Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Matth.6. Sermo11 in the ::...'i'\.1aunt. v. 1z.. J<t':-I my Gad, This we mull: obfcrue. to ar:nc vs I A godly manner CJ~dc::mour ~f~cr. .Anti therefore 1 n.!!':l!l'·w~ Bdhrm.dc againft: the damnable doClrinc of ~b~ C!wrch . j as we prar .for p:~.rdon ot fmnc et;cry ~by~ to :1~i!_'' 1'ar· iulbf.l.s.c.7. ofRomc, for they will gra.unt chatlnlHs.firfi ! n~uf1 we_ ~~n:ly \'fc th~m~anc~ ~\llc~·~n:CJ-Ot~ conuer(ion a man mufl: relic ondy on Cods 1 £.1UCS ;1!1man~.c 01 re1?H!Tto.1 tOll!S thddtc_n;:ts 1 mercy In Chrifls biood;but afteram:~.n _is made heare the w_ord, rc~~JUe the Sa_cramcms,. r.nd the child of God, bee may rcnvpon his ~W~1C pray_vntoCo~ publiKClfai~d pnuatcly;cnGc~'- good merits, [o it be inmodd1ic and fobn~w:. uou~u1g to r<:!J!t ;1}! tc_mptatJOI~s,_ :1~1d to ~lOllBut this is the right w~y tO hell, flat ag;.llnfi fil.: c.<:dby n~w oocd!C!lCC : !o.r lt IS groA~ bythis petition: for how can we drcame ot •u:y ~ocr.J!1c to askc ~hepa.rdon,ot fume, and !b_ll t:d merit, when as we mufl cucry day askc mcroe 11Ue 111 the pwtl1~c of1t. ,vcnmll lle and forgi~cne!fc : for t~ askc mcrcic and .to LafUy l~cr~ we kc we mu!.t pray nor on~lyfo~ c~ro:foiU n_f plead mentc, arc contrancs: nowbyour daily the pardoot our 0\'..'0 fins,but ofour brcthrc.ns d~c !a!u).tlo~ finncs we a.ddc debt to d(;bt, and fo mu!l fiill alfo;.ForgiuevJ:\vhcreby Cbrifl vvould tCa(h V9)'\ of-o,1hm. • ; 1 plead mcrcie and not mcritc, cucn a~tcr we arc c::trcfu1 ofthe (;. "' r conuertcd and f:mC!ificd; cucr pralling God nctghbours; the good cftatc of thctr foul cs that h:nh dcliuerecl vs from the fiaui01 bonJ110ulJ be dcarc and pretious Y!lto vs: and if dagc ofthat proud Synagogue. . B this were fo, happic \o\"Ould it Qc .....-re~· .. ~ha U:j~~:~:miThirdly, here we fee what '-'"C mufi doe m I Churcl! of God; b_ur, alas,mc1~ are ~o fe.rfl'om rcfpcC.l of our daily finncs whereunto we fall; care 01 th<; faluauou of then· nctghbottl'S; we muJl notlic in them, but rcnuc our cHate 1 that men ot the fanzc family arc carclcffc of.on~ by true humiliaLion and repentance. Alfo if an others foulcs; maficrs regard )lot their fct:..· thou be croOCd in the things of this world,thc uants, nor parents their children: indtcclc way of comfon and ddiuer~ncc is to be !earthey will prouide ~or their bodies and out:s~rd 1 ncd hcre:for as. thou dodl da1ly askc brcadc,fo {bee; but for thc1r foules they bauc no care: thoumu!l: askc forgiucndfe for thy finncs,and wherein ~hey bcwray thcmfdi!cs to be cn;~.eJl l when theyarcpardoned, thou haH tide and in_· and merctlc!fe,hauJngmorc caye oftheir hqggs- I terc!t to all Gods blctllngs. Now this cJaidy and bmit bca[b then ofthcjrCh.ildrcn J.n'd ·~~.... humiliation !lands in three things: c::tarni... for ·when their hoggs h:me :dl nationof our {dues for our debt vnto God by proui(ion, their children & foru~nt-s foulesill\\.1 I fin : :1. in confcffingou'r debt vnto our crcdiy"ant inHruC1ion. .. · ... r.~.J::1 ~ tour, ycilding our fducs into his hands: 1· in .As we ttlfo forgiuc our._ dePth·s. . 1 Tt~cfe 1humbling our fducs vntohim.,crauing pardon words :1rc hcrc ·p_toppunde~. ~s a cPnfljti.Gh~J and remirt'ion earncfHy for Chrifis fake, as for C the former p.etitl(>n ;<t.~ a r~~ti life and death: herein rhe childrcn_pf God arc thereof, as Lu~. I I . 4• f (fr..,tgiuf.w .2!ff jir;~es, prefidcnts vnto vs: Pfal. 32. 5.6. Dtmid in FOR euenwcforgi'll,e e'feYJ•. rfM.'!·r~bATrz!; great difHe!fc found,no rclea[e while he held v~to vs. And ·tl)is Ghri!1: add~th,,f~~'~"a)fji\Ji.o his tongue, but when he humb!ed.himfclfeand enufcs, CUtn tO ctolfs the fj~\1.<\@.nd hypiicfti/W &onfcjfod ,tgainft himfo!fo, then he found mercie of OUJ corrupt hcarts;\\·ho \\;Quldj)~y<;.:fdtgitr~ and eafe; whereupon he profc!fcth that he wil nelfe ofGod 3 and y·er would ij<>t·fotgitK(u:i bea plttcrne to eucry godly man for tl"'lcir be... l:n&tht en,nor yet leal\Coffthe fH~C"\ifc ef..GI)JJ.e I hauiom in the time of dift1·dfe. ou1 fclue:s. But·tlus condmo;'s,th{IT ,\e ll.cmcdic a· Fourthly, here we hauc a notable rctnedic mult excrnfa mctci\!" to'\'::J.t:d~,our ·b;:.qt:hrc-J:t, ?;!J~dca_gain!l defpaitc, v,·hcrc\'\'·ith the dcuiU affa~lts and fo blcakc offthCcourfc ofou. firm~s;,.tf~~f: I I many :1 c~ild ofGod,:whcn tHrough.infitmit.Y look fQr mct t:y{lt Gods hap~s->No\'v'th~"fRlids 1 ~·. ,"' ' :~ they fall mto fomc grLcuous !i.nnc, or corhnllt here vfcd arc.comp:m}t1Uc,b~t0k.cntng a. h~~ I . , .., I i the 'fa. me finne ofccn,which greatly wound~ the l1dod and f'i,mBtllde b~r:we~n,Gods fotgi!IHl:g 1 1 ~ p ": ll 1 confCiCc.:c: for here Cbrifi bids vs askc forgiucand ours; whtch muil be rlgh.tly vndcr.fiood, · '() ! nc!feofour.daily finnes whatfoeuer they bc,or D ·bccaufeou1forgiUene!fe ISOllftglcd \~n!.uiu,;h. 1 . I how often focu cr committed. And n_o. .doubt, I tcorrHprion t\u;augh ""'atft o£rnc-r~is·:..antLt!il,et>-' ' I. be_ that bids vsforgi~e our brcthreltth~t 11nne ·foTc we muf\i}otivnderfian,d.-i~ of,~hc.uacafu~~ z L;;.k.J7+ , againft vs, though 1t wcr.e ~ [eauen timu ina .of forg~udlcffe, ''ot yer.Of--ckle•mtJ.hner·fitn~}!, I d.l;-, if. rh? fock.§ ir. at ouY I;Ands, "-'ill muoh I :bm efi>ccially:of the very a.c.1,;>f fo(g;Ull·)grA9r, mol"c torgiUc vs. Th1s mufi not embol-den any .then:tQ fo1betimcs mull fl-tl!Uitu~C!she1r.clbr4i·· to finnc prefumptyoufly, for the L·ord -hath .•nc.d; "'Mat. ~-:.9<' A<:cordit;gto'JoH~.ffiit'?htlit I [aide, flee will not h~ mcrcifdlvnto th.1t m~n. vntoyou. And thcJorce cf tb!: reafon A:nt~:in Deut. 19. I 9· but if any fall through infirnlity, ·the circum.fHtne.t;., thus; Jf.~vf7 \'!hOha·IU'~t/.1 hcre.on he hath to Hay himfdfe frot~ cl.cfp?.~rc. ..dro,p of n~~r.cie, dqc.fni~gitk,,.othq:s ; th"~1~doc1 j ~ffillJ~~~an F1fdy, hereby we lee that no man pofl,bly thou who ::\rt t1lc;foua.r·afne,Ql' mercies.forginq law. can fulhll the law, for the Apofllcs t·hcmfcluCs .vS:· but we forgiu:C,oth~I"s; thCref0rc..doet"hot~ were connnan~c? to ~ske-pardO of finr.ceu~ry ,f.Grgi\te vs : ·.·r: ... . . _·, . 1 • '•' Jo:·'))(\· 1 Howm:m day; w~ereby lt ~~ pl:une they could ncuer ful- · . 'Tottchiu-g.·o'tn:Jqrgllltng Qt,f\tr;s, ~threddjt:!c_! forgh1t1. fill the law, :md therefore much ldfc can any ·fl:ion~·. mv!t!bie ~"s!al.lri~~: ·1: Ho\y can an)i)l1an1 1 other. · , } .pardon a lirclppfl~; fecme: God onelyforoiucth' 1 \ Sixtly,that v:hich we pray for,wernu!l::inall .finnes? 4n{iln.ehe,ry tr.~fpaffe which on~ dolh~ 1 -..--·~----- ·-------- -----N • to : .·.