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24 eAnExpojitiorJ of Chrifls A1.,rth.5. --- ~- Second(r, the people ofGod that heare his A I when it Ioofcth that venue and acrimonic \o\'Otd, m1y learnc'good infimChon from this ·which it hach in fcafoning chat Hcn1 on \\'hieh Title:: tidl,hcrcby cuc.ry one may fee what hcc it is ca{l. Now Minill:crs arc as vnfauouric falt, is by nature , na:ndr, like vmo Hclh fubicCl to ..,..,•ben they become vnprotitablc in thcu Minicorruption, nay, as vnfauory flclh, & !linking Hcric, and either doe ~lot , ~r nnnot dtfpcnfc: carion in the nolhcls of GoJ; tOr s:ls what Gods word, for the fcafoning of mens foulcs, needed this falt? This therefore mu!l moouc chat they may be acceptable to God , :.nd revs to lay afidc all-pride of heart, whereby \YC concilcd vmo him 111 Chrifi. In this calling Fourr!o;i:hll thinke highly of our fc:lucs: yea, we mu! there be cfpccialiy fourc kinds of vnf.'\uouric ofn1lluoury come bafc aad lowc:ly in our ownc eics, in refait; FirH, the blindwareh-men that haue not Mmif:crs, g:ud ofthe vnf.·lUouric ta!t of our naturall corknowlcdbc ; u and dumbe doggn tbar cannot t ruption, clfe "'''!hall neuer feelc the fcafoning b.trk$: that is, fuch as citlicr eannot, or ifthey o Ifa.. 56,,o. venue of Gods holy Minificrie. can, wiU not d1fpcnfc Gods \\'Ord, for the fa~- I Secondly, cucrie one mull hereby Iearne to uation of mens 10ules. Secondly, Hcuticall > futfcr the word of rcprootC, whereby his hcnt 7"e~~ehers, ·who preach falfc and damr1:1.ble and confcicnce may be ripped vp, and his fores dodrine, fuch as doth not feafon, but po ifon I of !innc difcouercd; when wc haue a cut or a. B , and ddhoy the foulc : fuch were the falfe wound in our A.cfh, we c:m be content to put Prophets among the !ewes, "ho enticed ro I fait vpon it, tO drie vp the noyfomc humours, Ido!atrie: Deut.;o. r ,1. and the falfe Apo!Hts, that ochcrwife would ~orrupt; now can wee and Hcrctikc:5 in the Plimitiue Church,r whofe ~1:;rm.J.{ endure the fi1urt of fait for the health of our word! didfrtt 11U cnnl.;;r, anddeftroyed thefirirh bodies, and lhall we not much more lllft"cr the of man;. And fuch arc the Romifh tMchers word of God to rippe "Pour finnes, and to at this day, and the Idi1its and Seminaries tnorti6e the ·fame, for the faluation of our ~mongvs, who though they be quahficd with foulcs ? many good gifts of learning , yet by mingling Thirdly, cuery one mull giue all diligence the word ofGod ·wuh their owne inventions, to be feafoncd throughout, with this hcauenly and humane traditions, they rafc: the founda. fait, that the thoughts ofhis heart, the words tion, they become vnfauouric falt, 1nd heretiof his mouth, and the aclions ofhis life, may call Teachers. And here by the way,who can. bee·all fauourie and acceptable vmo God in not but wonder, that fl:udents in Diuipide .. Chrifi; yea, in his conucrfation \'l!ith men, hec: Jhould fo much affeC\ the Pollils an.ll"'Contmuft labour ro lhewe the power ofthis feafonmcms of Friers and Popifh writers 1 as they ing: Cololf. 4· 6. Lcr yom· fpeec/, hee gratiom doe? doubtletfe it aroueth that the word of Alwaies mrd p.wdr<dwith fair: that is, feafoned c God hath not fcafoned their beans; for where bh the ·word , that 'it may fauour .of grace, to fuch vnfauourie fait hath relilh,thc wholcforne t ofc that hearc vs. lf \\'C liuc vndcr the Mi.. doCtrine of Gods word hath neuer feafoned. nifl:eric ofthe word, and be not feafoned therThirdly, they arc vnfauouric falt, who teach ) with, our cafe is dangerous; for therein it is of true dochine, but yet mifapplr the fame.Many the nature of fait, ''·hich caufeth barrcnneffe, fuch were in the Churd.1of the Iewes in the where it fcafoneth not: as we may fee in the: dayes of q Ieremi~. and· E:r..echiel, who much q ler.sJ. a I11.dg.9·+ipraCtifc of .Abimelech' V\ 1ho Cowed n t:'' m cOmplaine of[owing pillowes vr:der the elbown · 16,17• r Euk.IJ• Shechem, to ma/;s thegroundbarren,Andt eplact of the wick!d, by preaching peace vnto them, IO,lJ.. t drfpi[<d. when they fhould haue called to repentace by BHt if rh,fait haue loft hisfatlotiY, whermirb the difcouerie oftheir finne~,and dcnun<;iation foal/it befa!red.- it zs thenceforthgoodfor nothing, of Gods iudgemcnt~ :as alfo, for makjngfadM hut to becaffom, and trodm tmtkr thefoot ofnun. the hearts of rhofo, whome Godhadnot mlidefad: Mere Chri!t amp!ifieth the former rcafon, And fuch arc thofc at this day, .\.-\ ho hauc whereby he mooued his Apo!lles to fidclitic . fmooth tongues , in rcfped of li11nc, and and diligence in their miniftcrie,by-rhe danger D yet arc full ofbitter inv<'Cliues ag:tinfi the bet.... of rhe contrarie infidclitie, which is as vnfatcr fort. By this mcancs the word ofGod loo-, uourie fait, incurable and vnprofitable , :tnd fo feth his a.crirnonie and 01arpcncs, whneby the fubicct to a fearcfull curfe; and therefore(faith wicked fhould be awaked out oftheir !lumber Chrill) you had neede to be faithfull in feafonoffccuritie, and the godly further feafoncd, ing the vvorld by your Miuifterie. In this am. , and macfc more :o.cccptable vnw God. Fom~h- + phfication we may obferuc fourc points: Firft, ly, they arc vnfauourie fait, who though they the ordinarie ftnnc that doth accompanie the teach the truth, and generally apply it weft, calling ofthe Minificric. Secondg, the danger doe yet lead Vt]od!y and fcandalous !iues: f<>r of this finne. Thirdly,the vnpro ttablcnelfe of an offenfiue an vnfauourh conucrfation in the fueh a Mini/lerie. Fourthly, the iudgemettt of Teacher, dot'h hinder t e fe3foning venue God due vnto it. of the word of his Minifl:cric in the hearts o.f I. Poi11t, As orher callings hauc their fcuethc[ceople ; and his doCtrine c:~nnor fo much I rail faults, fo hath tbe callmg of a Minifier,nocdi e, as his courfe oflife dellroyeth, becaufe ted in thefe words; ifrbe [aft haHeioft hisfanatural! men regard not fc much whafis faide t Nun·, &c. Sa!t is { to be become vnfauourie, as what is done.This beeing fo,all Gods Miniilers,