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-. .. - 'Matth.5. Sermon in the ~ount. 13 ~ ucd with compaflion? Secdnctly, ifwe can.;; --- an caficthing thus to lhcw through all d!ates, A th<l great multiwdc of.mifcrablc perfons : for not comt: to fee a mans mifcric, then we muG: now the common proucrb is become the co1nbe tontcot to h~lireofit, and giuc hccdc and mon prail:ife, Eucry man for himfclfe,and God credit eo the true:.reports that others make for vs all. chcrcofvnto vs. Thus did Nehemi.-lh, hearing .J Mo~ilje,to Secondly, feeing the mn-cifullman ts blrjfed, of the affiiCl:ion ofthe rcfi~uc of the caFtiuitic, I '""d'· we muftlcame to put on tender mcrcir, or the q h:c wept a11d mourned,fafled andpra7cd, and q Nehem.t. bowels of comp~flion cowlrds chafe that be in fought for relufe for them at the King.< hand.<. 3•4-·:wdch. 2,j. mifcric.And to mooue vs hercumo,let vs mark Thirdly , for feeling, if the Lord fiull aiRier I thcfc things: FirR, the llatc ofthe mcrcifull is our bodies with fi<Zkendfe, br Our foules with 1 here prononnccd blcffed of 'chrifr. Secondly,_ temptations, \.Ye muft be willing to fuffcr the mercic is a gift of the ~)irit, and the grace of fame potiently, that therebywe may be fitted :: Col.p,. g God! elect , which alwaics accompanicth the to take more cornpaflion vpon others in like_ happie cllate of thofe thlt be in Chrill: for the cafe , and to ;-comfort them the better. Paul power of grace cloth change their earnall n-a- B faith ofhimlclfe and Timothie, that in' A(ia r ,cor.r.S. 3 turc, Ifa.J I . 6,7. Thirdly, hc:rebywcbecome rhe; w~re pre./fed with a.flli£lion abo11e meafi':Ye like: vnto God our hcaucnly F:lthcr, who is the pafling ftrength , fo .u th?, altogrther d.H!Jtrd of h ~Cor,r.3· h father of merciet. Fourthly, hereby '<VC arc life.- andJet (he faith) t eLord dealtmercifu!IJ verf.ofo + made in(huments ofGods mercic to them that with them; that thry might brableto comfort o• be in miferie, for God convaies his blcffings therJ which were in anJ afjliEtion 1 with th~ vnro his poore creatures ordinarily by meancs. frme comfort whrmvith God had cm•fortrd VVc count it an high honour and a great fathem. uour to be the Kings Almner; oh then, hovJ Secondly, we mu!t make our particular cal- ""R~le. great is this dtnitie, to be Almncr to the God lmgs wherein we liuc, t~e infirumcms ofmerofheauen, to lij,erfc his goodnes and mercies· cic, and in doing the duues thcreof{hcw forth among the children ofmen? and hereto we arc compallion towards others. This Rule ls of aductnccd, ifwe help the poon; that be in mifegreat vfe, and therefore it will not be amilfe,to How tO ex.. s rie. Fifdy, the excrcifc ofmercie commendeth 1l1ew the ~racl:ifc.ofitinparticular. The Magic:rdlemercV ourReligton , not oncly before men, but vnto {hate mui rule and gouerne in mercic: and the in ourcal· · God: for; purr Religion andvndejiledbefore God Minifier muft preach in mcrcic :cucrie fermon Hnss. Iam.J,J1• is tbi4, to vijit thefather!e./fo andwtddowu in their mull be a worke of compallion tow:>tds the k Ho,6.6, diftrejfe: and, k Gadwillhaue mn-cle,andnot fapcopk,notonelyforthematterwhieh it con;o I Hcb,IJ.I6. erifice: therefore the Apo{Ue bids; I to doegood c rainethi hut for the manner ofhis deliticric,and andto diftribure,forgrt n.r,for withftch ftcrifice In the [cope and drift which he :timeth at: hee mir~._sl.j,6. God wplrafed. Thi. w the faft m which God rewhichrcacheth otherwaics doth barre himquim, to loofe the bandr of wick[d.effe, to takJ off fclfe o all mercie, euen then,when he entreats the heaHie lmrthen ,11nd to let the opprejfodl/ ftee, of mercic vnto others. There is a ca:rnall and torak..,eoff euery;ok.!: andonrhe~thcr 1dc, to humane kind ofpreaching,which now a dayes 6reak.,rhJ thehHngrie,to bring thep~ore takes pl-ace, wherein nothing is fo much regarthat JVanders into thinehoHfo, and to couer the naded as the vaunting ofwit, memorie, andlcarRulcsfor thc: kfd,&c. . ning, by fine contriued fcnrcnces, multiplicitic exer,ifeof And bccaufc this dutie is fo ncceffarie and ofquotati6s,varieric ofallegations ofFachcrs, mercic. exccllcnr,I will propound ccrtaine Rule~ to be Shoolc-tncn,and other learning :but herein is r.llule. obfc:rucd for our furt~eranc~ herein. Firfi, we no mcrcie nor compaffion to the pobrc foule. tnuft cxcrcifc~hrcc of our fcnfes; {eeing, hMIt is laid indeedc, that nbnc condcmnc this ring, andfee!in1; in other mens mifcrics: for foe• kinde of preaching , but ' hey that cannot atn Dc:ut,lfS'· ing, n we mull evcric waric it gricue vs not to tainc vnro it. But the truth is, Godwill hauc 1oof<! vhon DHr poorc lmJther, but wee mufi ice D his wordxldiucred, f not in rhe enticing fpeacl, f t.Cor,2.4• and be old his mifcric and diftrelfe,whe:thcr it ofmamwifodome, /Jut in theplaine euidence ofthe be iA (oule or bodic. This is the Lords pracrife. tfirit, aud ofpow": and therefOre a man callo Eltod.j. Ifrael is oppreffed in Egypr, & the Lord faith, n~>t with good confcience apply him!C!fc to 1·9· o I haueJimlyfoene thr troUble ofmJ people, and fuch~kinde ofpreaching, clfe no doubt a man the opprrJ!ion whmwith tlu Egyptians opp•·ejfe ofmean~ gifts might finde it more eafic to at... 1hem. And we mufl be of God, as tainc vnro, then to the true preaching of dearc children, and !came to vifit them that be Chrill crucified. Thirdly, cuery priuatcman in mifcric, either through !ickcneffc,imprifonmull: make the duties of his calling, workes of mcnt,poucrtie,or fuch like; for fight will fiirre mcrcie : the rich man muft knowc himfclfc to lP M•i.•+·'4 vp in aman a fenfe and compaffion of others bee, not 3 Lord , but 3 fieward of Gods blefmiferics, Hence it is faid, that p when Iefiu Jaw fings, and therefore muit imploy and difpcnee agrellt muftitHde, he wat mooued with compajfion the fame in mercie, by giuing and lending towardJ them. And who can fee a poore divnto the poore freely, as God !hall mini!ter \ Hrcffcd pcrfon to lie in i1:raw,or on the ground vntohimiuiloccafion. The trades man mufl \\•ithout nccdcfull relccfc,as many aone would buhan~ fell in mercie, dea!ina iu{Uy with the not hlffer his dogge to lie, and not be moo- "ric , and fbcwil(g lihcralitic t~ the poorc. The B4 maflcr