Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

M<tth.5. ~ a CJih:t.r. apud :;;rat. .l!it.: :.Can. Prc~h·1e. Rlu::,r:~oTim. i.!Cd:.). b HdU3+ Aground of ob<:tlicrKc. Dift"crcncc betwecnea falfcpr~J"" phKanda uue. Rome no pnrof Chrifts Church:and why. ~ s~nt!aj trutifcof rll.e 'l"iOTfhip ofim;ges. Bc11u.Jc l– m~g.S:~..nd.L :~...c8. b J;ellar.ib. CJp.ll, c: Idcmd: l.J.Ct!· i ~ 1 _;/ ,-·--:-:.~· 1 Sermon inthe& ount. Sodomic; and yet aVttcrly forbid r;\::.riagc in A1 1 de:!.le \\·irh rhc commandc:.ncnrs, fo dC"alc dH·y 1 I JOmc cilatc, whi(h d1c holy Gho(l b oil,.rh /Jowith the Prophers , who g:uc tcftimonic vnto I noura6lct!.mor.gallmcn. In thcfc and many moc, Chrif!: for firUtheydcfhoy his n:.;.nhood , by I theyprcfcrrc their ownc u adiri.ons before the their forged .tranrubih ntiation: !C:c(,t!tcy / moHholy comm~mdcmcms of God·: yea_, maOucrcurnc IHs kingly office, by m<' l-ing the I . 1 ny iglloram·pcdOns among v;., arc r:umcd Pope thechMd ~1·dJ.c Ch:;rc/~ , 2nd ~iuin_~ h_i!l'l ~o~:~;:~~r~~.~~; j ·with this <.:onuption: for bee t1,ot.(Qmc fc:J1t J%0~Vcr to flhlk$ /,rwu td fmtd I~t: c:mjnmr.:. rhor l.!.c. 1 f· j daics, appointed 4Y tl:c Church, a~'> ~hriH:s naThJrJiy, rhcyoucnurnc thepritjrhocd,by theit f D~ !tu t•; 1 tiuitk, allSainn,and luch likc,pi;>J.crucdbyrhC mar7ing PricHbooJ, wherein 5 :hry d.:i{~ offc,. ~~~::~:·~>· 4' ! with gLc:ltcr co!1[\)Cn~:c & rcucr,(?nt'c then the vr.b!oodiefacrifia_, fOr rbc {it_Jncs of c_hc. ; (,:~~~;~~~:t: i LorU.s ownc Sahbarh ?.::rhoughr:t.h:r; JHCmoric qu1ckc and thedc~d. Fourthly, they robh11n d .rrid.l~tt. / of cprifls nariuiticmay be cch::b.r:arcd .i yer the ·of hisprophcricall oi!ice, in giuing liberty to 1 ~J-~~~~.:~~;~e. 1 Lords day !l10uld hauc lhc fpC?ci}lp honour. thc- hPope, to make llC\.'.' Lawes, and 1 tb c:.;- Pt•pu rni.i· Now fonhc rcforiJiing ofthi's:·corruprkm, wee p~und the Scriptures; ~s fi.1prt-amc iudg~:rhcfc ~h:~t:e mull: labour to h:we the t:tnlf mind~ that w~s in B ; ~hiJlgs they teach, and therefore th~t Church Im~:c,f'o};c I Ba.vtd' , who grcvve into-- «dmir.a.r~op with is not worthy to b~c cour.rcd a incmbcr of AEF1. tc Mo· ! Godsctmun::mdcmcnu, and thercuP-qn im.u:cd I:.! ~hrific; ChuJ"di. But fcoing_G od in great mer- ~ ;M1~1.~d~;~;P· ~· him!Clfc to thcobfcruationof th.c-tn.~\Ve mufi CIC h:.1th vouchfafcd ~'S this.tauour) in this l::u1d 1 / ·~~;J,Jnf\~·. therefore labour to h~ue lnhigh·~A.imation of we!bould recetue and crnbrdcc his holv co.Icwcl,m: the !awesof God' a_nd this will b~e 11:UPt'ble Iword, to' pub1i0tand teach the fame; aJ:d fa 4·'"'' 1:,,. . mcancs· to dr::t\-VC vs to-a reucrenti-fcare and o... eficemeth vsr::~~,;,·onhy. tobe accounted a mein.:.. . bcdicncc towards the fame: one cau[c v~:hy 1 ~ero_fhis: C~Urch: we arc ~her.cforeto reioycc mendo not fo highly aduance the law_ofGod, ,tn thtSmerctc, and to pratfc God vnfaincdlv as theyought,is becaufc they do no.r fufficient- ! for this vnfpc~kcabi~ bJc!Ting ~ .and to thev.;·P ly watgh the dignitic thereof. ·I·n~euery·c.omfonh our thankcfulnerfc; not Onely by teach ... mandcmc:nt therefore, wee mufi. firfi .dccpcly ing a~1d rcceiuing the t.ruth -ofhis word, bu~ conGder \he wa1ght thereof; th€Jl )n~our to al{o by yeelding obedience in all things thqe" vnderfiand. it aright ~ thirdly, karn.c.tO>r.uimirc urito: yci,our'carncfr inddailyprayer, the wifdqme and iufiict ofGod therein:& lafibccaufe it is fo great abldTing., to be counted\ ly, endcauour to yec!d loya!tie and ob.erlience wonhy ofhis kingdomc,that Godwould c,on-" thereunto. .,. · 'tinue the truth of his wlll tots J atid to out'l Secondly, in this Rule our Sauiour Chri!i p6fieritie for .cuer. ' puts adifference betweene afalfe Prophet,and C The fecolid Condufiori : IP'hofomr:r foalt a true: The falle Prophet breakcsthe.commank!opr them, anduachmen fo , the fameJhaU6ee' dcmc_n~s ofGod in.. hi,s ownc pc.rfon, and :1lfo calledgreat in the /:.ingdumt> ofluauen: that i~, heby his doCl:rine tcacpcth others to do the like: !hall ' bee honourca ;n the Church of God; But ihc true Prophet ll{ feruant ofGod,; in the and dlcemcd a \VOJthy member thereof, bcMinifi:cric.., endeauourc~h the advancement of d.ufe by thisrncanes,hc cpde~lUOUr~th to keep Gods gloric, as vvell by inregritic of life, as the law vnch::mgcablcfor euer.. In this conchtby foundncffc of doCtrine. lion two points arc to be confidcred; theojfict!J The "fficr nf Thirdly , in the punHhment of afalfe Pr0of af.1ithfitll Teacher, andhis rward: his ojfi(!' a faith full phct here fet downe, we hauc goo<j. direCtion is two-fold; FirH, in his owneperfon hccmu:t Tca,her. for our iudgcmcnt , touching the-. p.rcfcnt. be adoer of Gods·commandcmcnts: SecondChurch ofRome; namely, that lhe is pot \NOrly, in his publikc Mi!lift:crie hcc mufr teach thy to be cltecmed a part ofChrill.s.Ch.urch on men (o to doe. · earth, by the fcntence of our Sauiqur Chrill; Here fidl obfcrue the order of thcCe duties ; ~c~:;.:hi bccau[e .0Jcc hrcak!r Gods comrmmdementJ ; Doing mufi•gOc before Teaching : Thisorder and teachet/; menfo: for v>hcrca.s. the fccond D Chrill propounds, <md that douOticffe on fpccommandemc-nt tOrbiddeth the worfhipping ciall grocnds; Fir!l:,bccaufc :1. man canno't with f of Images , yea and the making ofImages to ioy and comforr o<hers, befOre himr<fembk God ; tli<! Church of Rome doth not felfe be l doer of the thing hcc teacheth; for if oncly allowc the 'ontraric, agairtft this cam- (1. man teach othcrs,from t4e infhu&ion of thC J mandcment;but tcacheth others fo to doe:fayfpirit, he fhallfindehis ownehe:trt inclined by ing, that it is lavvfull ~to refcnJblc the Father, ' the (1me fpirit, to theobedience of the word I the Sonnc,and theholyGholl: in Images,eithcr he tcacheth. painted or c:1rucd, :1nd to worfhippe them Ag.-:!nc , the t::pericncc of the fruitc and . thercin;yea, and tp \'\'Or01ip h the very Image" efficacic or thcv:crd, inhis ownc prrfou,is the I ofChri!l, and ofSaims;as alfo thecSaiEts tht=- bcfl: Commrmaric <i man can bauc, fOr the c: t I Againe,thcy plaincly brcakc the tcnt,h corn- \\"ith the knowledge of arts :md tongues arc mandemcnr, "''hieh forbiddeth the firfi motic~cclkm hdpcs; yet if J man v.\.ii'lt thC fpi;it of [clueswith religious \'\'Orlhip. . penj·ng of it: Vnto othcrs:Thc vrritings of men? I I ons vnto finne with delight, though v.:ithont God, framing ~i.s heart to bek eue, and o);lcy. . ;ri~.~;~i~: .confcm of will, by teaching d th;at co;1cupifthe word be te:1cheth, whcrebr he !hould bc.'- · 1 '_,c_._"·_S·--"=ec~n~ce~a~fi~te~r~b~ap~t~ifi~n~lc~,=i~s~n~o~G~n~n~<>.~A~~nd~~·s~t~h~oy~~==·~c.~o~m~e-a-d~c-r_"_f-it-; _ d_oJ-lb~Icrie'~h-~'"_'o_r_~~~~ l___\