Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

,~a~:h·S·. will hence follow, that In thcfe ~~:~::~~:~:O~:::::·; for in ChriH the wa;Jt;thcreo I ""'~~ •: lfJ:ty 3S well abound in filch works "'l S be good of arc co~ercti. B~t here ~\'C mun rake hcedc of ! !;~l;, -f. C. t. Ncc:ffitic uf goud works. indccd,:Js tht: Paprll:,s di.d in their fupcdliuous. the Ronulh dodnne,wluch tcacheth th:ugobd Thu5 rrlu'ch ofrhc'difFcrcntes.ofgood. works. workcs arc fo farrc forth good, that there is nd 111. Point. Now more p.::~.rticul:lrly ·'in the finnc in thcm;rhdrrcafons arc many to piOOuC: rext ar~ furrhct'fc'r'CO\\•r.c three poimstouchthis poim,bur they hauc beene hercroforC con.:. ing good 'v~I'OrkcS : .rllc nrccjfi:ie, rhc D ignirie, futcd,: FirH, they fay, good workcs hauc Cotl and the Vfo of good \vorkcs.' 1:hc nccejjirieof for their Author, and therefore :trc p~·rfedl}' them appcarcth by ChriHs commanding of good? An{w; This were trwc; ifhc:1lonC wtrc f ) them, f.1yint:, Lrt ,f:.oHr light fo {hi~~, &c. for the author ofthem; hut man is an other authot' Ihereby he binderh'oll Chrirtions, at'cr the exthereof,from whom they take theit lmpcdi#i<1 ample of his Dlfc!r,lcs, ro wolke in good on. They fayagoine, here they arc called workd. !fit be faid :·tharChriH harh freed vs good, but if they had ony finnein the.m, ~hey from the law, :1nd therefore we 3rc not bound flwuld be Cl !led eujl;fbr eucric is pcrfe~- to doe good wor:ks? fan1wcr,Clmll bath freed B ly cuill? AnlVVhcre finnc isvm·cmitt~d, it is vs fr om the lawe in regard of the curfc a.nd ri.o perfeCtly euill; hut \\·hen it il pardoncd·inout· gour thereof; but'ndt aSit i' a rule ofChrifHan Sauiour Chri£1:, it is as though it were nbt, obedience. · Thirdly , they obicet, that if good works·be Q&. How f:trrcforcharc good \vorks nefinnefull, theo they mull-not bedone;&: hirc.o ccffaric to falu:uiotl·,or to vs that doe them ?) upon they fay, that by our doChine men art Anf. There bee three 'opinions· touching the> bound to abHaine fi:om all good wo1·kes. An[. Bdbr.d.c tu- ncccffitiC ofgood w6rkcs; Firtl,OfthePapiils, That ~;vhich is cuill mull not bc'dbnc, fo farre fiilk.Lt.c·1· who hold then~ nccdf.iric, as Cinfes\~)four falforth as it is cuill: no\'9 good Workes 3te r10t uation and iu(bfication; but this we haue c~n... fimpJy and abfolutclyeuiiJ; tlley arc goOd ih' futcd heretofore. "S;ecoridly ,·offomC Protcthcmfciurs, and in vs in pa~t 1. 'omming 1"t6n:i fiams;·who hold thCm nccdfadi:'/Hrough not grace;and thcreforcthejr,mull- be done,bcdpfe, as princij>all eaufcs (.for they f.1y,"\\1.!'ol'c ·onc!y God requires them at our ha11ds; and for· the iuflificd•and faucd by Clirift) yet a>'confcruant imperfection ofthem,we !"UH pray for i~tdon caufcs'$'f·our faluation i bUt the :rturlfiS';•thcy to Sauiour Chritl. And hereby the ~~ay we ar'e no c:aufes of faluation , ncithcr1..cfficiem, fnay iuHiy taxc the proud doCl:rine t>f the. principall, nor cbnfcruant; nof'yi:"(ii\~tfriall,. pifts, who tca<h, ~hat inmrn'ay be iu!tilied1:>y formall, or finall ; is hath d{cwfil:?e h'ec1ie ' geod workcs: when ~s the-~e.ll' \VQrkes·cif1 ahy' .. lbewed. The third•9pinion is thC:·trUth , that· C man in this life-, ar: tainted \v'ith finnC, 3.Ild are' g~d·\voikcs are:TlecHfai:ic, not 1a"S.tiufcs of farre vnan(wctablc te thtt perfeCtion, Which 1 ra.t.+&. thluatiotl, or iufHfi1 cati0n; but·a~ i·nfej>arablc: the la\VC tequireth: \ve tnuft hi; ofafarre Other (onfcqucms offaGfng:fairh in €litlf1',whereby minde:namely,that for our belt workes ,•God \YC are iufhfied arid:f~,car; oras•a~ay is necef- , m<1y iu£lly condenmc vs; bec:tilfc we h~ue~iO't ~tT;lg~~t fary to the going M pl-:lcc.Tlfed;gfiirj ofgood done them as weought; thertfore Chrill lJids work$. workes is exprdfed'ln·d}is, ,hat1 called M fay of our fclucs j that·whenwe baNe·done ali ' . .1 good :."' now they :i1•cgDi!dohcly i'n paft,not per- :.hat we Cllf!tWillrevnprofita6!;foruanfl, ..J 'J fcc\ly, as I lbew ihus':Such as the tree is, .fucli , The vfi ofgoodwork!! is ·here fet do\vn~ bf 'fh, <r, •t is the fruitc; bu~ tuex;.y one rcgcn'eri£C,1~ pnrt!j o,ut Sauiour Chrifi,roglonfie God;this is no~ 't~e sood wO"iloifl JPi,.it, :11\d partQ'jk/)i;thar is, in pa!t'<~gcner?te, 'vhole ende of good workes; and therefore!I and in part n:uural~:tnJ corrupt: ·rlh'is is tru-; ef ,wil propound the fame out ototlief his mindo; will, ana offeC\ions,lwnich arc ·the ~laces of Scripture ; for ChriH hefe ondy pro• founraine of ,u his ottions; ana- thcVdoi·c the poundeth\hat end ofgood works,whioh ccnti workcs that proceed ihcncc··rhllft ricedes bee cernedhis intci1dedpurpofc. · anfwc'rabic ; that is , in part corrupt, ·as the}' D The vfeand cndc of gOodworkc·s is three- T1mt-fold. come from nature;and yet good in patt,:\S they fold; either concerD.ii1gGOd~o~r ftlucs,or oui- ~~~c~~d:· come from grace. . · · . brcthren..As good workd conk<"r~c God.,ihct ~.Butho\VdnGodapprboueofthern, hau~ thrccvlcs: Firfl, they fcrue as m.dn~S : ifthey be euill? Anf. WcmuH ~onfider good whcrcby\ve giuc vnro·God ·tcfiimonic of out \o\'Grkes two waycs: Firfi, in the.mfclucs~3s they 1 homage, ·,aniJ.Jobcdicnce'tnr6 his coinmandc... arc compared. with the lawe, :ind the rigour 'mcl1ts;forbyCrctttio~,prcf~ruation,& redfmp• there.of, and to they a"t·c finncs, bc'canfc: they titil"'!, he is·Ourtord a'nd oU: <?od, ~nd pre1 fc1-iL anfwcr not to thlt-perfeC!ion, whith ·rhe l:lwc bcthraweS"fer·'-ts to kccpc: m which t~g~f~~ rcquircth :for their be two dcgre·es ofiinnes : we him; which;th:Lt \vc may Rebellions, which aie actions flatly .again£\ the •!hew forth i)lcHtHifie, w~ rtmlhv:Ubin good b wc: ana FJef(U,, when a than ·-doth thofc worke.s a,.,:fl""c'in hiSword hath cotrunandhl vs. things that the lawe · c'omrtl.af1~eth, · but yet 1 : .SeCena'iy ;-thct fcruc to ~e r-ok~ns ofou·~~rhaJi~ faileth i11 the mat,!i1Cr ofdoing, ancffd"arcH1:ms fuh1cffc vm,o1G6d,for oUiCrci.J:1on,t:C~·cthptU.r, verybc{t workcs ftftheS. SCcon_~fj~· _confidc_r ! 1 "an<i· manifold J}refer'ttarions, bOth it1 fo'tlt-c?a 1 nl gool\ work"s, as done by.ap~rfon' re~encrate, l5odie. Th'at1kt-fulifcffe"indcca-e ·is tn'Hvctliin . and·reconciled to God in Chri!t; ' arrd fo Cod ' \•:oi·d; but y<:t ttue thankdttifnes'llands ltftiB~., D t dient·~~