Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~6 I rUin Expojition ofChrifls \;::~.b:5· \ .--- ~ ". ·~olc, but for cuc 1 ric p:ut thereof; and the ~ul-~.A gain£1: nat~rc,. flatly forbi~dcn in t~u~~~d~f1 In Lcv::.,li. l fi'l.~mg thercofl11al. ncuer hauc :m end. Chn!l:s God; whtch ts moH hm·nblc rebellion and a 1 1·cafon then Hands thus; Ifthe Lawebe imm#ttegreat dtfgracc vnto God. ' hie , aud for obfor:Jatio~ eterr.1dl, thm I c~ Thirdly, from thisproperticofche Law, we noi· to de/f...oJ it: btlt the Lawe &immutable apd may obfcruc th:u it is not likly that anv \Yholc. [No_b<>ok~_of ettr!Jalt ; and therefore I ca"mc not to deftroj bookc of C~nonicall Scripture is !oH:; for not · f~;~p,uc 's I i(. • ' one femence of the Laive ll1all paflc .till all be Firft here obfcruc, that the L.-nve of G"Dd M fuH11lcd; much ldfc then -eau whole bool<s pc- ~c~~~!~;~:~ m.ulc f!rftt1Mil and vnchanf_tab,le: .Ifany ma~1 rif11.Sundrie men doe i:hinke th:tt \\'hole books aske how this can bee, ft·ei:1g 'the Apoflk bC loH;'but thac opitiion ~als into qttcftibn the i Hcb.,.J~. f..lit:h,. i The Ltlwc- is l:hatJgtd? ._Anfiver, The fi:dclitie of the Chureli;hnd Gods otvnc prouiLavvc ts threefold; Ccrrmrmitt!l-:, Iudicia/1, aad dence, in prcfcruing his V.,rord·: ne'ithcr C31l it lf~:~:""d!, 2.s hath beene ( now that placcjs fland wcll\vith this C!CX·t, that faith no title the-rpri~<ipally to be vndedlood of the Cmmoni•ll of}ballfaile. Thofc thot feeme to be lofi, were la:vt, wht 4 ch indce~c is abrugated, in ~;egard B either humane writings, as bookcs of !awes&. ofthe ob1eruati6 of it in GodS)\.vorlhip; but in Chronkl!!S, fuch as our:bookcs offiatutCs 0r thefc 0 pc and fnhCtance ofit, which c; Chrifi Chronicles be, or bookes of Philofophie, [ijch «r\.lcified with hi.s benefits,whoni it f11adoweth as SalOnlon writ:oP~lsfame of them arc in the out, it retnafut.::th fl:ilJ, and is now·more phtine Canoni'call Scripture;for the bookcs ofSatiiuCl ¥h~n~euer it waS.As for ~he Iudicialllelw,though & the Kings,werc V\ 1 rittcn'by diner-s Prophet(: ic, bo~brogated vnt6 vs, ro f-arrc ~orth isjt ~·as and therefoi·c"V".·~ may trtorc";:'tfcly hold, ~ .. secY;~:t4 1 p.,cc.ultar to t~c.Icvves; yet, ~s·k..Jt agrees .::w~th ·. part.ofHc;_Iy Scnpturc is loft, ncithcrthall"Ctftt ~~~~ ~:r;:·5 c: commot~:qmttc, &.ferucs dl.l'e~Iy to dl~bhfh f~ile. Fot' hov.:focu<!'r ~ftcr thc-Iail iudgetncl1t th.e.precepts Q[ the Moralllav\i, tt IS pcrpctuall. tne vfe ofthe vvord-·wnqcn fhall ccafe, yet, the , bc.faidc,·.that.ChriH ~banged the MoralJ' fllbfbnct thercoffhall rcmainc in mens·hcarts, ,Ofthechigc lay;,io. ch:.1nglng the Sabbath day,from the fea...\ · and b~ k'Cflt fdr eucr.~: ' , .,. ofthes~b. ~u~lth ..clay t.o the·eight: I anfWcr;Chrifl: did· 1foJ . FoUrt:hly:, this immutal:filitieofthC:Liw, eo• .b.tth d~y. ;in.cltcde byhis ApoiHcs, but that is no chailge• j taincs amatter of great teyour & w.oe.vlmO-ail .ofthC fubil:ance ,,'but of the cercmonic of the.. impcnftftflnners;for howfocucr theymay)ht... ·Sabbath..: forthc Cub!lance ofthat lawe , ;,.,he; 1 tcr t!1€folub with a·prefufnption ofG'ods.mcr: ·iniofning ofa fcaue'th daies·refl vmo the lOrd •. · cic, ydt'the:t~rfc ofthe Lawe \\•hieh \s·~igainfi A tcrrnur ro Now'though the feuemh .day from the crcati6· the,fhalllfi~nd for euer: & therefore while they ~~:,;i:;;~ b.e'not kept,yet afeaucnthday is ~eptftill• .:lfit C goc onejrffinne, thef haue iull caufe to houle rtpcnuncc•• be further faid,that cl>~ b'vc i~fdfe·is abrogaand crie;-for Gods iufii<e in that !\is·in, ted;.for that cueri.c that br.eakerh the- Law uiolable:neithcr will ogoldor Ji!t~tr pac:fie Gods o is not accurfed,-a<!cofdingto dtefcntence~her-. wrath;forthough a man byhis power & weahh qf, ·Deu't.l.7,i6. 1 .Anfwer. Wemufr know that were able to ouerturna hcaucn and earth, yet the·Law is but one part ofGods word, and the that would not hclpe him: though heauen and gopfcl anothcr,reuealing anothcr.part ofGods earth be brought to nothing,yct eucric.part of will,·l?efidcs that·which thc_Law made kn6w.n; Gods law mu!t !land for euer,and be fulfilled. for•it·addes a qu.alification to the Law, modeAnd therefore ·whofoct1er doe lie in any finne rating the rigoJ.n·.chereof,afi:cr this manner: He mull in time repent, ·humble th~mfelues;,fotu ·a~curfod ( foith the Lawe) that failethin any fake their finnes, and betake themfclues vmo <omma11demmt ,. except (faith the Gofpel) bee Chrifi,that hemay fulfill the Law forth<ni; or hecr.cconciledagttinc in Chrifl, and in him haue cl[e the d.lffc thcrcoffuall cerrcnly be fulfilled thepardon of hii trl{n[grejjio~t.r, And yet the moin them,& they fhalllic hov ..•ling vndcr it cterralllaw rcmaincs for eucr a rt1lc .of obedience nally, where is nothing·bUt weeping and gnato-~very child ofGbd,though he be not bound D fhingofteeth, , • to .bring the fame obedience for his iufl:ificatiFifily., this immutabilitic of the Law,anc! fo , ~~~!~y. Qll before God. · , , proporuonably of euerypart of Gods .word, Noc:rc:o:wrc mayd,fpcllfc: with Gods hw. ··Againc, this property of the Law,in beeing :ts it proou~th the Scriptures to be the word of vnchangeable, & tOr eucr to be kept, fbcwcth, God, fo-it is a n~oA: excellent ground .of co~- tbat""no creatte-l'es mal difpc".fe withtheLawe of fc;>rt. fo: all ~ads fcruams eo_ fl:a_hh!? thctr God.Mens !awes may bee abrogated and eh:inhearrs in the affurance of all h1s pr~mtfes. A gcd,but Gods Law cuen in the lcafip:trrs therChri!l~an heart is fubie& to rc.cetuc.t many of, mufi Hand for euer, till it be accompli-. doubtmgs '?fthc truth -of Cods promtfes, ef- (he<l to the full: but if it might bee dcfpenfed peciolly in the time oftriall and remptot!on; 1 ,.rn Grc· wjth, then not iot.rand titles thereof, bur whole but tHis rpufl be remc'mbr·~d for cuer, that th'"e ~Z~~'rr·."~1 r~b. Ia:vves mir.rht be abroCTatcd. This lhewes the whole 'V\•ord of God is immutable ; thoUgh ~ ~,;r,;t'{,~!;f.' bla(phem~us impi~tic0ofrhe Popes of Rome, manspr0,mifcs may faile;and their wo:c: be ab: ~~~~~71i~t.lcn. wbo;n tl\e1r I Canos be aurhort7.ed to d1fpenfc rogatcd, tot oq~art ofGods \\ord ili:tll : no••u•n & VC· with the !awes ofGod:yea, in the lafi m Counpaffetnful~ll~d: anO. t!lercfor~the)r mufi con- r. J~~~[;~;:"· cell of Trent, ~hce is priuiledged to difpcnfc fl:a~tly ,wa~sc f~r the aq:omphl11mcnt thereof; i ·~ . c \\lith fomc ofrhe, !awes of Confanguinitie, afor H1 duc•t'lll\C •t (hall be fulfilled. .· .- _ '\ ! au.3. =---~----------------------------------------~------------------~5-"_·tl~-------