Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I ----- -- ---------------------------~· --··-· A RESOLVTION I TO THE eo V J\(_/T'R.. Y:r8vt. A J\(. I proouing it vrterly vnlawfull to buie or vp ouryc:rre!J PRo GN os Tl CAt !O N s. \Vritten lOng fince by vV. P. j I · EsAY 47· v.u,q, '4· I fi s;dHd now ttmong thir.e Inch~nttrs' and in t~e ttJU!tilllde ofSo~thfl':J!'f'l) ( TtJtf~ lPhomt lhou h"fl nwt– md thyfl!fe ft= th;yomh) •f fo bethMmaiff haueprofit, or iffo bethou'maiffhm"j/rength. Thou artrwanedin rh~ mH"''titudt of th} counfols: let nont the Af!rologers, the Starre-ga:..,rJ, andProgno- ! jlicatorsflandvp,andfirHetheefi"om theft things thatjha!lcomevpon rhu. Behold, tluy fba/Jbee r..s j ftnbble .- theJi•·ej/MIIburnethem, theyjhAII not delitter their ownelitwfrom thepower of the,flame: therefba!l benocMlu to warmeat, norlight tofir hy. Printed by CANT RE L L LE a a E, Primer to the Vniuerfitie of CA Mn RID a E. I6q. I i PP PP 2 ! ·--""'-- ---------·--·--