Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.Sermon in the :5\1ount. -------~- -1 s.l\u1es (ot thcc:~:ponn. tling,ofrhe ~ Law. 1 ·thereto in cucry phia~c- that here ~t?Porrs ?· pu– nifhmeot; :as, to bee culp:1blc ~{i:ldff.~"!em_{IJr ""..ntldNifod anger, is to defcruc_"t~!ldcmn:mon in hell fit:e ; and ro·be pumfhed h] aCo)mce/1, for te!Ht)'}pg •u~ger by outward figncs, U to d~fcrJi! c011:km/,iuion; buryet ina deeper degree: An:d r. 6: IPOI'tllj to6e punijl"dwith r/gfi•·c ofGebe~n.:h,foi- cfm 1"'!J/i~,-!s-tCi·dc(crue condemrtat~on'alfo, but Jet i'n adccpcrmcafu~c then th~ t forrnCt:fO(:is-at'riOt~~tl:_~ Ic\vcsb~ the fcn:cncc oftheir C:S:OUtts-, fo\1~·offi-:nccsv< cr~·puml11cd D-y·~eh'c1Ldi~g or Q~ang}ng ; greater 6ftCnces by -!lo'I_ti!lR- 1 :uld tl:e·~~-4:\:~~t p~ ~~"tn~g;au V\:bich ·punlfliments dtf!ilre(Jttri-degret, and:r,ct euery ont\vas ddtlh: fo•bcfore God, ldfor finnes de• ler~el<flh con.dcmtmiorl rn;hell fi?c, si grea– fcr (inhcs dcep't:~ ·damn:nion) ~rl_d ye~ cudi~ fi~{ie Jcferucs-damnation; fon/k w.-.g-u offnne, be it neucr fo littlc,is death ~Rom.6.l3: (o that Chi"ii! here mak'csifegfcesofp&lithmi't accor– ding to the degrees'?ffinn,e 1aJlii'r.erfo, 01 e– uery lit!ne is mor;all;,de[cni!Qgdamn_~tioa,artd none ycniall'in it f~ft; ' .. ~'- '' Secondly·, wf.mayhere ~bfc(tic t\Vo ,excel– lent Rules forth<; ex.l'.out\ding,of the-Moral! lawc. ·firfi J rh"ai v~~r.or.e {imte#ar.t-::1 i;t a cotf1manilil"'"'·· arc fo~tidden all f"'!et of 1hc fome Ji.!.n:lc, with allrhecaufoi thert!o(i ?ot Chrii! ii1 Cxpbunding th~s. fix; c~>tnlnanJ~menr,doth not olH~ly _Condcmne ~~uaU. fuu_t~~Sr, · bur cuc·n R>Oi anger in the,Hem·; arid a! thcie6f' in;iou'mc:nancc 1irrd :gc·llJret_?-·i~h~~Ii !ail(~g, ••id teuiling fpecc)lc·s, as b!·eache~it~this·com– iJla.ndement: and chHi'ke ne ob(cructh in thofe whichfollowo, ll.R!t!e. TdtheUre1ch pfi('"i< comm~Uttktti~nf tfitr-eW~tdnexed,~cflrfl, ,dfuit it hen~nxprejJcd: for Cllrifi here (etting down< tHl!brcacheS"'ofthis fixt c6Inandement,threat– rtcth cdridemnation to the le:aft breach thcrof; fayl'ng, herhat inmadu!fodfJ angriewithhti /iro• ther,p;atl-he culp,J;t< lij'illdJtm""'. is it n'ot thell 3\lyon'dc.r to fee, how ignorant people doe y(e t:he·complandments'forpraiers,whcn as indeed (if t!icycould pcrcciuc it) they are Godsthu'n'– dcrbo!ts to throw ilwir foulcs to hell for ~ilery litln'cltliey cointn\t~· · ·· · M,;r,a '". ·0 Thiidly 1 Chrill condctnning vnaduifed an– . pewr~~e 11,,Tn· g~r. '*abre:ichofthis law , giueth Vs to ,·ndcr– " '" fiand iho• advifed anger is not vnl~~ful! : and' "' true it is, that all anger Is not finn'cfull: for 'a ;'11 Marlc.3.~. Chvij} was ofrtimes angrie with the le\vcs, am{ ~ Efll,.p6. the ApoHic bids-vs b robe angry_, "{nttjinnenot. H>w 11wfult If any-here lskc, how we may_ difccrnc godfY. b~~~;,~;:Xe<~ !-~~-~er,'from that which i~~irill an'4 ~·-na_dutf~d_:I ' anfivn-: two \oVayes,fidl,by the hcgummg oftt:'. for-gOod anger ptocccdcdl from dlc louc Of h'im,wit-h whom \\'e arc :rtigdc;now lone is the fUlfilling of the la\vc, nrtd therefore anger prqccedingfrom louc,and,guldcd thC'rcby,can– not'bo a breach thereof; but cuillongcr pro– cecdeth from felfe-louc 'fronj diiTtl<:e O'ri>atrca ofthe l'artic with vvhm~c \Y~c :ir~ lpgtJ~: :se!. 'ondly, we may difcerne i't by th~·cna·e. dooa a~gcr is for Gods glorie agilinff hrtrie, bccaufct AI Cod th.crcbyisdtnlOnburcd; ~ndforom b~othcts gobd : but tudlangcr .,.,ants d:dC c:~ds, :tnd tmcndcth pm.!:1tc rdpcc1s. lt Js quu.:hJj' mooucd, it co:itumcth long, and :..~10 c:.uicoh with It :i ddir!! ofrcutngc. . . . Fourthly·, f.:dng vn::duifcd :1ngct wi:.h tht ~cn~~~td~i fignc thereof IS a bteacb of ,Lj, bw dcicri:::'g I dc:1th; hereby \\'C arc admt>nl!~u.!J to ~-~\.v;:~·c of this hc:1dfhong aftetHidn ofanger) tii1? bC.: titHe to rcHr:1inc and bridle the f:~I7lC : lt H:,th o. 'I brl.d bc;;iiming,ind :.n c·uH·cndJ3hd chtrcby wC bccd:ric rnuithCrcrs.No ..v tholt wciriaymtGi:rulci ' HoW. ic, fo as it ptcu:ti!C not againHvs; firH, ~_<:f: f-p1t£! i .lay to Oltr hearts thi~ con~ma11 .ici'hctu or,·o.o·c forbtddingratb anger J as 1!i barrc·;o !J.o'r,.\;;$~ Cond!J.t We mull r<.:mct'zi~~:, t.~w ldti~~~£1X.~9~ B mewfully Gbd dcakswah_vs cuery ~~~.., m forbearing and (orgiuing vs :..,lhd rhC,rCf\l:r{\VC ought to be'J.\kC ir..inC.cd_'tc•,h.rds our br1~hrCri~ Eph+JI•J:!. · ' .. : --~ ';· · , ·. . , . The feconq braneh offi~'IFhd7. cql:~~t;;if.<4 d, to f;; tmtb Mrln·Dtb:r,R;t.e;1.~ whe_reby ,.,.emay fee th:ueu,:t.rygcHu re 7'xprc:t1ingrafu wger, &: defpitc of h~.7!'t ~ovyard,,.a~odlct.~ iS mUnhc;r before Cod; ra~ _t"af!ing m~Ct;U;"''£t:,anqe, taWjtrdi Si~neibfde fpltC:UC~c~ grcsOfm~r~ d::-r. i him,: ~his God rcp~9.o.ue~:l.t! Caf{1c ,_q~~tf1·fi fr019mng .a~4 ~uddmg (ft< {;,,,J, or·{h.ahng If tn cometp~f, ~~ th~ lcw·cfdi'd to Chril\ 1 Matih; :7·:3 9. a~~~-c~~ttnlft~o_:U ~il11g/luT 11t~fl. ~'J~Q'g.: c Q'': h.cncc I/maelt ~Ciring 4t I[.~ack_,u caUe!.J..nfec!f:. twn, Gal\.5.29. amf t~c hkr n;ay b!'. [~tl! .Pf;,~~ fignes of con;c'mpt i'~ l"oras: _asjfi:_.,r.Ul~~P,s/b, and to (t~oH)'l ln. df,(d~iitc, fo11'Rfq~r~n:) -4 f C Hupenaol moy.rho"hl1,Jnfen9ur; fo •/[[(~!).~ a man CMtnnp'filo:IJJl .tlikfJ' e_ tfm'~2}P,~~ e~ though he fay nothmg ,.but. f/mgs -~, )if}l ?, heart riling againfi his'bothor. All i'!\<fc_~ij~ fuch like tokens oi' co!\terttpt., #nd .d;{cf;;tp~ , \{,<c;o;,. arChcte condcmritd for rriurthCr of headianJ fdence Clf tlltret'Orc 1t fHndcth vs.i'n \httd : 'to' ~a~C~S?n- ~~ gefiurc. fnencc ot euory gefiut;~ 6(our bodie~_c!f,ch~ 1 ca!hng of our eyes· of dur t'auuhtcr' .an3 1nf::rtl ... 1 '.J .. ;~ ' :t;> ·"'.t '.<I ,-...: ~ I ••) ''l ro 1 ?.affion~::e words, leaf£ thcrc-bx.~veC !h{"\\'e' tlti)~ I · contclttpt, or anger towar<rSo'U~ b;ethi'~ri~J ~ If It be faldc, howd~t~ejk ~,dture}xp;it.. 1 ~~~ .:· fing ratb al'tg_cr or co.~te,m~tbe ~np~ther,Jc;c~nf~ the L'JSV perriiits a v:id6.1tv.lo· Jfpit /n"r'hC.£aCeo[J <1 n,~r .. J_t• her hu.r'G~JndJ brother ,.t/r' ~t{:~Pkj;Jfonill-'71, c 1 !tf'6z~ j 7• 8 :,1 • fore the Eld'ers iJfthe cit~~~if.:7e{'lt[Hfodt,J'r.ii I D fledvntoh&brothe~·.An.(F.uil,rh,'<f-5; ~ I command: ner fo tO doe, 'thcrc!Jy 'to Clt ;I b_iS _gre~t dH'!ike," '!,f :va_~yOf 16~c: i~ ~,I, :~:co_-\ ~~)rds_h1s dcnd br{nh;~· Sc~on~y i1 .'~~(·;·~~~ ~; ·th_e wo~d~ n;~ay as ~.tfy ~e·e f~_anflated ,;,~~s, f.'~fli (/m in hr. pght,tbot :s,fpto1l tp< IJrcu,,d ~eforo ~ 'his face, that hce :night'ftS}f~b· J:l~~·.f.\l~it'~~ mcth to bo'thctrdc! tl;dn\n~of'i~a:'p!iiceJ ~n it was vcdc vnf'ccrttefv~ f'~J.~ ·~n; ori{~jmulih motCfor awomiri/o pllbli~~fy ~o fprtfr?-:i-th:if Gee. And in that fenfe 'is'\ltiH,ord {~'i '·~"!:c ·c,incbopke, Dcm.4.~7.'~:hi~~t0Ci:P ~,0 bring l(radout of tgypt i•:O h~fi?/, il~ hi.:J!ght-• . ·.\ ~ <-'~- ~ ,. ~.'.~-: .. ;).:~~~·-:; 'St•condl;·, vrtdcr!his~r:irlcS:.o!" m1JT!i?t"r'f,J , ' ,, -----'-------------~--------=E:..=___:::--==-_,_.::.:-_.. =.____ h'" '-. :::~: