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14 An£xpofltionofthe 84. Pfalme. Verfs blab/ imfel fe tobehold the things that are in heaven and in the earth ? Confider Luke I I. 21, 22. and Iohn 14. 17, t8. 3.Obferva- The point purpofely intended is, that Gods Taberna- tion, Iles are mo,ft lovely and amiable, furpaffingDavids abi- lity to expreffe, Pfal. z6 8. Tfal. 27. 4. and Pfalme I22. 1. Reafon I. TheReafon is, Firft, Gods gracious prefence, as he Stands incovenant with his people ;forfo heJhewes him- felfe in his SanEluary, the place of his worfhip, andhis pre- fence is lovely, Pfal. 63. 2. Yofee thy power andglory, fo as I havefeene thee in thy Sanctuary, this likedMofes fo well, that he had rather flay with it in the Wilderneífe, thengo without it to Canaan, Exodus 33. 2 5. Mat. 17. 2, 3, 4. When Chrift was tranffigured in the Mount, in thefight ofPeter,Iames and Iohn,Peter liked the place fowell,that he faid,Mafer it isgood to be here,and moves for liberty to build three Tabernacles. Reafon 2. Secondly, there God doth lovinglyadmit communion and fociety withhis peopl e, fpeaking unto them in his word, as Tfal. 5 o. 5.7. If4o. 1. andhearing them fpeak tohim inprayer, Pfal. 5o. 15. as Cant. 2. 14. It is (as we may fpeak with reverence) the wooing place between Chrift andhis Church : here thecontrae is made in the covenant ofgrace, as 2 Cor. II. 2. here is the love ofe- fpoufals, /er. 2.2. here Godallowes and fpeaks comfort, Hof. 2.14. Reafon 3. Thirdly, hereGod dothPhew himfelfe moil gracious inmercyand bounty unto his Church. His graciousmer- cy is feene in removing evils from them : as Firf}, blind- neffeofmind, If. 22.7. with 2 Cor.3.14. fecondly, hard- neffe ofheart, Ezek. 36. 26. thirdly, transgreffion of life, Hof. 14.4. His gracious bounty is feen in fpirituall and heavenly gifts : for where is regeneration wrought but inhis Church ? Pfalme 87. 4, 5. Man and man (that is, every man that is borneagain) was borne in her : for Hierufalem is the mother ofus all, Gal. 4. 26, Nowhere- by