Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

I .VPitbout HM.miliAtion no mercy. r 81 byan ealighming meerJy to fee his bondage,and the 1 Soule is as one that is inbondage fearing God as a malter ; and he hath no further light then thus to fee God as a Iudge : but this other is wrought by the fpiric ofadoption making the Gofpell alfoef. fed:oall,d~f-covering God as a father. . They differ in their effeds; as, · 4 The one driveth a man from GoD, but this 1 latter caufeth a man to goe to Go D and to feeke Chrifl:: it wor~es that afft'etion to Chrifi that the Church in the Canticles had ro him, whDwouldnot give ovtr [ttki~g him, tiiJ {hee hAdfoundhimwhom her (ou.le did l~ve. Though there be twenry obfia. des in the way, yet the foule hathno reil: ; as a . ftone hath no rdt, til1 it bein irs owne center, fo northis foule thus humbled but in God; and ther- , fore gives not over feeking him, though it ha[h ne- 1 vtr fo many denyalls. . The firll breeds death,anAcediA, a deadnelfe and 2 lill:lefneffe, it makes amanas a log, that moves not ·to God in prayer. So it wrought in Nah.zl, and Ar:-hitDpheH, it breeds luch difcouragemenr as often ends in death. Of worldly {orrow: (and fuch is all furrow whereof God is not theend)commeth.deAth: but when it is right and true and kindly forrow for finne, ir cloth .that which an affe.Ct:ion £hould doe, it quickneth him to do that which he ought todo: · fo ·feare when ·it is . right worketh:; and fo alLother afft:ctions·:, which were put .into·thefoule fonhat end that it might bee ftirred up· by them t~ rhat which it fhodd doe, for G o J> and its owne goo~ ; and therefore.this affe&on of forrow for ' G 3 fin f