Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

u1nExpojition ofChrifls Manb.s•\ v., 2. : uorce giucn of either part~e • fo that·thc·con-, A dufion lbll remaincch hrme, that a man with gOod con("cicnce cannot giUe a biJI of diuorcc for any caufC, bm for adultcnc: and .therefore thofe la\\'Cs \Vhich pcnnit -diuorcc :for other · C.lUfcs, 'arc grcat_ly f;tult'ic befote Qodo· Jf:any fl1ail ~skc, whethcrmCns h\\'CS may not make more C;\U[cs of diuorccmcm, then,this one? l anf..,vcr, Pl.o: formaria.gc is not a mccre·ciuill· thing,but p:-~~t1y f}'ir"imall :m-ddiuinc,and thcr– forc ,God oncly hath power to appoint the be– ginning, the continuancc;and tbc end thereof. If :my ycc a~kc, why .Idolauic and .Magickc, whicfl.,Pc grcatct flnJlCS then aduhcry.,nuy not ~r.s:akc.mariagc? A,>-fT'.herar.e g,rCatc~:, j agail)l\:God, btu not in thi-s-t:>(di:Jinceof mariagc! for.rhc flnile ofAdulrc_rtc', b.rc.ako[.h ohly B thCbm1d ofmJ.rriagc, which may remaine fiill_ two pantcs, though.nnc be an ld.o_.. later,-a \>Yitch,or an ArhciJh No\.V qonfidering that Adultcrie is fo great:a finnc,that·it cuts off the kriot of.uarf:t-gc,abouc al things,thafe per– fans that -afc call~d.. to. this ·eflat_c, mull take heedoflll flnn~s,fo ofthis efpc·cially. · . :fhirdly, here m;ty'be'asked.;; whether after. cliuo"rc·r. for ~dtiltc:ric., thQ.:parr:lcs diuorced may m3rrie agai-ne, with.Out·com·miuirig· adulterie? This·point hath bin ditfet!1y difcu!fed, we will confider the rcafons on both fidcs:Firll-,for thC. JawfuJne!fc of. iJ:, efpecially tO;the partie illAOCCllt. ~ .-1. "' •• r.· FrothCIJriffs doUr_;"ne-i.IJ. this place: for in The i~mqccQ~ Panic- is got.~o bepuni!l1cd for the wilfitlndfc Qf the oifondCr, and thcl"eforc ~~.c.p.a;' iS f~u:ltlc]fc maY!with'good cotl– fcieJlC~ !T@J;ri~; afpin'c, at[er_lawfull diupl:cc. ' j , God_ b.a_th prquidc~ ~a~iag~ to be ··a·r('tn~dlc ag:tinJl,i~~j;)JU~ncnci~ f<,)fan pcr~ons, r•.CoJ:.7· ~· U~t il,p~1tics lawfully,, diu~l'ccd;migl]tnoo ma~i-~ '}g~in~ i! t~_eQ ths.yJhould w_3.z_n this t~m.cdl~, ~!"d-b«;dep.riueij p(~his bencfi.t: Iflflic; fai<ic,theym<ly r~COI~~!lc;.thenl~cl.ucsCac}l J:O a:..' thcr, and.f9 \hauC. J'C~m.~rJ),t; .••. -(1»[. BUt :..yllat i-f the pani_q_g.i{_q1'di1~g _adul.teric H,ill, tbcp the pax;ti~ imv:rc;~nr cam)Qt i'n confcicn9c i6y'I1~ hitn or hcr,fcJ_fe-ro ~ho..l~~~~r!f.. ,ahd rcV~it(' t~~ bond ofmarnmOI?-I~ i --~?t1t:?-at_1we-rc tOO;.pm"tih ·I }cniti~,tOW<)t,d~;(o£9Ul~~(s;)Ihc : ;lnd i ftn!lC a• gainll Gg~'(or ;(•m <>(.(:htillian ,,:cqnciJ.ia, ,tion,wbic\ui:sui"rctli tp'!>:tbi• rcvnl~ngf\>~tuld be-m the Lo.tif,~a~d no• I~ .t~c flcfK:ilone. 4; , 0 .. 1.,._ )he ph\afcs' ·Q~ S§rip!~'"!'Vi'e<) l>y ·~h~. ~ .h<>ly ,,,,;. Gho!l, 11¥11'\~g~~fttr, di'u~r~~,_rl!- ~~;~;~~-9/e: firainip_g.!i\ ~(;} foipe tM"e§.J~d,allowingit·iQQ;· N.:~.wm.Sath~J"S", f~~m~ to ~a~~ it f_ot.g~aunrcd,. c;:ra.c;:ar:~::~ lawfull d~u.9_r1=c, it i's·n9,_6f.lnC_fO t:p:luiC-~4li~• .IJ.ea[q~s.aUeadgfd,q•~->d>~ other fide. Hrll, .Chri lh.genc~a)lfgy:i1,1g ;.J>JP.~of<tnerpli!lnka- b""·'•·"· .may .hi('fPife, !Jnt:/ mar~efi~~.nn.t?._tber, comfl;itl.t'!~h:.#t.,- his anfwer to the falfdnterpretation. of¥o[n politicke Law; tom:hing <lidbtc~, he firfi-pro– pounds a gcncrall rulc,·P.ut.S:an c;tcep– tibn thereto: thcnaturc, alwaics to impltc ~pd pm .. d'0\\~1<: the contraric dHlterie-<_. I:Jcncs- _(0~1~, i~1fc.r~e·, _:-~h~ t'hr:J.ctnta) be no mar••gc ar all ~ftp.r ~QY diuotcc;_._l)y~;t]!cy abufe that Scripture, (q,thoggli"$.= ~<Y'.kf.pilt c.x~cption; y,cttf!~Jl.(ht'W,b•IJ.l1dc phctepf in t;vg,p,li\("1, Qb:ip,5,·l'hJ!!id !9·9· NRwd>eG~fFc!~ :~fic'!'~111l.l'ilqyo~ijeC rail men,,tn•>.thar whjciYWJ>!:n~t [(11\Y.· ~"p.rcf• fed by Ql!Cp~nght b.e M>pl):ed-by an.otb-ey,th<lt fo by cQt1(Crri.n_g writS:t: 'tvitl~ \Yi·ic~r, d)~;wb..Ole truth.might be IJ)ac\c; ~tt·qifc(t. :. .r·•;:> _~ci 'l· . Se<ond.!y., Matth.;9~. (j.·Wh,~m<o(Jo.t/}/i.ath qoup!rd, (e~.tno mtlJI pttp-afsmder; -Th_cr,elb~;e _af– ter diuorcc,they fiill,:cplajn~_lnan :mR.}\:if~,he- 1 fore God,_jind may n<ft marr1c to-pthers-. ~An[. 1 offcndi11g .brca.~C~<-the b~nd;9_~1'J;l.a.. riagc.,. ;md fo .finned} .gricu.!'>ufl y agai.o.ll ~hat commanQ.cmcll,t:but tJlc_.partJe inn_occi)t rP~ry.: to the gcncra.ll tllle.·..Ns-1n tl'lis place_; the gan.c– rall rule is, who[ocllr'rputtethm~ay_his wife, cau– fotb htti' to cOmmit ttdu/re;_-je .-· an'd:·hu that m-a.rieth her commjtfte(h ;Ad!fl!eric, The exception then mufi be conwuie;·namcly.;thatjn tlus cafe ofadulteric,hc that'puts away·his \N·ife, la,NfulIy cqnuit1ed th.~r(!of, caUfcth her not to com– mit adultcric; neither he that marricth her tha.t is diuorced, do~h ·commit adultcdc. If it be [aide., that Chrill--propoundcth t\<\'0 rules;One for the cafe ofdillorcc, the other for the cafe of _ marying <iftcr d_iuorcc;and applicd1 his exccp.ti,. · iJ on for adu!teriC ondy to the cafe of, and nor to the cafC of mariage after diuorcc. · Ar.[. As the c:xccptiol1fm·adu!urie, is here in this chapter Joyncd_ 'INith the cafe of .diu'orcc; bee rh.u pmteth awtt:y hUw~{e, except it /ufo~'[frnicalipi,, &c. [c) ill the 19, chap. V.9; the f~me ' exception for·acJultcric; is•cxpreffcly itpplic:d, · 1 not oncly to rhc cafe ofdiu'oiGc,.buc-alfo to the I c:1fc ofmariagc after diuorce;-faying,H-'hofoeun ' l jhallpr!t away his wife, except it he for forr.icatirm, m1d marrie mzotht>r, c"ommittetb adu!terie.- fo that if in this place the exception ·m~kc the di– uorce lawful fOr adultCt'ie,then ili thC 19.chap- ; .ter, it maketh itl:w .... fuH to·niarri<! againe afier ; f~ch diuor:_e, w1tl~u~guilt of adUlreric. 2~ - ingagai_~le aft-er lav\'(ull diu6rcc, onely.saketh the bencfi~ of that hbcnie, {\'h.cfcto G~dJlath fet him:free,thr 0 ugh the vnla.wfull brtaliing of thebond, by theparric offending, - r . , Tl)irdly.;.Rom. ]•.2t 7he woman u ·hP#ntlto the man-whi/e heliueth~ an.d thcrcforc-n}ay.not man:ic _agaiue aft~r qiuqrccmcn't. Anf. That place I~l,!jt,be vndcril:ooJ:l.of the ftatc of inari– . age, 'gnr.jnpingyndifl~~lt!cd till death: but in ,the ca.fe 9f.a9ulter.i_c, t,.he bond of mariage is broken: :111~- therefore-~-hat hindreth i'lot; \?ut · mariag~ ma_y;bc .afrcdawf!Jll diuorce. . Four~Q!¥., 1·.Cor....... 7;,I.O· t x•. Let ,1ot the wife dl'pm·t [fPPt.f~er hmb4t~J; ~¥d 'if Jhce depart, ftt hert·enMine. vnm.m·rie{i, .'J!1fl.. 6e reconcil~d , vnfiJ 1 ht>r lmsbP..w{--, ·an4 !er r.of::t~; hUJbandP!« awaJ j hie wifo,.H,er.e(f,'y tpey)is '\ploine placcagainll l mariag~-';tfu:J~~juq!·cemcn\·. Anfw. The .Apo-! [\le fpcaket;"~:pf: Q.cparture; aad pmting aw:~y, j for oth-e-r cttpfes t-h(\.n aduht-ri-c; as for hat:_:~1 1 ----~ _.:_c------'!!._f!ik_~, I_ _ _