Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Obic&. t. Anf. A GODLY AND L8.A1\~EV EXPOSIT/03\( YP 0 :J\( the Epiftle of I u n E, explaned in publike Lec1:ures by that re-peren4 man of (jod, M. vV. PERKINs,andnow publifhed torthe vfe ofthe Churd1ofGod. · . Verf. r. lude(or lucltU)aferttant oflefm [hrijl,and brother offames, to them which ate called and[anflijied ofqodehe Fa~ ther,and referued to fefmChrift. . 11 He gcntrall ayme and fcop< A Iudt writeth of fuch things as the Apoftles ofthis Epifl!e,IS partly to dethemfclucs had fonMrly foretoi<J,v,r7. There• dare the dutie of all Chrilli. fore he was no Apoflle, ans,and partly to fctoutthe Iude liucd afterthe ApofllesPaul andPtttr corruptions of thole, attd who.with John were the laflofthe .Apoflles & thefc daycs and times; in liuing aftcrthcir deceafe(who wercth• prin~i. both which cuery one may pall)mightvery wcllputthemiilmindofthofc: recfiue edification, who are defirous eiiberto thingSthey had foretold, . . . follow rhe former,or auoid the latter.In·which In the ninth verfc, he brirtg~th lii a profane gel'lcrall confideration, note three things conAuthor, concerning the llrife and difputation ccrning thi5 Epifile, before we: come to lhcw betweene Mich,ulthe-Archangfl,andrh( dfuiU, the parts ofit in particular, . 11bout M oftr bodit , which cannot be found .in Firfr the Authoritit, Secondly the Sup"· Canonicall Scripture; asalfoofEnochthefta• ftription, Thirdly the Argument or fubflanee uenth from .Adam,out ofprofane writers,. . , of it, · . By thisreafon, neitherlhould the Epiflle of FirA: concerning the Authoritit,twoque- B TitmbeScripmre,fccingPafll m:~kesmcntiou ·· !lions are to beanfwcred. of the profane Poet Epimenide.r, Titus r.r2.nOr The firfr queflion, whether ihis Epifllc be the Epiflle eo che Corinchs, where is brought· Canonicoll Scripture. in che fpeech of Mmander, r. Cor,r 5· 33· nor .And fccondly, how we m•y know the cer• the ACts ofthe Apoflles,where Aratm the p 0 • tcntieof it. et is cired,Atl:.rJ.2I, Concerning the former: I;. ut her and others, This Epiflle iscakenout of SaintPtttr,from ' who acknowledge it to be a profitable wriwhome this Author hath borrowed both the ting,dcnie it to be Canonicall Scripture, 'and matter and manner. Therefore thii IHdt was no alleadge fourc reafons. Apofllc, but Come fcholler oftheirs. Firflthey fay ,ludecalleth himfdfe a feru3nt If this were fufficicm to prooue this Epiflle of!efus Chrifr, and not an Apo!lle: but all che not authenticall, then chewhole bookes ofSa. new Tcltamcnc was penned, or approoued by C mucl, the Kings, and Chronicles thould be cafl fomc Apoflle. out of the Canon by the fame reafon, which This hindreth not butthat he was oneofche take the matter fromCiuill Chronicles:Now if Apoflles, who alfo called themfclucs fer(JantS it be lawful to take matter out ofCiuil Chroni. of Icfus Chri!l:as P~tu!, Rom. I.I, and Peter, 2., des, why m::.y not one Scripture be taken out Pet. r ,I. Secondly, by this reafon the Epi(\les ofanother?wc mufl thcrfore(notwithflanding to the Pbilip. and Philemon, as alfo of lanm, thefewcake allegacions)eltceme this Epiflle eo lolm,&c. might be reicd:cd. be the Canonicall Scripture; and the cternall Thirdly, he callcth himfclfeas much as an word ofGod,asourChurch, and the Church Apoltle. in all ages !13th receiued it. And now in the (c. cond I 4j~ Obic&.Ji Aal: Ao& Aot