."Thryttre ! on: fomc c:~:pound it fpirituai\y :o.f ChriHs·~e~. Er~:'inh ~ 'a, nurru tobeare·{;gli/t 'childr-en in theirhandr. ! die and blood, the foode of thC f.oulejn}hq- j tf Pill. ;4. 3· Th~ At~g~! of the Lord .pircheth word :end facr;~mcnts. But the vrHlt"ncffe of rMnd nbrmt tl;em that fcm·c l1im: And :tU this th~s expofltion we fh:t.,~l fc;c b~~.the ·w~akndfc. . they doe vnro vs oflouc, :lS though it were not oCtheir rcafons ailcadgcJ for ic. Fir~,thcy 1."1yj ,. injoyllcd them: So we afcer this examplemuH it is not tncctc-th:it in fo htt:lu.e~ll}' arr:~.ycry\-.lli I illlploy·our fduts in tOtJlc :1nd bodie, calling, B fhould askc fo bafc a thing as m:itcria!l br~d l· credit,and lll we haut for the good of men. of OUI" hcaucnly Flther. Anf Jf God COIP~ I Sixt!y;the Angels arc ioyflill when Gnncrs mand vs to 3.ske him bread, and td depend yp... ~ are hun1blcd a1ld eonuerred from ftnne 'vllto 0 him for ir,wc mu!l n6t iudge bafcl)' of it; no~ .'.~ .-;"" i God: Luk. 1 5. to. and they arc gricued when in this ' cluptcr Cod comnmids vs w<i ~-~.·~·~" ' men by fi'nne difhonour God. And the likcal~ vpon him l<>t foodc to cote:· yea, 1.rPcr.. 5, 7· ''' fctl:ion!l fl1ould be i11 vs, we lhould mournc we muH oCl a}~ our care on him' and !fl..(o/u for 311fit"'lne in our [dues and others; whereby pr:~.C1ifc in prayl1..:.g for 6re.1dro ratr, Ge:-n·. z&l God·is·dithonourcd; and haue our hca:rts to 20. and Agurr pr;~ying for a compct~n(ia:-in lcapc for i6)1, w!lct1 !inners repent·~nd nunc out$;.\':ud thinos, Prm1. iO. 8. decl:~.rc phin-dy vmo, God. In the wqrld eo c'ome we !hall be the lawful!1effc cherco[Secondly,(thcy f<lj')\yc like the Angels ofhcauen in glorie, Matrh.2i. mull firfi iccke Gods kiAgdomc ~nd his right 10. Jet v~ therefore here tdlifie this hope by teoufne!fe, and then all rlJCfc thmgs fh1dlloce bcginnit~g outh.caucnvpott e:uth, inbccomC2.fivponvs,3'• Anfw. DiihuHfull and Qj.., ming!ikctotheAngc!s, though no;ingloric flraeling care is there ondyforbidden,butl I yeiinl.:&ct!icncc~ ). · moderate c:uc is there allowed. and therefore· Hc'rc laflly ob(crue,whot honour we ore to prayer forthem is vndoubtcdly.lawfi1U. , ',,,~. giue to the Aogds of hcouen, natncly,thc ho· C The fec.ond opinion touching Bread 'i• 1 of Rh<m.drl nour of Imitation, bt-comrningHkc vnro them the Papi!bJ tb ·wit, thar hn-e w..e atk.! not~e/1 this pl1.~c-1 in 0\'~;:dfcncc, and"tre:tJing ih the fleps oftheir all ne~rff4rie fisjlmance for. the hodie, bHr 1111Jill vetfueS !but for thehonOur ofinuoduion,that -more all fpi.,·ima/1 foode, namHJ; the blef!ed .SJJ."- lffatth.6. v. t t. is duC'to God alonc,and'wc mufl: not glue i't: to Crameitt, whjch i$ Chrifl. the /;read of life.; ~m ~~~~b~~:~. Angds ·: damnable _therefore is the: ·do"Ctrin·c neither is this fo fit,; for firfr_,, \\"C praycd.fOrl{pi.,: l ,,,.,,~;ff~ I and pr.aetife ofthc.Church ofRom ...., who pr.ay rirull things direCtly in the fecond pctit~9!1\Se- ~:j~;.l~. · armO.thc Angcls;lnd giue ,·nto them the·ho,. iiondly, facramentaH bread cann'ot here~ nouTqf<.E.iod inrdifl~ous worlhip. · mcanr, bccaurc Jt " ·as nbt ordajncd ··~-t+hen , · · t"'·"''.,'' 1 ' f ' ChrilltaughJhisDifciples,tbisprai•r.Thitllly., ' · -.: ~· 11. . }f4J .., 'VS tt~tJ aa_y OU~ their '"pohtivn is again!t their own<' prac\if~ d. / b for ifbv br~ad~wcrc mc:~.mthrifi in thcS3.cutlt~ Tea • i ,:,. ' ... •· ' men~, then rhe people fhould &c fedd~ thero.- C<Jherencr. Hitherto we haue handled with cucrydayj ..,,·hich they barre them fi-o1~ .......... s-. thepe.cit1ons thac cOncernc Gods £.loric; now The thi~·<t ~inion is, that byhrtad is tn~:uiJ ;J ~. ~·. ~ ;, fdues}as·tho w.ord:Vs, doth pl>lncly ihe\v,in D life onc!y:& thts I tai<e to betht truth £Prohrfc thefe "'hic1\follow: and they depend vp- . . rcafons,wh•ch alfo make againilthe fol<uef.{xv., we come to the petitions that coneerne our corpor21l tood & ble.ffingsnrccffltic t6f<7porol ~~ on 'tilt:former, aS an t-xplicationofthe \nanner · 1 -.pofitions>Frrft,S. LS~}&, the bcfi w'tctpfere:u cif of our obedience: ·fOr there \\'C a5k~d grace to our Sauiour Cbriil, expounds thf" \\ords; JJ[!~c1~~~~br dOe 'Gods \\ill; 31'd hetc we pray for thofe 6re'!drbatfH1te.rforrbe.d 11 yJ:·xchat is, for cuer;; Ilrud. ~~~flings and mcrclCS, !.vhcrc~n "";'C :nay c>:prefl(. : day, Luk. ;f:-t~· ~. :1nd thcrefot'c,it rnufi nce<JsbC l)tlrobedJCnce:for WC doe (,ods w•ll,whcu ,, c bod'ily: fbr fpi'rituall tood.<>nce tmly recei!Ul! . a, .kJ?.en~ vponh.s pro~idmu fot the ble1!ings of ·:.fcnics·n1:>t foro day, bur fufre\;Ioh. 4:14:So- ' t~rs l~e: when wc~eltevpon h~t n~~.erc~e'. forth~ ·I · condlf,thi·s is·a perfc~l pht~~~mc of pr::~kt;ancf pa. tdo~ 0f o.u. r 0nnes, an~ tru.ftJ '~ h11-powerfor. . l th('rcf?ren:mn,contam. c petatDn (or te1.i~p.or.· :tU .(h:ngtb ~g:unfi. temptauon. an~ , J~liuerance ' bleCiings.; t:tS" iowcre not p.c.rftct :howW$: <f1!1..- fr~m eU!Il; N.ow then t? c~mc p~rtlcularly td . not corhP"tt>hend out rc!]_uefis for trinpor~n th1s fourth pem.i'o,n :,h:~um~ m. ~1: ~brmc~ era- , ··bieff!og~ 'Vft~cr :my oth:c.r . petition"· butrthiS .ucd. grace to ~o:.Gods \\Ill tf10Ur 1parttcuHr i oncly;"and:..rllcrcforc Chi!l-;.her: pi-op.ottn;. l·~~~~<,hcr<' ''::.i'.':t.X for fuchiiiffj<'ic.heeofa!l ! dc!hthom, ., ' ; . · ~---' No,·~.L-