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Verf. 4. AnExpofitlonofthe84. P¡alme. As a youug man marrieth a Virgin as the Bridegroome rejoyceth over thebride,fo fhall thyGod rejoyce over thee, Ier.3 . 14. I am_marrieduntoyou,Hof.2. r9,2o. Ihave be- troathed thee unto mefor ever, &c. Secondly, this trueGod in Chrift gives to all the true members of his Church, freedome and deliverancefrom all the miferiesofnature ; that is, from thewhole guilt and curie of finne in originali corruption, and aetuall tranf grefi'ions. See Luke t. 68. 74. Gal. 3.13. Rom. 8. i. .Ets 13. 39. Thirdly, here is afforded the full fruition ofall needfull bleffings, as Eph. r . 3. who bleffeth us with all fpirituall bleffings in heavenly.things in Chrift. And not only fo, but even with all needfull temporali bleffings, c2tatth. 6.32, 33. Thefe bleffings may bereduced to foure heads : Firft, todire (lion in all the wayes wherein theyought towalke, Pfal. 32. 8. Iwill inflruS thee and teach thee ix that way that thouJZ'aitgee, Pfal. 73.24. Thou fhalt guide me With thy counfell.:lf the good houfwife order the wayes ofher houfhold, Prov. 31.27. how much moreGod ? Secondly, to provifìon both for foule and body for Pfal. 34. i o. They thatfeeke theLord (hall not Want any goodthing, for foule, yobn I Cor. t 0.i6. Here is Chrift the tree oflife, and the well oflife, whereon Pfal. 87.7. All myfairings are in thee, Rev. 22. I, 2. And heaven for an inheritance, Luke 12. 3 2. I met.1.3, 4, For temporali, fee If. 65. T3. Pfal. 37. 3, 4. Thirdly, to proteftion and prefervation byfpeciall pro- vidence, Pfal. 25. 5. and P.M. 91. r. irnplyed and affured toall the faithfull, c.Mat. 10. 29, 3 0,3 t . The Kings fer.. rants inordinary may not be arreiIed but uponwarrant from theLord Chamberlain : but Gods fervants havea greater priviledge, Cod himfelfmuff grant the warrant, elfe they maynot be medled with, lob i. io. john 19. zz. AFEs z 8. o. Pfal. 89.22. Fourthly, to remuneration, both here with honour of grace tobets friends,, john x 5. Ail ;I, Lz 7ohn 3, I. and E e atten- r