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AnExpoftioñoft& ì7. Pfalme. Vcî. 9. with whom his covenant of grace is everlaíìing , fo as he will never turnaway from them to do them good. ?er.3 . Whereuponhe faith, f am theLord , and I change not, and yef/naesof Jacob.are not confounded. Mal. 3. 6. Foras inu has he pYed his ownwhich were in the world , to the end loved them. yohn 13. I. For though he repent of tetnpórall gifts and bleflìngs , as of making of SaulKing ; I Sam. t ; , 1 1 . yet hisgifts and calling ( which concerne falvatión, in Çhrif}).are without repentance. NowDavid holy calling , entituling him to this covenant , hee might plead , for the renewing of Gods favour in prefent tru- bles, upon the fenfe and feelingthereof in former times. This ferves for inflrucfion, and for admonition. The tire for o inftri 911: learn here in Davidone notablewayof iniiruction. Maori in time of trouble: to wit,fearch and try, whether Qpd hathUen thine helper, from under former evils , for then thou maiit withDavid, plead for prefent he'p and comfort : fo doth the Church in their renewed troubles, af- ter their return from the captivitie of Babylon. Pfal. 85, &ç. 4ord, thou haft beenfavourable, to thy land, thou haft brPOgbt 64ekthe captivitie of Jacob, thou haftforgiven the ini tsin vi thy people Wilt thou not revive us againfheW u,s thy mercy,O Lord, andgrant us thyfalvation. So Pf.44. 1, 9, 23. We haveheard, With our ears , ourfathers have de- clared unto us, what Work thou didit in their dayes , in the tinter of o1 .5wt. th o heft caft u5 off , and putteft us to fbanae Avahe,.1467,ßeepeft"4am,0, Lord, arife, caft tr.( xot offor evir, Ifs. 5 t . 9, i o, I t . Awake, awake, pit e ftrength, O army o f the Lord Art thounot it,whichbath dried the. Sea, the Waters of thagreat deep Therefore the rei4ee sed ofthe . 4Íh ne zv1, &c. and ffa. 63. 1.1, 1;313014. The the for For admonition, this ferves notably for every chikle of ?dmonttion. Çod, ít),ä0 oftrouble : become a follower of David, in shfet,Yil ,Gods)former mercy in helping us,and fowe mall tw4ngoarmcd,. is renewed evils.. Didnot David thus ani- t hi if t fight with Go/Lib Sam. i'7, 34. and St.