Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

r:An Ex11ojition of Chrifli \ .'~>'ml•.5. f --------------------- ~~ drawm: thercfrom, as may appcarc br the firft: \A Chrifts meaning, th:tt wee fhouid doe our Ytwordc·s , Ifrben, or tbereforc: as if he had faid, mo!l cndcauour to be reconciled vnto our brcIf r:1J}1. anger artd the tclhfic.:arion thereof, cirhrcn ,-.,home we hauvwrongcrl, t11cwing fuch thcr i11 ~cfturc,or rcttiling ij1ccch, bee murthcr, care thereof, rhat \VC preferre rhc fame befOre and,f1dcrue condcnmatloLl, then we arc with the ourward aCtions ofGods worlll.ip,not prcall?ilig;:ncc to !Cckc to bee rccpncilrd to our fuming to \vodhip God, rill \ VC be reconciled b·r,e.thrcn, whcnfocucr any breach of louc is 1;0 onr brethren. made bcrwcenc vs and rhcm. Here 'INC hauc ::1. notable Rule for the mainThe Expofitivn. 1(, thou hring thygij~ to rhe raining of loue and dH\ritic :unong 1ncn;name.. Altar \Here Chril'"t a!ludcth tq the Ic,,·cs m:m- \ iy, brothcrlJ 1'econciliation. .In the gming \\'be:rencr o~f worlllippc vndcr the LawC; v\'hich was, .of, Chriil Gill continues his e!\poGtion of the to oftc[ in tltc Temple facrificcs vnto goJ both fixth Comm<lndct~cnt: fOr bauing condemned ofprOpitiJtion, :md thankfgiui~l.g.h,nd though murthcr, and.the prouocatio11s thereunto, in cf1rifl: here only name this one kind pf ceremothe former verCc ; here hec commandeth the niall worf11ip,yct vntlcr this he comprchcndeth contraric venue of brotherly louc , and the allmancr oftrue outward worl11ippc, whether B mcancs to vfhold the fame; to \\it, ReconciliLega!l or Euangclica\1; as if hcc fhould fay, If ation for oftcnces giuen. · th'a'ucomt toworjhip God any wa;. either by offeOut oft_his Rule in general! we may ob(erue: 1 to;~~;~~~~~ ring facrifi.ces,or byprayingvmo God,by heJfirfl:,a Third direCtion to the right cxpo_unding 1 ciingGod.s ring his word , or recciuing the Sacraments; and vnderfl:ancjing of Gods commandemcnts; :;~~ou.-:· tmd remembreft that th7 hrothei' bath ought anamely, where an; vice if foYhiddm, thti'e the gainft thcr, that is , that thou hall: any way contrarie'Vertl!t is commanded: and on the con- . wronged and offended thy brothcr:this appeatraric, rvh~c an} venue Ucommanded ,there_ the rcth to be the true meaning by the like "'"ordcs contrm·icvice it forbiddm. This Rule rnufi bee .a Mark. 1 x. of .a Mm·"-.;, lftbou haft ought againft to/ broobfcrucdas apriuilcdgc of the lavvc ofGod,a... J5· thcr, ( fOr. iniuric done vmo thee by boue all humane lawcs: for mens hwes are [a~ hi1rt j. Jwgiue l1im: and therefore our brocher tisfied, by abfiaining from thcviceforbiddcn, hath fomcthing againftvs, whC we haue wronthough the contraric v~rtuc be not praCl:ifed: ged or offended him in word or dcedc , and as he facisfics mans law, forbidding murthcr, he knowlcdg rhcreof,and iufl: caufc therethat abfiaines from the aCtuall crime, though upon to complainc. he loue not his brother : But hcc uanfgrdfeth Leauo there rh; gift 6ifore the Altar] Still bee C the lawofGod, that pcrformcth not the conalludeth to the manner of the !ewes wodhip; trarie venue, though he ab!tainc from the vice who when they went to to the Lord, forbidden: for though a man abA:ainc from kilbrought their fheepe or bullockc vnto the vtling, yet if he doe notloue his brother, bee is ter court; or as fome thinke, tied it to the guiltic of the breach of this fixt Cotnm3.nde.. horhes ofthe altar,in token that they prefentcd ment; which fcrues to confute the error ofour it vnto the Lord: now if at that very infiant, ignorant people, who becaufc rhey abfiainc: they did remember that they had any way offrom Murther, Adulteric, and other outward fended their brother, then were they to lcaue fi.nnes, doe perfwade themfdues that they their gift chcre,(not quite omitting this dutie, kcepe the law,and that God will therefore bee but only fufpending or deferring it for l while) mcrcifull vnto them. But they mu!t kno.w_..that .. :tnd goc fceke to be reconciled to their brother though they fhould ab!tainc from the ;vices whom they had wronged, forbidden, yet they fland culpaplc of !udge- !2.!!_eflion. How could this departure be warment, for want ofdoing the contrarie vcrtucs: b liz:ccb. 46 • ramable,fccing the Iewes h~d a law b th:tt ·whC for it is not fufficicm to abfiaine from euill,but the feruicc ofGod was once bcgun,nonemight we mufl doe good, and therefore John Baprift: dcp.trt, no not the PJ·incehimfo6ce,ti!lit 'WJUended. 1D f2ith, .a Emr1 tree that bringeth 110t forth goDd ; An[w. ThisRule mufi be vnderfiood ofdep:1.rft'Hit,U bnven downe, and cajf into thefire: and cure out ofthe vtter court ofthe Temple, whithe fcntcnce ofdamnation !hall be denounced thcr the people brm1ghr their facrifice foon: ~gainfithe Reprob:ues, for their omiffion of after they had prcfemed it,bcfore it was begun doing good: b I WM hungric J and )'C gaue me no · b eo be offered : for till the PricA:s had begunne mtttte, &c. il. Gods fcrl1icc, it was la\\·full for the people to Secondly. by this Rule ofReconciliation, it G<>drlcll• depart,C~)ccially vpon this occafion. appCareth chat the performance of any outfacrificc Qf!s.flion If. But \.\'hat if the partic offenward feruice vnto gorl,is difpleafing vnto him, ;:;~d~~ cling, can not poffibly come to his brother ifit be feparated from the loue ofourbrethren: ~vl~~ln he hath wronged, by rcaf<n1 of his :1bIf.1.1.1 I ,rz. wbttt haur I to doe with the m:t!tifen·cc ·jn fame farrc coumrey, his clofe impritHdt of7our f 1crifices, flrirh the Lo,·d: and fo fonmcnt, or fuch like. .Anfw. Hemull: ce{lifie he procecdcth, reicd-ing in pa1ticular, nil the his cndc:mourto be reconciled vnto him: and feruice of the lcwes, becaufc they liued in en- .ifthe ac\ it felfe be necc£farily hindred by gods uic debate, and opprdlion; Th,ir handmn-< prouidencc, Go'd will accept the will for the full;fblood, lfa.58.5 ,6.Thc!.ord doth thereredcede, ifthere be a willing tnindc: for this is prFhrnd the Iewes fafiing from meates, b~- caufe