Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

/ M ,m/;,5 · '?!.:![. Antiquitie na lnt':tl!ible markeof trut._ How the Pharilies<'X• fa~~.ndcJthc. .Smnon in the&'oimt. ;_:_____ : 4.J' --1 fi.dlof all with the f x:Comm:rm:iemmt, touch· A I :;nd the high Pridt that was then in phcc. In~ J j. ing Murrher.In the band1ing whereof, he obdccdt the l--arh«rs muH be reuerenccd>as iiglns {Cructh this order; Fidt, he 1Cttcth downc rhc of the Church in their rillic;and their ceflimo.; , f:~.!fc interpretation of th1s l:\w, by thL· Scribes nics duly rcgarded,whcrill they ngrc~ with the and Ph:~.t'il1cs,in this verfc:. Sct:ondly,he il1cw- \Yrittcn \\·ord: but for the confirmation Ofthe cth the true mc::tning of it,,.. 22. And hflly,be tn!th in111ans confciCnce, :md for the cdit)'ing propoundcth rules ofcOcord & ~grecmcm bl.'- ofrhc fnnlc in t,hc graces ofthe fpirir,the \.vorJ eween rhofc th:n be ~t vari.§(c, Y.z )·24, 2 5', 26. of Gc·d hath the ondy ihoak :by it alone Gbcis Por the firt1:: The Expcrfirion. tehniuher!rd: I children arc: begotten, and borne anew ti:> a th:'lt is, you lc\\'CS \.c..•hkh now hc2remcc,whrliucly hope1 and by it alone they arc fed anti I rhcr Scribcs,Ph:uitic~,or orhers;yc;~ h.~fle he·,:rd nourit1H:J in rhe f.1i~h, y~~: by it alone thc) 1 are I char it h,uh /JceJJcfoid ofo!de: that ts, by yom conf.nncd :md Habhl11ca m the truth; auucient Tc3chcrs, the olde Snibes and Pb,;riThirdly, in thcfc lc\\'ifh Tcad1crs, tOrbidfies, who hauc expounded this law Vllh1 you: ding nothing as a of this law, but the and that thisphra{C muH be vndcd1ood of the B omvvard Jinne ofmurthcr; and on the contr:lancicm lcwil11 te:lchers, may plaindy appc:nc, ric :lpproouing of thofe :JS keepers ofthis !:it;,., becaufe in the next yerfe hce oppofcth his tb~t l~<'pt their hands: fiom this ACtuall critnt ownc teaching thcrcumo, :~.nd vvould hauc of blood,and by confcA:ttCnt \\'Orthis of1ifc ethdC his hcarers,that before had learned afalfc ucrb.fling; behold :1 pl~incpiClurc ofcucry naintcrprctation of this law, from their old Tc:ttur~ll man; for is notihis the common opmi..:. chers,now to lcarnc ofhim,thc true cxpofirion on, that vnldfc a mankill an other, he brc:lkcs thereof. The Law is this, Thou, Jhalt not kJ!l: notthi.; commandcmcnt? and fo for the rdl,if Thcexpofition ofthe ancient Icwi(hTc3chei·s he ab{laine from the outward a£tuall groJfc \vas this, for tvhofoeuerkj!lcsh p;a{! he culpt!b!~ linncs of Healing, adultcrlc, and fal~e vvitneffc ofiudgemcnr; that is,..whofcicucr l:iiCth vidlcnt beadng,cht:n hekeeps thofc comimndemtnts, ha.nds on an other, td take a.vv.1y his Iifc(for though his hc:1rt be neuer fo full fi-~ught wich they knew no ochcr tnurrlier, neither did they <;nuie, mallic:e, Iufi, couctoufnes,falfl10od, &c. cxcend this comm:1ndemCt tO fbrbid :mr fin ne, Bm let vs ob(erue Chrins rCproofc of futh erbut atl:uall murrher) /hall he culpa/He of iudgeI'eous interpretations of Gods hw,as a fncans mmt: that is, !hall be held guiltie of rimtthet, to fchoolc our hearts fromfuch vainc cohctits. both in the courts of men, and alfobefore tht CD 1{; ' iudgemendeate ofGod,where he fhal receiuc . V. lZ, DUt ;ay "rm.toyOU~ the defcrucdpunifhmentthcreof_ This wasthe C "fPhofOeuer }hall be anurie 'With interpretationof the Iewes. 'J v .!> Hcrcfir!lobfcruc, tha~AntiquiticisnoinhiJ hrother '/Jnadu!fed(y jha/l fallible markc oftrue doCtrine: for this expofib 1 bl { tion of this commanderhcnt was auncicm, ree cutpa e o iudgement: and I cciuedfrom:luncientTeachcrs; artd~·ctChri!t ho(, 1:' h h· b the Doctor of truth, rclectcth it, as falfcond 'W 0; oeuer .I att 'Vnto tJ roI corrupt: >nd therefore the >rgumcnt which ther > 'R._aca, jha!l be 'WOtthie to I the Papi!ls vfe,forthc HabliO,ing of their rcligion,drawnc from Antiquirie, is ofno effect. be punijhcdby the [otmtef: and Sccond!y,bythefc woras ofChrill,ycehauc hor; Jh / hMrd, it harh beme faidof olde, we m.ay <>lily 'W 0oeuer_ a-. '_fay,foole,fhalbe I gathcr,afrerwha.tmanncrthcScribesandPh:l.. h b ~.(/., db I /'fi rifes expounded the J.w : name!y,they !cftthe 1/IOYt 'J to . efUt.JuC 1,J IJe re. Scrtptures, and followed the interpretation D Here ourSauiour Chrifipropounds the true of-tileir auncicnt Tclchers. But here Chrift interpretation ofthis Comm::mdcmcnt ~ Bta I chcckcth an<i rcprooucth this tn;lnner ofteachfi'.y P'lfrt) josl)th~t is,v\'hatfbcuer you hauc heard ing;and thcrcfot·c the like Gmnot be \Y3rrant3drc''~c~ibcs or Pharilles tezch you flotn rhcmble among vs :it this da.y: '''hereby we fee: that fclucs, or from their f.1.thcrs, it ls fibthing, let kind of teaching rcprooucd, wherein cucry them not dccciuc you :for 1chat am the I.awroint is Huffed out with che teflimonics of giucr :md Dollor of my Church,:ll~d tLcrc:fon: Fathcrs,Schoolcmtn;;~nd humane writcrs .• !\\nd bcHkno\V the of my owne htv, I fay i\l~n\ n;uu; rall cnncclc of k~rping the Comm.i· d::mcncs. here ~lfo is difcouered a \\•i:ckcd and d:mnocrothcrwifc vm6 you: wbofOeiur :~· a;:gri~ ;virb i.Rh~m·r~n ouspraCl:i(c of the: Papiih,who rcfenc alfdchis brother,&c. Here Chrifllaics dO\\ ne thrcc p~ef.fc&:,,9• ti<ling of controvcd1es, and interpretation of kinds ofmunhcr, 01 nd three degrees ofpt:nifhhard pl:lccs of Scripture, to thC Church :t.nd' to rncnts·for the fame. The firfi dcg1iec of mur~ ! the F:tthcrs. Jf we fay that Fathers oft diffent thcr is .A1.:~C'I', not :mgcr fimp!y : but rfl.fb and 1. 11 r,.c: <lc~ \' and the Chu'rch nny errc. then they fend vs t~ h:cti[cfcctc~v~{ertovdrds a: brotbcr:and by Br·orirce' of the I: Popes brcaA:. Bur if this courle ""er~ f.1fe, the;:hC m'c;u~ctfl, firH,onc I~w vvith 3.n6ther,to umnlm. l , ~·i'~:rtt~~~~f.' ~ rhc1' the lcwi(h Tcuhers· might h:~.u.c ha·d a v.tlwm Chnft fp:tk~; fccondly, one ncightchap.Jtv.;. good defcnccagainfl:thisclurgcofChri'ff:for b6m~ with another, whether Ic\\:CorCCnI _\ I _d_JCLyh_a_d_b_o.c_d--' .:ccl_cn::.:"'_:_cl::_' :::"_c'd::.:F::•:.:t:.:h:.:<r_:_s_:_o_::ri_:_t!_::re'::_il:_li_::•d::_:e:>_,_l__c_:t::_:1!:::_ ~_:_=':: j; :_;o'r.I)}r c're:uion \:.,:c 1rc all hrct hn:n, h~- . 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