Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

1 ~::~:;;: . SermtJn-iif the~bunt~ ! lSJ__ and the other fOrmcatc and dri~kc, in thC:: 3:i. A j;~rc TnHcbm~rcwi!l he CluollhJaH. . . Inordinate carcfor2p. pardl. \'cric. Now what mcancth Chriftby this m:mThis rc:lfon iS fully db\.\'Pi: in thcfc tlirf~ ncr of bandJing this he:lUCnly doCtrine, not vcr(es, thopgh the partS ~c inVcrtcd,by rt:afbrt oncly to propound it, and to vrgc: it by tlr\ rig f>f their ::trHplifications: f.or firfi, S:hrifl p!O·~ and fOrtlbl~ rcafons,but ~gain to repeat ic,and pounds to our cdnfid~radon tbe[uhjcEf m.aucr; vrgc it\lc? Surely, hereby he d~- whcnp: his rcafon is drawn<:, hurne howrh~ /1:. d>res himfdfe tO bee. the true Doetor of htS lies of"" field doegrow. Where this mull bti: for hauinga weightie point of domarkcrl, t!.ot Chrlfi (pcakcs ofj.:ld-llli~t,whi-ch Chine inhand, \\'hich the natur~ ofm:m is vn.:: hauc not the hcip·eof man as garden flowers willino t.o rccciue and praCtiCe, hedoth bcGde haut; Then he laics dOwnc a proofcofhjs af ..' the p~pounding and confirming <;>fit, thus fumption,rh.Jt Godc/oa'thurhcm,by rcrnooili·ng vrge it bypcccc-meale, that hereby lt may the from them the ordit~ari~ me:incs of doathi~p; better take place ineur heart, and be: the more Thq la[,oHr not, nesrhn-fPinnc, v. 2~. imphtyJ effeClua! tei bring fonh obedience in our liucs:. ing this worke'ofGod vpon them bya c6mp3~ And this fidclitic muA: cuery one 01ewcthat is tifon, wherein he pr(fl'rrcs the gloric of thrni to teach the word ofGod eo others~ not onc::ly B before the glori.c of Salomrm in hi~ pl'ihccly a· minilters,though it bttheir clutie!pecially,but ray, v.19. And then by way flf i1>ferente pro" al(o maflers.and p'lrC11tS• as Deut. 6. 7. Thou pounds th~ re:~.fon, orhitting t_he affi1if1f>tion,v. {halt whetthem vponth; children (astheword JO. wh<rc the lid! part, and conclufion an! lignifies) that fo it n1ay more deeply enter into both propounded and amplifVrd, as wee lhal! the hc3rt. fee when we come to the handlingofthem: for Thus much of the manner of profecuting I will foliowe the-order obferue<f\>y Chri!l, this we come w the words; L~un~ bow the liliu of th~ fitld do~ gro'R'~. irnrt"dblt .Andwh7 CArt youfor raiment?This imcrr?gati· Here ChriHmakes the lilies :ind he:lrbs t>f th.e , ~~f'~~:~~~ on h.ath the force of a prohibition; and to it is field a fchoolemaHcr v.ntOman, yea tohis own ch.cuJ the fame with this branch of the 15. vcrfe, care <lifciples (for hee fpake to thein.) And~his h.e n.rfor;our bodic what;oujbaU put on, Now all doth forcfpcciall caufcs. Firit, to teach rhcm care for apparell is not here forbidden ; for and vs, that th_e filly creatures in the F.cld doe there is alawfull godly<:are, wher.<by men feek in their kind yeold more obedience vtl(o God and labour vprightly and in afobtr manner for then man doth,and that man is mote rebtUious fuch apparell as is meetefor their cal!ings, and vnto God then they arc :h<:nee •!JitJcalls hcaneedefull to the health and comfort of tbetr Hen and Mrth to harken to hls rebuke of the bodies, But the care he:rt forbidden, is an in· !ewes for their ingratitnde: and the Proph<t ordinate tare for •pparell, ioyned either with C rebukingJeroboam for his Idolatrie,.cries, b 0 difirull and feare ofwant,or elfe with a difconAltRr,Aitm", thusfaith the LorJ: lcrmi" tebu~ tcotedndf< with th'l apparell which is meet< king lechR•iah, eallsto thec..rrhlo hc4f't, Icr, ond ncce!Uri.c. And this isthe common finne 21. 16. and E<.c/,frl mull prophef,., <O rh.< ofthis nge, as the fundrie baddc praC\ilcs of mountainu, Ezee.6.J.By all whiCh they wAU]d men and women about appardl, proceeding Chew,that if.thcfc vnfcnfible cre-atures had rea ... from this inordinate: care, doe cuidcmly de... fon as man bath, they would be moreobedient dare: asiirll,thc affecl:in.g offuperfluitie and a. .to the will of their Creator the!\ mail is, Se~ . bund~nce in apparcll, and the folio" ing of condly, hereby Chdfi would teach his dif" !!range and forraine f.,lhions fo foone as ciplcs and vs, that though we h1ue th.e crea; they take vp. Sefondly, the we~ri11g of<oo rures, and bcholdc and vfe them daic!y, yot co!lly apparcll,ab,oue their ab1litieand degree: partly thorough blindndfe and ignorance 1 as when (cruants are :ts fine as their maHers, and partly thorough nc.gli.gcnce, wtc doe tradcs-nlcn·like gentlemen; and g.emiles, ltkc not difcernc in them, ndrlearnC frOm them uobles. Thirdly, rhe fpending of much time thcfe good i~ingfwhieh we ought to doe:for in the curious trimming anJ actiring of the D theinvifih!cthingi9[GoJ,rhatU,hi5~termtOpo-: bodie, which might be fpmt in better duties. rr>er4ndgodhcad, being confulcrcd in hi< workp, This pr<>ceeds fro fomc diflike in Gods \Vorkart{etnt 6; theCreationa[theworld, Rom. r, 10, manlhip, os though he.had not done his part Thischen i53 checketo our dulneffe and neg!i; . throughly to their bodies, onhey by theircu• gence in rhtthings ofGod : for what lhall we riofitie could make thcrnfclues.bctter. doe in the matters offaluation, wh('n in thefe Now that Chrifl might rctnoouc out of infcriourmattcrswemaflcarneofthc:vnfenfi.J mens h$-=arts this inordinate care, he ddth here ble creatures? . enforcehis comtna~Jdcmcntby afourth rcafon But what mull 'A'e Jcarnc in the Iilie~? How tcikcn from his prouidenccoHCr the lil!irtof th; they grow~.And this is 3 thing to bemar~cd,tOr: I _field, ond., the rcafon is wnightie, though the in the wintet fcafon they'lie dead in the eartl.> fubiect of it be rncane~·nd fimple, It may bee as though they were not;thcyarc couer<d "'it:li I f1amcd thus: · · frofi and i'now : and yet in tnefping th)le and' I If Godc!otlsc the litict·nfrhe field, then JoH!Jt- (ummcr, they lj>ring vp with fialkcs ,lcaucs, I , lcffc he willcloth;oH: and flowers offuch glorious colours,as paffcth But Godc!otherh the lilies ofthe jidd, Th.r:c• the gloric of·S:aloill6n in all his royaltie. Now 1 • - wh<ncc. a tC:i.J.iJ b l;k.ini.Jii ..