Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-. [Mntth.;. 0 :::J±_ S'crmon in tlie_ ~aunt. light: that is, lookc wlllt the word tc:lchcth, lA . on. 2. Hereby (heymurl learne, ~?t to thinkc :'-Vhich i~ this ~ighr, that doe. VthNl the ti1_nc is I it Hr~wge, if tt:_::y llc open ~o man_l!old_rcpl:o:;- darkc, whcrcmw.e walkc, we vf.e:torchcs and ch cs, and abu!t::.,morc rh ..n any othet fon of landlcs, chat fO \-\'C m:ty fee the right path: bemvn : for they, at_ all_Orhc_r, lie moH open tb hold,the world is d:u·kncffc,t\'Crhcr cfore q1ufi the world; and if rhell' conuerfatiOn be godly, Jabour ro h~uc rhc word of Gdd·t1:5 be a light it is the more di!tdlfnll to r~1c .. vorld: as Ctlin vmo our fcctc, in all the ficppcs 0f <5ur calHngs h.,zud Abetfor hMgcodwm'kfs, J._loh.) · '2: 3· wherein \\'C Iiuc;for heetbt1t walk,ph in riJe_tiUrk,; H ence it appe<J.rcth, t~at me~ m thJs. ~ailing; lz..nowcthnot whitherhe ff',Oeth) Ioh.I·l·35. cannot without great hone, lHd.c the gtfts and Lallly,thcrc be ma·~y..thatliuc in ig:nor::tnce, talcms._ \Yh 1ich God hath gi.uen them: for they as blind, as though tbay h<J.d ncuer hdrd of are a.s.Jightcd candles, whtch mufi not be put Chriil; and though they hcare the \Vord"prea... vndc:r abufhell. Sundrie men~au.c her~t~f~rc ched, yet fiill they rCmainc in darkc:ndfe: but offended this way, M thofe m the Pntf11tlUC theymull: know, that their Clfc is fearefull, for Church,who bccing godly men, ~dwellquathc Minificric of thC \.Vord is light: they there- B lified for the Mit~i!lerie~ d~d yet \:lth.dra\\'.t.hCforc hauing the benefit thereof, o'ttght to be fclues from pubhkc.foctttlcs,to hue 111 foht'lry children ofthe light : and becaufe they are not places : for by their gifi:s they were exce~lent. enlightened, vndoubtedly a mo!l: fearefull ·lights,and therefore they ought toh~uc Onned iudgemcnt of God is vpon them; for m'lrkc .forth to others. And at this day, they offe!~d what Paul faith, z !four Gojpetbehid, iris bid this way, that will not abafc themfclucs !n torhofe. that pcrifh,inwh8 the god of thi<wcrrld their Mini!leric,, to fj>eake plaincly, to tlie hath h!ittdedthe eieJ of their mind:and therefore', mcane capacitic of the fimple : yea, they alfo fuch pcrfons mull labour to know and praetife put the light vnder a bu01cll, who the fpeciall grounds and duties of true rcligi- ~or this ~iniHc~i~;)do fpcn~ their daics wholly on,that fo in confcicnce theymaybe truly affum the Vmucrfittcs, except It be that they \Vant 1 rcd,that the word ofCod is bccom their light. a calling into thC Church! and hauc a lawful! , , The fccondpart of rhis rcafon, is this; Totlr calling for thcir,fhy in_the VniucrGtiCJ; and , cotJdirion io fofih; in regardofyourcaffmg, that though men hauc not fuch meancs of Calling ail Jour [4Jings a11d doings are feene of men: forth,aswcrerobewHhed, yctthcy tqi!tliJ1e and it is cxprcffcd by tWO limilitudcs:Fitlt,of" in Schoolcs of learning, ought tO lhew tllcrNcitiefeton ahilt, which cannot he hid: Secondfelues willing ro·b_ecorne lig~r< abroadiAffie ly, of candle put on a candl41ickg, verf. IS• Church; fayingwiththcProphetlftiie, whel'r And thus it dcpcndeth on the former part: C his lipps were toW:hed wiih a role fqiniit!i~ Whereas Chrift had called his Di!Ciples the Altar,•Hereaml,Lord,fendme. lnaword,all • rr,.<,t; lijhtof the world, they might take it for a matperfons in this calling, that any way hide their ter offome outward renowne:Ch<ifi therefore (\ifts, aro here blamed:for thc:y are lights which tcls them, that his intent herein) is not to giue ihould not be hid. . them titles ofpraifl:, but tom~ke thC a.c.:quainFrom thcfe compariforis;whCreinChrifltJi::ts tcdwith their hard condition, in which they out the open £late of his Apomcs t~t~evi~\~e were like to bee, by reafon of their great and of the world; ihc Papills doe gather, t/Jdt ih'c. ,Naightic callmg; wherein they lhould become Cl3tli'chof G"dCannot be hid, and the.refortd.::~rl . , ,, ., fpec~adesto all the world: forthus he.~ faith, fibttitie mull'needs be a no~e'~fa rru~ \':htiklY. ~.';,~~',?" A Ct/'te that u Jet ona.",fl, cannot hehtd, but But we mufi know, .that'Go~sC,hur.!h•tl:iay i all thatpaffc bymay fee it: andaCandle lighted fometime lie .hid, in regard lifthe 'word, 'an'd and[et on" cand!eftickg_, gineth <light to'a/lthat the mini!lerie thereof; as it did in theda;n of aresn thehtmfe; cucn t_o, you rnme -Ap0£Hcs, b EliM, and in,the time whe·n Pbperic fprca,d.i~ b t.king.lgo by rcafon of your pnbhckc callin~, ·{hall haue fdfe oucr thefc Wcfierne parts. Neither doth ••· all your fayings and doings manifcfi to the cies D thisplace makeought againfi vs,for Cl]rifi here of the whole world. . fpeakes ofhis Apo!l!cs, and of their minifierie Bccaufc both thcfe fimilirudes fenre to ex. properly, which could not be hid ;,and not 9f rrcffe t?e fame .rhmg:, t~creforc the p'oints of cuery ordinarie minifier' ~\'h? -~re not lights o.f m!lruetwn, whtch fpcc•~lly concernc Gods all the worl<\, as the Apo!lles were,but only in Mtmficrs, lhal! be propounded from·thc ioynt their particular fianding. Secondly, the minil 1 ftopc ofthem~o~h. FiJ~jv\•hercas the ~ondit~- fierie is alioht, yet not a.lwai_cs. fhining ~9th~ on of Gods mmdkrs ts fuch, to ht1ue thetr whole world·: and thercforeu IS adtied m th~ ":•hole conuerfation open and rnanifefi to the fccond firnilimd·c, that it gtt!eth light to thn!J cJes of the world; therefore they dpecially, that arc in rhe houfe: that is, in ~he Cluirth 0 [ abouc all others, (though tt conoeme euery God. And fo in the darkcncffe of Popcric,ihe manmlusphce)mufi haue care that thcir-liucs fnini!tcric of the Gofpcl was ·hidde from the ~nd connerfations, both for fayitig's and doworld,and yet i,t gauc fo!Ve light to the hiddl:ti mgs, be holy and blamcles: for thcit pla<e is 'Church, the houfc ofGod,to lhew them their fuch, that by their \·veil doing, theywin many' cailing>and the mcanes of faluation. - ,:,; Vnto the Lord; but by their b:td ~onuerfation, Now, as'thcfc firnilitu.des COncernc the mito~y cary many afoulc with them to·dcf!ruCti... niftcrs, fO thCy may wdl be cnlarged t_o Cuc_:t . . . ~ Ch.ffiian - - -- - -----