Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

! IfS j1 j "],i1t,pJ. \·b,lh.L'7 ,, I f rVlnExpojition o(Cbriflr 1M,!11h.6.: ~~--~~----~--~~------~~--~-----~----------~ v~~- ~ inhis. finnes ofadultcric and murthcr, 2. Sam. \A ' for the prcfcncc and afii.Hancc of the aood anl 1. an~ eh. r 2. 9· and-w1th P(tcr in the dcni- ] gels; that.,..,~ m;~.r be prc.r~rucd, rh~ugh not all ofhts ma!lcr,Mat.z6.74·\Ne therefore nmfl . 1 fromtcmptauons HHvard 111 mindc, yet from pray acco.rdino to this pct~tion, that 'Nee ma~ fuch bo~lily and o~~t'"'~~;d abufcs and iniurics~as :.: b~[tmEtt(i:dthnu~p;IHmt, and that oHrwbolcjpt- I the dcu11l would lnH1ct vpon vs: for herein he tit, .:<ndfoulc, and bodi:, '"'!Y he k,tpt h!ttmclejfe ' \ is curbed :m-d rdhaincd 'ordin:nily, in r.eij1cCt vnro the comming ofom· Lord h{tu ChriH .• and \ of rhat m:tllGc and crudtie ·which hcc bcares to that b our hearrs m'9' be cf!ab~ifbed i11 eue-ry good I the c~ildrcn of God : wh_crcupon (I take it) wo-l"da11d lvork.§: Go? cl:hucnng vs ft:om ellcry the ..:hdd of God may hwtully pray againll: all cui!~ "'·ork, and p~_cltrumq vs vmo hts heauenoutward cro~csand affliCtions, fo farre fonh ly ktngdomc, 2.1 tm.4. 1 g_ a.s they :J.rc cutll, and procecde from that euill I I I. Policie. V-/hcn the child ofGod is falone, the dcuill: for this is Gods promifc.to1hc lcn into any finne, then the dcuill l:J.bours to godly pcrfon, Pfal 91,1 o. Th~·e fl:.!f/1 none eu 1 /l ,all him a(kepc therein, that he migh_t lie il1 it come vnto thee , neithe-t fhall nr.7 p!ag!fc t:omt wirho11.t rm:s'Jrf'e, and fo ncucr reRent of It: thus neere rb; Ttthernac/e; that is, fo f:urc forth as it he dea_lt with, w?o la¥ in his finne ofa- B 1 is euill: for otherwaies it i"s mofi: cr~e, rhat mt!"" dultene and murther wJthout repentaace. one »] ar~ rh~ lf-o:th!es~f rberightcom, becaufc it is Pfal-J4-:,.._ whole yeare :;!mofl: and thus bee hath deal;; many times good for them t'o be afRiilid, 111il. with the nation ofthe Icwcs J blinding their r r6.71. eycs 1 and hardening their hcans,fr6 the knowV I. Poli~;ie. Laftly, Satan labours to bring J<rdgc of the M·::ffias, whomc: they crudficd,eGods children to feme fcarefull anci mifcrable u"cn vnto this day: and thus hec dcaleth with endc; nor fomu£h for the bodily death, as in m1ny ChriHians in the Chul'ch of God. ln re... regard ofthe inw~rdhorror and terror of.con.). gard whereof, we llluC\ pray in temptation 3S fcic-nce: for thpl!gh lie f<;ldome fparcs any man; Dauid did, that hewouldnotforfak!vs oun!ong, yet he refcmes the exnem.hie of his power :md Pf.1l.1r9.8. but though in iufiice he m:ty leauc malice w ;J, mans laH ga~,e. Indcedc he·is many vs to our fclucs for :t time, yet he would pleafc times rdhaincd, fo annany a4"hild ofGOd c3n to ·renuc his mercies ro-.-v3rds vs; and rcp:tyre f:~y at hi~·endc, in dcfpite of Satan, J Lord, now d vs by his grace:. · letttflthou th] flruant depart in prt:t_et: but.v\:hcre I V. Polici~. Vlhen the Lord vouchfafeth hcc is notrdhaincd, there he b.bours-ro bring to men themeancs offalu,.tion, 1s the word men eithertoprcrumption1 , _or defpaire.-Hcrc and Sacraments, and cha(tifements for finnc; thcrefot·e \\:CC art taught to pray to G.od for a Pr.1v forathen Satan labour~ to make the f:une void and ... good and \OI_nfogablc dc;\j:~ _in tb~ Lo:rd~"-:;nd d~:tmble ofnone e!fcet,thatfo they may not ondymi!fe C •hat we may.\le fo ptc.fer~e$1 therein, and.;uaof faluation, but be co11dcmncd mor.cdccpcly bled-bv.g~at~, that our eo~c may neither bee for the-negleCt and contempt of the meants cu.Hlto.ont.fc:Jucs, no.r it1 appearance; bur: rhat youc.hfafed vnto them: this Paul knew well, we may bauc .both-,thh~and grace to prep~rc and the·ieforc he fcnt Timothi~ to the 'J'heffa!oni~o. our fclues, f~as thbu.g,h: bur·J(;~rh,be, fo ·llttr·.to knowc thei-r faith, lea:l rh~ tcmpter'ha.d fudden, yet we be not "np.reparcd:for c-hough tempted them, and fo their labour t"pon them fudden~dtJllthbc vcrie vric6mfortablc, yC:t is it had bec:nc in vainc, I .Thcrf. ~. ~. For this caufe neuct dangt:'rous for hitp. th?t is ,rCadk foithe he is·called that er<ill OIU /':i·ho jh:ale~ mPay rhcfeed Lord :bui: rb.~.YtJp.repar:ed~d.cath is the .plague of thewordjYom ollt their hearrs, Matth. I 3.19. 1 of plag~Ies..? t?r ,af!er ~~ Jh~~~· ~~ ~o,_tj~~nor and ,that envio;n man wbo fowerh tares a71ifJ11[. 1 mcanes a11ow~cl.~vl'lt@·lllarno alttr'tfi~.fl~tc of 'the focde; vcr. -z8 .. .Here therefore we muH: pray : -his-f<:~:ulc, o. r· , .·· :·. •fl , againft'this"practirc: ofSaran, tha~ as the Lord .... Vfes. ·1.•.· That whkh V;o~e here p.ray fo-[, -we , RdiR the vouchi3.fcd the meanes of grace vnto vs, fo he · mufi cndca.uQm tQ pra6tifc..,;-;and. chcr6-f~t'~O\Jr Dcuill. wouldgiuc his bldling with•ll, that they may 'q Jp,cciall ~.-.-~-mull be ro •·dilhhe deuiJl,, ,,.j u>, bc.·profirable vnto vs; for with_ou~ this, the kN·pc out klucs.fiom rhc;atTaults.of S~i£1.~ ~Jl· mcancs ,•. :ill nune to our deeper JUdgement. · to finne, whether they come from our o~lh~ r. Poltci~. When he cannot workc his will :.<.:orrupti~:n~, or-·froin this~-u111 w<?r.ld: >i .Ioh.5. in their (oulcs inwardly, as he dcGrcs , then he ! 1l 8: Hu t1~4.l ,MhQJ'f!C· 11f,G.q_d jivnetb ,ot. lmr alfaiesto doe thctn mifchcife by [omc outward I k!•p!fh himfdff rh~~ , !ht ,,.;ck!4 on< ,(QI(lJ.h•rh f:n:micall operations; as poffcflion, witchcraft, k_im not. T-l1is ~'C·f.qs'tm.~ be, an<\ it is a ~~;;;~rM or !hiking i:hc:ir bodies with fh::ige:difcafcs, ~r notable-fJgtW4'~pur adqp~~~D and regcncratismn. abufing their d'"'clliog places' wuh fearefuU Qll: now the w::~y ~o doc-n; ts fct d~wnc_l}y the c lobi.&:. noifcs and apparitions: rhus he plagued cloG, _Apo{lle ~nul, ~.Ttm.·J. 1 ~.; 19. Flght,;begood in his goods, a.nd in his bodic·, vJhc:u he could J!ght: ,,-h,~h he expo~r)~SHil thew~rds follo.:-'- ,nor preua'tlc ag::tinfl his [ou\c:& when he could .:.tng ,~ whJch- prcfcnhe .nyo dutJC'S ; J;a;~Jng not preuo.ilc againfi ChriH by tempt;uion,then {4it/;, aml a good ~o;tfl:if'vn··. To _h~ue_ fait?c.' he vexed himby tr.fnfpl) 1 ·tation., Matth. 4· 5. 8. ts to hold :~.ncJ mau~r::un.e true rellgton m h11:: 3 nd thus he boHndada~ghter of .Abrllham cigh- _a1~d death ,·r~nOI\llClllg ;1-tlhcre~c wh:ufocl!.er, teenerear~, Luk. 13. r6. Here thct'cfore y..·ee, wr.cthcr o~ !ewes 1 Turkes, P:Jp1fls, or-any o1 pra{for the comfort of Gods prouidcncc, :md t~'cr: whi<:h; who)ocucrwo.uld doe~_n~ufi _dot J . ___:\__ ·--------- ---content ·~--:::..,---»-!