Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Sermon inthe~ount. I _t_ n Ad:. 16 .f. faith, rthat after tbe mojiJfriEI:fotl of thct~·r~li- A groffc opm10n of all \\orldly !nf{l, ruen of c/11,.1!-lho.,r-. 0 ACt1J.6. gioa,he liH~da Phar61ic.; and that he-was 0 aPh4rhoic who commonly.arc tallcd hS>!!cn men: lf r ~~~ ~~~·:~~·· V.20. rific, rhefonne.of<1 p/,art[,c. Yet bcfidts rhcfc, they be told of thqr hnn"cs, and ot the dangli to·ule. . ! HcroJi~ns. there '-VCre another feCl:~-'"alkti 1,/endians, who ofd1unnacion,cxccpt they rcpcn~: tbc!r· anfv,·cr , (as fomc rhinkc)\\:t're c:;:pt.trticrs, held & is; they arc no rhecucs,no murthcrcr~,no gro{ft , taught tlllt Hqod wa:r th.c,M.ej]i.zt. And dms !inners, :md rhcn::forc they hope God "'"ill fauc we fee what the Scribes ·&:·Phariflcs \'\'tt'e,whO them; for they hue ordcrJy, and d9c no man ChriH here ioync;t·h togQtbcr for amplific:.1tion wrong·: but lee all ii.1th take hccd)lc:tH:thcy de~. fake; \'lfdgd}:mding d;crcby fuch Teachcr.o; cciuc their O\o\'nc foulc,s, for this ti!1i/l. ho~r;/fit: among the Ic\ycs, Pre:jh tlJJd Lroite.r, as liucd was the righcconfncOC ofthe S'ribcs and Pha... aftcr ·thc~.mofl ·fhait !=U! of the Pharjftcs: rifics,which could ncith'-:r bring thcm,.nor1 any ' I for the Ph:uifics v. .onebiofllccScribes, "IJ.S• we 1 other to the kingdomc of .hcaucn, as ~hrifi 1 m:typl_~qcly fc~ by compa.ripg together, Ioh.. the God of trnrh faith cxprdf'ely in this place., 1 I. 19. wid' v. 24-"'vhcret,hc Prtitls and Lehitcs Jo giuc.: almcs, to 6H,topraic,and ~o-dealc vp~ ' (who were Scribes as wchJUdhc\o\'Cd)a;;c cat.. rightly wid1 men,be: very good thifl~;·p\.lt ye.~ lcdPharifiq . : 1 . ~ •• wccmuf~l:lbourforme:rcthen thc(c , if,eucr If. Point. ·vvhat was_ths.righteoufndfc of we mclnc to com.c to hcaucti: we rnlJJ.l get a:: theScribes and Ph:trifics,'-which is here:: fo de- B noth~r rightcoufnc..lfe ofthe heart,r<l'Jl()Jlncing bafcd,as bceing vnablc ~9 bdo.g a man to hea.- Vttcrly.our ~wne righc:oufneffc, in th.c mattC'r ucn?By tl~e tenour ofS~ripturc it will2ppcar~, of lu(hficauon, and·condcmnc qur fclucs for p that it was p :111 ~:t:tema!l nghreoufnej[e o~!;, ·~:mr'bcfl: aClions,that fo We tn:ty~c .fi-t to rccciuc· t.tattbps. fl:anding in chc outward :obferu:uion of ~ht that rruc rightcou.fndfc, whichwill ~omm~ntl q l,uk.J8, 11,11. March.6.:.s. ''· I' ~ht.1-3>i• f Phil.3.6. M.tnsn:ttu· I r:allconccit ofrightc~ oufnc$, I law:forrhcywcrc can;ful ~o ab!laincfromaelu- \ vs'"1nto God. _ , · ~ all grofi'e fimJc~::ls whot1=:d6me,thcfc,murrher, , Ill. Point• . What.~s that rrue righrcoufi1cif'e ~~~;-{t,~ , idolatric;. a_n~ fuch like, aod they were very wliich .will bring-:nnan to hcaqc,n? Anfw. It is forw~rd. in!qpif/-ing, pr.'Jing, and gining a/mu the righteelllfneti:~ of Chrifi, '• Cor. r ..3Q. for openfr.,.and h11 )\ccping the .tradirion.s and -cereC,hr.ifl. i,f madeV'f,fO 'Y! ~~God,1Jii[edame, ri_(IJte_;_ moniet ofr4t·ElderJ, aud .jP all things to c.ah'ic oN[nejfo; yea, heeWM·madefim;~for.vJ~. that Jl~ themfclu>s in {h<r,v f conformable to the la<v.i but rr;_ig}t· he . made, (ho 1 ' righteo/lfnejfo ofi:Gorl,· i~ ; i.(f•t< the i~ward righreoufilC_!fe of the lieai:.t they him.fTIV• isthatri~hteotifi>cffe,)'·,hisl> exrte<ll nothmg reg~!dcd, thmkuJg that perfect <~ghtherighteoufneffcoftlie Scril;>cs_a.n41?lleJifit~1 teoufncffc c~nfified in outwardabedionc~,.&. aijd. wherebya ,fjn!Jer dhth ,lhnd iufi bcfo;;~1 by tQatthey looked to be faued; as ids f.,id, Gqq: for. when as b;{.Ad.imifal\ We all:l>_edime. .Ro.m.Io, ~. tuglef.!ing vtterl; the rightcoufocjfo gui)ty offinne,and t'hcreby.fubi~;€1 toth~curfg of God, ·. C of God, and to eternal! condemnation,.fr.P.rn In thefe S,cribcs apd .PharilieS\ve may obwllich we :<>oul~· n~uer hauc. delluered 'Qur c-.-,.'· ,o feruc, what is the natural! pcrfwafion o.f .nan, (clues ;_then it pleafed C}ui!l to ,coPJ,q,frl)mth~ ,, ..,_,. toU'ching 1)gbtcoufncs:ts>wit,that an out\-\'ard bofome ofhis fathl;~, aod t6b~·cPIJlSSW!.fl(;c....r t~:.,~) ~.;: r.ightcouliles wil iCrue..che turnc:and th(rcfoJ:e tic -andSaujopr, !""Jl«?. in his life Pccam~qbc.d[; e~cry man naturally <Ol'\te)lts hin'lfdfe thereo;.nt to the la;v fo~v>,ll< in ·& by death ~p;on tpo with: and.hcnce it is tlJ;~tnJCn will bring their crolfc,.futfcrcd whatfoeuer was. du.ejqro ()n.< bodies vlua\ly to the pla~e·ofOo<lsW<lrfi> f!M~.s;')'hich obedi<:ncc and fat\sf'IG1i'1n)>cjng pray, to hc.are the word,al\p receiuc the Sacrain~dpbyhim that was both Go4 ~nd_,njan, was mcnts: but,fcw)raue caret<> Qring their·heot!S al§>')e allcfuflicfe_n•, bRth to fr~S·~S ,froll) the, with theq1, that they m~y.:(llwardi;JWorlhip cu;fl; of the la!\', .~nq alfo toi!!JJifjc l;>.bef9rc ,Go,d in (pidt and truth: !q like"·ife 1 .ur:roy ar.c God:_and this,~ig~~eot!li>ef\e of: Cl\ril:t,i! th~! 1 content tQ,rcfi.from fhcjr,,Qr.Qinaric lahours.on "'Qjch.f,:xcc~ds tl1c·r1)¥ncouJ.ncs offhc; ~qibe~ ·the Sabb,atlf d·ay, but few .arc carefull:to conand..Pharifies, and i~ a)>le. to bJing a-man,t!) fecrarc their rdl vnro God,: men be carefUl! to hcauc.' Yet fu,rth_er fqr our Iufii6cat\op,Cpri,(h ""''oF ab(bine ff-om aC\uall m.urthcr, hut!fewmake D l'igb~t~pufndfc' h<tth lhrce. par.~s.; .the pw(tiQ Chti!h rigb~ con[cicnce·of malice, ha..tred, reuiling) and p_f-\•i~ 1humane-t1atl\~~' the intcgriric apQob~ tco~tth~!fe. quarrelling: many hate theft,that ytt wjll <lOt <\\enc~ ofhis life, and the merit.of•hi~ fuf\i;ing~ fti,cke torob~e their neighbours oftheirgood v,P<Iln,lh.Gqo!fc; anq all!bc\e f!l\11\;~«>urs, t~ n:- ~e; by vile reports:~ t1at~y arc afrdmcd to · ~v'f~r, for QUt.coqupt nnturc_, a~d ·Jil\llCfull robbe <lp.e\tJy, that mak~s no, bones t?. i\oc~iue li\e;<! aj;urfcd death. ,·_ • . />Y falfe ';,eights •nd meafures,,br. glofes ;?od ).;nl~>rc .fqme m.ak.c, quefiion, }Jow. C~rifu (ibf,a.;: ' fuch hkc :\and. nt all thefu:"lll-blc!fc rJlomc , righmpufne!l'e . <>11. b,c or:rs ?.i\ll.Q::\19)\\·one ~[~~~~.~~' fclucs ~\'ith their omwar~ rightcQufi)\ fl"c and ~1lllllS _ ~tighteO.l._lfP.~Cfc . Ci!~f:f.11!"G fo rtl?ny .thour-:. c. 1• think all is well;not doubting but thejiil1;u'be l•~i~: .A1{w, ,Chri£1< righr~O\I(i\effc };:.1103 A.. r.,·. ·faqed by,i;, tl1ough they bauc J)O~llore.;: ~ut !1\Gi ~ightcqqfi,e.(f~b! a fileC><·lT)an(.for thCJ!. this isP!Ja;i(ai.;all pridcan<j folly; for a,lJ.f~ch ll•li'?'\ll\1 fauc·li~!·.l;nc ' at.t)li; mo!\,1.' pij! it- ) OU!Wor .•\> ..teoufpes. id>.~rc condemned,..•• , \'; ;If<;; ~.(ighrcouf.qcfk gf ·>l/'l'r)'Hf9n,;,.;~h<i vnable .to(~~e ,th~.foule.. . ·, ... I \S;:J1<9!h -. G.od .ond m.ah; !lld. !bcteftit;e is· 1 _Ag~,.hare we may ,f,, .,.~p.fiqi;~ngilf«<>llfr>~ffe-, of: tri~rit'fufit~ie~r, . I t.O .