Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

~------------------~~~~--~~--~ \, TheBpiflle1Jedicf1t0rie; ; // . ' ' I -- -.- ' j li'Fe time; or fince havemuch a~dfreq.L1ent1y ; ·perufed ~is wriri_ngs; ·fhaiJ lind .tb,Cfe, t~rec i ' things everywhere occurring. ,; '' ' . ' . " i ' The fou1enelfe of finne, the freendfe ·of grac~, and the tulnelfe of dfity,:wh_ich in 0- ' _ther peeces onely. ~tattered and (parkling ·· here an-d ' there, are here ·collected under . proper heads, and hatt"dled. fo profelfedfy . a,nddearely' as nothing more ·concerning ' themcan bedefired. · .. ~ . In the fjrfl: ~re the .danger and deformity 1 fin~e, drivi'ng thefpoufC'to fad a~d low ex– preffi~~s ofher·felfe, as thofe virgins were ·tornmanded,.Deut.2-t. n,n,•)"· E'lr-n t.ofha'lle 1 ljer bead 7 and pare her .naites, 4nd bewatle·her ' farbe., an,dl>er m,otber, tnat ic; _, her naturaU and inbredev'iJtsand corrnptions. ;. · , . ; . In the fecoti-d, is the· glo~iou~freen.e-ffeof thegrac:e ofChrill_, recei¥ing_this dejetl:ed ~ and humbled captiye unto favou~_,and;wid1tbatgr~at Kimg, Heft.j.i. reaching forth the . Gol~en 'Scepter ofhis love and mercy to ,her_, not ond1 to the pardon an,d forgive1 ne1fe of,all her fi~, but intjding a1fo_of her unto all things, for all tbingS' are hers, "D7hetber 1 • Paul · 'l~----~--~--------~---=--~- ~,-----2~~-