Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~- , · ,Hauh+ 1 Sermon in the e5\1ount. 1 3 ' v_:_::_ , _ _ _ _____~-~-~~~.,l _/1 I mendable, and comicnitnt gcflurcs,which arc A hand,to open thcircarc-s,andapply their hearts fl vfcd in chat Church,whcreofwc arc members. w hcarc,lprnc,reccluc, bcleehe,and obey the I' Jfanythallaske, whether we mjy nor preach fame : this i>that Prophet forerolp by Mo[u 1 1 fittinc, as Chrifidid? I anfwC"r: if it vvcrc the whomuft bee heardq ;,., allthing.J rhar liet fba/1 ! qA&.J 1i,iJ cufto~1c: ofour Church, we might la\\'fully do {pMk! t yea, whofotucr will not hearchiJ voice, 1 it; for thcfc gdlurcs be indift'crcnt in themmtJ.ft be cut offfrom .mtong Gods peqpfe: and I [clues-:- but we doe icnot,bcqufc our cufiomc great rcafon , flr if theJvordfpok!n by .. t'btgcl!J is othqwi.fc, And fo ~ve may fay of preaching jlooodjfeadfajf, a"d eucr} ll'ttn[f.relfionrecl'iucd a 1 with the head coucred, whi'h j) the manner viu.ft recordpetJcc of reward; r howJbrtllwcee{c~tpe, rHeb·t1rl· fed by the MiniHcrsof the French Churches; ifweneglcfl: fogrMt f:z/uatiOJJ prrecbcd ~mto vs j but we vfe it not, becauiC we haue no fuch cubJ Chrijf? Secondly, hereby all Gods Miniflers · :a. vre. !!omeinourChurch. arcraughr,by allgodly 'diligenccro fccke w I +Circum.~ Fourthly, here arc noted the partiuwhom fim1il11 thcmfclucs fOr their holy Mi1~flcrie, U~:~~r:,. Chrill taughc,namely his Difciplcs;for though th:u they may bring ferious ;md waightic mathe fpakc in the audience of lhe multitude, yet ter vmo Gods people", an·d dcliucr the fame herein he chicAy intended to inHrnCt- hisditCiwith that conucnicnt boldndlC and auchority, pies:that is, all thofewhom he had conucrred B which bcfccmerh Gods word. Thirdly, in ;,V(,. by his former Mini!!cric,& among rhem prinChri!ls addreffing ofhimfc!fe to fpcak,all pcrcipally the twc:lue ApoiHes, whom hcc had fons mull learne to mak confci~ncc both offi..., ncwely chofcn to become rcachersof orhers. lenee and of fpeach: thiS we rh all doe,if by fiThis circumHance muCl: be well obf~rucd, for lenee we clofe vp our lippcs, till we bane iuft as it to cl care Come points in the domatterto fpeake of, rending to the glorie of tlrin foll?wing;fo it fcrucrh notably, to proue dod, or rhe good ofour brerhren:ond becing and iufiifie the Schooles of the Prophets, foprcparcd,vponfitoccafionjand i"n duetimc, wherein fome teach, & others heare and )earn, we may Vttcr our mindc ~ we mufi. remember forthiscnde 1 tofurnith rhemfelues with gifts, that Chri!! left himfclfe an example; that we that afterward they may become good and athould follow his (\eppes : and al(o confider i bleceachcrs in Gods Church: for what is this that of euerJ idle word tbat wee jha/1 fpea!,s, wee '""'·"·l•· hue ro follow the example of C.hrifl, who in muft rer.d~r account vnto God. If this were rhis pla __deliuercrh doetrine and ln!!ruClion knowne and be!ceu<d, there would not be j~ to his tweluc Apofi:es, the hrtter to inable many finncs in words, bycurfing, (,...,caring rhen1ro the faithful! difcharge oftheir holy vaineand idle fpcaking,as there-be. ' MiniA:crie. ) ThusmuchofthcPrcface. Now we come l'he mmer La!Hy, in this Preface is noted Cbrifh man.. C to the matter of this Sermon, hcginnina at the ~~~~~i~s nn-•ffpeakjng,in there words: And hte opm1d thi!d verfe of this Chapter, and fo con~nuing hu mouth andtaught them,[aying: which fomc to the z8.verfe ofthe 7.Chaprcr.And it maybe doe take to fignilie norhin11 clfe, but a full and diuided into r z. heads or places of doClrine: cuidenr kind offpeach;as it theholyGho!! had The fir!! whereof, concernerh true bappine!Je .. Pmonf {aid, hufpak,rwith hu mouth: as we vrc tO fay or blej{tdnejfo.-from the ••verre ofthis Chapter! h>ppindft, in Engli!h,/ ht>ttrdit with mint earts. But this to the 13. whcrcm arc propounded fundty phrafebath afurther meaning, for as Paul witrules diteClingmen to attaine thcrt'i.lnto. The nEfb·'·''· ling the Ephdians, n to praJ ID Godfor him that fcope ofrhem all mu!! be conGdered, which in ad.ortofvttn-anct maybe gi11en him, that hu genera!lisrhis: Our Sauiour Chri!!)lad now migbt open his mouth boldly topuhl;fh the fe· preached two yeares among the people, and <retrofthe Gofpel, dorh there make that opt• thereby had wonnc many to become his Difning of hu mouth, a more fpeciall kind of fpea.. ciplcs; and among the rdl ,his I 2. Apo!!les:to king,,and ofa fatre more waightiema~rer,thcn all whom hee promifcd happindfe and life ehis ordinarycommunication; and as Elihu fayuerlafting, if they would continue in the faith otob. ing, o I willoptnmy lippu,ttndwil! anfwrr, doth •D 3nd obedi.enc~ of his word :Nowth~ugh they thereby imporr,rhar his fpcech thould be vpon bcleeued rn lum, yet they !lrll rem)lined in rhe due confideration,andfound knowledge: fo fame fiate for outward things ( and bcCan 1 c the Euangeliil faying, Chrift openedhis moHth, more fubic8 to outward mifciie's then bcfor~· doth thcrebymeanc,thar vponferious mcdtaifo as if they iudged ofhappipf!fe by their pre~ tion vpon fundrypoints of heauenly dotlrine, Cent ounvard e!!are, rhey fight ealily fufpctl hce began to fpeake with liberric & authority, the rrurh ofChri!ls doC\rine, and think he had and to dcliuer vnto them dcepe matter of d~ceiucd them,bccaufe he pro~ifcd them hapwaight and great importance: that this is the pmefi"c, and yet for outward thmgs, their cafe meaning, may appearc by the conclufion of was farrc wo_r.fe, then before they knew him. PCh2P·7-11· this Sermon, where it is faid, P the people wonThis our S,auiour Chrifi conlidcring·, doth dredttt hU dollrine, becttu[e hee tttHght JU one ha.. here goc about to rcmoouc this fal[e conceit uin._r. amhoritie. hut of'their minds; and for this purpofe deli.. 6 DothChriilherc openbismouth,:mdvtter ucreth this Vnto them, in the firil The 'lieu.•. waighdc p0ins of doCtrine in this Sermon? generallhcad of ~11s Scr~on ; that true hlfppi- . I then it {b.nt.lcth :llt Churches and people in nef{e hefore ~od. u euer roynrd, rea couerednM- \· ' -~' --------~~--------~- -----------2ry~~